The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 20, 1954, Image 8

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IFC-Panhel a ryouts
For Sing Announced
Times for preliminary tryouts for the Interfraternity-Panhel
lenic Council sing were announced yesterday by Alexander Zerban
and Anna Mae Webb, sing co-chairmen.
Preliminary tryouts will be held 8 to 9:30 p.m. Wednesday and
7 to 8:40 p.m. Friday in 110 Electrical Engineering.
Twenty-three fraternities and
15 sororities will compete in the
preliminaries. Tau Kappa Epsilon
and Alpha Xi Delta won the sing
last year.
Groups will form outside 110
Electrical Ezigineering 15 minutes
before they. are scheduled to sing,
Zerban said. Any chorus group
not ready to sign at its assigned
time will be automatically elimi
nated from the contest, Zerban
Finalists will be announced fol
lowing Friday night trials, Zerban
said. No soloists or quartets will
be allowed to compete.
Sing finals will be held at 7 p.m
March 28 in Schwab Auditorium
Groups and time assigned Wed
nesday evening are Pi Kappa Al
pha, 8; Sigma Pi, 8:05; Sigma Chi,
8:10; Chi Omega, 8:15; Alpha Sig
ma Phi, 8:20; Phi Kappa Psi, 8:25;
Alpha Gamma Delta, 8:30; Delta
Upsilon, 8:35: Phi Kappa Sigma,
8:40; Delta Zeta, 8:45; Sigma Al
pha Epsilon, 8:50; Pi Kappa Phi,
8:55; Alpha Gamma Rho, 9; Delta
Gamma, 9:05; Alpha Tau Omega,
9:10; Chi Phi, 9:15; Tau Kappa
Epsilon, 9:20; and Phi Delta Theta,
Groups and time assigned Fri
day evening are Kappa Delta Rho,
7; Alpha Xi Delta, 7:05; Phi Gam
ma Delta, 7:10; Kappa Delta, 7:15;
Alpha Chi Omega, 7:20; Lambda
Chi Alpha, 7:25; Zeta Tau Alpha,
7:30; Phi Mu, 7:35; Kappa Kappa
Gamma, 7:40; Beta Sigma Rho,
7:45; Alpha Kappa Alpha, 7:50;
Gamma Phi Beta, 7:55; Beta Theta
Pi, 8; Delta Delta Delta, 8:05; Al
pha Omicron Pi, 8:10; Delta Sigma
Phi, 8:15; Delta Chi, 8:20; Acacia,
8:25; Kappa Alpha Theta, 8:30;
Theta Xi, 8:35; and Beta Sigma
Omicron, 8:40.
Eisenhowers to Attend
Reception in Simmons
President and Mrs. Milton S.
Eisenhower will be guests at a
reception for students and ex
change visitors from other coun
tries from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday in
Simmons lounge.
The reception is sponsored by
the University c ommitt e e on
international understanding.
Infirmary Releases
Coed Hit by Car
A second-semester coed was re
leased from the infirmary Thurs
day after being treated for injur
ies received in an automobile ac
cident on Shortlidge -road Wed
She was treated for a cut on
the side of the face and bruises
on her legs and toe.
The perfect vacation
for students
61 DAYS June 27 - Aug. 26
71 DAYS June 24 - Sept. 2
Rail - bicycle - steamer
camping trip
State College Travel Bureau
State College Hotel Phona 71.36
Louetta Nettsbaum Jo Gettig
Coeds to Choose
Rooms Monday
Third through seventh se
mester women who have not
received definite room assign
ments and desire a room for
next year must draw numbers
Monday, according to Mrs. Cor
delia L. Hibbs, assistant to the
Dean of Women in charge of
Mrs. Hibbs said yesterday
women ma y draw numbers
from 8 a.m. until noon and
from 1:30 to 5 p.m. Monday in
the Dean of Women's office,
105 Old Main.
Women will not be allowed
to select rooms if they have
not drawn" numbers. This dead
line does not apply to eight
week students and second se
mester freshmen wh o will
draw numbers in April.
do guessing games with cigarettes
When tuckies are Your brand-
A cleaner, freshet; smoother smoke,
A taste that's really grand!
