The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 04, 1955, Image 8

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LA Council
Suggests Plan
To Aid Frosh
The Liberal Arts Student Coun
cil Monday night discussed its
program for next fall, and sug
gested starting a Big-Sister-Broth
er program to help liberal arts
Upperclassmen would contact
their little sister or brother over
the summer, and answer their
questions about college life and
the liberal arts.
Over 400 liberal arts freshmen
are expected to be enrolled by
next fall. Lists will be posted in
sororities, fraternities, and fresh
man women's dormitories for
those who would like to sign up
as big sisters and brothers.
The council will also revise its
constitution. It feels that a 1.5
All-University average, which
members are now required to
have, may be too high as no oth
er council's requirements are this
high, Lawrence Adler, president,
In addition to the coffee hours,
the Council will hold a faculty
student mixer next fall. An edi
tor for the LA Lantern will be
(Continued from page two)
Hist 20 May 28 3:40 233 Sparks
Hist 21 June 2 7 p.m. 312 Sparks
Hist 31 May 31 8 234 Sparks
Hist '407 May 31 8 129 Sparks
Hort 3 June 1 8 108 PI
Hort 52 June 1 10:20 10 PI
Hort 151 June 1 8 10 PI
Hort 156 June 2 10:20 10 PI
Hort 428 June 2 8 10 PI
House Eqp. 213 June 1 8 18 H Ec
IE 317 June 1 8 207 Eng A
IE 402 May 31 8 207 Eng A
Ind Adm 326 June 2 1:30 129 Tem
bid Adm 410 May 31 8 129 Tem
Jour 13 June 2 8 16 Sparks
Jour 40 June 1 10:20 19 Sparks
Jour 42 May 31 8 18 Sparks
Jour 66 June • 3 1:30 16 Sparks
Jour 95 May 28 1:30 16 Sparks
Jour 441 June 1 10:20 16 Sparks
Math 2 May 31 1:30 15 Sparks
Math 8 June 3 3:40 15 Sparks
Math 14 June 3 8 18 Sparks
Math 64 June 1 8 18 Sparks
Math 75 June 1 8 19 Sparks
Math 84 June 1 10:20 219 EE
Math 431 June 3 8 13 Sparks
ME 32 May 28 1:30 200 Eng D
ME 41 May 31 8 211 Mech Eng
ME 104 May 31 3:40 211 Mech Eng
ME 108 June 2 8 211 Mech Eng
MEDes 6 June 3 8 200 Eng D
MEDes 403 June 3 8 211 Mech Eng
Met 79 June 1 8 104 MI
Meteo 300 June 2 3:40 306 Ag
Music 5 May 31 3:40 111 CH
Nat Ed 16 June 2 8 209 BB
Pete E 20 June 1 8 105 MI
Phil 1 June 3 8 312 Sparks
Phys 265 June 2 8 113 Osmond
Physics 285 June 2 8 115 Osmond
Physics 461 May 31 3:40 115
Pol Sci 3 May 28 1:30 126 Sparks
Pol Sci 4 June 3 7 p.m. 233 Sparks
Pol Sci 10 June 1 3:40 227 Sparks
Psy 2 June 2 1:30 316 Sparks
Psy 13 June 4 1:30 308 BB
Psy 14 June 4 8 206 BB
Psy 21 June 2 1:30 308 BB
Psy 412 June 3 8 206 BB
Psy 431 June 2 3:40 317 Willard
Rur Soc 11 May 31 7 p.m. 100
Rus 1 June 1 8 129 Sparks
Rus 2 June 3 8 129 Sparks
Rus 4 May 31 8 125 Sparks
Rus 42 June 3 7 p.m. 129 Sparks
Soc 1 June 3 8 10 Sparks
Soc 3 June 1 7 p.m. 13 Sparks
Soc 5 May 31 8 13 Sparks
Soc 12 June 3 8 14 Sparks
Soc 13 June 2 8 14 Sparks
Soc 30 June 1 8 13 Sparks
Soc 403 June 3 3:40 13 Sparks
Soc 408 June 2 8 17 Sparks
Span 3 June 2 10:20 125 Sparks
Span 4 May 31 8 237 Sparks
Speech 200 May 31 8 10 Sparks
Speech 203 June 3 10:20 17 Sparks
Speech 205 June 1 3:40 17 Sparks
Zool 3 June 2 10:20 316 FL
Zool 25 June 3 8 316 FL
Zool 408 May 28 1:30 316 FL
City Panhel Elections
The State College chapter of
City Panhellenic last week elect
ed Mrs. W. T. Braun president and
Mrs. Harry M. Miller secretary
City Panhellenic is an organiza
tion of alumna of sororities
throughout the United States. The
group awards a scholarship each
fall to a woman student at the
Uni ver:i ty.
