The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 28, 1955, Image 7

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    miltsoo. APRIL 28. 19515'
2 Lion Gymnasts
To Enter NAAU's
Nittany gymnastics coach Gene Wettstone and his 1955
team captain, diminutive Karl Schwenzfeier, will pick up this
weekend where they left off at Los Angeles late last March
when they travel to Rochester, N.Y., for the annual NAAU
gymnastics tourney.
Schwenzfeier, along with -freshman standout, Armando
Vega, will compete unattached against several of the nation's
top gymnastics performers in seeking NAAU honors.
The NANO gym committee has
of the season, came to Penn State
notified Penn State officials of a from California mostly because
desire to bring the 1956 Olympic of its outstanding gymnastics
tryouts to Rec Hall. and the group reputation.
will definitely decide over the Last year Cronstedt finished
weekend if Penn State is to be the second in the all-around compe
te , but managed to obtain
site of the coming gym festival, NAAU horizontal and parallel
as it was in 1952.
NAAU Veterans bars titles. He gained 3073 out of
Both Schwenzfeier and Vega
are veterans of NAAU action. The
pair were part of last year's tour
nament in San Fernando, Ca li.,
where Vega captured third hon
ors on the parallel bars. Schweiz
feier suffered' an injury in first
round action and was unable to
compete in the final round.
The Lion captain spearheaded
the Nittany forces the past sea
son, leading them to the Eastern
title for the third consecutive
year, and playing a top role when
lArettstone's performers captured
second honors nationally.
Schwenzfeier, in Eastern and
NCAA all-around action, walked
away with both titles, acclaiming
himself pne of the nation's best
and most versatile gymnasts.
"Good as Cronstedt"
Wettstone has rated Schwenz
feier in' the same category with
fabulous Jan Cronstedt, the fly
ing -Finn who won national ac
claim many times over during his
three-yeat stay in the Nittany
"His (Schweizfeier's) desire fbr
hard practice- and his all-around
ability have made him one of the
best gymnasts I've ever coached,"
the Lion mentor said yesterday.
Vega, who led the Lion frosh
when they romped over the Navy
Plebes in their only dual meet
Ist Win
Coach Sherm Fogg's tennis team vised lineup against the Bisons,
will again shoot for that elusive but one that very possibly repre
first win when the Blue and White sents the maximum unit of power
netmen embark on a two-match which ,is long overdue in assert
road trip to meet Bucknell Uni- ing itself.
versity and Lehigh. Captain Bill Zeigler will play
Tuesday's rained-out match in his usual number one spot with
with Bucknell will be run off to- Ed Selling operating from his
day when the Lion netmen meet second position. Chuck Christian
the Bisons on their home courts sen, who owns two of the three
at Lewisburg, starting at 3 p.m. Lion wins, has been moved up
Lehigh will host the Lions on Sat- from the number five slot to the
urday at Bethlehem. I third position, and Dean Mullen
Standing pat with an 0-3 slate, is installed in the fourth spot. The
Pogg's outfit will be throwing the other Lion victory belongs to
heavy artillery at the Bison net- Doug Zuker, who will play num;
men who are not expected to pro- t->r five for Fogg and Larry Ad
vide the competition exhibited by ler will round out the singles ac-
Penn, Maryland and Navy. tion in the sixth Position.
However, the Lion mentor isn't in doubles competition, Fogg
looking for any handouts, which again shuffled his men and calm
was emphasized when he remark- up with Zeigler and Seiling as one
ed that the Bucknell contest pair, Christiansen and Mullen, and
should be a "very even match." sophomores Joe Eberly and Al
Fogg will send a somewhat re- Williams.
Offered for the Month of Aril
Get a 5X7 from any negative of
your choice with every roll
of film developed at
The Fastest Service in Town
(In by 10:00, out by 5:00 the same day)
a maidmum 3600 points while
competing in si x all-around
Friday and Saturday's appear
ance will be the last for Schwenz
feier under the Penn State colors.
He entered gymnastics competi
tion in Philadelphia high school
circles and competed with the
Lion varsity three seasons.
The trio will return home Sun
Will Seek
at Bucknell
West Beaver Ave.
South Allen Street
Between the Movies
Karl Schwensfeler
Seeks new laurels
Lions Visit
Links Today
The Penn State golf team faces
the Georgetown University links
men today in what promises to
be one of the seasons stiffest tests
for the Lions.
The Lions, in quest of their sec
ond straight win, will meet the
always-dangerous Hoyas at the
Congressional Country Club in
Washington, D.C. at 1:30 p.m. to
Sophomore George Branish will
be the teams seventh man in to
day's test. In the opener the Nit
tanies used only a six-man squad,
but must add an extra man for
today's match. Branish earned the
right to his position by winning
out over Jim Decker and George
Kreidler in a special runoff yes
Georgetown, to date, owns a
1-0 slate. Their only victory was
scored at the expense of the Naval
Academy, 4-3. The Hoyat are al
ways tough for the Lions, but to
day's encounter will be doubly
difficult since the match is being
contested on their home grounds.
