The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 19, 1955, Image 5

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    THURSDAY. MAY 19. 1955
Student Enforcement
Approved by Senate
; tVbmen’s Student Government Association Senate voted last
ifigllt tb establish a system of stiident enforcement for WSGA rules,
ll&gfittlihg next fall.
| Each woman’s dormitory will be divided into hall units, each
tifnit selecting Several women to take charge of the enforcement pro
gram. These women will report
infractions of rules to Judicial
I The student “monitors” will en
ftoce all rules except those re
garding' ’ sighing in and out Of
the dormitory, which will remain
in thffTOfids of the hostesses and
their Checkers. . ,
. . Repiate Questionnaire
The' system was approved to
reprebe-. a questionnaire proposed
by ; £&Mate several weeks ego. The
asked for student
opinion’ 1 on the possibility of a
student enforcement plan and
suggested , revisions in the drink
ing v rul£ forbidding drinking by
womep students.
decided that, instead of
polling opinions, actual practice
of the StUdent enforcement plan
Wotild-be more effective.
Senate also approved All-Uni
versity Cabinet’s; proposed reso
lution to set up a Penn
Series to replace Community For
um. .Senate felt' the jhroposed
series would draw much greater
student interest and support.
Pendleton Presents Plan
Judith Pendleton, member of
the Cabinet committee that drew
Up' the resolution, presented the
plan to Senate.
Sondra Peters, WSGA treas
urer, was elected Senate chair
man 6f the annual Marriage Con
ference for next year. “ •
Jane Patton, town, senator, re
ported that the proposed “big
sister”-plan for next year’s town
freshman women has been, set
up and upperclass women who
volunteered to act as • counselors
will be notified of their town sif
ter’s name during the summed.
Juniors Offered
Students in the fields of busi*
ness administration, aeronautical
engineering, electrical engineer
ing, industrial engineering, me
chanical engineering, engineering
science, or physics who will be
fifth semester juniors ilext; fall
may apply for $250 Scholarships.
Two of these scholarships, 'the
Martin Aircraft scholarships, are.
awarded by the president ahd
vice president of the Martin Air
craft Company to students ; who
are taking work in fields uf inter
est to the company and are the
type of 1 individuals the Company
would wish to employ. t .
Application forms may be ob
tained from the offices’ of the
deans of the colleges, and should
be Submitted before the close of
the semester. ■
Caryl Chessman's Own Story l
"Cell 2245, Death Sow"
Starring: William Campbell
s The Kid" in
"Man,Without a Star"
. ■ , —Feotoretlme—
l:*». 3:dB. 4:44, 6:24, «:0», »:54 .
John Wayne - Lana Turner
0# »« Open
Marlon Brando - Eva Marla Saint
"On the Waterfront”
Friday and Saturday
< The Boh Ptoiv”
Officers of Sigma Alpha Mu are
Arthur Goldstone, prior; Byron
Spiller exchequer; Harold Fried
man, recorder; Carl Saperstein,
alumni recorder; Hyman Tabach
nick, pledge master; Sainuel
Kahn, parliamentarian; and Mar
tin Schmookler, historian.
Jerrjr Kopelman has been pledg
ed by Zeta Beta Tau.
Beaver House recently elected
Houston Elam, president; David
Miller, vice president; Walter
Schuster, secretary; Ralph Vernot,
treasurer; Caryl Newitt, caterer;
and Walter Filmore,'-house man
ager. ..
Janet Fitzgibbon and Patricia
Collins have been initiated into
Beta Sigma Omicron.
Cwens Initiation Banquet
New members of Cwens, soph
omore women’s hat society werp
initiated Tuesday at a formal
banquet at Phi Gamma Delta. Of
ficers were installed at the meet
ing. ,
thank you ...
coeds have been responsible for our best
year in the fashion business ... We thought of
a cocktail party or a dinner dance r but isn't c
sale much morefuri? (and money-saving, too!)
before you go we are having a
NOW... Save on the following items
Special!... BLAZERS only $15 50
Regularly $19.95 - White and White with Navy
Angel Flight
Selects Fifteen
New Members
Fifteen coeds have been select
ed for Angel Flight, women’s aux
iliary sponsor corps to the Air
Force Reserve Officers Training
Corps, Ann Ledefman, flight com
mander announced last night.
