The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 19, 1954, Image 7

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    FRIDAY, MARCH 19. 1954
Cagers Will Face
LaSalle Tonight
(Continued from page one)
Tomorrow night's final match, which will be televised nationally by NBC, is a sure
bet to be another sellout., That contest gets underway at 11:15 p.m. (EST).
Fans tonight will get a special treat when
.the Lions and LaSalle clash in the first semi
final, a game which will, also determine the Eastern champion. All-American Torn Gola of
LaSalle and Penn State's Jesse Arnelle, currently the most talked about player in the na
tion, should add a lot of extra color to the game. Gola ha's led the Explorers to a fine 24-4
record with a 22.3 point per game
scoring average. Arnelle, who is
nearing that mark, sports a 21
The big Lion center sparked the
Nittanies to three upset wins in
the regional eliminations and was
named the most valuable player
of the tourney following Penn
State's 71-63 win. against •Notre
Dame last Saturday.
LaSalle has been installed as the
favorite to win both games tonight
and tomorrow. But it's all figured
on the Explorers' • overall record
and the experts are keeping a
watchful eye on the Lions and
their tricky zone defense. The
confusing zone stymied two of the
best teams in the country last
week and it has gathered a lot of
respect from former skeptics.
Neutral Grounds
This is neutral territory out here
and strong possibility looms that
Penn State may be the sentimen
tal favorites tonight. Mid-western
fans have taken a liking to the
Lions, and especially their
"strange" zone defense. The Nit
tanies captured the crowd's fancy
last week when, as disregarded
nobodies, they battered their way
to upset wins over LSU and Notre
Dame on consecutive nights.
The Penn State party arrived
here by plane yesterday afternoon
and established headquarters at
the Continental Hotel. Coach El
mer Gross put the ten-man squad
through a light workout on the
auditorium floor last night The
team will begin a long rest until
game time tonight.
Gross will probably start the
same five the used in all three
games last week. Arnelle will be
at center and Ron Weidenhammer
and Ed Haag will get the nod at
the guard positions. Captain Jack
Sherry and either Bob Rohland
or Jim Blocker will be at the for
ward posts.
Lineup a Formality
However, a starting lineup is
just a formality with this club
these days. No matter who holds
down the first five positions at the
opening tap-off, it's positive that
at least three of Gross' reserves
will see just as much action. Last
week the Lion coach shuffled
Blocker, Earl Yields, and Jim
Brewer in and out- of the lineup
constantly in all three games. And
it paid off. All eight men were
invaluable while they were in the
Besdes these eight, forward
Rudy Marisa and guard Dave Ed-
in play
• Harder Smashes
e Better Cut and Spin
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Pro•Fected Braid-.. 56.00
Multi-Ply 8raid......55.00
At tennis shops and
sporting goods' stores.
.choice, of The chcimPtc)" - .
Citrus Dope
' (Continued from page six),.
Thompson and Willie Mays pacing
a 12-hit attack.
BRADENTON, Fla.: March 18
(R)—Sparked by th e slugging
power of Earl Torgeson, the Phil
adelphia Phillies pounded out a
12-10 win • over the Milwaukee
Braves today.
Torgeson, hit safely his first
four times at the plate—a double,
single, triple and single in that
order. He scored two runs, batted
in a pair and helped set up an
other tally.
wards, sidelined last week with an
attack of virus, will possibly get
their crack at LaSalle tonight.
Win or lose, the Lions will still
be in action tomorrow night. The
two winners and the two losers
will be paired against each other
for the consolation and chathpion
ship games.
The squad will leave for State
College Sunday morning and is
expected to arrive home about
11 p.m.
at you want most
Chevrolet gives you first
OUT AHEAD with that bigger,
lower look. Only Chevrolet and leading
higher-priced cars have Body by Fisher
with that big, smooth, IoW-slung look.
OUT AHEAD with zippy, thrifty
Powerglide. It's the first and most ad
vanced automatic transmission in the
low-price field. Acceleration is instantly
responsive and as smooth as silk. Op
tional on all models at extra cost.
1M Matmen
(Continued from page six)
ion win and a pin. Glenn Grove,
Chi Phi,' topped Tom Lewis, Sig
ma Alpha Epsilon with an 8-2
count, and Don Farmelo, pinned
Dick Tussey, Pi Kappa Sigma.
