PAGE TV/ELV* Councils /Continued from paye one) t* f«n »♦ nt« 1i •• * air frank Mil-addon. I'm !;.<>« Join- J t*y Toitu/n, t.harVe h, and H>t if he .K.ftii h!*« t»-d j»<* junior f « jj * t, i«t, ■.» # art- J«>lt Klthard Mill li, |'ri*i Hu-ih, Ml' iuvl VValkor, Jl, ) Vi. i J id if h 1 oayd lib, VV dliUlO N«d -»on aid |>»xf«.■ k \)btU:irAon. -Sophurnor*- t r (’(*••»«-». {* 11 «■*» »'«• ’] hood-ur** Wetlir, J.a»> K M»ri*r. Durton • MollamW, J»nK Um», Atari I-n(n»r and lurr^. Home Ec Council A luinvul of 4-e jut \«>«t of tlw* fciiKildt' *t-id* nl« v'd«-d in lhr Home fv unointoi t’ wo w n, M«r?nrel f orator, and J< Junior j»-prr.«r-filatUr»» mi' Sn* tail Aklli. llami-ft, I'iUku Moinn, 1 »fi«j r.’««Mr> Sinll fi Sophomore representa tive* «M' h)» hf.«*r Judy. Ann IteytridKe. |>m ■ i«i A Mint llmlinrs lilxier 'i wo huioli eip- lw fill ) •»» vrn <»/ 4'dJ hlU'JrltU tin if \ oti-fc in the < uileye of Mineral Industrie*, JMI of « total of student* WlKitdu to 1 v..M < a»t ballot* for an overall per uiitage, of Ju (•(•> t«>M. * time ji«r noil drop from taut ji«r Klulul a* aeniur represent*-: 11 \r, nr t tinrlrik Huatnan, Jmiun llruwn, 1 aim JariM'4 .s#nrr. Albert Hoffmanm-r >m] i.t-'.ryr' Morrtlnk were 4-J*^-1< *1 m junior II I'l r»rl< t all lef Sophomore » rjrr«*«»'« tutl\ t* , hit t.eoiye M ilei* mui Kon Mdrrw, * Liberal Art* Council if. thi‘ toilette of J.ifieial Aft*, JU4 hlg-' »!'■* t> w>t»d ol an eniojhmnt of sfh4 efi-j 41Id • 1 a I'M * -Dili |mi tent of th»* atudent* ~,(<«! at Mo- poilK, ui> UscM.'Mn** of pel ««n> )h-t )cu:, l.UMti-ii ns armor mi»* 1•.1 • 11 t ni** John ht-l.“li, I-i* rr > Me- I .kin , MiOii Mi r i-* 111 t, UoiMTt laiiv, MuiMihf Jt.iokm, <;iiik< > Kifi*. and ViMjiiu* Volpt*. •jin II htndi-Ml-i ol«-» ted u* junior ri-pie-’ Miit.i .\./b urc (.|inr Aiilim, llaihurM ) no 1, i'iMhihi t.ntftii, Maijorir Hulfman, •J n.>l, )I ■ • Mll ii il< 1, Hoi-11l Numm k, Mary! Am. Kiu.i', 1 >i» vid >t««h, !.>nn ‘J’> l«;r. Kath t.'im \s»«\ mid John Wolff Sophornon i.;u«i iiiHtim an- Jay I eld«l* j m, Holirrl] 1 .nt.kiiii. Ivithuril I 111 dfiibn, l.ois Ht-niit-r- ; mo. h»n. > Km'li'i, Uoniiit- hi vs. i'alMcta - Uhiiil, and .nidiii >o<}'< cl < Irt« W I . 111! ,t yin-■ , Koln-r l f.i'io j-. and t 1 'ii 1.1 n Miilfi. Junior n-p- «■ um It* .«M -ii'ith. .i.HMrif illl'l li|-'lltlJ Ml P!' I* 1 .''•■[■lllillllltl' it I I Dutllllli /,! I'C. l ull V III! 0,,.!. hmi . Mr *'l« L’ Education Council 1 111 l ■-ii'k.'i ol hd.oittlon hml tin- liuyi-xt '• \sitl. . of .jo -tmlt'iM. vottny. for (>ci < cot of ~!! f-ti.i of . lytl'li- to M'tr hU‘> trd »«h ««*JUo» ri-ptr -•nlattkir. v»i-f«« lin N< riling, John Jlru iio, ho nr. t 1 'ii "11 v, V 1 r k 111 m I.i-hiv, Ji-an* to Mi.* Kohl. t.«»-n Davit-*, and John Stnrk ♦ * Juunia- Staman and Virginia Wciyflt* h tt** >ot»* for ihr ritfhth aval. |'« tli \> till»« ai'piunttil to ihi* council. Junior rot , r«**«< nt«ll\«*?i «r«* Durham Cox, CLASSIFIEDS RA TKH 17 KonU ar Uni; |6.:»0 Our lnn«r(i«n 50.75 Two Insrrtloni 11.00 Hirt* Insertions Ailditirnal «nr«l« 3 for .45 for earh day of in*er(ion. FOH SALE IM'tih .•-.K1.1-J TlOh’ of iKirtaldo riidion and Imllmio. h\pi-rt radio, phonu m.-i.i- Mat.- rollt-v-,. TV, iJVJ S Allen. ’•IT ISN'T a Stind, hut it cun be had for !lt« ■' < ull vm J4J‘J HELP WANTED .SIM'IIOMtMtTS .4} to I||l|oM-lit oxclu .lulk on «‘ampun nmn of art u ror of fine ruvlohi in.nil- frati < int y mu! cnl!*-«o niutrx. S. •.