The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 15, 1955, Image 1
JACK FARLS, sop/ - , 1:101", aerial from Quarterback Milt Plum. This play. good for 19 yards. pushed past defanditr Bob Lusardi. to Rutgers' nine-yard line. Plum scored two plays later. Moore Scores In Lions 3413 By ROY WILLIAMS Collegian Sports Editor The comet-like 'form of Lenny Moore streaked across the turf Saturday, and for the second straight year , his lightning offensive devastation caused general havoc for the Rutger's Queensmen. Moore made a complete nuisance of himself as he scored three touchdowns, ripped off 179 yards in nine carries for his best day in his three-year col s iege Plans to Change defensive 1 40 . and rk as usual. . And in defeating the expected did h is share of Spring Week weak Rutgers squad 34-13, to stack up its fifth win in eight tries, Penn State played a "team" game OK'd by IFC with quarterback Milt Plum, and linemen ' Otto Kneidinger, Sam Valentine, and end • Jack Faris sharing the spotlight. But even in winning, the Lions were none too impressive, except for Moore. In whipping the small er and weaker Rutger's , eleven, Penn State allowed two scores, but did have the assurance of wrapping up , their 17th consecu tive winning campaign. Plum Gains on 'Sneak' Interfraternity Co u n cil last night, voted approval of the IFC Spring Week committee's sug gestions to revamp the existing Spring Week schedule. Robert Bullock, IFC president, will present the suggestions to All-University Cabinet meeting Thursday night. The Spring Week committee suggested that participating fra ternities be allowed to choose the theme they use for the Carnival, or at least have more say in the matter than they have had in the past. In addition, the committee said that a Spring Weekend should be established instead of the existing Spring Week. The weekend would then be moved away from• the. Senior Ball, instead of being com bined with the dance. One Night Carnival Asked Considering Spring Week's ef fect on fraternity scholarship, the committee recommended that the Spring Week Carnival be held one night, and that the Mad Hat ter's parade and Ugly Man con test be removed from the program completely. At present, the carni val runs Thursday and Friday night of Spring Week. In other action, IFC voted to have member houses guard the Nittany Lion shrine from any vandalism by University of Pitts burgh students. Phone Call Spurs Decision The suggestion was made to IFC after the dean of men's of fice at the University received a phone call from the dean of men's office at the University of Pittsburgh yesterday, stating that (Continued on page twelve) 3 Win Milt Plum, playing only part of the game, as Coach Rip Engle used two strings and finally sent in the third platoon late in the game, stayed on the ground, and used the would-be short-gainer— the quarterback sneak—for con sistant gains for from five to 10 yards. Rutgers managed a second per iod tally to chalk up the 94th straight game in which it has scored—the second longest record of its kind in the nation. For Penn State it was the 25th game in which it has scored. (Continued on page ten) Molotov Blocks Exchange of Ideas GENEVA, Nov. 14 (in—Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov refused tonight to remove the Iron Curtain barring free ex change of ideas with the West. The Russian accused the three Western foreign ministers of sub mitting proposals that would open his country to "freedom for war propaganda . . . freedom for un restricted subversive propagan da." He ignored a warning by Sec retary of State Dulles against dumping Soviet "discarded arms" in the Middle East under the guise of peaceful trade. ' The 13th session of the Big Four conference failed to make any progress on the third and last item of its agenda—development of East-West contacts. The minis ters will end talks on this item tomorrow morning, then return to deadlocked Item I—European se- TO Elting VOL. 56, No. 43 STATE COLLEGE, PA., TUESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 15. 1955 FIVE CENTS Division of Counseling Awaits Budget Approval A Division of Counseling with a four-point program to assist students in adjusting to their studies has been agreed upon by "all parties concerned" and is ready is to be put into practice pending sufficient funds. Adrian 0. Morse, University provost, said yesterday the counseling division is ready to be set up but probably it will not be until the University budget is passed by the Gen eral Assembly. The budget providing $24.5 million for the University is stalled in the Senate. The Aseembly reconvened yesterday but did not consider the bill. Suspension Ruled for Car Violator Tie first suspension resulting from a violation of the rule ban ning freshman cars has been handed down by the Senate Com mittee on Student Affairs sub committee on discipline. The freshman was suspended for the spring semester. He will be permitted to finish out the present semester and will also be permitted to apply for readmis sion next year. According to Dean of Men Frank J. Sirnes, the student had received a warning earlier in the semester when the dean's office was not sure whether or not all freshmen were clear on the car -ban ruling. Simes said the student ignored the warning and the case showed no doubt of his guilt, • Only One Penalized The_studenkiiiiilyone in has been penalized this semester for having a car'on campus. Ap proximately a half dozen others have been reported to the dean of men's office for violations of the car rule, but all were cleared. The car ban was put into effect this semester in an attempt to al leviate the crowded parking situ ation on campus. • Since then the Association of Independent Men has set up a freshman car interviewing com mittee to hear pleas from fresh. men who think they have legiti mate reasons for having cars on campus. . • Six Granted Permits Thus far the dean of men's of fice has granted parking permits to six freshmen on the recom mendation of this committee. The committee, which is to be a year-round group, is still accept ing letters from students who wish to have a hearing. Upon hearing the student's plea, the committee may recommend that the student receive a permit from the dean's office. The applications are being