The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 17, 1955, Image 1

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    Cabinet to Consider
Spring Week Plan;
2 Additions Asked
A revamped Spring week program will be presented to
night to All-University Cabinet.
The proposed plan—which includes two additions to last
rear's program—will be presented by Richard Seng, chairman
of the Cabinet Spring Week Committee.
The agenda also includes a report on last month's Campus
Chest campaign by John Riggs,
Campus Chest chairman; and the
installation of newly-elected class
officers Samuel Moyer, freshman,
and Wi l liam Coale, sophomore.
Seng will also present an alter
nate plan to the proposed pro
A day-by-day breakdown of the
proposed plan shows:
Monday—A faculty-student var
iety show, staged like a ininstrel
show, would be held from 7:30 to
10 p.m. At this time Miss Penn
State would be crowned. Sugges
ted admission price is 25 cents.
Tuesday A donkey softball
game opposing the 'Uglymen and
the die-men, would be played
Cart Race
Given OK
By Senate
Town Independent Men's plans
for a push cart race were ap
proved yesterday by the Senate
Committee on Student Affairs,
according to Wilmer E. Ken
worthy, committee secretary . .
Fraternities, sororities or inde
pendent groups wishing to enter
a contestant in the race must pay
an entrance fee of $lO withpro
ceeds of the race to go to Cam
pus Chest. The race will be held
about 2 p.m. Dec. 2 or 9 on Pol
lock road or the parking lot be
hind Beaver Field.
A cash prize of $25 and a tro
phy will be presented to the win
ner. Leonard Phillips, TIM social
chairman, is general chairman.
Wheels to Wobble
The carts, which will be con
structed by a committee headed
by Fred Mauk, will consist of a
long board with two mods of
wheels attached ,at one end. The
wheels will be designed to wob
ble when•the cart is pushed, mak
ing it difficult to push straight
Other TIM committee chairman
working on the project are: 're
ceipts and appropriations, James
Rhodes; publicity, William Nor
man, and trophy, Leonard Phil
lips. Judges for the eyent• %.:3101Lbe
drawn from members '
orthe — liffin':
versity administration and fac
Vice President Chosen
William Norman was chosen
vice president of TIM at a special
elections meeting last night at
216 Hetzel Union Building. ,Ger
ald Whitney was appointed to fill
a vacancy as representative-at
large to the Association of Inde
pendent Men board of governors.
TlM's next regular meeting will
be held. at •7 • p.m: Dec. 2 at 216
HUB. .
Mixer Date Set
By BA Council
The • Business Administration
Student• • Council Monday night
approved. Dec.. 6. as .the date for
the intercouncil mixer with the
Home Economics Student Council.
On a suggestion made by Jack
Seastone, president of the Home
Economics Council, the council
decided that a representative of
the academic .honesty system will
address the mixer.
The council voted to purchase
a Nittany Lion statue for Dr.
Philip Young,. chairman of the
U.S. Civil Service Commission,
who spoke at the first Career Day
in 1953. Speakers for the past two
years, Ralph Bunche, director of
the United Nations department of
trusteeship and information, and
James Mitchell, U.S. secretary of
labor, were presented statues.
Robert Krakoff, junior fr o m
Pittsburgh, was approved as edi
tor of the Biz-Ad Bulletin by the
council. Krakoff. replaces Nancy
Blaha, senior from Crafton.
'News and Views' to Meet
News and Views candidates and
staff will meet at 6:30, tonight in
14 Home Economics.
WE • 9-
Installation of new members.
Samuel Moyer and William
Report of Committees:
Spring Week—Richard Seng
Campus Chest—John Riggs
Old Business:
Allocation of $l3O to Elections
New Business:
Regional meeting of National
Student Association Cabinet
Service Keys to Committee
All-University Cabinet will
meet at 7:30 tonight in 203 Het
:el Union. The meeting is open
to the public. The LaVie Cabi
net photo will be taken at 7
p.m. at Penn State Photo Shop.
from 7 to 9 p.m. A charge of ad
mision would depend on where
this contest could be held.
.-NOckteildAYFinals" for. the He-
Man and Mad-hatters contests
would be held at 7 p.m. A dona
tion for the Olympic Fund would
be taken. '
Thursday—,The annual carnival
would be held from 7 to 11 p.m.
Tickets would be 10 cents.
The variety show and donkey
softball game are new events, and
the annual float parade has been
omitted. Last year the carnival
was held for two nights.
The . alteirnife plan_ to the pro
posed.program shows:
• Sunday—A • •float parade and
coronation , Miss Penn State
would be held at 6:30 p.m.
Mohday—The day has been left
Tuesda y—A student-faculty
softball game • and the Mad-hat
(Continued on • page eight)
Pollock Road Flooded
Stu ents s classes
A ' 41 1. -' f 1 ?
yesterd4 affe a ir Frnatoly
- one and hne-h Oe.h sl of rain
fell oki caknpus. i•;1 1; 1 1 1
‘il l t uyry sho, s's Licii fed
the• rtieldlooding , Ph; !spri
pa Ps /Own , at th corn ; Ofi .
Nittany Zviand Locust lane. '
Today t 1 • cted to be the
coldest • 4 1 .• the season.
6 Theta Chi Students
Seized on Pitt Campus
Six students from Theta Chi fraternity were arrested Tuesday night on the University
of Pittsburgh campus when police thought they intended to cause damage to the campus.
The students apparently made a wrong turn into a one-way street and were picked up
by Pittsburgh police. Questioning revealed the six were froni the University.
Police then called in a night watchman from the campus who told of an earlier group
driving on campus. It was rumored these students were from Theta Delta Chi.
