The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 29, 1955, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT Panofsky To Present Ist Lecture Dr. Erwin Panofsky of Prince ton University will speak at 8 p.m. Thursday in 121 Sparks, opening the Centennial Year Lec ture series. Dr. Panofsky, an eminent ag scholar, will - talk on "Texts and Pictures: Traffic Accidents on the Roads of Tradition." Before coming to America in 1934, Dr. Panofsky was a profes sor of art in several German uni versities. In 1935 he became a professor at the Institute for Ad vanced Study at Princeton Uni versity, where he has taught since that time. In 1938 Panofsky was a con tributor to a symposium on "The Meaning of the Humanities." His paper was entitled "The History of• Art as a Humanistic Disci pline." He has published many other works and has lectured at North western and New York Universi ties. Dr. Panofsky will be accom panied to State College by Mrs. Panofsky. They are the parents of Dr. Hans A. Panofsky, acting head of the department of mete orology. The lecture, sponsored by the liberal arts lecture committee, is open to the public. Young GOP Club To Hear Murray Dr. Robert K. Murray, assist ant professor of history, will speak on the "Philosophy of the Republican Party" at a meeting of the Penn State Young Repub lican Club at 7 tonight in 215-16 Hetzel Union. Dr. Murray has received na tional acclaim for his new book, "Red Scare: A Study in National Hysteria, 1919-1920." A short business meeting will accompany Dr. Murray's talk. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SAL!. TUXEDO SUIT, size 88 long. Worn once, Very reasonably priced. Call at 846 East Irvin Avenue. PENN STATE ENGINEER on ask at Student Union desk, HUB. 1946 CIVILIAN JEEP, new factory motor, steeri. - rs shocks. Call AD 7-3816. FOR RENT THREE ROOM unfurnished apartment, newly decorated. Adults; only. Phone AD 7-4022 after 5 p.m. FOR MALE student desiring to share ven trally located room with shower. Call Mr. Anderson, Nittany Dell. APARTMENT-3rd floor 4 rooms and bath in Bellefonte. Call ELgin 5-8448 after 6:80 ..m. LOST LOST IN vicinity of Eng B Friday after- noon—K&E Slide Rule. Brown leather owe with name on back. Finder please contact Dan Revie, Sigma Chi. Reward. AD S-6786. HELP WANTED STUDENT WITH a couple of spare eve nings that suit you, earn up to 81.60 per hour. See 'Perry" at DUX CLUB, 128 S. P ,h. L,L._,i1.1.:1 GIRL •TO share comfortable four room apartment. Good location, available in April. Call AD 8-6494 after 6 p.m. WANTED TO buy usedloE slide rule in good condition and reasonable. Call Ha AD 7-2181 after 7 •.m. WORK WANTED EXPERIENCED SECRETARY desires typing and/or shorthand evenings. Fast service reasonable rates. Dial AD 8-6043. RIDE WANTED RIDE WANTED to Mid-West on April 6 or 7. Call Jo ce 107 Atherton. MISCELLANEOUS ACCURATE AND Neat typing of theses and upperclass term papers. Call AD 7-3341. DID YOU SEE that Student Floral Agent taking corsage orders for the I.F.C. Ball last night between 5-7 p.m.? He'll be there through Thursday be sure and contact him. TENNIS ' - 'FANS" It's Hassinger for r acket stringing the No-Awl way. Latest fac tory equipment. Prompt service, guaranteed work. Longer life to string and racket. R. T. Hassinger, White Hall or 514 Beaver Ave. after 5 p.m. TRY BOWLING—for a date that'sdit- ferent. Dux Club, 128 8. Pugh. Phone AD 8-9148. SALa'S DELIVERS the perfect pif.i&, Big Boy and all our other delicious products Sunday thru Saturday. AD 7-2878. --- ---- WREN . _ YOUR needs repairs typewriter Mat dial AD 7-2492 or bring machine to 683 W. Colley Alm Will pith up opt/ Last Chance (Continued from page one) noon and in the evenings. Posters with candidates pictures and qualifications have_ been dis tributed, some windows have been painted down town, flyers have appeared on dining room tables, and banners, which lasted a few days, have been flown across the mall. Other than the jam session held by State party Sunday afternoon, little unusual campaigning' has been done. Approximately 500 at tended the jam session held in the Hetzel Union Building. Lion party attempted to hold a discussion period with the three candidates for All-University president to allow students to meet the can didates and ask them questions. When this failed to work out no plans were made to stage a simi lar meeting. Campaigning stunts in previous years have included more exten sive use of the store windows and displays of banners in the State College Hotel. Candidates' names were heard up and down the cam pus from the loud speaker car, and tags and sandwich boards pro moting candidates were worn by students. Jazz Club to Moot The Penn. State Jazz Club Will meet at 7 tonight in the assembly room of the Hetzel Union Build ing. Plans for a concert by Louis Armstrong and his All Stars will be discussed. New members ma attend. Write for complete information or make an appointment through your Placement Office. Our representatives will be on campus March April 'THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA TKE, KAT - • (Continued from page one) education major, sang "Twilight Serenade" and "Alpha Chi Girl." Other finalists and their direc tors were: Beta Theta PI, directed by Dud ley Potter, sixth semester arts and letters major; Kappa Kappa Whether your interest is in mathematical analysis or circuit development, there is a position for you at Bell Aircraft. Trained physicists and mathematicians working with the other members of our Engineering team, have been a key factor in Bell Aircraft's leadership in aviation and electronics. Our constant search beyond the frontiers of present scientific knowledge offers an unequaled opportunity to graduating students interested in professional and technical advancement. Address Inquiries to: Manager, Engineering Personnel DA CORPORATION Gamma, directed by Marilyn Seltzer, fourth semester home economics major; Delta Chi, di rected by James Park, eighth se mester horticulture major; land Delta Zeta, directed by Louise Moreman, eighth semester arts and letters major. FOR GOOD RESULTS USE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS For a Bachelor or Advanced Degree In Math and Physics ... a Rewarding Caner at Bell Aircraft TUESDAY. MARCH 29. 1 ,A 4 e SMART (HICKS go fo THE DELL Take■ Out Orders: Coffee ...10c Cokes (by the carton) Grilled Cheese . . 1 Hamburgers 2 Hof Dogs . ... . . . . 1 1111TANY DELL Across from Atherton Hall POST OFFICE BOX 1 BUFFALO 5, NEW YORK