SU Workers
Still Disregard
Parking Code
Campus Patrol Capt. Philip A.
Mark said yesterday the patrol
is experiencing considerable diffi
culty with construction workers
on the Student Union who in
sist on parking in Lot 2 between
Grange dormitory and Temporary
Thursday, patrolmen tagged
nearly 50 cars who were unau
thorized to park in the area and
over a dozen were found there
yesterday, Mark said. He credit
ed the cut to asking the superin
tendent of construction to have
his men park in Lot 50 which is
allotted to them.
If the violations continue, Mark
said, the patrol has the alterna
tive of charging the offenders
with trespassing, which carries a
fine of $lO and costs. He termed
this as "very drastic," however,
and said he doubted it would be
Mark also said the crack-down
on students driving on Pollock
road during class hours had been
very successful. He said there
were only three violators appre
hended yesterday and none the
day before.
Hurricanes in the Atlantic and
typhoons in the Pacific are known
as cyclones when they appear in
the Indian Ocean.
Phil W. Elder
Oklahoma University'
When you come right down to it, you
smoke for one simple reason . . . enjoy
ment. And smoking enjoyment is all a
matter of taste. Yes, taste is what counts
in a cigarette. And Luckies taste better.
Two facts explain why Luckies taste
better. First, L.S./M.F.T.—Lucky Strike
means - fine tobacco . . . light, mild, good
tasting tobacco. Second, Luckies are ac
tually made better to taste better . . .
always round, firm, fully packed to draw
freely and smoke evenly.
So, for the enjoyment you get from
better taste, and only from better taste,
Be Happy—Go Lucky. Get a pack or a
carton of better-tasting Luckies today.
Zie alwaHs heard that taste will tell;
And now I know it's true-
The better taste of Lucky Strikes
Will sure convince youstoo
aid A. Ben
D° " n UtziversitY
Wash That Window
THE MAN washing the win
dows of the new wing of Pattee
Library is safe from falls. A
boatswain, the same type of ar
rangement used by sailors to
clean the sides of ships, holds
him sec urel y. Conventional
window-washing equip ment
cannot be used on the library's
windows because of their con
:~~ :i
SATURDAY. • MARCH - 20,-1954
DIR Enrollment
Shows Drop
Of 101 Students
Enrollment figures for the Di
vision of Intermediate Registra
tion for the spring semester,
released by director Harold K.:
Wilson, show a drop of 101 'stu
dents from the fall semester total.
Current enrollment shows a
total of 338 students. Enrollment
for the fall semester was 439.
Of the 338 now in DIR, 170 are
enrolled for their first semester,
and 160 are enrolled for the sec
ond semester. A student may re
main in DIR for a maximum of
two semesters, with approval of
the dean of the division.
The number of students who
transferred out of DIR into a
college totaled 134. Of these, 51
transferred into the College of
Business Administration. Trans
fers into the College of the Lib
eral Arts totaled 36.
The College of Agriculture re
ceived 13 transfers and the Col
lege of Education 12. Next in line
were the College of Home Eco
nomics with eight, the College of
Mineral Industries and the Col
lege of Engineering and Archi
tecture, each with five, the Col
lege of Chemistry and Physics
with three, and the College of
Physical Education with one.
Scientists believe that insects
have existed for about 250 million
Pe often been class president -
ism called a real go-getter !
Mg brand is always Lucky Strike-
Why shuckSitheg, just taste better!
A comprehensive survey—based on
31,000 student interviews and super
vised by college professors—shows that
smokers in colleges from coast to coast
prefer Luckies to all other brands! The
No. 1 reason: Luckies' better taste!
Lillian Firestone
Barnard College
Fr , *