PAGE EIGHT 'Farmer' Picks Morrow Editor David Morrow, sixth semea+-1. dairy srience major, will be edi tor of th Penn State Farmer, Forester. and Scientist next year. He will replace Harry 146-thol, eighth senies4er Judith Corfiela, sixth semester bacteriology ma.or, and Mary Lne Wilcox. **mirth serne.lcr education majoi, have been promoOd to as sociate editors. Louis Galliker, fourth ai mest- r dairy science ma jor, will be 1.1:;;•—ss manager. Thomas Bc,,d, sc'icstar horticulture maior, has been named as istni.t bu.,thess man ager. Douplas Moorhead, sixth semester hort'culture major, will be national advcrt;ting manager. Local advertising manager will be Eleanor sober. sixth semester bacteriology major. Position: to be filled are feature editor, woman's editor, editorial layout editor, and state adver tising manager. Fielding Named Editor of Froth Byron Fielding. sixth semester political science maior, has been named new editor of Froth. Other new staff members are: Sanford Lichtenstein, sixth se mester education major, business manager; John .Joyce, sixth se mester labor management major, and John McGarvey, sixth semes ter business administration ma jor, asociate editors; David Hu bert, sixth semester journalism major, and Nancy Kishlar, sixth semester arts and letters major, advertising directors. Norma Weiner, sixth semester journalism major, layout direc tor; William Shelly, sixth semes ter engineering science major, and Ronald Casarella, second se mester journalism major, art di rectors; Philip Wein, sixth semes ter arts and letters major, promo tion director; and Ronald Walker, sixth semester business adminis tration major, photography direc tor. WHEN YOUR typewriter needs repairs lust dial AD 7-2492 or bring machine to 688 W College Ave. Will pick op and This Friday ...April 19 ... It's the ... Everyone Welcome 'MISS STATE' ENTRANTS "Miss Penn State" contest en trants will meet at 7:30 tonight in 209 Hetzel Union to discuss the interviews to choose the five fin alists. If an entrant is unable to at tend, mcrnber of the organiza tion sponsoring her must attend in her place, according to Carol Avery, coronation chairman. CORONATION COMMITTEE Spring Week coronation corn niittee will meet at 6:30 tonight in Grange Dormitory lounge. CARNIVAL i:W^RY FEES Chairman of carnival booths must deposit $2O for their carni val entries at the Hetzel Union desk by Saturday, Richard Fav ro, Spring Week Committee busi ness manager, has announced. CARNIVAL CORRECTION Seventeen groups have been approved by the Spring Week re view;ng committee to enter the Spring Week carnival rather than the reviewing committee as was inccrrectly reported in Saturday's issue of The Daily Collegian. • Rod and Coccus Club The Rod and Coccus Club will conduct a blood typing and RH factor service from 7:30 to 9 to night in Patterson Hall. A 25 cent fee will be charged for the service, which would cost $5 at a hospital. -,_ .1C IF 77. Trr , T - nr 1? 1] Spri Admission Free THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Spring Week A Farce-Comedy for Moderns THE TAMING OF THE SHREW this Friday and Saturday Center' Stage ' TUB POLLOCK COUNCIL Music by... The Melody Men Chemistry Society To Install Officers Phi Lambda Upsilon, cheMistry recognition society, will install of ficers at a banquet at 7 tonight in dining rooms B and C of the Hetzel Union Building. Preceding the banquet, Dr. Paul M. Doty Jr., physical chemist at Harvard University, will give the fourth in a series of Priestly lec tures in 119 Osmond. Adrian 0. Morse, University provost, will present Doty with a scroll Friday night. New officers are: Harold Lons dale, president; Robert Wood worth, first vice president; Wil lard Sutton, second vice presi dent; Dwight Smith, treasurer; Albert Garner, secretary; and Ro bert Neiman, assistant secretary. The Phi Lambda Upsilon Fresh man Scholarship Award will be given at the banquet to Gerald Cooper, fourth semester metal lurgy major. 