If the Lions are able to cop to
day's decision, they will have a
good start toward an unbeaten
campaign. Of course they will still
have several dangerous opponents
remaining as obstacles in their
path for a spotless mark. Navy,
Penn, Cornell, and Colgate all
boast powerful teams, capable of
beating anybody on a 'hot" day;
but a win ovet' the Hoyas could
provide the spark to ignite the
Lion explosion.
It is still too early to make any
rash predictions, but there are
solid grounds for optimism. The
Lions' win in the opener was ac
complished with solid attack in
poor weather. If they can approx
imate their first match brilliance
today, the Lions should return
home carting the Hoyas scalp.
22 Win in IM's
(Continued from page six)
the semi-final bracket as he
trounced Dick Bowe'rs, 15-1, 15-0.
In fraternity competition, Bob
Vanner, Sigma Chi, eliminated
Garry Crothers, Kappa Delta Rho,
15-12, 15-9; George Ebert, Beta
Theta Pi, downed Alfred Wil
liams, Alpha Tau Omega, 15-7,
15-9; Lloyd Mengel, Delta Sigma
Phi, gained a forfeit victory over
Claude Boni, Alpha Epsilon Pi;
and Ron Hedberg, Delta Tau Del
ta, took two out of three contests
from Charles Stachel, Delta Chi,
15-9, 11-15, 15-13.
Dick Jones, Sigma Pi, won by
forfeit over Sheldon Amsel, Beta
Sigma Rho; Ken Sacks, Alpha
Zeta, beat Lloyd Hughes, Pi Kap
pa Alpha, 15-11, 0-15, 15-0; Otto
Hetzel, Phi Gamma Delta, swamp
ed Bob Homan, Sigma Chi, 15-0,
15-3; and Dave Edwards, Theta
Xi, defeated John Bischoff, Phi
Delta Theta, 15-3, 15-5.
The beard judging contest
is coming up, and you'll
want yours to look its best.
Get it trimmed at . . .
(Next to Hartman Electric)
(Continued from page six)
Booth will be outstanding threats.
Al Hall, Cornell, third last year
in the hammer throw with 157'
6%", will be the carnival's favo
rite for the crown.
No one who placed in the pole
vault last year will return. Win
ning height last year was 13' 4".
The record is 14 3" set in 1947
by Penn's present frosh track
Josh Culbreath, Morgan State,
will attempt to be the third man
ever to win the 400-meter hur
dles three consecutive times. Mor
gan State goes after its third
straight win in the quarter mile
relays, as does Cornell in the
half mile relay.
Penn State's crack shuttle hur
dle relay team that won the Ohio
Stalk Relay event last weekend
will be out to dump Army which
comes to Franklin Field with the
Michigan, who's mile relay team
raced to a 3:14.7 mark for first
place and a new Ohio Relay rec
ord last weekend, plus Pitt, which
placed second in the same race
just two tenths of a second be
hind the Wolverines, also are in
contention for Army's crown.
Manhattan heads the list of de
fending champs as it returns to
grab its fourth straight win in the
mile relay. Morgan State, Pitts
burgh—with Arnie Sowell an
choring—plus Villanova with
Charley Jenkins in the final leg
will be out to knock the crown
from the New Yorker's posses
Morgan State will face a quar-
SEE . . . Buy . . .
ARROW Casual Wear ,
Here's a really smart summer combination ... get.
ting more popular every day. Arrow gingham shirts
and fine Arrow walking shorts. They'll keep you
cool, and give you comfort when you want it most.
The shorts are comfortable, practical, right in style
today. We wouldn't be surprised to see more shorts
than "longs" on most any campus this spring.
Get Arrow walking shorts priced from a mere
$3.95 in denim ($5.00 in other fabrics). Get frosty
Arrow ginghams, too, from $3.95. Broadcloth check,
(left), $5.00.
Baseball -
(Continued from page six)
capture first place from the Yank•
ees today.
Tigers Rout Orioles, 11-3
DETROIT, April 27 (JP)—Catch.
er Frank House, batting only .222,
slammed his first big leanve
grand slam home run today to
give the Detroit Tigers a 11-3 vie•
tory over the Baltimore Orioles.
Braves Top Giants, 9-6
NEW YORK, April 27 01-0 ,
Bobby Thomson spearheaded a 12.
hit attack against his for m3r
teammates today with a home -utt
and two singles as the Milwaukee
Braves defeated the New York
Giants 9-6 for their , eighth victory
in 12 starts.
Boxer Cleared
NEW YORK, April 27 (M—For
mer heavyweight boxer Clai
Henry today received a suspen '
sentence of one to three years in
prison for trying to bribe another
General Sessions Judge John A.
Mullen said in suspending the ail
term he was convinced the 27-
year-old Negro was "the tool of
some other slimy creature."
tet of teams in defense of its
quarter-mile title including Ft.
Lee with Rod Richard, form7ly
of UCLA; Yale, Penn State, and
Penn with Haines anchoring. . he
distance medley, four-mile, plus
the two-mile relays will have new
champs crowned.