406 Per. Ariti 22, 1955 Ceylon's Minister Koelawala Asks Communists to Dissolve Cominform fIANDUNG, Indonesia, April 21 (iP)—Ceylon's Prime Minister Sir John Kotelawala told the Communists today to dissolve tie Cominfortn if they really want peaceful coexistence with the West. He singled out the Comin Kotelawala, who has a C country's delegation to the As He called fok di.ssolutioti of the Cominform on two occasions to day—in a speech to the confer ence's important political Com mittee and later in a statement to Correspondents. He has had long experience bat tling CeylOn's Communiat move, nicht; he says it gets financial aid from Russia. The Reds' candidate was elected mayor of Colombo, Ceylon's capital, last August. They control ,some other local rn govements and have, an active bloc in Ceylon's Parliament. Ceylon now is a nation allied with the British Commonwealth; it emerged from its colonial status under Britain in 1948. Kotelawala got the :lump on Red China's Premier Chou En lai and India's Prink. Minister Nehru, who supports the Com munists' dri v e for coexistence. The Ceylon Prime Minister gave out his statement in advance of discussions of East-West coexis tence by the Political Committee, Chou insisted in his remarks at the conference's plenary session that the Communists are eager to coexist peacefully with the West. Inforrhants said that when the 58-year-old Ceylon leader first brought up his proposal for dis mantling the Cominforrn In an ad dress to the Political Cothmitteel closed session, Chou leaped to his feet and dethanded time to reply tomorrow. Store Tussle To End Today CHICAGO, April 21 (W)—Louis Wolfson's struggle to seize con trol of Montgomery Nkrard & Co. will reach its Climax tomorrow. Wolfson and his entourage will attend. Waid's annual stockhold. ers meeting, where he will see for the first time the man he's trying to overthtow—Sewell Ay e,ry, Ward's chairman. • Many, hundieds of Other Ward stockholders will be at the Meet ing, to be held in, Medihah Tem ple. If the temp le's' - 4200 seats are filled, it will be the largest stockholder gathering in Ameri ca'a cormate histoty. In the past 24 hours of.'hiti cein paign; Wolfson his bidther Cecil, and Alexander' RittmaStet 111 re signed as irectors Of Devoe & Reynolds.. This Was done at a hastily called Meeting of the ex ecutive cOmmittee of the paint firm. House OK's WASHINGTON, April 21 RI The House approved a giant ship building program teday, includ ing plans for a fifth supercarrier and three more atomic-powered submarines: ' It voted 372-3 to authorize t'te Navy to spend $1,317,000,000 on the work over the next fotar years. Thirty-foUr new .warships would be constructed under the program. The conversion of 28 other Niel sen was authorized. Six aircraft carriers now in service would be Modernized and a light cruiser and a destroyer would be con verted into guided missile shitxt. Today's vote was on an author ization bill. The actual funds have to be voted later, when Congress voilloommomoulioommulumnoshottimmummummomoimmi Penn State Players present THE PHILADELPHIA form as a main organ of "Communist colonialism." ommunist problem of his own at home, heads his small island an-African conference. Retain UN, U.S. Told By Hoover WASHINGTON April 21 MI Ex-President Her bert L. Hoover said today this country cannot abandon the United Nations even though the U.N. "has not ful filled our hopes" as a mechanism for peace. The former President told the Senate Foreign Relations Com mittee, too, he no longer favors expelling Russia from the United Nations becautte of that country's repeated use of the veto. "I think we've got to go on and worry with . the Russians in the U.N. In .the hope that things will get better," he said. About 100 spectators in the Sen ate Office Building caucus room rose and applauded when the 80- year-old Hoover appeared to tes tify on the question of revising the U.N. charter. He gave the opinion that no worthwhile revision is posSible unless there is "a great change in the whole Communist attitude." But he did suggest some specific changes—including a proposal that "all independent nations" should have membership in the U.N. He noted that 14 such coun tries have been barred •by Soviet vetoes. , Hoover was not askid whether, under his proposal, Communist China could get into the world organization, bid in 1954 he strong ly opposed a seat for the Peiping regime. Sen. John J. Sparkman (D-Ala.), a committee , member, told report ers later this question would arise —so far as .the United States is concerned—only if this country gave diplomatic recognition to Peipihg. U.S. Envoys 'Viewing' WASHINGTON, April 21 (iP)— Sen. Walter E. George (D-Ga.), said today he thought the pri mary reason for the sudden dis pateh of a high-ranking U.S. mis sion to Formosa was just to get a first-hand view of the threaten ing situation in that area. He said the question of the pos sible evacuation Of Quemoy and Matsu islands "might come up" hilt he didn't think anything would come of it. Shipbuilding takes up the military appropria tions bills. The Senate