«» full info; iiiHtu n to t'tdonlal CittfUi tiu »■ 21 S C*th St . I‘hila. t, I’a. WORK WANTED j:\ri-.un Ni ku tuin« of hr-M*. «t- \S*.»K *Mj;»rnnirvtl, romouwblt* r«t< *• LOST IN WIUTK lIAI L 1. Lit t>»> i ShnktT>pnir» * l not. mi Tur.Mln> muriiimr. ContnJnt wry in lwla it t » Ifi-" ti« tr« l'»IJ Flo K. \th,Tt*'H FT vwth t.rinian coin, nt s>'iiiwm‘htJtt \it Hu* Kowurtl. Call n 1 FOUND t.tMil) f. m n» .. Mainmort*. Mtl. or j early \\ etl> March ( \\ \NTI 'D t v utfnik. \« . \P FOR RENT | \i\W \\ K uonw vn\h cookmtf faeilmt**.' I'h'Hir A!) “-MU r\t KOUMS for cooking; fowr [ ihiids itm! lijtih for fn*» or *ix nii’M. 1 nn. i mt- hm-f roinn Other rwms: one! I’ <»n fu»l floor; one stMKta’ Me*ll Sa"{i’u>n oi’iar AM 7-2740. ! ROOM \V\ll \HI.K for rent IVC Week , oits , nohuMe for two’ tnU Thom- Al> MISCELLANEOUS JvKCOKIHNO KNTHt’SI \STS: We Mock KKKVKS SOl’NDi'K \IT |»roft-4Mon«l tiiut’ity riH-onluii; t«o«\ d»!»e* and aiver- M'Ur». S«H' hUo mir line of profra'itoiml I.MU* m-onlrr, \t»ur*elf. WHF.N VOOK typewriter nwlfl service tu*t dial AD 7-2492 or bring machine lo C 33 W College Ave KTIISMTI'IiK KKPAIRS. upholstering *"<* refirmhing. Free estimate. Call AD 7-5*93. DON'T MISS Utility Snyder's Hurricane Jk« Hand at Chi Sii:ma Kapp* •• Sua- David Fao>t, ('* ri.)!>nr»e J**n*- *, Fail Oil man. auJ J* yc** f ujierton. A t*-- f irt t»>e *ij»!h position Oiturrtni between A tin *N»t ratter and Mjrna Fainter. Both w»H re ceive tmifx tl potiition*. Sophomore reprveentalivm are lxihtrul*, Sandra Keimer. Sandra ttrol&hy, Ruth Ji/hnton, and Faint i» I'yoil. Alter nate! !.*• mooed at the next Kdu«*tion hludefit Council meeting. In the Coll eye f.f Knfc'ir.eerinif and Arcbi tr< lure, .!*/* ntudenla nut of a total of vo U d for an ovemll future of 16 perj criit. Raymond Carlin was elect* d »*<.ior representative of the Aeronautical dr. i-ion 'I hom*« Schneider and Richard Sikeler were tmd for the junior pOMUon*. Charles |jarth»k>»n»*w waft toted sophomore reprc*- Aif rirulUire hntf ineerinif boattl: Charles, V» ilhama, senior t c-preaentatjve ; Theodore, Ifft. junior, and KoU-rt Fk.her, sophomore, j Architecture and Architectural Knjrineer- 1 my Senior board, Frederuk (*r*>ve; Junior, hoard, (*ord«»n Ruiberford ; Sophomore! lioard, Robert I'arsky No ballot* were* cast for the fifth year student represent**- ; live*. Nominee* Were f’hiilip Steel, Howard! Thompson. arid Andrew Sthaerke. I Mechanical KnKine-.-* inir; SenU*r rep Mmiativr*. Kredenrk Clayton . Junior. Kirh-’ ard Hejfarty ; Sophomore, William Kuhns-; man. ( Cud Entc ineeriitK ’ senior board: a tie between Frederick Condon and Kdwin Me l.atiifhim . junior t*oar dull. ] Khlf inrei ing Science senior board: Don* | alii Rosenberir . juriior hoard, Alan Jortm. ’ IhduMiial KriKineenn# : Robert Thoma*. 1 -cnior board. Robert Stioup, junior board;, Riihnrd Darrah, sophomore board. ! A run-off vote In the lie voted for juniorj Uvard, Aeronautical division and Htnior board, Civil Knif tn*-erintf. will be held from iHKin til! 6 pm. Monday in the lobby of the Main Knjc ineer iitfc building. 1 Dean's List Addition Clarence R. Bryan, Jr., senior in animal husbandry from Shill tntjton, was omitted from the fall! semester Dean's List. Bryan’s av-j crane was a 3.82. I li.l Hwii.'i t Miill Satisfy Yourself with a Milder, Better-Tasting smoke packed for more pleasure by exclusive Accußay A touch will tell you ... an Accu-Ray Chester field is more perfectly packed ... and that means Chesterfield satisfies the most . . . burns more evenly, smokes much smoother. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Engineer Council YET THEY LD , ZJra tern ifies ' Fifty-two frfateMUti*-* \*^o by tl>«- U«n»n of office to cnlrrttfib wof/icn ku«U tomvht an**iJon J*i. Alpha Gamma Rho, Alpha I'hi IMU, Alpha HHo ('hi. Alpha Siuma Phi. Alpha Tan Orn**v«, Alpha Zrt a, Weaver House, peta S ; p/on Kho, Hota Theta Pi. ; Chi Phi, Della Chi, Delta Laaih. iis. Delta SiKnm Phi, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Theta Mirm*. Delia \Jp«,»U>n. Kappa Delta Kho, Kat>t»a Si*:ma P I„amb