Joe Bedenk, veteran coach, has
been in college baseball for 30
years, the last 25 at Pena State.
Ugly Men --
(Continued from page one)
usual uglies was Howard Guen
ther, sponsored by Zeta Tau Al
pha and Sigma Chi. Guenther,
lying prone, was pulled along on
a cart. Half of his body was
covered with tinfoil; the other
half had a greenish tinge.
Alec Beliasov, sponsored by Phi
Kappa Psi, rode in style atop a
car with a bottle in one hand and
a giant cigar in the other, waving
madly to everyone. Phi Sigma
Delta and Alpha Tau Omega sent
a marching troop in front of their
ugly one, Richard Gordon.
Covered with fur he perched
cross-legged on the roof of a car,
as his Indian guide peered out
from the trunk.
Last but not least was Theta
Chi's "Sabu, the Elephant Hoy."
Better known as Angelo Collura,
Sabu ran through the crowd pass
ing out ugly pills.
These are but a few of Penn
State's ugliest men. The Ugly Man
contest, sponsored by Alpha Phi
Omega, national service frater
nity, will be held today through
Friday. Balloting, by a penny-a
vote system, begins at 8 a.m. this
morning at a voting booth at the
corner of the Mall and Pollock
Four judges will select the win
ner from a list of the seven con
testants who have collected the
most pennies. All proceeds from
the contest go to the campus
Pay your penny and take your
pick—the ugliest of the uglies.
WHAT'S THIS? For solution see bottom paragraph.
Martha L. Mednick
Northwestern University
Eugene B. Doggett
Yale University
UNXIES TASTE BETTER...mow, FRIZIOt s g1i4004011
•A.T. G• morel or tkaint"4"l6 f°44g"Zreint Ablitiltiell ;aroma isormarrroos or orwionoono
E3O3Mn t:xsEe. luck..
Centennial Lecture
Dr. Laurence H. Snyder, gene
ticist and dean of the graduate
school at the University of Okla
homa, will speak on "Heredity
and Modern Life" for the third
lecture of the Graduate School
Centennial Series at 8 tonight in
121 Sparks.
AFTER-SIX TUKEDO and white dinner EXPERIENCED SECRETARY ' desires typ- JIM, you have my four iron, Al. Dial
Jacket size 89 long. Call AD_ _ 7-4848. ing and/or shorthand evenings. Fast ADP 8-6858.
service. Reasonable rates 'Dial AD 8-6948.
"41" PLYMOUTH , four-door, RAH, good •
tires-485. Call Chuck ext. 287."
NEW BLUE SUIT and blue sport coat, LOSTis insured. Call AD 7-2878.
seven nights a week. Prompt delivery
size 42. Very low price. Contact Dan M. CAR KEYS in brown leather case Sunday -
at ext. 1188. SQUARE DANCE on HUB Terrace 942
in HUB. Please return to Ron Walker,
this Saturday with Ross Lytel, caller.
LIGHT BLUE net gown for sale. Size Collegian office.
10-12, worn once. cheap. Call Barbara COMP 6 b ook,
6 Atherton. ' THINK BEFORE YOU D or m 1 Council.
WRITE" somewhere between Old Main
1949 CHEVROLET coup, low mileage, ex- and Nittany. Return to Dave Hogberg ext. TERM PAPERS and theses typed neatly,
cellent condition, $490. Also 1949 4-door 282. accura _
_tely, quickly _ Call AD 8-8840.
