The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 03, 1954, Image 5
FRIDAY.-DECEMBER 3. 1954 om Is Green Opens At Center Stage Tonight University students will probably get their first view of ,Welsh life in a mining town when Players present Emlyn Williams' "The Corn Is Green" at 8 tonight. The show is the second "arena-type" production of the semester to be presented at Center Stage in the Tem porary Union Building. Tickets are available at ;the Student. Union desk in Old Main or at the door for $l. Four other performances presented on next Friday, Dec. 17, Jan. '7 and 14. Elizabeth Ives, third semester arts and letters major, has the leading role of Miss Mof fat, which Ethel - 13arrymore pia.yed on . the stage, and Bette Davis enacted in the movie Debate Team To Participate In Tournaments Eight members of the men's debate team will leave. Saturday to participate in the intercollegiate debate tournament at Allegheny College and the Temple .Novice Tournament. From 15 to 20 teams.from Ohio, New York and Pennsylvania will be represented at the Allegheny tournament. The debaters, ac companied, by Joseph F. O'Brien, debate coach, will be Sidney Gold blatt, seventh semester pre-medi cal major, and Benjamin Sinclair, seventh semester arts and letters major, debating the affirmative Of this year's national debate topic "Resolved: That the United States should' recognize Commu nist China." David Meckler, sev enth semester pre-medical major, and Edward Klevans, third se mester electrical engineering ma jor, will debate the negative. At the Temple Novice Tourna ment, Jerry Donovan, seventh semester labor management major, and Ernest Famous, sev enth semester arts and letters major, will take the affirmative of the same topic. John Yeatman, seventh semester arts and letters major, and Nathan Supnick, sev enth semester arts and letters major, will debate the negative. They will be accompanied by Harold J. O'Brien, assistant de bate coach. String Quartet to Give Second Concert Monday • The Quartetto• Italian°, a string quartet, will present the second concert sponsored by the State College Choral Society at 8 p.m/ Monday in the State College High School Auditorium. This year's concerts mark the fourth chamber music series of the Choral Society. The final concert which is to be held Jan. 18, will be presented by the Budapest String Quartet in its fourth State College appear ance. Admission is by, season ticket only. Breazeate to Speak Dr. William M. Breazeale, pro fessor of nuclear engineering, will speak on "Research Uses of a Nuclear Reactor" at the Mineral Industries Colloquium at 4:15 p.m. today in the Mineral Industries Auditorium in the Mineral Sci ence Building. Yes, the perfect gift for your favorite female :. . . whether it be for Mom, your sister, cousin, aunt or best girl .. . is here in our selection of lovely gifts for the ladies. Soft, Luxurious Cashmeres Long-sleeved pull-avers in champagne, light-blue and white ....... $19.95 Dainty Slips A variety of designs im.sizes from 32. all all the way up to - 44 52.95 to $12.95 . , Lovely Nightgowns Nylon or rayon knit. Frilly or tailored. Sizes 32 to 44 . $3.95 to $19.95 The Katz ACROSS FROM ATHERTON HALL version. Edviin Grove, fifth se mester arts and letters major, will be seen as Morgan, whom Miss Moffat instructs and, enables to win a scholarship 'to Oxford in two years. - 'Cyril Carroll, seventh semester arts and letters major, will play John Goromy Jones. Betty Rice, sixth semester arts and letters major, will portray Miss `Ron berry. Other cast members are Peter Cooper, graduate student in min ing, as The Squire; Gary Zinman, first semester arts and letters ma jor, as 'ldwal Morris; Olivia Flor ig, fifth semester education ma jor, as Sarah Pugh; and Elizabeth Jones, fifth semester arts and let ters major, as Bessie Watty. Jeannie Risler, graduate student in dramatics, is