FRIDAY. OCTOBER 8. 1954 German Parliament Gives Support to Adenauer . BONN, Germany, Oct. 7 (TP) —Chancellor Konrad Adenauer to night won overwhelming parliamentary support for his policy of bringing a rearmed West Germany into the Western Alliance. In ait uncounted show of hands, the majority of the Bundestag lower house accepted the London agreement to allow Bonn to raise 12 divisions and an air force as a member of the North Atlantic Jury Accuses Owen Laffimore WASHINGTON, Oct. 7 (TP) —A federal grand jury today accused Owen Latfiniore of falsely deny ing under, oath that he had been “a follower of the. Communist line” and a “promoter of Commu nist interests.” The controversial Far Eastern affairs specialist promptly issued a statement saying he always has been a loyal, American who fol lowed the “dictates of my own conscience and not the commands of any foreign system.” The new two-count indictment was obtained by the government after the courts voided the cor nerstone count' of an. earlier in dictment. This alleged Lattimore swore falsely when ..he. told the Senate Internal Security subcom mittee he had never been a sym pathizer or any other kind of promoter of communism or Red interests. Nowhere in the new indictment did the word “sympathizer” ap pear. The U. S. Court of Appeals in a decision last July said this word, as used in the earlier in dictment was too vague. Ike's Road Plan Draws Farmers' Opposition WASHINGTON, Oct. /'7 (TP)— President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s “grand plan” for a 50-billion-dol lar program to modernize the. na tion’s highway system drew heavy opposition from two farin groups. The opposition, which followed the reasoning of many governors when the program was outlined to them last summer, was countered, however, with full-scale support from other organizations. Tommy Dorsey & His Orchestra featuring Jimmy Dorsey Semi - Forma! Dancing from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Rec Hal! $5.00 per Couple Friday, Nov. 5 Junior Prom Players Show Treaty Organization. The vote amounted to a vote of confidence for Adenauer’s policy and' a, swift answer to Soviet For eign Minister V. M. Molotov’s lat est bid to block West German re armament by dangling new hopes of German reunification. The West German Socialists, who have 151 seats in the 487- member chamber, voted against the motion. 1 A Socialist countermotion call ing for another try for a settle ment with the Russians before .committing the Western half of Germany to the free world al liance was shunted aside into the oblivion of committee study. The vote came after more than 11 hours of debate on the Chancel lor’s report on the results of the London conference. Political leaders l in France and Britain also refused to be diverted from their plans for Germany by Molotov’s bid for- another, four power conference. His offer to talk over ways to reunify divided Germany through free elections and withdraw all occupation troops- was received with considerable skepticism. Molotov spoke during a surprise visit to East Berlin, ostensibly to join ceremonies marking the fifth anniversary of East German state. Opening the fight in the French National Assembly for acceptance of the London agrement to re arm West Germany, and bring her into NATO, Premier Pierre Men des-France promised careful con sideration of Soviet proposals. . . “We are ready to study all pro posals which may lead ;to peace,” he said, “but is there any incom patibility between this and the agreements we reached at Lon don? No, ladies and gentlemen, there is no such incompatibility. The two efforts must proceed side 'by. side.” Get Your Date Now! The Junior Class Proudly Presents The Best Weekend o THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA AEC Approves Dixon-Yafes Power Contract WASHINGTON, Oct. 7 (TP)— A -report by the Atomic Energy Commission that it has approved the form of a controversial pri 7 vate power contract with the Dixon-Yates group. drew an an gry protest from two senators ■today. Sen. William. Langer (R-N.D.), chairman of a Senate Anti monopoly subcommittee, and Seii. -E st e s Kefauver . (D-Tenri.), a member, charged that the AEC had not shown “proper respect” for the subcommittee in. acting on the contract. In the name of the subcommit tee, they demanded a copy, of the minutes of the AEC meeting ,at which approval was agreed on, plus a report on how each com missioner voted. K. D. Nichols, AEC’s general manager, had just notified Lang er’s group that the form of the contract had been approved Oct. 5,, but that no binding agreement had been made with the Dixon- Yates combination. The AEC is negotiating with Dixon-Yates for the construction of a private power plant at West Memphis, Ark. ■ The 107-miliion dollar installation would furnish power to the Memphis area over the lines of the Tennessee Valley Authority, replacing electricity TVA has switched to AEC facili- : ties at Paducah, Ky. Wood Questions State Debt Figure WASHINGTON, Pa., Oct. 7 (TP) —Lt. Gov. Lloyd H. Wood, Repub lican candidate for governor, took issue • tonight with Democratic claims on the extent of the Com monwealth’s debt. Wood said\ the State’s indebted ness as of Aug. 31 was $405,337,- 864 instead of 895 . millions • as claimed. by his Democratic op ponent, Sen. George M. Leader. His figure, Wood said, does not include the obligations of the General State Authority, High way and Bridge Authority and Public School Authority. Saturday, Nov. 6 Fraternity Dances Players Show Football Holy Cross Band Day Mendes-France Asks For Vote of Confidence PARIS, Oct. 7 (IP) —Premier Pierre Mendes-France today threw his popularity and prestige squarely on the parliamentary scales in favor'of rearming West Germany under the nine-nation London agreements. At the end of an hour-long appeal to the National Assembly, the Premier appeared to have tilted the balance strongly in his favor for the first vote which will prob ably come tomorrow night Prominent Socialist and Popu lar Republican MRP deputies pre dicted Mendes-France will get between 330 and. 380 votes, well over the 314 absolute majority. In a careful, restrained .report on the London negotiations, the Premier urged the Assembly— which killed the European army plan EDC 8 to endorse German entry into an integrated defense force under a revived Brussels Treaty and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, The Socialists, Assembly sources Said; are likely to tie some strings to their approval, notably a satis factory solution of the French- German dispute over the Saar’s industrial wealth. But the Pre mier reiterated he felt the same way and said he intends to sub mit. the rearmament plan and a Saar solution to Parliament for ratification simultaneously. Mendes-France asked for parlia mentary approval of the outlines of the London agreements and authority to fill in the details in the forthcoming Ministerial con ferences later this month. The Assembly was not asked to vote on any treaty text x at this time. To heavy and prolonged ap plause, Mendes-France hailed Bri tain’s pledges to keep troops on the continent indefinitely, and said he has no further objections to bringing West Germany into NATO as a full member. Mendes-France asserted the controls on German rearmament adopted in the London conference removed French objections to bringing West Germany into NATO. An estimated 50,000 students in the United States are eligible to vote but have not registered or i obtained absentee ballots. Those Fabulous DORSEYS TOMMY and JIMMY DORSEY the Year Bucknell Demonstrators Disciplined for Uprising LEWISBURG, Pa., Oct. 7 (#>)— Bucknell University today took disciplinary action against eight male students who participated in mass demonstrations against, a university ban on intoxicants in fraternity houses. One student was expelled, three were suspended and an additional four were placed on “strict pro bation” by a three-man disci plinary committee made up of Dr. William H. Coleman, Dr, Ray mond L. Ranck, and Malcolm E. Musser, dean of men. THE VICTORY DINER . . . is always open PIZZA PIE Italian and American Foods Sam Capparelli, owner AD 7-3646 H. Atherton St. (Just past the Boro Line). PAGE THREE