Champion Studebaker, RASH, overdrive, BLUE AIR FORCE raincoat—taken from DON'T MISS—"The Philadelphia Story"
good condition, $350. Call Nick. ext. 2084 HUB Monday night. Serial number this weekend—Thursday, Friday, and
before 5. R6976 on inside. Call AD 74972. Saturday. Schwab Auditorium. Tickets at
pennies for furshluggin Fleur. - --- -
Vote for Flem while ye"kin. PLEASANT TWIN bedroom near campus able for bookings Spring Week and after.
MEN TO compliment the male population for men students who go home week-
ward. Call AD 84674.
at the big round and square dance at ends. Reasonable. Call AD 84679. GRADUATING IN June? Adv. major from
ant Live in Scranton or vicin.
the Clearfield Roller Rink every Saturday DOUBLE ROOM for rent, available im
ity? Want to be a trainee in an adv.
evening, 9-12. Located 40 miles West on mediately, 826 E. College Ave.
Route 822 (10,0001 square feet of dancing ~--.----.- agency? This Job starts you from the bot-
L,AnuE DOUB LE room in new annex. torn. You won't brag about the salary
surface. semi-private bath , private entrance. but it's a good solid beginning. Send snap.
EXPERT TYPING of thesis and upper- Available for all summer sessions. Phone shot and information about yourself. P.O.
class term papers. Accuracy guaranteed. AD 7-2181. Box 981, Scranton, Pa.
Phone AD 7-pap AD
MALE STUDENTS to room during main TENNIS "FANS" It's Hassinger for racket
RIDE WANTED stringing the No-Awl way. Latest fac
and post session at Sigma Nu fraternity.
Meals on five day week basis during main RIDE TO Syracuse, N.Y. and return. Fri- work. Longer life to string and racket.
session. Call AD 84024 for reservations. day, May 6 noon. Phone 828 Simmons, R. T. Hassinger, White Hall or 514 Beaver
Reasonable rates. Call AD 7-4888.
muslc. Just dial AD 7-2492 or bring machine is
HELP WANTED typing. Sherry.
____ NOW, THE CLUB TRIO is available for 1 6 3 , 3 1 1,,,,, W . Caw " Aval Will pick up alla
1 COEDIAS unit leaden and counselors at Saturday bookings. Music of all types
Camp Barre.; 17 miles from State Col- and tempos. For open dates call Scott at
lege. June 21 - Aug. 8. Phone AD 7-4067. AD 7-4928. 13,000 Readers See Two. Ads
. • •• • - •• . .. - • . •
. • ..••••
•• • a : •
• •
• ••••• •• • 4
• • • $
• .• •• • .
•• • .
Robert Grimes
West Virginia University
Travis Williams
Hendrix College
He-Man Finalist;
(Continued from page one)
with the Olympic Fund check at
the contest.
The Olympic Fund is made up
of voluntary contributions made
by the sponsors of the He-Man
; Lucky Droodles'
• ing inl Where
• We pay $25 fo.
• and for many we don't use. .
• So, send every original
• Dr oodle in your noodle, •
; with its descriptive title, to: ;
• Lucky Droodle, P. O. Box •
• 67, New York Ale, N.Y. •
• •
• •DROODLES, CopYright 1953 •
• by Rotor Frio, •
YOU GET MORE deep-down smoking enjoyment from Luckies
than any other brand. The reason, plain and simple, is that
Luckies taste better. They taste better, first of all, because
Lucky Strike means fine tobacco. Then that tobacco is
toasted to taste better. "It's Toasted"—the famous Lucky
Strike process—tones up Luckies' light, good-tasting tobacco
to make it taste even better . . . cleaner, fresher, smoother.
You'll enjoy the Droodle above, too; it's titled: Three on a
match—Luckies, of course. Whenever smokers put their
heads together, they agree you can't match a Lucky for flavor.
Come light-up time, enjoy a better-tasting Lucky yourself!
L A A . al i A . l=,.U a ln i.h ,
Daffy Demonstration
A dairy demonstration on how
to show cows, in connection with
the Dairy exposition on Saturday,
will be held at 7 p.m. tomorrow
in the new dairy barns.
• The United States has about
400,000 divorces a year.
l'lrk TOASTED° g
lo -taste, betier !