Mrs. Watty; Lyle Pelton, fourth semester arts and letters major, plays Old Tom;. Kenneth Cooper, graduate student in English literature, will be seen as John Owen. -.John Valentine, seventh semes ter arts and letters major, plays Will Hughes; William Worthling, fifth 'semester zoology major, will be seen as Robbart Robbatch; and Robert Smith, sixth semester poultry' husbandry major, plays Glyn Thomas. Townspeople are played by the following students: Joan Bentley, seventh semester (Continued on page eight) Wesley Series Begins Today Dr. Howard C. Kee, assistant professor of New Testament at Drew Theological Seminary, will be the speaker for a series of meetings beginning today spon sored by the Wesley Foundation of St. Paul's Methodist Church in cooperation with other student church groups. • "Where Are You?" is the theme of the meetings which will last for three days. The first meeting at Wesley will begin at 7:30 tonight. ' An informal discussion and cof fee hour will - begin tomorrdw's meetings at 3:30 p.m. at Wesley. A dinner will be held at 6 p.m. followed by a talk on the topic "Where Are You in the Univer sity?" At 10:45 a.m. Sunday at the Methodist Church Dr. Kee will preach on the topic "Where is Your God?" Holy Communion will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the Faith Evangelical and Reformed Church followed by a coffee hour and discussion which will close the series, :1 MIL -/ # . 4 4.• -Sr Wutir THE DAILY - COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA By JOE BEAU-SEIGNEUR Store -Approved -7raternitie3 • Forty-nine fraternities have been approved for the entertain ment of women guests tonight and tomorrow night, the dean of men's office announced yesterday. Acacia, Alpha Chi Rho, Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha Epsilon . Pi, Al pha Gamma Rho, Alpha Phi Delta, Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, Alpha Zeta, Beaver House, B,eta Sigma Rho, Beta Theta Pi, Chi Phi. Delta Chi, Delta Sigma Phi, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Theta Sig ma, 'Delta Upsilon, Kappa Alpha Psi, Kappa Delta Rho, Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Epsilon Pi, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa, Phi Kappa Psi. Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi Mu Delta, Phi Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma Kappa, Pi Kappa Alpha, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Al pha Epsilon, Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma Clii, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi Alpha, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Sigma Pi. Tau Kappa Epsilon, Tau Phi Delta, Theta Chi, Theta Delta Chi, Theta Kappa Phi, Theta Xi,• Tri, angle, and Zeta Beta Tau. Social gazelle Center, Stage: "The Corn Is Green," 8 tonight, Temporary Union Building. Basketball, Penn State vs. Dickinson College, 8 p.m. to morrow, Recreation Hall. Chapel, The Rev. C. Stanley Lowell, speaker, 10:55 a.m. Sunday, Schwab auditorium. Does she belong to you? She is a very lovely young woman if she is your sister, sweetheart (if you'd like her to be), or a close friend— make her Christmas bright with her favorite cosmetic, or an exotic new fragrance. Every woman loves perfume! Rea and Derick offers the newest and largest selection at prices to suit you. Stop, in . now when she thanks you, you'll know you've given the finest. Rea & Derick the store that serves 26 Students Receive Awards in ome Ec Twenty-six students in the College of Home Economics received a total of $3325 in -scholarships and awards. The, college committee on scholarships and awards selected of the award recipients. Students who received scho Donald Solomon, Buff-Henley Extension Homemakers scholar ship of $100; Dorothy DeMay, State Federation of Pennsylvania Women scholarship of $5O; Mari lyn Grant, Sears and Roebuck