GE EIGHT Boxing— (Continued from page seven ) ie unlimited. The KDR man Dored Redfield a couple of times, it Redfield also got his share ; punches in. The next match, another un- 10 Ford ThunderM rtls PLUS 40 COLUMBIA Hi-Fi Phonographs FOR VICEROY’S PURE, JUST FOLLOW THESE EASY RULES I On any plain paper, write the name you think most suitable for the pure, white Viceroy Filter described on this page. It’s easyl You can think of dozens of names like ‘‘Super-Pure," “Filtron," "Naturale,” "Flavor Flow," "Cellutrate," "Twice-The-Traps.” You can use one, two or three words. Any name may win!- 2 Mail your entry to Viceroy Thunderbird Contest, P. O. Box 6A, Mount Vernon 10, New York. Write plainly or print your name, the name of your college and your mailing address at college! Submit as many entries as you wish —but with each entry include the picture of the Viceroy Filter Tip torn or cut from the backs jot two (2) Viceroy packages. limited contest. Saw Frank Olney, Delta Sigma Phi, win a decision from Phi Kappa Sig’s Chuck Yar bough. In other bouts, 145-lb. Dick Hand, Lambda Chi Alpha, de feated Fred Doyle, Beaver House; Sigma Nu’s 128-lb. man, Joe Hy- $50,000 IN PRIZES THE SO COLLEGE STUDENTS WHO WRITE THE THE DAfIY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA son, beat Bob Hastings, Delta Upsilon; and Craig Kauffman, Kappa Sigma, halted SAE’s Cris Kuebler, in a 155-lb. match. Merle Smith, Sigma Phi Epsi lon, and Chip Engle, Phi Delta Theta, advanced on forfeit wins. HINTS TO HELP YOU WIN I You’ll think of dozens of names when you read these facts: The Viceroy Filter is the most modern in the world today! Perfected through 20 years of research) It contains no cotton, no paper, no charcoal, no asbestos, no foreign substance of any kind! Instead, it is made from pure cellulose—a soil, snow-white, natural material found in many good foods you eat. Only the Viceroy Filter has 20,000 filter traps— twice as many filter traps as the next two largest selling filter brands) No wonder Viceroy gjyes you that Real Tobacco Taste) '' Name this amazing filter and win! It’s easy I 3 Contest open to all students attending colleges and universities in the U.S.A. 4 Contest closes midnight, January 31,1956. Entries judged by The Reuben H. Donnelley Corporation on the basis of aptness of thought, originality and interest. S Prizes listed elsewhere In this ad. Winners of the ten Thunderblrds will also be permitted to designate the school organizations to which Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation will award RCA Victor Color TV Sets I Write the name of the organization you want to receive this award on your entry. BEST NAMES FOR WHITE, NATURAL FILTER I 10 Winners! 10 Thunderblrds! win a tuny 40 Winners! 40 Columbia Hi-Fi Sets) equipped new '56 Thunderbird! In your choice of Own America’s most exciting Hi-Fidelity colors! Automatic transmission, two tops, power Phonograph—the Columbia "360" K.—in steering, radio, white side walls. Act now and win! beautiful Mahogany 1 Plus 10 RCA Victor Color TV Sea to the college organizations designated by the 10 Thunderbird wlnnersl Five Persons Killed . WASHINGTON, Dec. 7 VP)— The Navy's new Sea Master, a huge jet seaplane with a speed of 600 miles an hour, exploded in flight today and fell in shattered pieces into Chesapeake Bay. S '> A NO OTHER FILTER LIKE VICEROY! No cotton! No paper! No asbestos! No charcoal! No foreign substance of any kind! Made from Pure Cellulose— Soft.. .Snow-white... Natural! It’s easy to name this amazing Viceroy Filter when you know what it’s made 0f... why it’s superior... why Viceroys give you that real tobacco taste you miss in every other filter brand I Remember, the Viceroy Filter is made from 100% pure cellulose—a soft, natural material found in many good foods you eat! There are no impurities in the Viceroy Filter. So nat •rally it lets the real to \cco taste come through! ime the Viceroy Filter! tr this $50,000 con* ti. un bat THURSDAY. DECEMBER 8, Three employes of the Gli Martin Co. of Baltimore, plane’s builder, and a naval cer were aboard when the engined craft broke up on a flight. One body, attached I parachute, was recovered but not been identified. Viceroy ’ filter Vip CIGARETTES KING-SIZE ICSRO, '