re ceived at the Hetzel Union desk. Simes has pointed out that the reasons for • granting permits to these students all center around emergencies at home. curity and German reunification. They will try to agree on some sort of joint communique at the final session of the three-week conference Wednesday. It is not certain the Big Four will even be able to agree on an other conference before they leave Geneva. Until Molotov refused last week to consider unifying Germany by free elections and ruled out the Eisenhower aerial inspection plan as a first step to ward disarmament, a 1956 confer ence seemed a certainty. In a private huddle with Brit ish Foreign Secretary Harold Mac millan and French Foreign Minis ter Antoine Pinay this morning, however, Dulles expressed oppo sition to setting a time and place. He was reported to have argued that the question of another con ference should be left open until after each minister had reported to his chief of government on the Geneva failure. Macmillan and FOR A BETTER PENN STATE University Senate heard a re port on counseling last Feb. 10. This program was a combination of two earlier reports approved by the Council of Administration in January, 1953. Four Phases Named The proposed counseling pro gram would cover four phases of counseling and testing. They are: 1. A program which is under taken before a student registers, to see if he is proper University material. 2. A program during his fresh man year while the student chooses a curriculum. 3. A program similar to the pre sent division of intermediate reg istration for those lagging behind or failing. 4. A vocational counseling pro gram to assist the student in choosing a field of specialization and finally a job. Applicants to be Tested Under the program a student would be given tests before he is admitted to the University. The results would be used by coun selors to help the student deter mine whether he has sufficient background to choose a curricu lum. If results warrant,dt, he would be admitted immediately to the curriculum of his choice. If the student is not ready to be assigned to a specific curriculum, he would be admitted to the Uni versity under a general curricu lum. Under the general curriculum, the course of study would be pre scribed for him which would re veal his aptitudes. At the end of his freshman year, he could move into a specific curriculum. To Decide Curriculum The second phase of the pro gram (devoted to freshmen) would attempt to help those students who have not decided on a cur riculum before entering the Uni versity. The third phase would be simi lar to the present DIR. The fourth phase would be aimed at helping students choose elective courses which would be helpful to him in his vocation. It would also help to place him in a job. . Would Combine Services The report setting up the pro gram recommended the following services of the University be com bined under the Division of Coun seling: The student advisory service, (Continued on page twelve) Pinay were said to have urged firming up arrangements for an other Big Four talk next year, on the theory it would contribute to further thawing of the cold war. The second item of the agenda —disarmament--will be referred back to a United Nations sub committee for continued discus sion. Despite assurances fr o m both sides that their aims are identical—to make a peaceful world—they have not bridged any of their •big differences on prac tical methods of disarmament. Western officials confirmed they probably will consent to a Molo tov• proposal to incorporate in the final communique a sentence renouncing the use of force. He had first demanded only renunci ation of atomic weapons, but al tered this when Dulles comment ed it seemed he was opposing just atomic war and not other kinds. Tattegiatt Probation Asked for Two Frosh Tribunal has recommended 'that two freshmen in engineering be placed on disciplinary probation for the remainder of the aca demic year for removing a flash light from a borough police car the evening of Nov. 3. Edward 0. Pollock, assistant to the dean of men in charge of fraternity affairs, was an eye wit ness to the incident, which oc curred around 10 p.m. while the police car was parked near the main campus gate. Pollock said he saw the stu dents remove an object from the car, and followed them to their West • area dormitory, but could I not find out their names or room numbers. Identified Next Morning ' The students were identified the next morning by their resident counselor on the basis of Pol. lock's description. At their hearing before tri bunal the students at first denied knowledge of the incident, but later admitted their participation when confronted with Pollock's eye-witness report. The students could give no rea son for the incident, other than attributing it to the Halloween spirit. They said they did it as a prank. A report by the students' dormi tory counselor stated that they had been consistently involved in misbehavior prior to the incident. To Be Reviewed The case will be reviewed by the subcommittee on discipline of the Senate Committee on Student Affairs at 2 p.m. today. Disciplinary probation restricts a student from participating in all extra-curricular activities. A notation of the incident is re tained on his record until his eighth semester, at which time he may petition for its removal.. Phi Ep Robbed; Search Started State College police are inves tigating the robbery of foodstuffs from Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity which took place sometime be tween the hours of 1:30 and 7 a.m. Saturday. According to borough police, the thief entered the house through aground-level basement window. Police have obtained footprints and fingerprints from the win dow. The exact amount of foodstuffs stolen from the fraternity is un known. But police said that ap parently the thief could not carry away the entire amount because two egg cartons and three other boxes were left outside the house. State-Rutgers Movies Movies of last Saturday's Penn State-Rutgers football game will be shown at 7:30 tonight in Schwab Auditorium. Tor Toretti, assistant football coach, will nar rate. The movies are sponsored by Androcles, junior men's hat so ciety, and the College of Physical Education and Athletics.