One hundred and forty-seven
candidates were interviewed by
four reviewing boards Monday
night. The boards narrowed the
number down to 45, and the new
memoers were chosen from this
Candidates were judged on the
basis of app arance, poise, inter
est and personality.. An All-Uni
versity average of 1.3 was alsb
also required.
Women selected are Barbara
Corman, Sara Williams, Anne Ni
t”auer, Nancy Seiler, Vera Win
gert, Katherine Dickson, Joan
Barkley, Audrey Berrill, Marilyn
Seltzer, Anne Cain, Ann Mc-
Knight, Barbara Kimble, Miriam
Jones, Camille Gellett and Rose
mary Bass.
Member of the flight will meet
in uniform for the Armed Forces
Day parade at 6:30 tonight at the
corner of College avenue an d
Shortlidge road.
Scrolls to Hold Retreat
Scrolls, senior women’s hat so
ciety, will' hold a retreat for old
and new members at 5 p.m. to
morrow at the home of their ad
viser, Miss Mary Jane Wvland.
The Alpha Mu chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta was installed at
the University on May 24, 1947.
Alpha Gamma Delta was founded nationally in Ito 4 at Syracuse
University, Syracuse, New York. Last summer the sorority cele
brated its golden anniversary at the Chateau Frontenac in Quebec.
There are 60 national chapters of the sorority.
Cerebral Palsy is the national
philanthropy of Alpha Gamma
Delta. The Alpha Mu chapter also
holds an annual Christmas party
for underprivileged children and
Seven members of Alpha
Gamma Etlia are in hat socie
ties. Last fall an Alpha Gam,
Lois Cowden, was Junior Prom
One sister, Barbara Nicholls, i:
now vice president of Panhellenc
This year the chapter partici
pated in Mardi Gras and Soring
Week. With Kappa Delta "Rho.
they won first place ir the Agri
cultural College category during
Spring Week.
Each year the Alpha Gams
honor the senior with the high
est average by placing her
name on a scholarship plaque.
Thev also present ai activities
bracelet annually to the sister
who has added the most activi
ties during the year. The soror
itv average last fall was 1.9.
In February & sister, Joyce Cox,
was awarded the Mary Thompson
Dale Scholarship for character
and ;;:ha’arsh p.
of A! ha Gamma,
D.'i - ■ are Jud.hh li'cvel 1 , presi
dcr.';_ Barbara R'ehnrc’:, vice
prr ‘ Meuraen Flannery,
■; and Jane Tre3sler,
’ - line Kaihfon is the sor
*1 i -ii' colors are red, buff, and
grc'n. and their flower is the
The first summer session for
toe."hers at the University was in
frru ths
Looking Glass
By Gabbi
Tween bluebooks and lab re
ports, we knocked off a few
minutes to cry on someone’s
shoulder—just figured out a
quick way to die young, forget
to file a conflict. We’re ap
oroaching the days when even
a guy with 2 heads is not at
an advantage. Lucky seniors,
escaping the hard life of a stu
dent for one of ease and com
fort in the outside world (put
away that stiletto. guy, just
joshing). But I kid you not
when I shy ETHELS is the
place for your gift shopping.
For those who didn't schedule
Art 55
and would like to make dorm
aiid fraternity rooms a bit
more “dennish” (even if we
can’t afford the bear rug) . . .
why not begin interior deco
rating with a cool conversation
piece like a wastebasket fea
turing Barum and Bailey cir
cus posters straight from the
band wagons or for the more
sophisticated (there are some
in captivity) real pages from
the London Times. These paper
catchers can be had for $3
and up.
Dreamstuff for the delicate
are these plush, quilted earring
and stocking cases in luscious
satin, all tied up in a pert bow.
Great way to classify your
lewelry and nylons—and they
make drawers a perfect pic
ture of neatness! For travel
ing, a compact, eye-catching
jewelry sewing kit, zippers top
and bottom, 101 l size and dain
ty. Bdudoir slippers in feathery
silk shantung or chambray to
t°te in a suitcase and nicest
of all—3-piece lingerie sets for
those personal things, pure
silk, 12.95, moire 7.95.
Many cigarettes, but who's got
a match?
could be a constant cry among
smokers. Using a gas pilot can
become somewhat dangerous
and it sr so easy to have a ready
supply. of matches on hand.
Boxed in brilliant colors (mon
ogrammod if desired) you’ll
have them for friends and self.
Ends asking strangers for a
match —is this good or bad,
gals? See vou at ETHELS . .
111 I. (Ollttl AVI.
it a r