The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 14, 1956, Image 3

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    WEDNESDAY. MARCH ld. 1956
Thailand Leader
Rejects Reds
BANGKOK, Thailand, March 13 kin—Thailand's staunch
anti-Communist Premier P. Pibulsonggram spurned neutral
ity today, declaring "we believe you must choose a side
—Thailand chose the free world."
He spoke at a ceremony in which U.S. Secretary of State
John Foster Dulles and Thailand's foreign minister, Prince
Ike Reported
Ready to Hear
Bricker Plan
WASHINGTON, March 13 (iP)
—Sen. William F. Knowland (H-
Calif.) reported today that Presi
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower told
a conference of Republican lead
ers he would be "glad to discuss"
the new version of the Bricker
Eisenhower has opposed pre
vious versions of the proposed
constitutional amendment, offered
by Sen. John W. Bricker (R-Ohio),
on the grounds the result would
be to limit the executive power
to make treaties.
The new version was worded
by Sen. Everett M. ,pirksen (R-
Ill.), with Bricker's backing. It
"A provision of a treNty or
other international agreement
which conflicts with any prov.-
sion of this Constitution shall nbt
be of any force or effect."
Knowland said Eisenhower told
his callers he was agreeable to
the idea of holding a conference
on the revised version as soon as
Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles gets back to Washington
later this month.
"I believe the President's mind
is open on this question," Know
]and said.
Sen. Styles Bridges of New
rfamoshire, chairman of the Sen
ate Republicans Policy Commit
tee, said earlier that the amend
ment probably will be pushed in
the Senate whether Eisenhower
opposes it or not.
Wan Waithyakon, signed an
agreement by which the United
States will cooperate in construc
tion of an experimental atomic
reactor here.
The Premier said, "I believe
that, as in the United Nations,
we must cast a vote yes or no.
Thailand does not abstain.
Dulles, who is touring the Far
East, arrived in Bangkok from
Jakarta, Indonesia, only a short
time before the ceremony, said,
"I sincerely regret our visit here
this time must be all too short."
Of the agreement on the re
actor, Dulles said, "it lays the
basis for further cooperation be
tween Thailand and the United
States in this important field, in
cluding establishment on an ex
perimental reactor in Thailand
which will facilitate Thailand's
fight against disease."
The reactor to be built here is
not to be confused with a major
Asian nuclear research center fi
nanced by the United States
which probably will be located
in Manila to serve all Southeast
Pibulsonggram's rejection of
neutralist policy is directly coun
ter to the attitude of several
Southeast Asian governments,
which have followed the lead of
India's Prime Minister Nehru.
Dulles met Nehru in New Delhi
last week. Reliable sources in the
Indian capital said today the U.S.
State Department has decided to
ask Congress for substantial in
creases in economic aid for India
to counter Soviet economic as
sistance and promote U.S.-Indian
The State Department probably
will allocate a record 70 to 75 mil
lion dollars for Indian economic
development in the 1956-57 fiscal
Takes Lead
In Primary
MANCHESTER, N.H., March 13
(W)—Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-
Tenn), piled up an early lead
over Adlai Stevenson tonight in
the New Hampshire presidential
primary's feature fight—a battle
for control of the state's delega
tion to the Democratic National
In the contest for eight conven
tion votes, returns from 26 of the
state's 297 precincts gave Kefauv
er a 7-1 margin over Stevenson.
Kefauver also opened up a wide
lead over Stevenson in the other
section of this first-in-the-nation
primary—the presidential prefer
ence poll.
With 26 precincts reporting. lie
fauver—who was unopposed on
the ballot—received 614 votes.
Stevenson's admirers gave him 75
write-in votes. President Eisen
hower drew 2 Democratic write
ins and Gov. Averell Harriman
of New York 1.
Meanwhile, President Eisen
hower was crushing delegates fa
vorable to Sen. William F. Know
land (R-Calif) in the battle for
14 seats at the Republican Na
tional Convention. Eisenhower
candidates were leading by im
pressive margins in all contests.
The President's supporters were
also endorsing him by a whop
ping majority in the preference
poll where he—like Kefauyer—
wus unopposed on the ballot.
'The count in 26 precincts gave
the President 932 votes. His clos
est write-in rival was Sen. Styles
Bridges (R-NH) with 5 write-ins,
followed by Knowland with 4,
Presidential Asst. Sherman Ad
ams 3 and Chief Justice Earl War
ren 2.
year—a 50 per cent increase over
this year's allocation and give
India about 10-million-dollars
worth of technical aid.
The decision presumably was
made during Dulles' visit to In
Leader Charges
Sales Tax Unfair
PITTSBURGH. March 13 (.4')
Gov. George M. Leader told dele
gates to the state. CIO convention
today he signed Pennsylvania's
sales tax into law "with bitter
ness in my heart because it is un
fair to the majority."
The Commonwealth's chief ex
ecutive blames the Republican
controlled Senate for passage of
the three per cent tax and said:
"It is up to the people of Penn
sylvania to work toward a Demo
cratic vitcory this November. Not
only must we elect another Demo
cratic House. but we must win the
Senate, too."
For Good Results Use
Collegian Classified Ads
12'15. SOFNCE O# tNGi~E[I IG4
March 26 and 21 Midland, Michipon and
Freeport, Texos
Workers Granted
Paid Voting Time
Registered voters required to
work during hours the poIIN are
open would be granted time off
with pay to cast ballots under t
bill approved tonight by the
A 177-16 vote sent the prop.' a 1
to the Semite.
The measure provides that any
person entitled to vote at an elec
tion in Pennsylvania should be
hci nutted to leave wui k for two
ours while the polls are open if
he is scheduled to work during
all vottnr, hour,.