The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 16, 1955, Image 2

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Mortar Board to Restrict
Mardi Gras Participants
Mortar Board, senior women's hat society, Monday night
passed a motion to increase restrictions for next year's Mardi
Gras program.
The plans laid down by Mortar Board must be followed
by next year's members.
Sarah McKnight, president
LA Lantern
To Be on Sale
By Christmas
The first issue of the Liberal
Arts Lantern, a literary maga
zine, will come out sometime be
tween Thanksgiving and Christ
mas, Jackie Hudgins, editor, told
the Liberal Arts Student Council
Monday night.
The content of the magazine has
been changed from general fea
ture to literary writings.
The only factual story will be
a report on the work of Dr.
Bruce A. Sutherland, professor of
English literature.
Some contributions have been
made by graduate students. Mem
bers of the faculty will judge the
works submitted by students.
The cover will be an abstract
design relating to the change to
a literary publication.
Louis Adler, president, said
council members will help sell
the Lantern. It will contain 24
pages and will cost 10 cents.
Richard Schriger, fifth semester
labor management major from
Rockville Center, N.Y., was ap
pointed as a representative to the
All-University Recreation Com
Council also appointed a com
mittee to revise the constitution.
Advisory Board
Appointees Named
Twenty-four seniors have been
named to the senior advisory
board, Robert McMillan, class
president, has announced.
They are David Adams, Mar
garet Fisher. Anthony DeJulius,
John Rathgeber, David Eber, Sid
ney Blecker, Albert Jordan, Ro
berta Sankey, Jack Williams, An
na Hartline, Bessie Zazanis, De
lite Hoopes, Walter Cron, Janet
Margaret MacDonald, Nancy
Rees, Theodore Schultz, William
Tyson, Joseph Steuer, Jack Sz4t
ran, Donald Pisarcik, William
Norman, and Mary Buchanan.
Prof Collects 134,000 Pennies
Add 27 years to a continual
search for the best bargains in
buying batches of coins and
you too may claim a collection
of 134,000 Indian head pennies.
At least this is the number of
such coins Albert F. Hildebfandt,
retired professor of botany, says
he has obtained since he began
collecting American coins in 1928.
Probably no other hobby ex
cepting stamp collecting can yield
so much for the little money put
into it. Recently, Hildebrandt
said, he sold an Indian head pen
ny, minted in 1877, for s2o—a pro
fit of 200,000 per cent. And, "That
is not hay," he claimed.
In addition to his Indian heads,
Hildebrandt possesses untold
numbers of other old American
coins comprising a collection of
unfathomable cost.
He said he probably owns more
Indian head •pennies than any
See and Hear
New Verified High-Fidelity
310 W. Beaver AD 7-2545
of Mortar Board, said members
had received criticism for some
of the entrants in the Mardi Gras.
Mortar Board was particularly
criticized for allowing the opera
tion of a kissing booth sponsored
by Phi Mu sorority, she said.
McKnight Explains
Miss McKnight explained that
Mortar Board has never placed
rigid restrictions on the entrants
for Mardi Gras because they have
never had any shows entered that
failed to approach their stan
dards. Members of the group felt
that since they had run into diffi
culty, they should take steps to
prevent a reception. One of the
members suggeSted that Mardi
Gras might become another
Spring Week.
Until now Mortar Board has
only restricted entrants in the
materials they could use in their
entries and in the use of cigar
ettes. Entrants filed plans which
were passed by members of Mor
tar Board, but it has not been
necessary to censor any of the
Kissing Booth Plans
Plans for the kissing booth this
year did not explain the proce
dure in detail. Members of Mor
tar Board claimed they had no
idea that the show would include
actual kissing.
The motion passed by Mortar
Board requires groups to file com
plete plans for the Mardi Gras
program. If Mortar Board censors
the plan, the entrant may file
another plan for approval. The
plan must meet the moral re
strictions of Mortar Board.
An entrant not following the
plan may be disqualified and
closed down.
Suggestions for next -year's
Mardi Gras will be discussed fur
ther at the next meeting.
Chem-Phys Council
The Chem-Phys Student Coun
cil will hold a combined student
faculty banquet tonight at the
Eutaw 'House. Those attending
will meet at 6:15 tonight behind
Osmond Laboratory.
