PAGE EIGHI Six Appointed To Spring Week Carnival Group Six students have been named to th e Spring Week Carnival Committee, Donald Bell, chair man of the Cabinet Personnel In terviewing Committee, said yes terday. Bell said the list which was announced at Thursday All-Uni versity Cabinet meeting and pub lished in yesterday's Daily Col legian was incorrect, in that it in cluded all those interviewed for the positions. The correct list is: Daniel Land, Faith Gallagher, Daniel Van Duyne, Eleanor Gwynn, Edward Redfield, an d Marilyn Seltzer. The others named yesterday are not on the committee, but may contact Bell for further informa tion. The list of the coronation com mittee was correct as released, Bell said. The committee will meet to morrow at 7:30 p.m. to interview for other Spring week commit tees. Applicants will be inter viewed as follows: 7:30, appli cants with no preference; 7:45, Mad Hatters committee, Nancy Scholfield, chariman; 8:00, Pub licity, Diehl McKalip, chairman; 8:15, Arrangements, Otto Hetzel, chairman; 8:30, Parade, William R. Johnson, chairman; and 8:45 He-Man committee, Donald Bell chairman. The Parade committee has only two positions open because of previous interviews. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE THE STUDENT Floral Agency will be taking orders for the Military Ball tonite and Thursday 5 - p.m. to 7 p.m. by the 'West Dorm Post Office and Nittany-Pollock dining area. See him for best results. TWO EVENING wraps, size 14, black, Price $l7 and $2O. Contact Mrs. Reed Al) 7-3374. TUXEDO, size 37-regular. Midnight blue, double breasted. Call AD 7-7232. 1949 CHEVROLET convertible, new top and paint job, radio, heater, etc., 6 good tires. Call Brenna 346 Simmons. 1948 FRAZER two-tone 4-door sedan, many new parts, excellent condition. Contact owner, Nittany 32-33, AD 8-6641. ONE LOVE seat sofa bed. Excellent con, dition. Phone AD 7-7289. CUSTOM MADE Suit—s3o, maroon and brown, size 40 long, waist 34, good condition ; too large for owner. Phone AD 7-2652. LADIES GOLD watch only one year .old. Cost me $5O, will sell for $25. Phone 266 Simmons. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER, tabulator, pica, 1 3 / 4 years old, good condition, hardly used. $50.00. Call AD 7-2394 after 5 p.m. ELKHART TENOR SAX, excellent con dition. Real buy at $75. 232 E. Foster Ave. State College. Phone AD 7-3476. LOST TREDYFFRIN-EASTTOWN class ring, 1953. Vicinity Rec Hall. Reward. Call Mike AD 8-6928. WILL PERSON who took wrong trench coat at Tanglewood please call Bob Pearl stein AD .7-2941. WILL THE individual who erroneously ,picked up a gray gabardine topcoat out side of 239 Sparks contact Ed Steck ext. 964? I have yours in my possession. HISTORY 21 textbook in Sparks. Call Bill Bush ext. 792. FOR RENT TWO-ROOM FURNISHED apartment for spring semester only. Location Linden Hall. For details call HO 6-6769. HALF DOUBLE room for rent immediately Call AD 7-7852. RENT A CAR $7.50 per day •• 7c per mile Free Liability Insurance Gas and Oil included Monday - Thursday $3.50 Evening Rate LEMONT MOTORS INC. Open 8 a.m. to 7 P.m. Daily 816 E. College Ave. AD 7-7226 If no response call AD 7-4712 WANTED THESIS DRAWINGS. Work guaranteed Contact Burget ext. 2239. FURNISHED APARTMENT for couple, Feb. 1. Lester Andes. AD 7-4850. MISCELLANEOUS IS YOUR Typewriter giving you trouble? If so, just dial AD 7-2482 or bring machine to 633 W. College Ave., State College. ' FOR FIRST-HAND information about tour including Norway, Sweden, Denmark, France, England and Scotland call Mrs. Adams AD 7-4326. SALLY'S DELIVERS Sunday thru Thurs day evenings—Pizza Pie, giant sand wiches and all Sally's delicious products. Call AD 7-2373. IS YOUR Typewriter giving you trouble? If so, just dial AD 7-2492 or bring machine to 633 W. College Ave., State