The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, January 08, 1955, Image 8
PA (' , F EIGHT It's a Ticklish Subject . . . Grow a iv *ecome While looking through some old, dusty history books at dozens of hazy photogravures, one gets the impression that possession of a beard (here we go again) in "the good old days" was a prerequisite to becoming famous. The two men who were instrumental in establishing the Elam Lincoln, president of the University wore beards. Apra United States from 1861-1865, signed the land-grant act which enabled the University to grow; and Evan Pugh, first president of the University, did much during his tenure to further the Univer sity's name. Other presidents )f the University who • i.Vbre beards were William H. Allen, 1864-66; John Fraser, 1866-68; Thomas H. Burrowes, 1868-71; James Calder, 1871-80; Joseph Shortlidge, 1880- 81; and George W. Atherton. 1882- 1906. Presidents Wore Beards Of course, 'Honest' wasn't the only United States', president to sport a chin growth. As. a mat ter of fact, almost every U. S. president until the late 1800's wore a beard. Ulysses S. Grant was not only a president, but also a fam ous general in the U.S. Army. How Grant managed to get around the Reserve Officers' Training Corps• regulation banning beards is still an unsolved mystery. Jefferson Davis, that rebel revo lutionary and president of the southern confederacy, was never seen__ in public without his "long mane." And who will ever forget the "Gentleman of the South," General Robert E. Lee? Lee was said to have taken meticulous care of his beard as any picture will show. Smith Brothers, Too O the lighter side of things, how about those wizards of lic orice,. the Smith Brothers? They started way back in the late 1800's. Their product is still going strong, and so are their beards, as one CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE DOUBLE BREASTED TUX. size 38, shirt, tie, studs. cuff links and suspenders— complete $3O. AD 8-8354 after 7 p.m. FOR ONE WEEK One package delicious Butter Crunch given with orders over 60 cents ime. our Film Department. Eight hoar development and film supply. The CANDY CANE between the movies. LOST BROWN RIMMED Glasses _between Ather ton and Dutch Pantry. Finder please call Emily 221 .Atherton. DARK BROWN OVERCOAT in Snack Bar, about 11 o'clock Wednesday. I have yours. Call Ned Fleming AD 8-9032. GREEN WALLET between Beaver and Fairmount on Pugh. Reward. Ruth Ifft, 223 E. Prospect. AD 7-2134 after 5 p.m. WHOEVER TOOK wrong raincoat Thurs day from first floor Willard call Chiz Mathias ext 265. I have yours. SHAKESPEARE BOOK in 228 Sparks on Sat. Dec. 18. Please call do, 222 Mc- Elwain. Urgently needed. FOR RENT MODERN BASEMENT apartment, un furnished. Close to campus. No children. Call AD 8-6940 after 5 p.m. SINGLE OR Double Room in Boalsburg Quiet, fine location. Tel. HO 6-6935. DESIRABLE CORNER Room with running water, central location, oil heat. Room for one man. Call AD 7-4850 or AD 7-7792 Ask for C.R. RENT A CAR. Have all the conveniences a private car affords. Call AD 7-4712 for rates. Lemont Motors Inc. GRADUATE STUDENT or upper classman wanted as replacement in double room with running water, central location, oil heat. Call AD 7-4850 or 7-7792. Ask for C.R. WANTED ONE OR TWO girls to share an apart ment. Call AD 7-4955 after 5:30. Ask for Susie. THESES, TERM PAPERS, etc. typed. Call ext. 509 before five, after five AD 7-3372. Ask for Sandra. NEED AN apartment for two or three upper classmen for spring semester. Call Angelo at AD 7-7137 after six. GIRL WANTED to share centrally located apartment. Call AD 7-3908 after 5. PASSENGERS WANTED •-- - RIDERS TO Miami. Fla. Leaving anytime after Jan. 22 returning Feb. 3. Call ext. 1190. Frank Black. MISCELLANEOUS S . ALLY'S HAS large cans of pretzels and potato chips for parties or any occasion. DANCING WASN'T meant for one, so direct your feet for hours of fun to the TUB. It's Phi Sigma Sigma's annual square dance tonight at 9. Be seeing you there. IS YOUR typewriter giving you trouble? If so. just dial AD 7-2492 or bring ma chine to 633 W. College Ave.. State College. SALLY'S DELIVER Pizza Pie 7 nights a week Monday thru Sunday. Bea rd; Famous? By LARRY JACOBSON can see by looking on the box. Of course, you can't forget the granddaddy of them all, Old Saint Nick. Year after year he comes through with the top beard in the country. But you must remember that he's the world's oldest beard grower and therefore has the most experience. Yes, those were the good old days, when