Foundation scholarship of $lOO. Claudette Mit c h e 11, Kroger scholarship of $200; William Par ros, Joseph V. Horn scholarship of $225; Barbara Serfass, Exten sion Homemakers scholarship of $100; Suzanne Smith, Sears and Roebuck Foundation scholarship of $100; Jesse Roberts, Buff-Hen ley, scholarship of $200; Sara Mc- Alpine, Extension Homemakers scholarship of $lOO. Rhoda Good, State Federation of Pennsylvania Women scholar ship of $5O; Sara Walter, Exten sion Homemakers scholarship of $100; Carol Yard, Kroger scholar ship of $200; Marie Thierwechter, Sears and Roebuck Foundation scholarship of '$100; Joseph Fred erick Jr., Pennsylvania Restaurant Asciciation scholarship of $2OO. Patricia Jack, State Federation of Pennsylvania Women scholar ship of $5O; Mary Louise Bieber, Sears and , Roebuck Foundation scholarship of $100; Francis Han ley, Pennsylvania Restaurant As sociation scholarship of $200; Pa tricia Miernicki, Sears and Roe buck Foundation scholarship of $100; Gary Snyder, Pennsylvania Hotel Association scholarship of $lOO. Marcia Cassler, Sears and Roe buck Foundation scholarship of $100; Sally Kilmer, Sears and Roe buck Foundation scholarship of $100;- . , Suzanne Brosseau, State Federation of Pennsylvania Wo men scholarship of $5O; Joyce Barger, George D. Barbey scholar ship of $100; Margaret King, Sears and Roebuck Foundation scholar ship of $100; Janice Holm, Borden Award of $3OO. Panhel to Send Delegates To NSA Convention Panhellenic Council voted to send two or three delegates to the NSA Regional Convention. The meeting will be held Dec. 10 and 11 at Rosemont College, Philadelphia. • The Council also decided to send two representatives from each sorority to the Brialey Man or, a home for the aged, from 2 to 4 p.m., Dec. 11. 9 8 / 1 / .:, Luxurious Wool' Plaid Stoles .. wonderfully wearable . . . the ideal gift for your roommate or as a take home Christmas gift . . . a variety of delightful new shades . . . priced at only $2.98. Others in wool jer sey at $3.98. Soft orlon, nylon, and wool sweaters-.. . The perfect gift idea for this. Christmas . . . Choose from a full shelf of lovely sweaters in all styles and Sizes. Choose from SMART SHOP'S gifts for a Merrier Christmas! ci1611;i11 arships are: scholarship of $200; Julia Squier, Co-ecbto Beta Sigma Omicron has pledg ed Lois Powell, Shirley Legrand, and Patricia Collins. Margaret Entwisle, Betty Barn hart, Dianne Fiscus, Cheryl Davis, Dolores Kolibab, and Glenda were recently pledged to Kappa Delta. Pledge officers of Gamma Phi Bea are Judith Tame, president; C ail Lepine, vice president; Ilona Bergman, treasurer; Sara Cush man, recording secretary; an d Clarissa Hilt on, corresponding secretary. • Lambda Chi Alpha has pledged Joe English, Donald Woods, Har old Furminger, and John Bilger. Harry Nichol and Russell Martz recently attended the 50th nation al convention of Alpha Gamma Rho at Columbus, Ohio. New officers of Pi Kappa Alpha are Malcolm MacCallum, presi dent; John Mac Ewen, vice presi dent; John Valentine, treasurer; John Fink, secretary; James Tate, rushing chairman; John Kraft, social chairman; David Saumann, house manager; Frank Locotos, pledgemaster; and Norman Miller, publications chairman. Alpha Chi Omega has initiated Martha Heim, Judith Scott, Leah Falkner, and Nancy Lewis. Fall pledge officers are Nancy John son, president; Suzanne Lou x, vice president; Judy Smith, sec retary; Carolyn Davis, treasurer; and Mary Lee Wilcox, song lead er. Edith Kriebel and Nancy Hoff er were recently initiated by Pi Beta Phi. THETA BAZAAR 9:30-4:30 Sal. December 4 Hand made articles Baked goods at the TAVERN „,.. . p .4 ..„.,,, r ...,":” _ .: ... , a ze , ,; 9 . , , N a z'- i Exciting Lady Manhattan Shirts .. So right to mix and match . . . Priced within your budget at $4.98 and $5.98 . . large selection of Ship 'n Shore blouses at $2.98 and $3.98. SHOP PAGE FIVE