PAGE TWO 1200 Students Pitt Pep Rally McCoy Urges Student Support For Last Game Approximately 1200 students gathered around a bonfire at the Pitt-Penn State pep rally last night, heard Ernest B. Mc- Coy, dean of the College of Physical Education and Ath-, letics, say that the football beans' has a good chance to win today's game. He said that Penn State has been the underdog for three years and Pittsburgh hasn't scored a point against us in any of these games. 40-foot Bonfire Students circled around the bonfire, which was about 40 feet in diameter, for cheers and songs. The Penn State Blue Band played once before the parade and also as the cheerleaders led the crowd, to the bonfire beyond the Nittany area. The cheerleaders at the, head of the parade rode in an open. convertible. .1 PlsT us Prodiat W'ul Four members of the - football team; Frank Reich, Buck Straub. Jim Harding, and Bobbie Hoff man each spoke briefly to stu dents at the pep rally. The players said that if every one supports • the 'team today like they did last night they are sure they can win. Reich accepted the coal scuttle from Hugh Cline. head cheer, leader. The scuttle is kept each year by the winning team of the Penn State-Pitt game. It has been in the Dean of Men's office at the University for the last three years. Reich will keep the > z: over the weekend and return. it to the office Monday. M ~. 4., Cline thanked Sally McKnight, president of Mortar Board, senior women's hat society, and Charles Christenson, president of Parmi Nous, senior men's hat society,• for the part their respective groups .played in toting care of the bonfire and working on the rally. A dummy dressed like a Pitt football player was thjown in the bonfire as a climax for the pep rally. The Blue Band closed the event by playing the Alma Mater. Chinese Reds Release Alum A 1925 graduate of the Univer sity was among the three Ameri cans to be released from Com munist China last year, it was learned yesterday. She is Mrs. Homer V. Brad shaw, a Presbyterian missionary, who is the former Wilda Hocken berry. She majored in home eco nomics at the University. Mrs. Bradshaw'. who had been in China for about 20 years. was released from jail because of poor health. Her husband, who re ceived his medical degree at the University of Pittsburgh, is be ing held by the Communists. The Rev. Donald W. Carruthers, of State College. is well acquaint ed with Mrs. Bradshaw. Astronomy Club to Meet The Astronomy Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Het zel Union Building. The meeting, will be open to the public. 3ELLEFONTI Whet EiSe Child: 2k PLAZA Ad Last Times TODAY 4,1, John BLOOD Lauren BACALL ALLEY „:. cissimsami• ' . MONDAY & TUESDAY KIRK DOUGLAS an ULYSSES Cater ! Last Times TODAY BELLEFONTE "FIVE GUNS WEST" STATE Woo YELLOWNECK M Cadort , NO FICTIONS MON. NIT". TVIIIII. OILY - "SOYN OWL* —Photo by Patton TONY CLINE. /mad cheer/eader. :ea& inscription ma Am coal scuttle award at the pep sally last algid ballad Wittagy dormitories. Passible Showers Seen Late Today Today's weather will he cloudy: and continued cool with a chance' of showers by late afternoon, ac cording to students in the depatt-I meat of inetearobscr. cold Tonight will be cloudy oand. The temperature is expecte to reach a high Of 3$ degrees, d with a' low of 33. Occasional showers we predict ed for tomorrow. The high ton- 1 perature yesterday was 25 de grees. The low was 15. Why the Smiles? We're Satisfied METZGE RS Customers Christmas Cards . it's not too early to start thinking about Christmas cards, even though we've had soon little bad weather (hmmmm). There are boxes of 12 for 59c, 12 for $2.00, and 12 for 29c. A good and varied selection. While you're at it. why not pick up your gift wrappings too. You Can Get It at METZGERS The Store With the Black Granite Front 114 IE DAILY COWMAN STATE COMM PENNSYLVANIA Watch Bonfire ealberiper to Mare= Faculty. Luncheon Club ,1 Dr. . Neuberger, praliesseri cad head, at tit? deparkselit at. usetearelogy. will weak let, lime Faculty Luncheon Club mee • • at news Monday in the Helmet Union Having spent snare than a year with • the •Torkiet* t - Weather Serv ice, Dr. NeUbewer- wUt Weak we' "Seine ICuperiennes le 'Turkey."' A University trustee, _Wooleri* Watts, designed the lirst bent en the centrous. • • Souvenirs Everyone loves a souvenir from P.S.U. to Pitt! At Metzgers your% find an kinds. For glAs—the cuddly, cute animals. For the little kids there are P.S.IJ. sweat shirts and T-shirts for any size. For the hales there are mugs, sweat shirts, jackets, auto stickers and, many others, including pennants, ash trays, waste baskets, paper, desk sets, and glasses. You can't miss at Metz- . . . Toy Department Here's your chance to do some shopping early for kid brother or sister bade home. ibsraornber, you only have a few days to shop at home before that day ar rives, so be smart and get 'am beret There are toys, books, games, puzzles and on and on—everything The small ones will love. AIM Judicial Seeks Probation for Three 'The Association of Independent Men's Judicial Board of Review Thursday night reconunended to the dean of men's office that a junior from the West Halls area be put on judi cial. probation and that two freshmen from the Nittany area be put on board probation. The student from the West Halls was apprehended by a ccouteekor while trying to ring a fire alarm bell by means o a home-made nibber-band gadget.. He said that he had no reason for the action, but indicated seeing other students trying to do 1 the same flung probably led him tabu the wank. The bawd gave consideration Ito the student's oatatmoding achol ties - aster' and extracurrictdar The other awe involved the throwing of food in the Nittany- Pollock dining ball. The students were reported for I throwing a pear which struck a nearby diner in the head. The student was not injured. The board said that they felt that al-1 I though the incident was of rela tively minor importance. action should be taken to prevent a re currence of this type of action. The board decided to send a let ter home to the parents of one of the students since be had also been in a small vurvith. With his - • - ofsamselar. _ Alifieia. tilrelleleme • selgUeeee . the Student to periodical calls . from .e board to sit in an the judicial Isseetingii Jo- lee how Abe. . I tuneticin and .11s learn none , the Probbonawitit arbiek•it, dads. Bean* prebodtion. sionßor Acta probation, providlies 'that the anew! the •inoticip -meet bp of 'the bawd. The- of of L the probation in decided 'by the • . Ihrespedier'Valf, ComaiWas The AWE amid madidatea of • • • Pampallea; 1116emalt lean tries stmt amoiletter, will amt. at 1 7:0 pan. lkhooday is 121. Inthuttrie' SATURDAY. NOVOAStit 19. 1955 Turnout Falls At Leadership raining Talks —umianoe at the leadership Lectures :grients. en tra i n i ng •in 119 . Osmon Wednesd ay gy as d r opped from approximately 200 students to 130 because students are automatically eliminated from the program for missing a meet ing, Barbara Mendel, member of the committee, said yesterday. A -cut of one of the Bight week ly programs automatically elimi nates a student from the pro gram, Miss Hendel said. As origi nally - planned, students in the program would hear 45-minute talks on aspects of leadership and theta partiamte ia 4M-tainute dis cussions 411111 the -speakers' ann. Hiss Beaded • staled that - the proof new is 10 hold a sines lion and answer 'peeled after the talke. !Timis slakes was taken be cause recess in which-6e indd de bate sessions were difficult to ob tain. be said. [STATE aow INi. 'ice: 4:34, vat lea . TENDER -' TRAP ~-}N%' V~~ ~ I~ F R '. mum 'IOW Mho' 11 1 / 6 11.8seset - 1111 NEW RON WM MEW Cbmandkopti - Viler • 11I S• maw ar :oors• Open 1 p.m. 1 1 /NM/ toosr 'Oesqj lardwrinwir Svemseit la taliding abeist lie gime CONTIOURSIAIL come " The of i c alma, irs "This latiatat• plelara renames the manurial moods of a boy sixteen and a girl fifteen who imetwee lavreasiagly maws that theft *M. hand affection has ma. sand into adult UM" Sumo NW • Ceasing Morary • INITTANY