The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 03, 1956, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT Secret 'Grave Diggers Operated Cemetery on Students strolling along the south walk in front of Old Main after dark would per haps increase their pace a bit if they chanced to recall that at one time a "graveyard" run by an organised union of stu uent4, v. as located there. The first signs of a graveyard appeared there in the spring of: 1889 when students awoke one morning to find a large tomb stone located on what was at that time the University flower bed. The monument had been erected sometime during the previous night in honor of James McKee, a math instruc tor at the University who had' flunked, so it seems, just one too many students. A black stovepipe ,hat surmounted the gravestone, and sticking from the newly dug earth around the grave was a mound of excelsior, representing McKe e 's long, flowing beard. This custom of getting back at unfavored instructors rapidly gained headway, and soon a group . _ Music Program To Be Given By Fraternity Kappa Alpha Psi, social (rater nito:v, will present "An Afternoon of Music," a program of Univer sity musical talent at 2:15 p.m. tomorrow in the lletzel Union as sembly hall. The program will consist of vo cal selections, piano solos an d poetry recitations. "1 Walk With God" and "With out a Song" will be sung by Rod ger Crawford, freshman in pre med from Philadelphia, Rod Per ry, junior in physical education from Coatesville, will sing three baritone solos. "My Rosary" will be sung by Mary Ingham, sopho more in the Department of In termediate Registration. Barbara Barnes, sophomore in musie education from Philadel phia, will play "Rustle of Spring," a diano solo by Christian Sind ling. ''Fur Elise" by Beethoven will be played by Joyce Stewart, sophomore in DIR from Sharon 11111. Faith Jackson, senior in arts and letters from Philadelphia will read a fifteen minute selection of poetry. Complimentary tickets for the program may be obtained at the HUB desk. Committee to Hear Progress Reports Spring Week Committee wilt meet at 2 p.m. tomorrow in 217 Iletzel Union, Reports will be given by the chairmen of the in dividual committees. The first form letter for all gtoups that plan to participate in Spring Week will be available at 8 a.m. Monday at the Hetzel Union Desk. All interested groups who do not have a mailing ad dress should obtain their copies there, according to Richard Seng, committee chairman. The forms will include infor mation on point systems, eligi bility, publicity, and other mat ters dealing with all phases of Spring 'reek. Business Predicts— (Continued from page one) great for the liberal arts major. And there is even a shortage of men skilled in recruiting the stu dents who are in short supply. It costs Esso Research and En gineering $l6OO worth of recruit ing at colleges and interviewing at the plant to hire one technical man (a sum considered low for technical companies). IBM spends between $BOOO and $lO,OOO on a computer salesman before he goes out to make a sale. Camera Club Will Meet The Camera Club will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in 215 Hetzel Un ion. Plans for a print and slide com petition will be discussed. that called themselves The sec ret grave diggers union" was or ganized. These junior morticians met just once a year, on the eve of Me.'norial Day, on the front During the night, tombstones were erected with epitaths, some in praise, some in satire. in honor of either favored or disliked teachers. A mourners bench and pulpit were erected for the professors that came the next day to view their own fun eral service. Buggies and cars, borrowed from the townspeople. were drawn up in orderly fash lon in the graveyard to take the place of hearses. In conjunction with this form of student ribbing, a scurrilous razz sheet known as "The All- American" began appearing on campus several days before the "mass burial." The tour page paper, printed on brilliant green stock, poked fun at the faculty and well-known members of the student body. It was a yearly custom of the paper to publish an '!All-Amer lean" football team, composed of members of the faculty. DeNovo to Attend Research Institute Dr. John A. DeNovo, associate professor of American history, has received a grant from the So cial Science Research Council which will enable him to parti cipate in a seven week Sum mer Research Training Institute in current research on interna tional affairs. - The Institute, which will be held between June 11 and July 27 at the University of Denver, has been designed by the Social Sci ence Research Council to intro duce approximately 15 post-doc toral specialists in international relations to related fields of so cial science fr o m the teaching viewpoint. .