WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1955 Russia, Nationalist China Stop UN Admittance Plan UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., Dec. 13 OOP)—Russia and Na tionalist China wrecked with angry and bitter vetoes today a scheme favored by the UN Assembly to admit 18 new members in a package deal. True to his warnings against taking Russian dictation, Nationalist Chiha’s T. P. Tsiang vetoed Communist Outer 1 Mongolia when the voting started after months of careful prepara tion by many UN delegates. Sobolev Vetoes 13 Also true to his “all or none” declaration, Russia’s _ Arkady A. Sobolev, vetoed 13 candidates fav ored by the West in the proposal. At the start, even before Outer Mongoli came up, Sobolev had vetoed South Korea and Vieti Nam which were not in the deal but were put before the council by Tsiang in a last-minute move. When the votes were registered U.S. Chief Delegate Henry Cabot Dodge, and Sobolev traded verbal blows on who was to blame for what they called the "frustrating” result. Ex-German Spy Catcher Flees Reds BONN, Germany, Dec. 13 (JF) — Dr. Otto John, a triple turncoat, has come back from 16 months in the Communist camp to this West German capital where he fortnerly was chief of counter-intelligence. The former chief spy catcher of West Germany was brought to a house on a quiet side street in Bonn which is headquarters of the Special Security Section of the Federal Criminal Police, after slipping into West Berlin yester day. There he was grilled by federal attorneys who have been investi gating his desertion ever since he furtively drove into Communist East Berlin on July 20, 1954, and announced he was there to- stay. Officially branded a traiter by the West German government, the tall, blond, 46-year-old former se curity chief apparently made a carefully organized escape from his Communis V hosts in Berlin. Sources there said he had been planning his flight for some time. He made contact with friends in the western part of the city, left his home in Potsdam and slipped into West Berlin. There the friends rushed him aboard an American plane to Frankfurt. This made John a turncoat three times. After the attempts to kill Hitler failed, he deserted the Nazis and escaped to Spain. He made his way to Britain where he worked for British intelligence. After the war, he returned to West Germany and was appointed chief of the federal counter-espio nage organization early in 1950. Four years later he went over to the Communists. Now he has de serted them. Benson Announces Soil Bank Favored -WASHINGTON, Dec. 13 (IP)— Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft 'Benson said today the 18- member Agricultural Advisory Commission has given “general approval” to a soil bank plan to help meet the farm problem. Under it. the government would pay farmers for taking land out of production and planting it to grass and trees. The secretary said the pian would cover a period of five to ten years with, payments the first year totaling about 400 mij lion dallars. The commission, which was cre ated by President Eisenhower two years ago to advise the Agri culture Department on farm poli cies ended a two-day closed con ference today. It discussed the soif bank and other proposals de signed to help cut down surpluses and bolster farm prices and in come. DON'T Let That FORMAL Hang! Yes, don’t let these dirt spots harden into the fabric, Let us make it look like new at a price just right for you. Re member you want to be at your best for vacation parties. So just drop in to our store (a few steps from the center of town) and let us get you ready for vacationtime. Tsiang Blasted Sobolev said ■ Russia still is ready to accept the 18 countries listed in the package plan as a whole. He assailed Tsiang as a man who “represents no one” and accused the United States of work ing to disrupt the membership plan. Lodge fired back that the So viet accusation that the United States is the “devil” behind the whole thing is a “stale smear.” Lodge said 17 new- members would be admitted except for the stand of the Soviet Union. Sir Leslie Monro, New Zealand, who had sponsored with Cyro de Freitas-Valle, Brazil, the resolu tion torn to shreds by vetoes, said the matter must not rest at this point. He suggested a report to the Assembly and perhaps recon sideration in that body where 52 of the 60 members voted to admit the 18 countries in the plan. Power Company Spends Deferrals On Defense Needs HARRISBURG, Dec. 