men wore beards and women suffered. Perhaps it is best that those days are gone. After all, where would the Gillette Safety Razor Company be? ROTC-- (Continued from page' one) group to support the Beards-for- Centennial movement. It passed a resolution Thursday night re quiring all members to grow beards unless previous commit ments interferred. The Lockheed Graduate Study Council offers an Advanced Study Program to enable exceptionally qualified individuals to obtain Master of Science degrees in prescribed fields. Under this plan the participants are employed in their chosen fields in industry and concurrently pursue graduate study. During the regular school year the industrial assignment will be coordinated with the Study Program to permit a half-time University schedule of advanced study. During the school vacation periods participants will be employed full-time at the Lockheed Missile Systems Division. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA ' The Lockheed Missile Systems Division MASTER OF SCIENCE DEGREES GRADUATE STUDY CouNdIL and brochure giving full details of the program. 704/,‘(b/ MISSILE SYSTEMS DIVISION LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORPORATION VAN NUYS • CALIFORNIA Post Office-- (Continued from page one) • fice in Washington will send offi cial to the University Jan. 28 to look over proposed quarters in the basement of the HUB. 3. The University's post office will be listed separately in future postal guides. 4. The post office cancellation will be placed at the State College post office and will bear the words "State College. Pa.," as well as the new name. 5. Datelines of all stories con cerning the University going out through the mails and via West ern Union will bear the name of the new University r ofifce. 6. The trustees have virtually eliminated consideration of "Mt. Nittany" as a name, feeling that residents have already rejected it. ROTC Officer Visits University Col. Franklin S. Pruyn of the Air Force Reserve Officers Train ing Corps Headquarters, Mont gomery, Ala., is visiting the Uni versity this week. Colonel Pruyn is representing Major Gen. M. K. Deichelmann, commander of the Air Force ROTC prog r a m. He will dis cus: the program at the Univer sity with Col. Daniel F. Riva, pro fessor of air science and tactics, and University officials. Titan, the largest satelite of Saturn, is the only moon in the solar system to have an atmo sphere. announces an advanced study program fOr University of Southern California • University of California at Los Angeles Students who are United States citizens or members of the Armed Services being honorably separated and holding B.S. Degrees in Physics, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, And Aeronautical Engineering are eligible. Candidates must qualify for graduate standing. Salaries will be determined by the individual's qualifications and experience in accordance with accepted current standards. Participants are eligible for health, accident and life insurance as well as other benefits accorded full-time staff members. How to apply: Contact your placement bureau or write The Graduate Study Council for an application form 'Battle of Sexes° (Continued from page two) Adding 10 hours of sleep, they have all ready 24% hours free a week. Figuring that a baby sitter for the day a week the wifes takes off will cost $6, meals $2, movies, $l, and cabs, tips,- etc., sl—the men claim that by their golden wedding anniversary they could 4D lb_ POSI VtollSt itESIVSP,NO ONLY 42` In State College on Route 322 ITURDAY, JANUARY 8,-1955 save $25,000 by keeping the wife home seven days a week. The men quoted Joan Crawford as saying: "Everyone has heard of the Bill of Rights; - "l'm fighting for the rights of Bill." They agreed with Miss Crawford. The, all-for-fun debate was modified by Dr. Harold J. O'- Brien, - professor of public speak ing at the University. Who won? Who always wins? MALTED MILK Choice of: HAMBURGER GRILLED CHEESE EGG SALAD HAM SALAD The technical assignment will be on the Research and Engineering Staff of Lockheed Missile Systems - Division. The Advanced Study Program will be at one of the Universities named above. If a sufficient number of qualified students apply, as many as 100 awards will be granted. Tuition, admission fees and costs of textbooks covering. the numbenof units required by the University for a Master of Science Degree, will be borne by Lockheed. A travel and moving allowance will be provided for those residing outside the Southern California area. and