hasn't act ed yet on the fleet expansion leg islation. Chairman Carl Vinson (D-Ga.) of the House Armed Services Committee Said that with the new program the Navy will have 152 major ships under construction or authorized, a sea-going invest ment of $3,317,000,000. One of the feW changes made in the bill on the House floor concerned the naming or the new 60,000 ton 'Carrier. The Navyhad propotted , "LISS dongreas, but Sep. Durham (D-N.C.) obtained adopt o n of an amendment chang ing the name to "LISS witty Hawk." the popular comedy Mother's Day Weekend THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLIGE PENNSYLVANIA STORY Schwab Auditorium 2 State to Get Salk Vaccine Tomorrow HARRISBURG, April 21 (W)— The State Health Dept. said it received official word today from the National Foundation for In fantile Paralysis that the Salk anti-polio vaccine will be de livered Saturday to Pennsyl vania's 11 distribution centers. Dr. Berwyn F. Mattison, State Health Secretary, said the tele gram from the foundation stated that the vaccine has been ordered to be delivered Saturday by the Wyeth Laboratories Corp., Phila delphia. He said some of the deliveries will be made by air express while the bulk will be made by truck. The vaccine, proven 80 to 90 per dent effective in combating the dread disease, has been ex pected in Pennsylvania for the last week. Dr. Mattison said the delay in shipments was due to the "many final things to be handled before the serum can be sent out." Trainee Engineers Jenner, Corsi Clash In Senate Battle • WASHINGTON, April 21 (W) A Senate hearing exploded angrily today, with Sen. William E. Jenner (ft-Ind.) yelling charges of "smear" and "big hat" at Edward Corsi and Corsi accusing Jenner of unfairness and language "un becoming a Senator." Each stacked his patriotism against the others in the uproar. Jenner and Corsi clashed at a Judiciary subcommittee hearing into operations of the 1953 refugee relief program and the firing of Corsi as a special assistant to Sec retary of State Dulles on immigra tion problems. Sitting silently through . the storm, a few feet away, was R. W. Scott McLeod, State Department security officer and administrator of the program. Corsi was a dep uty to McLeod for a short time during a 90-day tour with the State Department that ended abruptly on Easter Sunday. Corsi is a prominent New York Republican. His ouster started a political whirlwind. "Isn't all that is involved here your pride?" Jenner shot at Corsi. "You wanted a big hat and you wouldn't cooperate with anyone unless you could run the show." "Unfair," Corsi protested. Jenner hopped on Corsi for hav ing said yesterday that McLeod was the leader of a "security gang" which had wrecked the program designed to bring 214,- 000 refugees and other nonquota immigrants into the United States by the end of next year. PAR Hits Atom Plan WASHINGTON, April 21 (IP) Immediate abandonment of "all such plans" as President Dwight D. Eisenhower's atoms-for-peace proposal was urged in a resolu tion adopted today by the Daugh ters of the American Revolution. California Texas Oil Co., Ltd., which operates throughout the Eastern Hemisphere, offers unusual opportunities for engineers willing to consider the possibility of service overseas. Positions are currently available in the following categories, all of which involve training in our New York office prior to foreign assignment: 0 Engineers: M.E., Ch.E., E.E. degrees. Positions in Refinery Design and Project Engineering, General Engineering of Refinery Plants, Refinery Utilities Engineering. 0 Engineers: Ch.E., M.E. degrees. Positions in Process Design, Refinery Technical Service, Product Quality Control, Product Application and Development. Engineers: M.E., C.E. degives. Positions in Terminals Operations involving Marine Dockside facilities, Pumping & Piping problems, Tankage, Bulk packaging, Bulk shipping, Blending plants. Candidates will receive consideration regani less of draft or marital status. Contact the Student Placement Office for full details and our Company publication "Your Career Overseas with Caltex." IA TEXAS OIL COMPANY, LTD. Nationalists Fear - U.S. Will Quit Quemoy, Matsus TAIPEI, Forinosa, April 21 (/P) —Some worried Nationalist of& dials today guessed that a U.S. envoy now flying to Formosa will ask them to yield Quemoy and the Matsus without a fight. The reason for the hurry-tip visit of Walter S. Robertson, as sistant secretary of state, was not known here. There were reports in Wash ington Robertson would sound out the Nationalists on a cease-fire line in the middle of Formosa Strait. The Nationalists have op posed any cease-fire. Adm. Arthur W. Radford, chair man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is accompanying Robertson. Rad ford ha s opposed withdrawals from offshore islands. Some Na tionalists even guessed there .v re a U.S. decision to defend the is lands. • Nationalists from President Chiang Kai-Shek on down haVe vowed to defend both Quemoy, and the Matsus, 120 and 140 miles troia Formosa. THE PERFECT PIZZA SALLY'S WE DELIVER AD 7-237' PACK Itfitk