College. PASSENGERS WANTED DRIVING TO Plymouth, North Carolina Dec. 18. Call AD 7-4363 after 5 p.m. TWO RIDERS to Fort Lauderdale, Fla Leaving Dec. 19. Call AD 8-8919. RIDERS WANTED to North Carolina, leaving Dec. 18 8:00 a.m. Call A. Jesnak AD 8-6189 anytime except Friday or Satur day. Council to Hold Coffee Hour The annual fall coffee hour sponsored by the Agriculture Stu dent Council will . be.. held from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m... next Wednesday in the Livestock Pavilion. The coffee hour is held in an attempt to acquaint agriculture students with their county agents in extension. The extension work. ers of the University will hold their annual meeting from Mon day through Dec. 18. The coffee hour has become a standard part' of the extension program. Dr. Lyman E. Jackson, dean of the College of Agriculture; Dr. Russell B. Dickerson, associate dean and director of resident in struction; and Dr. Herbert R. Al brecht, associate dean of direc tor of agriculture and home eco nomics extension, will give short talks after which students will meet county agents. Foreign Students to Talk On Christmas Customs Three foreign students will dis cuss "Christmas Around the World" at the University Chris tian Association Assembly at 7 tonight in 304 Old Main. The students are Saleem Shah, graduate student in psychology from India; Ijjigubemmissie, spe &ial student in meteorology from Ethiopia; and World). Tafara, spe cial student in meteorology from Ethiopia. A weekly devotions period will precede the meeting at 6:45 to night. Circuit) Espanol Meets At Pine Cottage Tonight Circulo Espanol, club for Span ish-speaking students, will meet at 8 tonight in Pine Cottage. The meeting will be held jointly with a Latin-American labor management group which is visit ing the campus. Two films on Mexican life, one a color film on Mexico City, will be shown. Marburger to Speak Ausmus S. Marburger, vice president and general manager of the New Holland Machinery Co., will discuss the application of farm machinery to grassland farm ing at a meeting of the Agricul tural Economics Club at _7:30 to night at Theta Delta Chi. Sutton to Speak Tonight The Marketing Club will have as speaker John B. Sutton, presi dent of Sutton Engineering Co., at 7:30 tonight at Beta Sigma Rho. Sutton will speak .on industrial selling. Old and new members may attend. Santa ' s eft Gift Sug gestions for Christmas . . b , • "Choose gifts with r well known names" Toiletries Photography •Lentheric - -*Eastman. o Harriet Hubbard .Ayer •Argus • Peggy Sage • G.E.'Flash Bulbs *Shulton oDußarry Stationery •White and Wyckoff Candy Shiaparelli *Russel Stoder •Esterbrook •Whitman 0 Kemp Nuts . Men's Toiletries 001 d Spice Miscellaneous •Lentheric • Westclox •Yardley •Jewelite Sets •Courtley • Games for children All these leading products are reasonably priced and on display at . . . Griggs Pharmacy COLLEGE AVE. OPPOSITE OLD MAIN 114 F *D'AItY -C 11.EGTAN - "STATE "COLLEGE.. DEMSYLVANIA Dean to Take PaJama Game Comedy Role ' The - dean of women at Ameri can University in Washington ; D.C. has been granted a leave of ,absence to play the role of Mabel in "The Pajama. Game," currently a Broadway musical hit. Miss Marguerite Shaw, accord ing to the Associated Press, will tour in the national company of the musical comedy. . Her sister Reta Shaw, who plays the Broadway company, but is best known as Aunt Lil' on TV's "Mr. Peepers," told her the producers were having casting troubles for the -road company. Marguerite Shaw said she sug gested facetiously that she try out. She did, and she won the part. "I ' was a' little worried about the• reaction in the supposedly austere academic circles,' Miss Shaw 'said, "The reaction wasn't at all like that. .E7terybody wished me well. Academic circles aren't as