' The six students picked up by
the police were, according to the
Associated Press: Richard Ger
hard, sophomore in arts and let
ters from Barnesville; John Kel
ler, sophomore in chemical engi
neering from Hyndman; George
Walker, sophomore in mechani
cal engineering from Somerset,.
John Lichliter, senior in chemical
engineering from Salisbury; John
West Blames Russia
For Geneva Failure
GENEVA, Nov. 16 (!P)—Russia and the Western Powers
tonight broke up the Big Four conference in confessed failure
to secure the peace of Europe, unify Germany, or expand
East-West relations.
The three Western foreign ministers bitterly accused Rus
sia's V. , M. Molotov of bad faith in all his major proposals
during the three-week conference.
Molotov, in his concluding
speech, claimed that only the So
viet Union had maintained the
"Geneva spirit" which marked
the summit conference here four
months ago,.
In a separate declaration di
rected to Germans on both sides
of the Iron Curtain, the U.S,
French and British ministers said
their governments would "not
cease their efforts to end the in
justice and wrong now being done
by dividing the German people."
Ministers •Agree
All four ministers agreed on
only one thing—no commitment
to meet again.
The final conference communi
que said they would ,"report the
result of their discussions to their
respective heads of government
and recommend that the future
course of the discussions of the
foreign ministers should be set
tled through diplomatic chan
In 21 days, the conference
scored a series of massive fail
Contribute Nothing
Contrary to the directive from
the heads of government at the
summit meeting last July, the
ministers contributed nothing to
"the relaxation of international
tension and the consolidation of
confidence between states." In
stead, their prolonged psychologi
cal warfare here created new dis
They froze harder the division
of Germany between Western and
(Continued on page three)
The water reportedly reached
the motors of cars parked in
the vicinity. Many streets in
the borough were covered with
approximately one foot of wa
ter by 7 a.m.
Pollock road was hit hard in
font of Willard Hall. causing
a long traffic Beim. By 8:30
workmen h a d cleaned street
gutters and the water receded.
3 Records Set
During Campus
Blood Drive
Three records were set last
week during the three-day blood
drive sponsored by the campus
Red Cross unit.
Second day contributions, total
ing 290 pints, were the highest
collected in one day by a blood
mobile in the Johnstown area.
The three-day total of 672 pints
was the largest amount collected
in any one campus visit.
- The Johnstown Red Cross
Blood Center, associate sponsor
of the drive, was able to make its
highest weekly blood collection
since 1952. A minimum weekly
collection of 600 pints is neces
sary to supply the Johnstown
The blood drive this fall was
held three days instead of the
usual two. This extension was
made pqssible by the increased
facilities provided by the Johns
town bloodmobile.
A 900-pint goal had been set
for the three days by the cam
pus Red Cross committee. Com
mittee chairmen said that the
number of broken appointments
was responsible for the failure
of the drive to meet its goal.
More blood was donated this year,
however, than in previous years.
The high temperature yester
day was 55 degrees. The low
was 46.
Today's weather is forecast
to be cloudy, windy, and much
colder with snow flurries, ac
cording to students in the me
teorology department.
The maximum temperature
will be approximately 29 de
A member of Phi Delta Theta
fraternity from the University
of Pittsburgh is being held at
Kappa Delta Rho fraternity, the
Daily Collegian learned last
The captive, known only as
'Bill', was caught Wednesday
night by members of the frater
nity as they were taking their
turn guarding the Nittany Lion.
Al 10 p.m., Wednesday, five
persons ran out of the woods
behind the lion, paint brushes
in hand, and attacked the group
guarding the lion. In the scuf
fle that followed, one student
was captured. The four others
escaped to a waiting car behind
the Nittany Lion Inn.
The student will be released
at ligaver Field, prior to Sat
urday's fotoball game. accord
ing to David Hamrick, spokes
man for KDR.
Beachley, senior in agronomy
from Berlin; and Lawrence Read
er, sophomore in horticulture
from Malvern.
All six students are members
of Theta Chi.
After picking them up for the
traffic violation, police reasoned
the students were the ones who
painted the words, "Penn State
beat Pitt," on the sidewalks in
front of Pitt's Cathedral of Learn
ing. The building was also paint
Wanted to Burn Sign
The students admitted they
had driven to Pitt with the in
tention of burning a large PSU
in the lawn in front of the Cath
edral of Learning. Police reported
they found jugs of gasoline in the
The students were detained in
jeil until yesterday morning on
charges of malicious mischief.
They denied responsibility for the
painting ,of the sidewalks and
Choice of Penalties
A Pittsburgh magistrate heard
the case and offered the students
three choices of action: spend six
months in jail, pay a $lOO fine, or
clean up the _paint.
They chose to clean up the
paint and were put into the cus
tody of the nightwatchman who
(Continued on page two)
Coach's Son Reported
Taken by Pitt Students
In further developments in
the pre Pitt-Penn State foot
ball game ruckus, it was re
vealed in an anonymous phone
call to the Daily Collegian last
night that Charles "Chip" En
gle, son of football cocah "Rip"
Engle, had been kidnaped by
students from the University
of Pittsburgh and was on his
way there.
An unknown speaker called
the Collegian at 11 last night
and said that Engle had been
found and was being taken to
Pitt. Efforts by Collegian staff
ers to locate Engle were unsuc
cessful and his whereabouts
were still unknown at 1 a.m.
His frtaernity brothers at Phi
Delta Theta had not seen him
since 6:30 last evening and his
parents had no information
concerning the matter. At Col
legian deadline, no other infor
mation was obtained concern
ing the alleged kidnaping.