The purpose of the banquet is
to discuss future activities of the
College of. Chemistry and Physics.
Proposed activities include the
annual spring open house and
science fair.
man in the country with "the pos
sible exception of the U.S. Treas
An Indian head may bring only
a few fractions of a cent, he said,
or it may bring as much as $7O.
One coin, the 1856 pressing of the
I spreading-eagle penny pan be
sold for $2OO, he revealed. It is
exceptionally rare—so rare he
only knows of a single man own
ing one. He hasn't been able to
obtain the penny in his 27 years
of collecting.
Hildebrandt worked 44 years as
a faculty member at the Univer
sity, much of the time as the
University greenhouse curator and
instructor in botany. For several
years he taught engineering and
mathematics in the College of En
gineering and 'Architecture.
During this time he travelled
throughout the eastern United
States searching for coins. Since
his retirement 4% years ago, it
has become a serious hobby, he
To Conduct
Open House
The Ordnance Research Labora
tory will hold an open house pro
gram today to mark the 10th an
niversary of the Laboratory and
the opening of a building exten
The laboratory was established
in 1945 to continue the work of
the Ordnance Division of the Har
vard Underwater Sound Labora
tory. Its work is concerned pri
marily with research and develop.
ment of torpedoes.
One of the points of interest
at the open house will be a new
analog computer that is capable
of analyzing in seconds problems
that take months to solve by hand
computations. It will be used in
designing torpedo systems.
The computer is capable of
finding "bugs" in systems before
the torpedoes are actually. built.
Since a torpedo often requires
years to design, manufacture, and
test and each torpedo costs from '
$5OOO to $50,000, the computer will
result in tremendous savings in
both time and money.
Containing about 550 tubes, al
most 30 times as many as the
average television set., the corn- 1
puter will be especially valuable
in determining the effect of vary
ing the design features of a tor
pedo over a wide range of pos
sible values. Normally it takes
at least a month to compute the
effect of changing but one set of
such conditions in an average
system. For the several sets re
quired, several months are need
ed. The computer will perform
such analysis almost immediately.
Exam Schedule
Revision Made
Eight corrections in the final
exam schedule, published in the
Daily Collegian, were announced
yesterday by the University
scheduling office.
They are:
ABCh 1 Jan 24 1:10 p.m. See list
AE 4 Jan 26 1:10 p.m. 107 Main
Com 477 Jan 26 1:10 p.m. 12
E. Lit 55 Jan 26 8 111 PI
Phys 458 Jan 25 8 105 Osmond
Typ 1 sec 4 Jan 26 1:10 9 Sparks
Food Ntr 150 sec 6 Jan 20 1:10 105
P Ed 125 Jan 20 1:10 110 EE
Women's Chorus to Rehearse
The women's 'thorns will re
hearse at 7 p.m. tonight at 100
Carnegie Hall.
Much of the remainder of his
collection is devoted to the 1943
silver-colored minting of Lincoln
pennies and Jefferson nickels
bearing letters above the dome
of the picture of the JefferSon
Memorial. The letters, P, D, and
S, denote cities, other than Wash
ington, the coins were printed in
—Philadelphia, Denver, and San
Francisco, where minting has
been discontinued.
The 1943 pennies, which were
made of zinc because of the scar
city of copper during World War
11, are already selling for two or
three cents apiece, Hildebrandt
said. He advised they would be
worth saving for a future when
they disappear from the coin col
lection scene.
In pointing out that the buying
and selling of coins involves a
sure knowledge of the business,
he said that coin dealers have
offered him six and seven cents
apiece for coins they would later
sell for 20 to 85 cents apiece.
STOP for One-Slop
Dry Cleaning and Laundry
Shirts finished
• and cellophane packed
210 W. College Ave.
15 Lights Installed
On College Avenue
A walk across campus yesterday would have found Uni
versity workmen busy installing street lights along College
avenue, putting the finishing touches on the tennis courts
beside Recreation Hall, and painting the interior of Sparks
About 15 street lamps have been put up along the north,
or University side of College ave
nue. A total of 38 are to be erect
ed, extending to the east end of
the campus.
