The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 25, 1955, Image 5

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    FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 25. 1955
Queen Candidates
Deadline March 3
The deadline for the names of candidates for May' Queen from
women’s dormitory units wka announced as March 3 by the Woman’s
Student Government Association Houie of Representatives last night.
Nominees are required to submit 'a five by seven inch picture
to be displayed in one of windows of State College. Pic
tures may be given to Anne Beebe
or Diane Edelman, co-chairmen
bf the elections committee.
Hemlock Queen Workers
- Margaret Fisher, chairman of
the-May Day decorations commit
tee, asked for women volunteers
to help make the Hemlock Chain.
The;' work will begin one week
prior to May Day and will take
only one:.evening for each woman.
May Pay teas will be held in
the individual buildings.
Three- Appointed
Fifty fraternities haVe been ap
proved for entertaining, women
guest-, on Friday ana Saturday
nights by the dean of men’sofnce.
They are Acacia, Alpha Chi Rho, Alpha
Chi Sigma, Alpha Epsllpn PI. A'pJj*
tna Rho, Phi Delta, Alpfia Rho CM,,
Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Omega;
Alpha Zeta. t
Beaver House, Beta Sigma Bho, Beta
Theta Pi, Chi Phi, Delta Chi, JOelta Sigma
Phi, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Theta Sigma,
Delta Upsilon, Kappa Alpha Psl, Kappa
Delta Rho, Kappa Sigma. . . _L .
Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Delta. Theta,
Phi Epsilon Pi, Phi/Gamma . Delta; Phi
Kappa, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Sigma,
Phi Kappa Tau, Phi Mu Delta, Phi Sigma
Delta, Phi Sigma Kappa, Pi Kappa Alpha,
Pi. Kappa Phi. ' , ..
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Alpha Mu,
Bigma Chi, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi Alpha,
Sigma Phi Epsilon, Sigma Pi, Tau Kappa
Epsilon, Tau Phi Delta, Theta Chi, Theta
Delta Chi, Theta Kappa Phi, Theta Xi,
Triangle, and Zeta Beta Tau.
Delta Sigma Lambda has been' approved
for Saturday night only.
Nominations Open
... Self-nomination blanks for
Women’s Student Government
Association and Women’s Recrea
tion Association elections are now
available in the dean of women’s
office, 105 Old Main.
Nominations are due March 5.
Nominees are required to have a
l.c All-University average and
may not have a major judicial
Applicants will be interviewed
by. screening boards after nom
ination blanks have been return
ed. Candidates selected by screen
ing, boards will be introduced at
dormitory house meetings.
Primary elections will be held
March 22 and final elections
March 24.
When the stag-line wolves rush
your delectable date...
For more pure pleasure... SMOKE CJkMVtEUSt
No other cigarette is so rich-tasting
yet so mild!
r Judy.Sedor, Jane Cameron, and
-Miss Fisher were appointed to act
as hostesses at a freshman tea to
be i held at 4 p.m, Tuesday in the
de'dn of women’s offi.ce.
. Miss Beebe, acting speaker of
the House,' announced that WSGA
primary elections will be. held
March’22-Final elections will take
place March. 24.
Bring Cards to Dale
. House urged women students to
fill out their activity cards to date
iii the dean of women’s office.
The University Christian Asso
ciation-WSGA Marriage Confer
ence will be held at 7:30 p.m.
March 8,9, and 10 in Simmons
Lounge. Inter-faith speakers will
address the programs.
Miss Jeanne Lindaman, new
assistant to the dean of women in
charge of activities, has been
named adviser to the House.
Club to Hear Brewster
Dr. R. Wallace Brewster, pro
fessor of political science, will
speak on ‘‘Professors in Harris
burg” at the Faculty Luncheon
Club meeting at noon Monday, in
the State College Hotel.
Social gazette
Center Stage, “Children of
Darkness,” 8 tonight, Tempor
ary Union Building.
Religious Groups
Plan Activities
Four student religious groups
have made:.plans for tonight,,
Wesley Foundation has planned
a “he versus she" basketball game
at 7:30 tonight. Round dancing
will follow the game.
Stations of the Cross service
will be held at 7 tonight in Our
Lady of Victory Church. Newman
Club will hold open house at the
student center following the serv
The Sabbath Eve service of
Hillel Foundation will commem
orate the University Centennial.
Rabbi Benjamin Kahn, director of
the foundation, will officate at
the service at 8 tonight. The. Rev.
Luther H. Harshbarger, Univer
sity chaplain, will speak..
The Rev. Erie Eife, field repre
sentative of the North Africa Mis
sion, will speak at the Inter-Var
sity Christian Fellowship meet
ing at 7:30 tonight in 405 Old
Chairmen Named
For Freshman Tea
Committee chairmen for the
’Women’s Student Government
Association Freshman Tea for Co
eds have bfeen named.
The tea will be held from 2:30
to 5 p.m. March 20 im the Ather
ton lounge.
Patricia Lehr and Joyce Herbst,
freshman senators of WSGA, are
co-chairmen of the tea. Commit
tee chairmen are:
Rochelle Nathan, entertain
ment; Gail Gilman, publicity; Sal
ly Barnes, refreshments; Kather
ine Dickson, hostesses; Gail Rolle,
clean-up; Rita Brown, invitations;
and Myrna Paynter and Jananne
Andrews, service.
Penn State Players present
Robinson Jeffers’ adaptation of Euripides’ drama
March 3,4,5
Schwab Auditorium
But you're the guy she steps
out to have a cigarette'With...
P.S. No other brand has ever been able to match the pur* pleasure In Camel's exclusive
blend of costly tobaccos I That's why Camels or* America's most popular cigarette I
R. J. Bejrooldi Tobtooe Ox. g,
This is the first in a series of en’s Recreation Association CUJ
articles on the histories of for outstanding intramural par
sororities at the University, ticipation the past two semesters
The Alnhfl Phi chapter of Delta Tri Delt claims five member!
„ __ -founded at the °f bat societies at present. Joann!
Januarv 1947 The Caruso, sixth semester education
eirtSt&nX Ste7was estab- major, is vice president of Pan
lished at Boston State University hellenic council and will be ptes
by Sarah Ida Shaw, Thanksgiving ident next year,
eve, 1888. Present Officers
The- Tri Delt suite is located on
the ground floor of McElwain
Hall. Mrs. Harold Read is 1 adviser
to the 48 members, 14 of them
pledges. National membership of
the sorority at the present time is
Offers Scholarship
Tri Delt gives two annual schol
arships, open to anyone; one local
and one national, amounting to
$lOO each.
The local chapter presents a
scholarship cup annually to the
graduating senior member with
the highest All-University aver
age, and an award to the student
in each class who has shown the
greatest improvement in average
from the spring semester to the
Auction. Fashion Show
The sorority is sponsoring a
combined auction, fashion show,
and bridge games from 1 to 5 p.m.
March 26 in the Hetzel Union
Building for the purpose of rais
ing money for the local scholar
ship fund.
The group has won the Wom-
T ri-Delt
President of Tri Delt is MarU
Wagner, eighth semester home ec
onomics major: first vice presit
dent, Doris Humphrey, eighth se
mester arts and letters major; sec
ond vice president, Barbara Good
ing. eighth semester journp
major; recording secretary, Suz
anne Morgan, eighth semsstei
home economics major; and treas
urer, Joan Rowland, eighth se
mester home economics major.’
All styles of jazz and dance
bands from top eastern cities;
Sandy DeThomas
Delta Chi AD 7-4989
Book your
orchestras now
for the IFC and
Spring Houseparties.
"A Band to Fit
Your Budget"