The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 06, 1956, Image 8

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The nation's security program is improving, but still
leaves something to be desired, according to atomic physicist
Dr. James Beckerley.
Dr. Beckerly was the main speaker at the state Baptist
Student Movement conference held at the University Baptist
Church March 2-4.
Men's Team
Places First
In Tournament
The men's debate team took
first place in the North-South
Tournament at the University of
West Virginia last weekend.
Edward Klevans, junior in
electrical engineering from Roar
ing Spring, and Jonathan Plaut,
junior in industrial engineering
from Rockville Centre, N.Y., re
ceived second and third places
respectively in the individual
speaker awards. Klevans had 69
points out of a possible 75 and
Plaut had 66 out of '75.
The affirmative team composed
of George Haines, junior in edu
cation from Nottingham, and Da
vid Scott, junior in agricultural
economics and rural sociology
from Chatham, N.J., had four
wins against Marietta College,
William and Mary, Bridgewater
College, Kent State University,
and one toss to Georgetown.
Plaut and Klevans, who made
up the negative team, had five
wins against Fairmont College.
Marshall College, University of
Maryland, University of West
Virginia, and Morris Harvey Col
Twenty-one teams attended the
Pollock Council Constitution
Pollock Council will meet at
6:30 p.m. tomorrow in 203 Hetzel
Union to continue discussion on
itv proposed new constitution.
When the songs are light
And the fire's bright
For real delight—have a CAMEL!
Pure *cure!
It's a psychological fad:
Pleasure helps your disposition.
If you're a smoker, remember
more people get more
pure pleasure from Camels
than from any other cigarette!
No other cigarette is so
rich-tasting, yet so mild!
11. J. II asvehl• Te►e... Chn,.. •7..`w•4ion. M.M.
Dr. Beckerley, now director of
a million dollar research project
in Texas for a private company,
said - that_ the United States is
ahead of o ther nations in the
peacetime development of atomic
energy and the relationship be
tween government and business
in this area is working out fairly
Discussing the national secur
ity program before the confer
ence's 76 delegates from ten col
leges and universities, Dr. Beck
erley commented: "You would be
dismayed to see how much of
government has gone under
ground . . . We're beginning to
identify defense matters with
everything in society . . . The
trend has been to build an iron
curtain around this country as far
as technology goes."
Security Up to People
"The security of a country," he
said, "depends on what goes on
in the minds and hearts of the
people of that country."
Dr. Beckerley, who, in addition
to editing several atomic energy
magazines, has been professor of
physics at Rangoon, Burma, and
has worked with the Atomic En
ergy Commission and congres
sional committees, also ques
tioned the "irresponsible hand
ling of public communication."
which, he said, is far more preva
, lent "than many of us realize."
Communication Important
"Communication of ideas be
tween people is an extremely im
portant part of our civilization,"
he stated, for "unless we develop
the proper sense of values and
know how to use" the destructive
forces which we now have, the
end is disaster.
Dr. Beckerley said he believed
mankind now has the power to
destroy human life on this planet.
Party Nominations
(Continued from page one)
nie Keys, John Bott, Eugene Way,
John Dunn, Phil Bostley, Michael
Chapman, and James MacLaugh
in, on campus committee; John
Malia, Frank Milheim, Nancy
Elms, and Eileen Lardo, publicity
committee; Jean Dahl, Carol
Schaub, Bill VanMatre, Joyce
McCloskey, Rosemary Arntz, Ma
rie Torpey, and Margaret Pearce,
projects committee; Louis Laube,
Walter Barker, and Edward Frear,
membership committee; Ronald
Davis, David Hamrick, and Harry
Newman, distribution committee;
Frederick Condon, Phil Calby,
and James Byrnes, campaign com
mittee; and John Starkey, Robert
Stroup, and Joseph DiAngelo,
platform committee.
The Campus steering commit
tee will meet next Sunday at 2
p.m. in 108 Willard.
Thomas Dye was nominated for
All-University vice president and
Don Richards w a s nominated
for All-University secretary-treas
urer on the Lion party slate.