Farmelo lead 7-1 before •he ap
plied the clincher.
In other matches, Norm Paul,
Alpha Gamma Rho, pinned his
165-pound opponent, Daley, Al
pha Epsilon Pi, Jim Sweeney,
Delta Upsilon, pinned Tom Fal
kie, Sigma Phi Sigma, in 1:50 of
the third period; Whitey Messer
man, Delta Chi, used a double
arm lock to pin William Duroraw,
Delta Tau Sigma; Edward Klose,
Delta Sigma Phi won a 5-4 decis
ion over Clark Sell, Acacia; and
Jesse Darlington, Phi Gamma Del
ta, pinned Conrad Lentz, Delta
Sigma Phi.
Independent action saw Ken
Knipe decision Uhlman, 6-0; Jones
topped Beck, 6-0; Don Vinson,
pinned Don Fritz; and George
McKelvey pinned George Brown.
There are about 15 million bi
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We this why more people want—and buy.
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Conveniently listed under "Automobiles" in your local classified telephone directory
See how Chevno'llet stays ahead of other tow-priced cars in all
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That's promising a lot, but we welcome the chance to prove it!
OUT AHEAD with the highest
compression overhead valve engines.
Chevrolet's great engines have the
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low-priced car.
OUT AHEAD with bigger brakes.
Chevrolet brakes are largest_ in the low
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3 U.S.
WASHINGTON, March 18 (. 1 1 3 )—Three U.S. senators agreed today
that the Pittsburgh Pirates will be a threat in the National League
by the 1955 season.
The Pirates, current doormat of the National League, came up
for discussion at Senate judiciary subcommittee hearings today after
Sen. Harley M. Kilgore (D-W.Va.)
had said he had heard that only
four major league clubs-now have
enough money to compete suc
cessfully for a league title.
Sen. Herman Welker (R-Idaho)
said that "in a small way," he is
identified with the Pirates.
"Johnny Galbreath and Bing
Crosby have plenty o. wealth,"
Welker said, "but the club hasn't
been out of last place since I live
been connected with it."
Galbreath is president of the
club and Crosby is vice president.
Welker, whose legal firm repre
hents Crosby, owns some shares of
pittsburgh stock.
There have been published re
ports that the Pirates are in fi
nancial trouble. This was said to
have • prompted the club to part
with some of top stars for cash.
Sen. William Langer (R-N.D.),
chairman of the subcommittee,
said the Pirates won't do well in
1954 "but they will climb in 1955
and 1956."
"I see where they have seven
first basemen now and they have
so many players the people don't
even know their names. Branch
Rickey is a smart general mana
ger and he'll bring them along."
Sen. Edwin D. Johnson (D-
Colo.) president of the Western
League, agreed. "In 1955 and
1956," he said, "don't sell the Pi
rates short." Welker said that he,
too, had high hopes for next year.
12 Intramural
Teams Advance
In Volleyball
Intramural volleyball acti o rt
continued with a full schedule of
gam ; last Wednesday at Rec
Phi Kappa Tau opened the eve
ning's card with an easy win over
Kappa Sigma, 15-13, 15-13. Phi
Delta Theta had little trouble
from Phi Sigma Delta, 15-6, 15-8,
while Phi Kappa Psi had an easy
tir .e in besting Alpha Chi Sigma,
15-2, 15-3. Theta Xi defeated The
ta Kappa Phi, 15-13, 15-3, and Phi
Sigma Kappa was too strong for
Phi Mu Delta, 15-12, 15-5.
Phi Gamma Delta surprised a
strong Beta Theta Pi team, 15-13,
15-10, while Lambda Chi Alpha
won by forfeit from Sigma Alpha
Epsilon. Chi Phi upended Sigma
Pi, 15-8, 15-10. Sigma Phi Sigma
overpowered Alpha Gamma Rho,
15-11, 15-8, while Alpha Ta u
Omega won in a romp from Phi
Kappa, 15-1, 15-3.
Delta Theta Sigma beat Sigma
Phi Alpha, 15-3, 15-4, and Tau
Kappa Epsilon beat Theta Chi,
15-3, 15-10.
OUT AHEAD with that smooth and
solid big-car ride. Chevrolet's the only
low-priced car with Unitized Knee-Action
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OUT AHEAD with automatic power
controls. Chevrolet is the first low-priced
car to bring you all the latest automatic
power features and controls as extra
cost options.