The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, January 14, 1956, Image 3

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    SATURDAY. JANUARY 14. 1956
Dulles Cites Administration's
Thwarting of Red Advances
Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles replied to critics today by
reaffirming his claim that "brink
of war” moves by the Eisenhower
administration checked the Chin
ese Reds in Formosa, Indochina
and Korea
Dulles officially endorsed views
to this effect which Life magazine
attributed to him in an exclusive
Dulles, after reading the full
Life article, said through his press
officer that remarks he is reported
to have made in it “do not re
quire correction from the stand
point of their substance.”
These remarks by Dulles have
aroused a storm of criticism from
British newspapers as well as de
nunciations from Democratic Sen.
Hubert H. Humphrey (Minn.) who
termed them “a distortion of his
Dean Acheson, former Demo
cratic secretary of state, joined
the foreign policy critics last
night, cautioning against conduct
ing foreign affairs by “huckster
ism.” Acheson did not mention the
magazine article.
In the article, Dulles said that
in order to block further Red ag
gression in Asia, the United States
was "brought to the verge of war”
three times in 18 months.
He said America’s readiness to
fight with atomic weapons if nec
essary was made known to the
Chinese Reds. He credited this
“strong action” with 1. ending the
Korean War; 2. preventing the
Chinese Reds from openly inter-*
vening with their armies in Indo
china and 3. “finally” stopping the
Reds’ threatened invasion of For
Van Zandt Predicts
Eisenhower Will Run
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13 (A*)—
Rep. James E. Van Zandt (R-Pa)
today predicted President Dwight
D. Eisenhower will run for an
other term and “will sweep the
Eisenhower’s running mate,
says the veteran Altoona congress
man, will be Vice President Rich
ard N. Nixon.
For the Democrats, Van Zandt
thinks it will be Adlai Stevenson
for president and Sen. Estes Ke
fauver (D-Tenn) for vice presi
GOP Against Tax Proposal
HARRISBURG, Jan. 13 (/P)—
Sen. John B. Mahany, Senate Re
publican floor leader, expressed
doubt tonight that Republicans
would accept an income tax as
part of any revenue-raising com
World at a Glance
Eleven Men Indicted
For Brink's Robbery
BOSTON, Jan. 13 (fl 3 )—A Suf
folk County grand jury today
speedily indicted 11 men—one
now dead—for the million-dollar
Brink's robbery of six years ago.
The 19 jurors, including three
women,, returned their findings
after listening to several Brink's
employes and to Joseph J. “Specs”
O’Keefe, 47, the “leak” in the
case which the FBI cracked open
yesterday by arresting six of the
group in rapid succession.
ICC Rejects Proposal
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13 (&)
The Interstate Commerce Com
mission today rejected a coal in
dustry request for a separate
hearing on coal and coke rates
in connection with the railroad’s
proposal to raise freight charges
by seven per cent. „
Lack of Funds Forcing
Pa. Schools to Closo
HARRISBURG, Jan. 13 (/P)
Scattered school districts across
the state are rapidly reaching the
breakdown point because of the
holdup in payment of state aid.
Several districts have already
notified Gov. George M. Leader
and Public Instruction Depart
ment officials that they will be
forced to close within the next
two weeks unless money is re
Last week the governor esti
mated it would be “around Feb.
10" before the state could begin
making payments.
Republicans Back Duff
Top Republican leaders today
slated an organization-backed
ticket for the April 24 primary
headed by U.S. Sen. James H.
Duff (R-Pa) for a second term.