[ Samuel Valentine was nomin
[ 17 words or R Ie A s T s• ES
MU Ono Insertion
$11.75 Two insertions
MOO Three insertions
Additional Words 3 for .05
for each day of insertion.
phonograph. New Collaro turntable, G.E.
cartridge. Excellent condition. Call AD
6-6626 after 6.
Are., across from HUH. The best used
care in town. Catering to Penn State
faculty and students. We buy sell
trade. Cash for your car. AD 8.6711.
HEATIIKIT W 684 amplifier and WAP2
pre-amplifier 26 watt output. Kit lust
completed. Call Donald Huckbee AD 8-8571.
FOR PROMPT and expert radio and phono
graph service. atop at State College TY.
232 S. Allen.
2 SINGLE ROOMS for male students. 231
S. Pugh street. Phone AD 7-3152 any
time for Mrs. Fraser.
NEED HELP in mathematics? Call AD
7-2723 for tutoring.
DANCE BAND music for lead alto sax.
100 tune% in yellow folder. Contact Jim
Reeler. Reward. Ext. 271.
ated for senior class president and
Thomas Binford was nominated
for senior class vice president.
John Olsen was nominated for
junior class vice president and
Mary Metz was nominated for
junior class secretary-treasurer.
Robert Spadaro, Lion party
clique chairman, and Richard
Lacey, campaign chairman, dis
cussed the coming campaign and
went over the duties of commit
tee chairmen at the Sunday after
noon steering committee meet
ing. Spadaro announced the fol
lowing appointments:
Edward Fegert, campaign chair
man; Elizabeth Hill, Saundra
Hoffman, Jim Schree, Priscilla
Doll, Maxwell Schultz, Josephine
Hough. and Marc Specter, cam
paign committee; John Waugh
man, fraternity coordinator; Ed
Berkely and Robert Mann, pub
licity coordinators; and James
Adams, fraternity campaign chair
The Lion party steering com
mittee will meet next Sunday at
2 p.m. in 217 Willard.
LADIEHCOLD Hamilton wrist watch,
gold expansion band. Reward. Call 336
Atherton between 5-5:30.
WILL PERSON who found gray gabar
dine topcoat in South West corner of
HUB ballroom Saturday, Mar. 3. Call
AD 8-6630. I have yours.
TWO TEXTBOOKS, "Personal Finance"
by Cohen and Hanson, and "Statistical
Analysis" by Lewis. Contact Dick Jamie
son AD 8-9138.
K&E SLIDE RULE between Glenland and
Nittany. Please return to Ronald Kor
nosky, Nittany 23, Rm. 13. ext. 283.
H.S. with initials J.W.G. inside. Lost in
HUB Wednesday. Call Barb ext. 1090.
GREY PARKER 61 liquid lead pencil,
inscribed with name. Finder please re.
turn to Grant Bamberger, 27 McKee, ext.
PIANO INSTRUCTION by experienced
teacher. Beginners and advanced chil
dren and adults. Call AD 8.8693 between
5-8 p.m.
CASH FOR your car. Spot cash for clean
cars. Bring your title. Campus Auto
Sales. 234 E. College Ave., State College.
FURNITURE REPAIRS, upholstering and
Free eetimate
wnEN YOUR typewriter needs service
fast dial AD 7-2492 or bring machine
to 633 W. College Ave.
UCA Committee—
(Continued from page one)
dean of women's office prohibited
coeds in the dormitories from
rooming with a woman of a dif.
ferent colored skin.
Pearl 0. WestOn, dean of wom
en, said last night this statement
is not true. She cited several in
stances in the past where white
and Negro girls have roomed to
She did say however, that her
office does not assign white and
colored girls to live together un
less they request it.
Here's an opportunity for
a career with one of the
nation's most rapidly ex
panding chemical corn
panies. If you will have a
BS or MS degree in ...
Ciril Mechanical
Electrical Mining
—.a Hercules representative
will be on the campus to
discuss with you employ
ment opportunities in ...
Arrangements for Inter
views should be made
through your placement
goafinnon t
Wilmington 99, Del.
Call AD
March 14th