The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 14, 1956, Image 5

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A mixture of
ly enchantress trie
"The Lady's
open at 8 p.m. ton
• " The play, by
high comedy. Wa
Although it is a
and was first prod
land in 1950, "The
Burning" is based
tury English life.
and Pan• a Brow
leading roles when
produced on Broad%
The central plot
revolves around the
a woman who has b:
being a witch and
who says he wants
and claims he is
Much of the action
the witch hunt..
The young ench,
reputation as a wit
cause she lived alo
because her father
alchemist. When th
ers come seeking
home and goes to
town mayor.
It is at the home ,of the mayor
that she meets and falls in love
with the man who claims he is a
murderer and desires to be I
She is convicted of being a
witch, and her young lover tries)
to save her life by maintaining
that he is the DeN>il himself.
Several of the characters in the
play are almost cartoons. These
typed people include the town'
mayor, the town justice, and the
absent-minded chaplai n. The
mayors two nephews have many
times been called hellions.
Smith said that he is using one
of the most inexperienced cases
he has worked for a Player's
production, Even, he said, many
of the leads are new people.
had been a
• witch hunt
er she leaves
'live with the
Harvard Prof
To Present
Priestley Talks
Dr. George B. Kistiakowsky,
professor of physical chemistry at
Harvard University, will be the
speaker for the annual Priestley
lecture series to be held Monday
through Friday.
He will speak at 8 p.m. Monday,
.Tuesday, and Wednesday, at 5:15
p.m. Thursday, and at 10 a.m.
Friday. The lectures will be in
119 Osmond.
The series, jointly sponsored by
Phi Lambda Upsilon, chemistry
recognition society, and the de
partments of chemistry and chem
ical engineering, are given each
year to commemorate the birth
day of Joseph Priestley, scien
tist and theologian and the dis
coverer of oxygen. The series was
established in 1927.
Dr. Kistiakowsky iswidely
known for his work in the fields
of, kinetics of gas phase reactions,
structure of polystomic mole
cules, thermochemistry of organic
compounds, enzyme catalyzed re
actions, and explosives and ex
He received his doctor's degree
from the University of Berlin,
and was later appointed to the
Princeton faculty.
CPA Announces
New Senior Board
The , new senior board of the
Central Promotion. Agency has
been announced by Sanford Lich
The new director, replacing
Lichtenstein, is Edmond Kramer.
Other promotions are business
manager, George Buckhout; co
production directors, Stanley Lin
denberg and Carolyn Dimmick;
design director, Annette Holtz.
Co-distribution directors, Ar
thur Cohen and William Meek
ling; account executives, Maurie
Fox, Harry Yaverbaum, Harry
Neuman, Jay Tolson, and Harry
Oxman. The student ndvisor is
William Clark.
Engineer Circulation Staff
The Women's Circulation staff
of. the Penn State Engineer will
meet in 313 Mechanical Engineer
ing at - 6:30 p.m. tomorrow.
rt. 1956
ady's Not for Burning'
Tonight at Center Stage
fanticism and humor will be presented at Center Stage tonight as a love
to save her life from those who believe she is a witch.
of for Burning," Player's last Center Stage production for this year, will
ght. It will run every Friday and Saturday night through May 19.
hristopher Fry, is in light verse and is considered typical of the British
en S. Smith, associate professor of theater arts, will direct the show.
1 odern play
ced in Eng
l.: dy's Not for
lin 15th cen
ohn Geilgud
played the
he play was
of the story
love story of
en accused of
young man
to be hanged
a murderer.
•nters around
ntress got a
h partly be
e, and partly
—George Harrison photo
PLAYERS rehearses for "The Lady's Not for Burning."
which will open at 8 p.m. tonight at Center Stage.
Spanish Club to Meet
El Circulo Espanol, Spanish'
Club, will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday'
in Atherton Lounge.
Hugo Cerrano from Colombia
will speak on his country.
"The Lady's
For Burning"
Christopher Fry's
celebrated satire
on witchcraft
"The Lady's Not For Burning." a You will get one Free Ticket if
comedy and satire by Christopher you are the first person at the door
Fry will open tonight at 7:30 at with the correct answers to Thurs-
Center Stage (the old T.U.S.) day's Crossword Puzzle.
Tickets are only one dollar.
Hurricane Jazz Band
Phi Sigma Kappa
YMCA Chief to Speak
The director of Reading YMCA
camps will present an illustrated
talk on the philosophy and values
of camping at 4 p.m. Wednesday
in 121 Sparks,
Panhellenic Scholarships !Angel Flight Applications
Applications Available I Applications for Angel Flight
membership will be available un-
Applications for two $5O scho l- itil 5 p.m. today at the iletzel
arships awarded annually by Pan -lion desk. Women interested in
hellenic Council may be secured' applying should have a 2.3 All
in the dean of women's office,ll.lniversity average.
105 Old Main until April 20.
Barbara Nicholls, Panhel presi
dent, said the scholarships are
available to any woman student
Z - ve/ Cafrdpc CoAge frie,R
ithmeil aredscounr>hgru4
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,in need of financial assistance
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