„,.oataatau—ras . , ..6.::u.zq: . .v , What you should know about International Business Machines International Business Machines Corporation is one of America's leading engineering, manufactur ing and selling organiza tions, serving business, industry, government, sci ence and education. You'll be joining a k")mpany with a 42-year record of growth, stable employ ment, and one of the lowest employee turnover records in the country. Your future will be as big as you make it, with ad vancement entirely on Excellent salary and em ployee benefit program with life-long advantages for you and your family. Complete initial training in each of the employment classifications listed. ~~c~.. ,_~~~ THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Among the dignitaries named in the 1926 issue was Marsh W. White, professor of physics at the University today. White was named in the selections because "he was the toughest guard that ever proctored an examination. and slept with his grade book under his pillow." The secret grave diggers union and 'the "All-American" was a yearly event until 1928 when president Ralph D. Hetzel, who had previously been lampooned by the custom, called in a repre sentative group of students and asked them to list possible ways of improving the standards of the University. The committee felt the ceme tery practice was .undignified. and thereafter, the yearly event was discontinued. It was felt that many *mem bers of the faculty, their prevail ing fears of being publicly ridi culed erased, slept easier with the announcement by the grave diggers union that "no miniature cemetery, containing the spiritual remains of disfavored professors would grace (or disgrace) the front campus thereafter." Tickets for "13 Clocks' To Go on Sale Monday Tickets for "Thirteen Clocks," a Players' production, will go on sale at I p.m. Monday at the Het zel Union desk. The show will open Thursday at Schwab Auditorium and will run Friday and Saturday also. A matinee will be presented Saturday for town children. Tickets are $1 for Friday and Saturday and 85 cents for Thurs day's performance. Auditions to Be Held Auditions for th e sophomore talent show will be held at 7 p.m. Monday in the Hetzel Union Assembly room. Winners will receive cash prizes and will appear during intermis sion of the Sophomore Class Dance to be held March 10 in the HUB ballroom. ,aniors and Graduated afidents CAMPUS INTERVIEWS Union' Campus OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL CAREER OPPORTUNITIES TO FOR MID-YrAR GRADUATES ONLY March 5, 5,7 If your doves or tailor Ls: Physics • Mechanical Electrical Engineering Physics Engineering Research and Development Industrial • Electrical Mechanical Manufacturing CALL YOUR COLLEGE PLACEMENT OFFICE FOR APPOINTMENT. rowiv If you cannot attend interviews, write for more information to Byron N. Luther International Business Machines Corporation 590 Madison Ave., New York 22, N. Y. Sales and Service Offices in Principal Cities throughout tbe U. S. Lucy Will Continue Fight for Admittance NEW YORK, March 2 (iP)—Tight-lipped and grim, Negro coed Autherine Lucy said today she will continue her legal fight for admittance to the University of Alabama. She said she is not going to accept the university's ex pulsion of her yesterday. "I am completely disheartened," the 26-year-old Alabama girl told a news conference. In the next breath, she added: "At the same time, I cannot see any reason to abandon my sole purpose of obtaining an educa tion within the meaning of the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States " Miss LtiZy said she had author- ized her lawyers to flake what ever steps are necessary." Seek Legal. Means Thurgood Marshall, attorney for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said he- and aides were studying the situation, seeking some legal means to resume the battle. Miss Lucy was suspended from the all-white university Feb. 6 after a rioting mob drove her from the campus at