2325 Tickets Sold For Jazz Concert Approximately 2325 tickets have been sold for the Louis Arm strong jazz .7oncert tomorrow night in Schwab Auditorium, ac cording to Houston Elam, ticket chairman. About 75 reserved sats for the concert will remain on sale at the Hetze) Union desk. The tickets are $1.50 each. There will be two per formances of the two-hour con cert beginn:ng at 7 and 9:30 p.m. 8 p.m. Sponsored by Hibbs Remains On Critical List Mrs. Cordelia L. Hibbs, assist ant to the dean of women, re mains in critical condition at Mercy Hospital, Pittsburgh, Dean of Women Pearl 0. Weston said yesterday. In letters to Dean Weston, Mrs. Hibbs expressed appreciation for the letters and gifts students and staff members have sent her. Mrs. Hibbs was taken to the hospital on March 22. Her address at the hospital is Room 341, Mercy Hospital, Pitts burgh 19. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE TWO LOVELY evening gowns. Pink, size 12 and orchid, size 14. Price reasonable. Call AD 8.6083. 8 BURNER kitchen stove with grill. REASONABLE. Call AD 843450. REMINGTON NOISELESS Portable trim.- writer. Good condition, good price. Phone Bob, AD 8-8755. 28,F-00T 1951 ailmetalhouse trailer, ex cellent condition, inquire Bob Gawryla, Hoovers Trailer Park, Route 822 west, State College. NEW RCA Portable Radio—s2s. This radio has never been used. Retails for 440. Call AD 7-4712. 1948 CHEVROLET, one owneraw mile age, 3875. Call AD 7-2261 after 6 p.m. WANTED I AM interested in buying a used wooden ukelele in fair condition. Call Tony Arthur ext. 982. WANTED FURNlSEEDaPirtinenttobe occupied in September for young newly wed couple. Call Mike AD 8-8771. MALE STUDENTS to room during main and post session at Sigma Nu fraternity. Meals on five de/ week basis during main session. Call AD 8-6024 for reservations. _ .. FORMER STENOGRAPHER seeks typing. Reasonable rates. Call AD 7-4888. WORK WANTED EXPERIENCED SECRETARY desires typ ing and/or shorthand evenings. Past service. Reasonable rates. Dial AD 8-6948. ROOM & BOARD DO YOU WISH to locate a room for fall semester before examinations start? Ro6ms with board on five day basis for quiet studious boys may be had by coming to 207 East Park Avenue between 9 and 12. PASSENGERS WANTED RIDERS TO Binghamton, N.Y. Leaving Friday mite or early Saturday morning. Call Tom D7rn' , -s7cy AD 7-3938. From 9 to 11 at TAURSDAT. APRIL 28. I'M 2 Groups to Sign For Caps, Gowns Seniors in the Colleges of Rome Economics and Mineral Industries may sign up for caps and gowns today, Friday, and Saturday at the Athletic Store. A $5 deposit must be made and hat size given. A $lO deposit is required for graduate students' cap, gown, and hood. Students who will graduate in military uni form need not sign up. Invitations and announcements may be ordered on the same days at the Hetzel Union desk. PERSON THAT picked up Penn State jacket by mistake 218 Willard contact Dave ext. 281. WOMAN'S GREEN wall e t important identification. Please call Tom Butler at AD 7.4232. Reward. Loet Fri. dr Sat. 1 PAIR BROWN bornrim glasses Fridai. May 22 between dairy husbandry library and inside Willard. Phone Robert Saunders AD 8-8755. T - .1114 - ' — SHOULBERBAG at ZBT Saturday night. Reward. Return to SU deek War ing or call May Meyers ext. 1088. BROWN 8" x 11" Commerce 25 notebook between 811 South Allen St. and White Hall. Call Dave at AD 7-4680. ONE OR TWO rooms for office, other business. Reasonable rent. Inquire $lO East Coll e Ave. First floor. MISCELLANEOUS REFINED WIDOW desires position as part time hostess. Fraternity hams. Available for fall. Phone AD 7-2707. MOTHS'S DAY weekend Bee "The Phila delphia Story" the popular comedy May 6,6, 7 at • Schwab Auditorium. TENNIS "FANS" I It's Hassinger for racket stringing the No-Awl way. Latest factory equipment; prompt service; guar anteed work; longer life to string and racket. R. T. Hassinger, White Hall or 614 Beaver Ave. after 6 p.m. RE-OPENING APRIL 29, Center Stage for 4 more weekends! The amusisig farce comedy, The Taming of the Shrew. FRATERNITIES: Don't forget to order party refreshments, excellent punch well known cookies, fine bore d'oeuvres from Freda Stern. Al) 7-4818. 122 E. Irvin Ave. Special prices. IN ORDER to insure prompt delivery Sally's will deliver only the perfect Pizza. Sunday thru Saturday AD 7-2878. Informal LOST FOR RENT
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