Twenty-two lamps down to
Shortlidge road will be made of
steel. Sixteen others from Short-'
lidge road to the east end of the
campus Oill be made of wood,
but will have the same illuminat
ing devices.
University Finances Lights
Under a recent agreement, the
University is financing and erect
ing the street lights -on its side
of the avenue and , the borough
will do the same on the south
side. The borough will start work
on its part of the agreement in
the near future.
Work on the project, which be
gan about a month ago, is ex
pected to be completed about the
middle of December.
• The four tennis courts between
Sigma Nu and Rec Hall have
beeh resurfaced with macadem
and were ready for play in the
last week of October. Workmen,
however, are still painting and
repairing the wire fence surround
ing the courts.
Copper Nets Installed
All-weather copper nets, which
will be left up throughout the
year, have been installed. This
work also included sinking new
posts for all four courts.
In former years, the courts
were seldom used because of their
earth surface which required dry
weather for good playing con
The men working in Sparks
Building are completing painting
started in 1954. They started two
weeks ago to paint the interior
of the classrooms not covered last
year and the two lecture halls.
WSGA Appoints
May. Day Program
Committee Heads
Daisy. Zimmerman, acting Wo-'
men's Student Government Asso
ciation vice president, ha s an
nounced the heads of committees
for May Day.
Miss Zimmerman said the chair
men of, the committees will ap
point students to be on the com
Women who will head the May
Day committees are: publicity:
Carole Deniston, chairman, Mary
Shower, co-chairman; ceremony:
Debra Diehm, chairman, Louise
Needham, co-chairman; proper- .
ties: Norma Mayes, chairman,
Edith • Gross, co-chairman; elec
tions: Sue Smith, chairman, Mar
ilyn Grant, - co-chairman; cos
tumes: Ann Forster, chairman; in
vitations, Sheila • Nearing, chair
man; tea, Martha .Michetier,
chairman; program, Patricia Con
nor, chairman; decorations, Anne
Caton, -chairman; music and en
tertaiement; Carol Knight, chair
man, Shirley Gills, alternate, and
Rosetta Kearney, co-chairman.
Schuhplattlers to Meet
The 'New Bavarian Schuhplatt
lers will meet at 7 tonight in 111
Juniors Plan
Yule Party
For Children
The junior class advisory corn..
mittee sub-committee on junior
class functions set up plans last
night for a Christmas party for
faculty children to be held Dec.
The committee plans to hold
the party in the • Hettel Union
ballroom. A program including
gifts, refreshments, and an enter
tainment will be planned for the
Talk With Faculty
Members of the committee will
discuss several aspects of the
party with faculty members in
the College of Education. They
will accept advice on age limits,
the type of gifts to be given, the
number of students needed for a
specific number of children, and
the type of entertainment that
would be most suitable for the
age group selected.
The committee will get a list
of faculty children and send in
vitations according to the list.
The tentative age group- will be
from four to • eight years old.
Juniors to Be Hosts
Members of the junior class will
act as hosts and hostesses for the
children. Any interested juniors
should sign up at Hetzel Union
Parents of the children may
stay at the party or leave the
children there..
Members of the committee felt
that the party would improve
student-f acuity relationships.
Since a great many of the frater
nities and sororities hold Christ
mas parties for children in the
area, the committee felt that fac
ulty children should also. be given
an opportunity to attend a party.
Experimental Theater
To Run Morgan Play
The Director's - Theater, under
the auspices of the Experimental
Theater, will present "The River
Line" or "On Transcending the
Age of Violence" at 5, p.m. to
morrow in. the Little - Theater in
the basement of Old Main.
Nancy May, graduate in ;dra
matics. from' Elizabeth, will direct
the Charles Morgan drama on
modern civilization.
• \
"—Ctr (nee,
I`Y• 4 .;;
' 1 ??'
Dock let that "drowsy feel.
ing" cramp your style in class
. or when you're "hitting
the books". Take a NoDoi
Awakener! In a few minutes,
you'll be your normal best ...
;wide awake . . . alert! Yout
doctor will tell you—NoDol
Zakenert are safe as coffee.
p a pack. handy!
- - -
35 .= NejD ejk
leholyUs AWAKENERS •