austere as you'd imagine," she said. SAM to Hold Dance For IE Deportment A department of industrial en gineering miner, sponsored by the Society for the Advancement of Management, will be held at 7 to night in the Temporary Union Building. Entertainment .will be provided by students and faculty. A combo composed of men in the industrial engineering curriculum will pro vide music and refreshments will be served. Mil Bail Tickets • A few Military Ball tickets are still available. in Reserve Offi cer's Training Corps offices. The Army offices are located in Car negie Hall, the Navy offices in Engineering E, and the Air Force offices in the Armory. The dance will be held from 9 to 1 Friday night in Recreation Hall. Fire Conduct .Borough_ police Saturday night charged - Bruce Kempf, third se mester electrical engineering ma jor, with, driving over a fire hose during the fire at 0. W. Routs & .Son, _lnc. - The case will be brought before Borough Justice of the Peace. French Club Meets Tomorrow French Club will meet from 7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow night in the northeast lounge of Atherton Hall. Keller, Alumnus, Dies in N.J. Home Dr. Henry Keller, member of the staff of Rutgers University in the department of agricultural economics ane a graduate of the University, died at his home. in Plainfield, N.J., on Nov. 22. He was 59. Dr. Keller entered the Univer sity in 1917, but his schooling was interrupted by World War Y. Sev eral years later he was graduated and later received his master's and doctor's degrees at the Uni versity of Wisconsin. He is survived by his wife and two children. Prof to Speak to Pre-Vet Club , Dr. Pennoyer F. •English, pro fessor of wildlife management, will speak on "Wildlife Manage ment" to the Pre-Vet Club at 7 tonight at Alpha Zeta. r ometemovetwzmig.tmetovetemmetetetocutemommcomme, EVEN SANTA. IS HURRYING TO r M ETZ G ERS 1 . k Guess he's also heard that Metzgers has • the largest assortment of Christmas cards, `4 1 seals, wrappings, and ribbons in town! 2 pi Christmas cards come boxed priced from 59c-$2.00 . . . in cellophane packs from a 29c-59c. a ra Hundreds of gift ideas including . 4 handsome Parker & Sheaffer 1 pen and pencil sets Y arUMAtZuNIMMINNIX2O442OII24 - 21 - 21 - 2ftaarXXXXXX2i=la-A-N-2*-D22411-.II2MDMJ ...., e ,,,.... —.. - - "V" N . .... \ • • ) I,) : He never dreamed he'd save so much going home by GREYHOUND One Way Altoona 1.35 Baltimore 3.80 E. Liberty 3.55 Harrisburg 2.20 Lewisburg 1.65 Mundys Corner 2.20 New York City 6.35 Philadelphia 4.25 Pittsburgh 3.70 Scranton 3.80 Sunbury 1.85 Los Angeles, Calif. Plus U. S. Tax Save an Extra 10% Each Way with a Round-Trip Ticket POST HOUSE 146 No. Atherton St. AD 7-4181 a'..:R:::','-'..E.:..':";.YR:i.:- . .0:.'"U.'ND) . ...: . ..'.:'':: .- :: WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 8, 1954 Haa's Named 'Prof of Year' Dr. Charles G. Haas, assistant professor of chemistry, was named "Professor of the Year" by the College of Chemistry and Physics at the annual Student Council- Faculty banquet last week. Haas was given an inscribed scroll. He was elected by students in the college last spring. During the discussion which followed, Philip Matin, council member, suggested the possibility of having a series of speakers from industry and scientific fields to talk to chem-phys students about fields they might enter up on graduation. Farther discussion on the pro posed colloquims will be at the council meeting Dec. 15. FOR BEST RESULTS USE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS You Can Get It At METZGERS One Way Washington. D.C. .... 4.60 Wilkes-B arre 3.40 Wilkinsburg 3.50 York 2.60 Wheeling, W. Va. .... 5.45 Binghamton, N.Y. .... 5.40 Boston, Mass. 10.85 Chicago, 111. ...... 13.95 Newark, N.J. 6.20 Cleveland, 0. 6.90 • ••