Tuscaloosa. Her entry into the 125-year-old university climaxed a 2 1 / 2 -year legal fight over segregation. False Charges On Wednesday, U.S. Dist. Judge H. Hobart Grooms ordered Miss Lucy reinstated at the university. Promptly, the university trustees expelled the coed for making false charges against the school. The charges that university offi cials conspired with the mob to keep her from attending classes were withdrawn by her lawyers during the court hearing. Yesterday, Miss Lucy flew to New York with Marshall on a surprise visit. The lawyer said she was worn out and needed medical attention and "rest, peace and quiet." Miss Lucy held a news confer ence at the NAACP headquarters on W. 40th St. She read a one page statement to reporters. Mar shall announced that she would not answer questions. PRODUCER OF ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING MACHINES, ELECTRIC TYPEWRITERS, AND ELECTRONIC TIME EQUIPMENT. Sip iuterdew schedule fer: SATURDAY. MARCH 3. 1956 Officers for LA To Be Nominated Preliminary hominations f o r the Liberal Arts Student Council officers will be held at a council meeting at 8 p.m. Monday in 103 The council will also hear an elections committee report on the forthcoming LA Council elee tions. Self nominations fo r Council positions may be made from March 12 to 17 in 132 Sparks, ac cording to Robert Nurock, elec tions committee chairman. A 2.5 All-University average is re quired of all nominees. Prospector Staff to Meet The general staff of the Pros pector, the. Mineral Industries newsleter, will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday in 121 Mineral Industries. Angel Flight to Meet Today The Angel Flight drill team will meet at 3 p.m. today at the Ar mory. CLASSIFIEDS RATES 17 words or testes EOM One Insertion $0.75 Two Insertions SIM Three Insertion Additional words 1 for .06 for each day of insertion. FOR SALE CAMPUS AUTO SALES, 234 E. College Ave.. across front HUB. The beet. used cars in town. Catering to Penn State faculty and students. We buy eel! trade. Cash for your car. AD 8-6711 SO IYAL PORTABLE typewriter—about 6 years old. Case included. Slightly lees than half price. Call AD 8-6207. 1034 FORSOOTH sports chassis with under drive and overflow. Good condition. Call Jim. Theta Chi. HEATHKIT WSM amplifier and WAP2 pre-amplifier 25 watt output. Kit just completed. Call Donald Buckbee AD 5-BE4I. 1960 DODGE 2-door sedan. Excellent con dition. Call AD 8-6811. WHITE GOWN size 10, pastel blue gown size 14 ballerina length, good condition. 204 McElwain. FOR PROMPT and expert radio and phono- graph aervioe, stop at State College TV. 232 S. Allen. FOR RENT FOUR ROOMS and bath, stove and refrig erator, All utilities paid. Married couples. Near Atherton Dorm. AD 7-2335. ROOM FOR rent for two male students at 237 West Beaver avenue. Call anytime. WANTED NEED HELP In mathematics? Call ,►D 7-2723 for tutoring. _ _ WORK WANTED DANCE PIANIST desires work. Write John Wallace. Boalaburg. Pa. for in. formation and for arranging interview. _ _ HELP WANTED WIFE OF freshman or sophomore for full time secretarial work. Apply in person, State College TV. LOST }CAE SLIDE RULE between Glenland and Nittany. Please return to Ronald Kor. nosky. Nittany 23, Rm. 13, ext, 283. CLASS RING, blue setting, Southinont H.S. with initials J.W.G. inside. Lost is HUB Wednesday. Call Barb ext. 1090. DANCE BAND music for lead alto sax. 100 tunes in yellow folder. Contact Jiro Ressler. Reward. Ext. 271. ----- GREY PARKER 51 liquid lead pencil. inscribed with name. Finder please re• turn to Grant Bamberger. 27 McKee, ext. 961. GRAY AND silver Shaeffer metallic pen. If found please call, Ginny, 430 Ifo. Elwain. PAIR OF black .framed glasses not is cam.. Please call 202 Simmons. LOST BOOK 'The Tastem era" let in HUB. Please call 224 Simmons. WILL PERSON who took - grei — topeoa from Beta Theta Pi last Friday night please return it soon. • MISCELLANEOUS PENELOPE, Hope you haven't forgotten our date for the Sophomore Donee Mareb 10th in the HUB Ballroom. O. V. Tummer. FURNITURE REPAIRS, upholstering and refinishing.. Free estimate. Call AD 7-3693. PENELOPE, HOPE you haven't forgotten our date for the Sophomore Dance. March 10th in the HUB Ballroom. C. V. rummer. WHEN TOUR typewriter needeierviee lust dial AD 744112 _ tee being Iliad:lima to 633 W. College Ave. FOR GOOD RESULTS USE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS