The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 17, 1955, Image 5

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Tribunal to Restrict
Frosh from Pitt Game
A freshman in mechanical engineering has been restricted 'from attending the Penn
State-Pitt footbal game and has received an office restriction for one week for being drunk
during the Syracuse game.
i„.Tribunal recoAnehded the action Tuesday, and it was approved,by the dean of men's
ofPoOyesterclay. Th3:,s,ig the first time a game restriction has been made by Tribunal.
freshman in*itustrial engineering who was with him at the game and also drink
ing,: received officetpfisbation as did• the first student.
Xarl Schwenzfeici:chairthan of Tribunal, said that a game restriction was made for the
first student because till thanks
giving holiday would 'render the
()Wee restriction ineffective. He
also' said that the University re
serves the right to ban anyone
from games on the charge of mis
Schwenzfeier reported that the
second student wasn't given a
game restriction, although he had
been drinking, because the wasn't
drunk. He had been helping the
first student back to his dormi
The two students were appre
hended by an East residence hall
counselor while returning to their
dormitory. He said that he saw
them as one student was helping
the other out of a car. He said
that there was no noticeable
noise or trouble but that one stu
dent was obviously more drunk
than the other.
Another counselor arri v e d
shortly. One of the students ex
plained that he and his . com
panion had gone to the game
without any liquor, but drank
from a bottle which was being
passed around by an upperclass
man. He said he 'believed he was
swept away with the enthusiasm
of the game and had exercised
poor ,judgment for this reason.
Office restriction stipulates that
a record of the offense is kept at
the office of the dean of men,
and that any further occurrence
might ' result in suspension from
the University.
Restriction of hours requires
that the student must remain in
his quarters from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.
This is checked by members of
$5OO Awarded
Mook for Study
Dr. Maurice A. Mook, associate
professor of anthropology, will
continue his field work among
the Amish. people under a two
year $5OO grant from the Carl
Schurz Memorial Foundation. Dr.
Mook, who has been at the Uni
versity since 1949, has been study
ing the Amish people for more
than 15 years.
The new grant will enable Dr.
Mook to visit the Old Order
Amish communities of the State
to gather data concerning the his
tory of the communities, theii
size, social composition, customs
and family life.
At present Dr. Mook has. com
pleted field work in two of the
ten communities. The communi
ties are all rural, and most of the
inhabitants practice farming.
Saunders to Address
DeMolay Club Tonight
Captain -William F. Saunders
Jr., United States Marine Corps,
will speak to the DeMblay Club
on "Gun Collecting" at 7:30 to
night in 203 Willard.
Election of officers will follow
the talk.
The club will sponsor a record ,
dance for DeMolays and hien*
from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday.,
Delta Sigma Lambda fraterni .
A 50 cent donation will: be.
charged. Refreshments *IL be
Dairy Science Club ti)*
The Dairy Scienee — Kb will
meet at 7 tonight in 117,Dairy.
Month of Nov. Only to
Al! Students
WO also stock 'Chicago'
Rhek . Roller Skates
200 W. College Ave.
Recently initiated into Phi Sig
ma Kappa were Robert Hornber
ger, Walter Stevenson, Joseph
Fox, Richard Lash, Robert Bing
aman, and Paul Reagerr.
New officers of the Kappa Al
pha Theta pledge class are Sally
Jo Barnes, president; 'Avis Dun
kleberger, vice president; and
Marilyn Doan, secretary-treasurer.
Initiated into Phi Gamma Delta
recently were George Wills, Terry
Hutton, Hugh Moore, Peter Fish
burn, and John Coller.
Alpha Xi Delta has initiated
Carol Kylander, Mary Coffman,
Norma Nash, and Carole Rich
Officers of the pledge class of
Gamma Phi Beta are Susanne
Smith, president; Mary Conrad,
vice president; Glenda Willard,
treasurer; Sue Lockley, recording
secretary; and Joyce Mack, cor
responding secretary.
Delta Delta Delta pledge class
has selected Sondra Peters, presi
dent; Maureen Funk, vice presi
dent; and Nancy J. May,secre
Mervin Neerenberg, Allen Jaf
fe, Edwin Gottfried, Malcolm
Pritzker, Melvin Getzoff, Stanley
Levine, Arthur Stark, Richard
Pokras, and Henry Edelsohn have
been pledged by Alpha Epsilon
Alpha Epsilon Pi pledge class
officers are Malcolm Pritzker,
president; Melvin Getzoff, . vice
president; Arthur Stark, secre
tary; • and Allan Jaffe, treasurer.
Alpha Chi Omega pledge class
has elected Nancy Ash, president,
Carolyn Johnson; vice president,
Marjorie Duld, secretary, and
Margaret King, treasurer, Barbara
Kinnier, song leader.
Initiated into Zeta Beta Tau
were Robert Levitt, -Norman Klu-
WSGA Committee
.to Freshmen
Freshman women will be eligi
ble for membership on the Wo
men's Student Government Asso
ciation 'regulation enforcement
committee, Anne NW - suer, soph
omore senator to WSGA; told the
Freshman Council Tuesday night.
The committee is being organ
ized by WSGA to be responsible
for the enforcement of dormitary
rules, now being carried out by
dormitory housemothers.
Women for the committee will
be chosen - 1v a screening commit
tee appointed by WSGA. Final
plans for the committee have not
yet been made.
German Club to Hear
High School Student •
John Krall, a State College
High School student who spent
the summer in Germany under
the American Field Service stu
dent exchange plan, will speak
to the German Club at 7:30 to
gUht in the McElwain study
4f.: / Sale
~„..,.. P: 1
) ~. 10% OFF
• . .pn all purchases
Only todaiAtriii Friday left
to take e 4vap.ta z e of, our
greet 9th iignlversaryT, -
).. duciotis) rtotet'miss.
