The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 02, 1954, Image 8

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WD Room
Forms Due
By March 16
Application for rooms in the
West Dorm area for next year
may be made by upperclassmen
about March 16, according to Otto
E. Mueller, director of housing.
Mueller said the date for room
application will be confirmed
early this month.
Two hundred and forty rooms
for upperclass students will be
available, in addition to rooms for
50 disabled students, according to
a recent announcement by the
Department of Housing.
Assignment to West Dorm
rooms is based upon the student's
All-University average and the
order in which his application is
received. The All-University aver
age considered is that at the close
of the fall semester.
To be eligible, a student who
will be a senior next semester
must have an All-University aver
age of 1 or better; a junior, 1.5 or
better; and a sophomore, 2 or bet
ter. The first 60 eligible sopho
mores to apply will be assigned to
West Dorm rooms, according to
the Housing department.
According to dormitory con
tracts, a $lO room and key de
posit will be required to reserve
a dormitory room. A student who
pays this deposit must live in the
residence halls next year if he
enrolls at the University. If he
notifies the Department of Hous
ing by Aug. 16 that he does not
plan to enroll, the deposit will
.be refunded.
Whitmore Lab-
(Continued from page one)
dergraduate students. It contains
20 labs and 38 offices, service and
mechanical rooms, a library, and
storage space.
At present, only the library,
offices, and storage space is used.
A few classes meet in the three
story-and-basement building.
The third floor houses the li
brary and reading room. The li
brary is a consolidation of librar
ies formerly located in Pond and
Osmond Laboratories.
The laboratory will provide fa
cilities for upperciass studies in
organic chemistry, physical chem
istry, radio chemistry, and micro
DOUBLE BREASTED Tuxedo. Size 39-40.
$25.00. Excellent condition. Call State
College 8-8714 after 5 p.m.
1946 DODGE 2-door sedan priced reason
ably to sell. Contact Lew Ripley, Nittany
24-7 ext. 284.
HAVE WALLET-SIZED photos made from
your portrait. 20 for .$1.25. Also copy
special from any old or new negative and
5x7 print—sl.oo. Extra prints, .35 ea. at
Centre Co. Film Lab.,,122 W. Beaver Ave.
1930 MODEL "A" . Ford. Body condition
and mechanically perfect, $l5O. Two
wheel utility trailer with racks, $5O.
Call Nelson Gill after 5 p.m. 8-6353.
ONE-HALF a room for rent at 138 Mc-
Allister street. Call 7137 after 4 p.m.
Completely furnished bedroom and
kitchen. Excellent parking facilities. Phone
students ; baths, showers—back of Weis
Market, 224 S. Pugh Street. Phone 8-9147.
LIGHT WORK for room. No firing. Call
THESIS, MANUSCRIPTS, etc. typed. Call
Sandra Wheeler at ext. 508 before 5:00
evening 8-91.80. _
IS YOUR typewriter giving you trouble?
If so you can have it repaired. Just dial
2492 for pick-up or bring to 633 W. Col
lege Ave,
BOARD OR board and room available at
Marilyn Hall, 317 East Beaver Ave. Ask
tor Mrs. Elleard.
WILL PERSON who found my ring and
wrist watch at the TUB Saturday night
please call Gino Mori at 2548.
ONE PHI Sigma Delta fraternity pin; on
golf course; near holes 1,2, 17, 18.
Reward. Call Stu Allen. 4409.
RADIO AND TV guaranteed service,
prompt and efficient. State College TV,
122 N Atherton. Phone 8-6021.
TIRED OF IT ALL? Was last semester's
average too rnuoh to take? Williamsporter
leading west in 'Pori convertible wants
companions to ride niletgun, share driving.
Contact George Crouse. 3969 for details.
Course Drops
End Saturday
Students may continue to drop
courses without the permission of
the dean of their school until
Saturday, according to Harry A.
Sperber, assistant scheduling of
It was erroneously announced
that students needed the permis
sion of their deans _prior to this
date, but such permission is not
required until a f t e r Saturday,
Sperber said.
An unsatisfactory grade is not
an excuse for dropping a course,
he said, citing the Senate Regu
lations for Undergraduate Stu
dents. However. deans will grant
Today's Chesterfield
Best Cigarette
"Chesterfields for Me !"
The cigarette tested and approved by 30
years of scientific tobacco. research.
"Chesterfields for Me!"
The cigarette that gives you proof of
highest qUality—low nicotine—the taste
you want—the mildness you want.
Sellcox to Address
Engineers Tonight
Lewis K. Sillcox, national pres
ident of the American Society of
Mechancal Engineers, will speak
at a joint meeting of the Penn
State and central Pennsylvania
branches at 7:30 - tonight in 105
Mechanical Engineering. His topic
will be "Tomorrow's Transport."
Sillcox is vice chairman of the
board of the New York Air Brake
Co. and has spent his entire career
in the railroad industry. He has
contributed to the development of
improved methods of :railway
power application and the control
of railway trains.
authorization under special cir
Students may drop courses by
going to the Scheduling office,
basement of Willard.
.Y6.v?"Ltozetd , .4 , _
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Brewer Talks Tonight
In Nittany Dormitory
Mary E. Brewer, assistant to
the dean of, women, will speak
to members of Nittany Dormi
tory 39 tonight. She will speak
on student's social responsibil
ities, William Johnson, dorm
president, has announced.
Laudenslayer Elected
Recreation President •/
Ralph Laudenslayer recently
was elected president of the Penn
State Recreation Society. Also
elected were Carole Avery, vice
president; Margaret Porterfield,
secretary; and Terry Mish, treas
urer. Robert Yoder and Richard
Rice were elected senior and jun
ior representatives.
n , ; ..
i mo k America's Most Popular
2-Way Cigarette
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(Continued from page one) \
close together as possible to make
room for the large crowd.
Tickets for basketball games on
Thursday and Saturday with
Georgetown and Temple will be
distributed starting today.
Students may pick up exchange
tickets by bringing their AA books
to the Athletic Association office
in Old Main. The office is open
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday
through Friday and from 8 a.m.
to noon Saturday.
Belles-Lettres Club
J. Mitchell Morse, instructor of
English literature, will speak to
the Belles-Lettres Club on "T. S.
Eliot, Poet, Critic, and Propagan
dist" at 7 tonight in the north
west lounge of Atherton Hall.
is the
Ever Made!
Rec Hall Action--