13 (JF)— The top engineer, of the Pennsyl vania Power and Light Co. told the Public Utility Commission to day that funds for federal tax de ferrals were used for defense needs. George M. Keenan, engineering vice president of PP&L, testified, that the utility has installed in recent years facilities being used to carry defense power loads. He noted, however, “it is not possible to ascribe any particular amount of kilowatts to the de fense loads, since defense spend ing is so broadly distributed and often results in expenditures which are not readily distinguish able from expenditures for what might be described as civilian pur poses, as opposed to defense pur poses.” Keenan testified at the second day of PUC hearings on a rate boost of three million dollars that went into effect in 1952 for PP&L industrial customers. Inspection Committee Planned HARRISBURG, Dec. 13 (IF) — The House Rules Committee to day approved a resolution' calling Tor the creation of a permanent legislative committee that would make unannounced visits and in spections of all state owned and aided institutions. 222 W. Beaver THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Kilter Requests Death Sentence To Be Commuted HARRISBURG, Dec. 13 (JP)— The “trick-or-treat” killer of 6- year-old Karen Mauk today asked the State Pardons Board to com mute his death sentence to life imprisonment on grounds of men tal illness. Harry Gossard, 40, of Cone maugh, was sentenced to the elec tric chair in April for the Hallo ween slaying Oct. 28, 1954, at a cemetery about two miles from the child’s home. Gossard, who pleaded guilty to the crime, was sentenced by the Cambria County Court and the State Supreme Court affirmed it. Gov. Leader has fixed the week of March 12 for execution. In his petition, which will be heard next month, Gossard said he hoped to be committed to a state mental institution if he re ceives commutation. “I am informed that I am suf fering a severe mental illness,” Gossard said in his petition. “I am sure that if it were not for this condition. I would never have touched this little girl. I never in tended to hurt her or to use any force on her. Her death was pure ly accidental.” Nehru Agrees To Joint Pact With Russia NEW DELHI, India, Dec. 13 (JP) —Prime Minister Pandit Nehru tonight signed a joint communi que with Premier Nicolai Bulgan in and Communist party chief Ni kita Khrushchev of the Soviet Union urging disarmament as the way to peace and outlining a broad program for cooperation between their countries. . At the same time, a trade agree ment between the two nations was signed. It provides for pur chase by India of a million tons of steel from Russia, as well as equipment for oil production and mining. - The communique was th'e cul mination of a four-week tour of India and Burma by the-SOviet leaders, who have been widely ac claimed throughout India where they presented themselves as “ex ponents of peace.” While ‘ the communique was called the work of all three, only the two prime ministers actually signed it. Generally it followed their pub lic pronouncements, calling espe cially for' the prohibition of nu clear weapons and the seating of Communist China in the United Nations. Ike's Daughter-in-law Enters Hospital Sunday WASHINGTON, Dec. 13 (JP)— Mrs. John S. Eisenhower, the Pres ident’s daughter-in-law, is in Wal ter Reed General Hospital here —the result of a “false alarm” by her expected fourth child. She entered the hospital Sun day night with what physicians described as “threatened labor” but the baby now is not expected until around the first of the year. CHRISTMAS VACATION Take a Tip and Make Your Trip For the convenience of PENN STATE UNIVER SITY STUDENTS, SPECIAL BUSES will be pro vided for the CHRISTMAS VACATION and will leave from the GREYHOUND POST HOUSE at 1:00 P.M. Wednesday, December 21, 1955. Reservations for the SPECIAL buses will be made with the purchase of your ticket at the GREY HOUND POST HOUSE. ALL RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE BY 10:00 P.M., Tuesday, Decem ber 20. 1955. For additional information, call the Greyhound Post House. Phone ADams 7-4181. TRANSPORTATION NOTICE GREYHOUND LINES Dulles Visits Paris; Maps New Strategy WASHINGTON, Dec. 13 (/P) —Secretary of State John Foster Dulles flew to Paris today to help chart new Allied strategy to counter “the zig-zags” in Russia’s policies. “I hope we can reach agreement, as to the significance of these zigzags which have been taking place recently,” he I said as he left by plane with nine ‘ top aides. He will confer with 14 other foreign ministers of Atlantic Pact nations. Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson and Secretary of the Treasury George M. Humphrey, who will assist Dulles at the Paris talks, left about the same time in a separate plane. The three Cabinet officers are to represent the United States at the annual Atlantic Pact council meeting. The session will review progress made by the Allies in their six year old campaign to build up defenses against a pos sible Russian attack. Dulles did n'ot identify “the zig zags” he had in mind. But aides said he meant the increasingly bitter anti-Western policies and remarks by Russia’s leaders since last July’s friendly summit con ference in Geneva. Dulles made clear he hopes the 15 Atlantic Pact countries will meet Russia’s tougher attitude by stepping up the military, politi cal, economic and cultural co operation provided for under their alliance. He stressed particularly the pos sibilities of cooperation in non military fields which, he said, will show the “increasing vitality and strength" of the Atlantic Pact or ganization. Dulles plans to meet privately during his four-day stay with the British and French foreign minis ters. The idea is to discuss moves the three governments could make outside their alliance, par ticularly in the Middle East, where Russia has increased its economic political pressure. Electrical Workers Union President Wants Arbitrator The AFL-CIO International Un ion of Electrical Workers’ presi dent said Tuesday he has asked President Eisenhower to name an arbitrator in the union’s 58-day strike against Westinghouse Elec tric Corp. At the same time in Pittsburgh, union officials demanded a spe cial meeting of Westinghouse stockholders. President James B. Carey said he wants shareholders to discuss deadlocked negotiations in the strike. Carey told a news conference in New York of the appeal to Eisen hower. He did not elaborate. He said the union is ready to return to work under existing terms pro vided the company agrees to con tinue negotiations until Oct. 1, 1956,* and then turn any unsettled issues over to an arbitrator. Block and Bridle Club Richard H. Sour, beef cattle herdsman for the University, will be the guest speaker at the Block and Bridle Club meeting at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in 216 Hetzel Union. Syria Asks UN to Act On Israel UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., Dec. 13 —Syria accused Israel of ag gression today and asked the UN Security Council to meet quickly and act to cope with it. The Syrian UN delegation filed a complaint with the 11-nation council over an Israeli retaliatory attack east of the Sea of Galilee Sunday night estimated variously to have cost from 41 to 59 lives. Rafik Asha, Syria’s permanent representative to the UN, ad dressed the letter to Sir Leslie Munro of NeW Zealand, council president for December. It con cluded: “I request you to be kind enough to convene tbe—Securiiy Council as soon as possible, in or der to take the measures neces sary to meet this serious situa tion.” Ahmed Shukairy, chairman of Syria’s delegation to the General Assembly, called a news confer ence to announce the complaint. He said he expected the council would meet on it late this week or early the next. Shukairy declined to disclose what steps Syria would propose .o ii:s council. But he said, “They will be measures which have not been asked before.” Under the UN Charter,- the council may recommend a cessa tion Of aggression. Harner Named to State Post ~ HARRISBURG, Dec. 13 (JP)— Gov. George M. Leader today named Henry E, Hamer, Harris burg, secretary of the Common wealth to succeed James A. Fin negan, of Philadelphia, who re signed, effective Thursday, to be come campaign chairman for Ad lai E. Stevenson. Aeronautical Society to Meet The Institute of Aeronautical Science will meet at 7 tonight in TO5 Mechanical Engineering. CHRISTMAS CARDS NITTANY CARD & GIFT SHOP 342 E. College Avenue Opposite Atherton Hall Charlie says: Give HIM a CHARCOAL GREEN Cashmere Blend Puritan You'll find crew necks and V-necks In every shode of charcoal* in wool* cashmere and our special cashmere* nylon* lamb's wool blend. They hold their shape* stay soft and ore wash able they're Puritans, your best sweater buy. Stop In today. LEVINE BROS. State CaHae*, ta. PAGE THREE
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