Optilce a year bargain at'. -
~.. 4 , .
, ..
109 S. ' g'
••••••••••••,f• ••••••.
Co- Cilia
ger, Morton Kanovsky, Harry
Kitzinger, Alan Rubens, and By
ron LaVan.
New pledges of Delta Theta
Sigma are Thomas Blose, Duane
Duncan, Leslie Firth, Jack Frey,
David Jaquish, Clair McCracken,
John Metzgar, Walter North,
Frederick Schuetz, Calvin Taylor,
Donald Von Wolffradt, and Ker
mit Yeatick.
The pledge class officers of
Delta Theta Sigma are Frederick
Schuetz, president; Walter North,
vice president; and Leslie Firth,
Sue Kunkel' and Katherine
Reid have been initiated into
Alpha Gamma Delta.
Officers of Alpha Gamma Del
ta's pledge class are Dianne
Shreckengast, president; Joyce
Richards, vice president, Priscilla
Kepner, secretary-treasurer and
Joan Marzzacco, chaplain.
Recently initiated into Chi Phi
were Ronald Bloomfield, Raleigh
Clark, Charles Evans, Howard
Rowlands, John Fry, and Joseph
Phi Mu pledge class officers are
Sally Sloan, president, Ann Ha
dest'y, vice president; Mary Pat
Weber, secretary-treasurer; and
Raydelle Brown, social chairman.
Pledge class officers of Kappa
Delta are Rosemary Bass, presi
dent; Nancy Seaman, vice presi
dent; Katharine Vyse, secretary;
and Marcia Ripper, treasurer.
Campus Cartoonist
Creates 'Worthat
One student on the American campus scene is going
through college on a good sense of humor. He is buck-toother,
rumpled-hair, down-trodden "Worthal," created by cartoon
ist, Dick Bibler.
Nine years ago Bibler, as a student at Kansas University,
got a job as college cartoonist for
the Daily Kansan. "Little Man
on Campus" became his by-line
and "Worthal" his main character.
"Worthal" is a combination of
the most stupid looking charac
teristics of fourteen comical faces
created by Bibler. Bibler com
ments that the name "Worthal"
is very close to "Worthless." This
LMOC is supported in his role by
Miss Lush, Penrod, Bolivar, Bur
well, Dean Bellows, and the un
named beauty that Worthal has
his co-ed conscious eye on.
No One Escapes Cut
No _one on campus is immune
to Bibler's pen. He uses a double
edged blade to cut at faculty and
students alike,
"Worthal" could easily be the
freshman who gets lost in Rec
Hall during Registration or
smooches with his girl in Pattee
Library between Robinson Cru
soe and Patterns of Culture.
He may be the student who
gets crushed into the sidewalk
in front of Carnegie at 11:53, but
he will bob up again with a wick
ed gleam in his eyes to ogle the
girls, poke fun at botany profes
sors, university administrators,
and football heros.
Sources Varied
Bibler finds his ideas for' car
toons in school catalogs where he
reads course descriptions, in reg
istration information, and situa
tions he sees on campus. Although
it may be weeks before Bibler
creates the situation, it takes him
less than an hour to complete a
Cartooning is Bibler's hobby,
as the price colleges can afford
to pay for his cartoons can only
keep him in cigarettes and the
bay' in new shoes. Bibler says as
long as colleges want to run his
cartoon and he can get ideas,
he'll keep drawing Worthal,
Snarf and company.
Presently, Bibler is an assist
ant professor in the art depart
ment at Humboldt State College,
Arcata, California. He admits to
a "beautiful blonde wife," two
daughters, and a son. He notes
proudly that his son is already
scribbling cartoons about guys
flunking biology.
thru the
looking Glass
Well, gang, as they say in
Greek lit—we've had it! The
ax fell the day that page look
ing like the stock market sheet
appeared in our worthy paper.
Now that I know my fate—
why does the execution have
to last a whole week? Well,
it's time I bought my books
anyway and it's time you high
tailed it downtown (past the
Corner Room) and treated
yourself to ETHEL'S browsing
—new things multiply faster
there than in a rabbits cage—
Flash!—News Note
Can't wait to tell you about
the cuff link and tie clip sets
(this time for the femmes bent
on that little boy look) for
only $2.48. Very collegiate and
attractive, various designs—you
can't miss on a purchase like
this group of cuff link sets—ev
en if your kid brother inherits
them they were fun while they
lasted!! The men haven't been
forgotten (gadzooks—never) for
ETHELS has remembered you
with cuff links definitely with
the modern male in mind. Any
attempt at description would
be superfluous—at $8.50, you
can enjoy good taste and they
come in suede draw string
pouches (for your tobaccy, ah
guess). •
If you love the unusual
- and you're already hunting
something for Dad for Christ
mas - because you can never
think of anything to get him
Well ETHEL'S has got it!
Evans French enamelling has
produced an ash tray at ab
stract design and feather-light
weight along with a table
lighter, tall and stately and
equally. light!! The one we saw
and tabbed a must was the
charcoal and black dissected
horse—zoonds was it hand
Accessories that
deserve attention • • .
If you're having trouble with
lost or sticky stamps—tiny ro
tund boxes with an opening
and tearing edge. Make dandy
little gifts—black or red metal
trimmed in brass—s2.2s. Ever
hear of an alligator money clip
—(ho, not his teeth) but a mag
netized mechanism to keep that
bundle of 50's good and secure.
—rich, brown alligator and
s4.9s—how 'bout that?
And 'by all means get into
ETHELS soon to see the new
arrival of Christmas glasses—
and punch bowls—
II: I. (011161 AVI.
WTI 1011161. PA.
By Gabbi