PAGE TWO Scholarship Is Refused By Swedish Gymnast The University has lost a top Swedish gymnast to the University of lowa. Steffan Carlsson, national Swedish junior gymnastic champion, has declined the scholarship voted to him by Inter fraternity Council last November and has enrolled in the Storage Tank To Be Installed In Ag Hill Area A new 750, 000-gallon water storage tank will be installed at the University before the end of the year. The tank, which will be similar to the storage tank located west of Beaver Field, will be erected on Ag Hill, near the parking area north of Patterson Hall. The new storage tank is need ed to supplement the University water supply and increase water storage facilities as the demand for water on the campus con tinues to increase. The contract for the construc tion and erection of the. tank has been let to the Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Co., Pittsburgh. Erection will be completed be fore the end of the year. The new tank will be larger than the one located near Bea ver Field. The present tank holds 500,000 gallons. Provisions will be made later for enclosing the steel supports of the new tank with brick casing. AIM r Leonides To Attend Chapel Independents will attend chapel Sunday as part of their celebra tion of Independent Week. Joan Packard, president of Leonides and Robert Dennis, president of the Association of Independent Men, will take part in the service. The Week will get under way tonight with an informal record dance from 7 to 9 p.m. in Waring Hall lounge. The public may at tend. AJ Wyand and his band will play at another informal dance from 9 p.m. to midnight tomor row in Waring Hall. Scrolls May Go National Scrolls, senior women’s hat so ciety, is writing to other colleges and universities to see if they have comparable groups which would like to go national, Marie Wagner, secretary, announced at Hat Society Council meeting Wednesday. STATE i==l Richard Gilbert Egan Roland Jan* Bussell "UNDERWATER" Superscope • Technicolor Fealurelime: 1:48. 3:45, 5:42, 7:34. 9:39 wwmwmvwvwwww lhtttuwm - 1:15 p -m , "BAD DAY AT BLACK ROCK" Spencer Tracy. Robert Ryan in Cinemascope - Color r 38S 4:15 p.m, 2 Prise Winnersl "HEIDI" "WHITE MANE" Big Ten school. Carlsson turned down the IFC scholarship because he would have had to wait at least a year before applying for admission to the University. The reason for the delay was that Carlsson does not have a high school diploma, required by the University for admission. According to R. E. Tschan, col lege examiner, it had been sug gested to Carlsson that he at tempt to obtain a diploma in a year and then apply for admis sion. In Sweden, Carlsson had com pleted the equivalent of a ninth grade education, according to Tschan. If he intended to eater a Swedish university, he would have had to attend another three years of high school. However, Tschan said the gym nastic champion might have been able to get _ a diploma from an American high school in a year because European standards of education are generally accepted to be higher than those' in America. When Carlsson appeared at the University with the Swedish Na tional Gymnastic team in January he was interviewed by Uhiver sity officials and, according to John Carpenter, IFC president, was considering attending State College High School or a high school in Erie. However, when the team ap peared at lowa University in Feb ruary, Carls son was told he could enroll at the conclusion of the tour. The tour ended March 4. Gene Wettstone, gymnastics coach, had no comment to make yesterday. Tschan said Carlsson could not have been admitted by examina tion, because University policy does not allow it. The IFC scholarship would have covered ro. m and board ex penses. Carlsson had also been offered a presidential scholarship to cover the cost of tuition . Fraternity Presidents Fraternity presidents will meet at 10 p.m. Sunday at Sigma Alpha Epsilon. The special meeting has been called by John Carpenter, Interfraternity Council president. NOW THE DAILY COUEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Perfume oils imported. MADE IN FRANCE. ordur promptly. Supply llmltad. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. Send only $6.00 (cash, check, or M. 0.) for the complete HOUSE of FLANDRI' 139 N. E. FIRST STREET Campus Mail Deliveries Slow Mail addressed to students on campus has been slowed in its de livery. because of inadequate ad dresses, Allen C. St. Clair, direc tor of purchases, said. St. Clair’s office has been handling the distribution of cam pus mail. St. Clair said that letters ad dressed only by name and “Uni versity Park, Pa.” must be separ ated by clerks and individually checked for the full address. He urged those writing to per sons on campus to include build ing numbers on their address so that student mail can be separated from faculty and staff corre spondence and delivered prompt ly. Table Tennis Fee Required Men who have signed up for the independent table tennis tourna ment, and all others who wish to participate, may pay the 25 cent entrance fee at the following times and places: Today: corner of Waring Lounge, 3:15-5:15 p.m.; tomorrow: TUB ping-pong room, 1:30-4 p.m.; Sunday: corner of Waring Lounge, 3-4 p.m. Men unable to play at these times must contact Charles Fried, Nittany 44, room 19, or ’call ext. 279 before 5 p.m. today. First round schedules will be posted on the main bulletin board, Waring Hall; Nittany Dorm 20; and the TUB, tomorrow afternoon. Angel Flight Uniforms Uniforms for the Angel Flight group of the Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps have ar rived at the Armory and should be picked up today. The hems are unfinished and will have to be' sewed by the Angel Flight members. Lutheran Student Association ' 412 W. College Ave. Friday, 7 p.m. Discussion on Methodist Chvurch, led by Plat Floyd of Wesley Foundation. 8 p.m. Square Dance in Fellowship Hcdl. Sunday, 6:30 p.m. LSA- Serge Scher of France will speak—" The Influence of Communism on the Major European Countries." * * * The Sacrament of The Altar is administered each Wednesday in Lept at 6:45 a.m- ' "Be a-p -• V MIAMI, FLORIDA AIM Recommends 4 Student Penalties The Association of Independent Men Judicial Board of Review last night recommended office and judicial probation for four second semester students to the dean of men’s office. Two of the students received office probation and the other two received judicial pro bation. The first two students up before the board admitted that they exploded firecrackers on the night of March 3 in the court at the side of Hamilton Hall. The stu dents said that they had tired of studying and had decided to ig nite the firecrackers and throw them out the window. The students had denied any knowledge of the incident when questioned immediately after throwing, the firecrackers, but the next morning they, told the true story to the dorm counselors. The students said they were unaware of the State and Uni versity regulations banning the use of firecrackers or any similar form of explosive. One student said that while he was living in the Nittany dormi tory area firecrackers were a common occurrence and that no students of his knowledge were ever reprimanded; He said this was one of the reasons why he thought throwing firecrackers wasn’t a serious offenses The board recommended office probation for the pair; which if approved, will put a record of this Incident in the-judicial rec ords but no permanent record Will be made. The .rule further states that the accused will -have to make visits to the'- dean of men's office at set intervals. The other cases brought before the board pertained to students’ drinking alcoholic beverages and then beipg boisterous in the dormitories. The twd students accused, were said to have, ap- By wearing it,,, b Y giving it to somttM yen level One ounce of famous I'm Loved* Per fume * Beautifully packaged in a genuine Liberace miniature piano with Liberaoe’s signature. This same combination nationally adver tised in CHARM Magazine at $20.00 plus tax »1| .ftratot afriori. drptk to BjliDUl* Bloi, renin gi *ai neck- growth of mtU pluM> Jrcri., lurt the thins foMnltiiy. (SimtaE:; tor mllady'i dntur. uywhtte in tb* MOM* parently been drinking at a fra ternity and to have entered Ham ilton Hall to visit one of their friends when the dormitory coun selor saw them. In his report the counselor stated that the students were not particularly noisy but were , a disturbing Influence on the floor The board in discussing the matter found the statement rather ambiguous in setting forth the manner in which the stu dents did cause a disturbing in fluence on the floor. 1 After further deliberation it was decided to recommend judi cial probation for the students, which, if approved, would require the students to report to the AIM Judicial Board at certain times. No permanent record of the case will be filed. BEST IN TOWN Oven Hoi PIZZA (IDEAL FOR PARTIES) You've never tested better PIZZA. Crisp crust generously covered with savory tomato sauce end tangy cheeses—the PERFECT TABTE TREAT. Only Home Delivery Pina de livers directly to you piping hot. or serves you In five min utes at the bakery. Special Price for Large Parties CeU dey, sight, end Sundays AD 7-2280 the home delivered PIZZA 139 S. Pugh St SPECIAL OFFER SAOO TO STUDENTS,.,onIy T W TtM (YOU lAVI SIIOO) MUl*'*** This unusual, gift is sure to please. OrdWieveralat this special low prfcSfc'."- 1 ' ;.r. Miniature piano lias many decora tive and practipal uses. 7 x BVi" a BVi" actual si*T mm mmw. loss