TUESDAY[ FEBRUARY 23; 1954 Panhei to Give Final Decision OnConstitutional Amendments Final approval of the revised Panhellenic Council constitution will be called for at 6:30 tonight in the Zeta Tau Alpha chapter room, 271 Simmons. The amended constitution was introduced to the council two weeks ago. Enactment of it will require approval by two-thirds of the 19 voting members. If ap proved it would affect three ma jor changes in the council elec tion processes. 1. It would allow a one-year grace period to the sorority in line for the council presidency if that sorority is unable to provide a presidential candidate for its turn at office. 2. It would provide a screening board, composed of the five coun cil officers, to set up standards of presidential qualification and to select a president from a maxi- AGENDA Roll Call Minutes Officers Reports: 1. IFC Ball 2. Treasurer's report Committee Reports: 1. Greek Week 2. Fireside discussions 3. Projects: possibilty of re decorating the da y stu dents' room in Woman's Building Old Business: 1. Constitution revision New Business: 1. Review of informal rush ing program 2. IFC -Panhel Newsletter: suggestion that Panhel edit the newsletter jointly with IFC 3. IFC-Panhel Sing mum of five candidates submitted to the board by the sorority in line for the presidency. 3. It would require that two council delegates be elected or ap pointed from each sorority, the one to' be the rushing chairman and the other a delegate other than the sorority president. Ellen Wandel, council president, will refer to the council a request from Anna Webb, Interfraternity Council-Panhellenic Sing co-chair men; that the sing committee of fer first and second prizes in this year's contest. Miss Webb has 'asked that the standard rotating cups and plaques which may be kept by the win ning sorority and fraternity be awarded to the winners of first places, and that plaques be given to the second place winners. In previous years, rotating cups only were given to the sorority and fraternity winning first plac es. The groups could keep the cups only during the academic year in which they were the win ners. Miss Webb said that if both first and second' prizes . were of fered, sororities and fraternities would be encouraged to enter the contest in spite of competition from previous winners. B®® BEYOND ANY BIGNESS THAT THE SCREEN HAS PRESENTED BEFORE. ALL THE MIGHT AND 'MAJESTY O THE UNCONQUERABLES emu --, iti WART 4 E \ • 4rellteMlisteatemzi " if[ COMMAND" GUY MADISON wflon . j aisenow RfJO4IARVEY WiIBECK • AUSSZINUGHES • .170;171;01.111, 127 THURSDAY CATHAUM ATO Cleans Town Church The St. John's United Brethren Church was the con,munity pro ject of the 1954 Help Week con ducted by Alpha Tau Omega frat ernity Wednesday night. Eight brothers and eight pled ges gave the State College church a top-to-bottom cleaning, Bruce Coble, project chairman, reported. Coble said they washed over 1000 windows, scrubbed miles of wood work and floor, and cleaned sev eral storage closets. Rifle Corps Holds Dance for Initiates A formal pledge dinner dance was held Friday at the Allencrest Tea Room and the Armory for 28 initiates of Company B-5 of Pershing Rifles. Three honorary members ini tiated Wednesday are Capt. Paul E. Duquette, United States Air Force; Capt. David H. Hornstein, Infantry; and Ist Lt. Haven H. Hemmings, Infantry. Other initiates are Irwin Ab ramson, Thomas•Allardice, Albert Balkey, Eugene Banker, Lionel Bourne, Eugene Bowman, Ralph S. Brainerd, Stanley Collins, Don Dentler, Allan Friedman, William Gallagher, Donald Garber. Charles Gearhart, Richard Glad stone, David Hunt, Bernard Kaz meroski, George Kennedy, Ho ward Levine, Robert A. Miller, William C. Miller, Glenn Moyer, William Moyer, William Rosen miller, Eric Taylor, and William Woehr. WRA to Sponsor 'Army-Navy' Game The annual "Army-Navy" game, sponsored by'the Women'z Recre ation Association, will be played at 6:45 p.m. tomorrow in White Hall. The two competing teams are made up of outstanding players selected from the teams in the interclass competitions. This is the final game of the in tramural basketball season. Eight girls will be selected 'from the teams in . this game to represent Penn State Saturday at the Play Day activities at Lycoming Col lege. Fresh Council to Meet Freshman Council will' meet at 6:30 tonight in 103 Willard, Bar bara Stock, chairman, has an nounced. WHO FORGED THE AMERICAN FRONTIER! BEGINS THE . DAItY CattEOllAN: NER BROS. STANLEY-WARNER STATE COLLEGE.' PENNSYLVANIA Co_editi Delta Chi Delta Chi recently elected Phil ip Smith, secretary• Jack Muse, corresponding secretary; Herbert Maliniak, treasurer; Thomas Cer aso, pledgemaster; Paul Smith, house manager; Janies Park, so cial chairman; Charles Stachel, publicity chairman; Ronald Span genburg, librarian. The Spring pledge class includes Larry O'Dell, president; William Walker, secretary-treasurer; John Evans, Robert Ott, Roger Rile, Richard Ziegler, Charles Teyssier, Jere Frid, and Wilson Myers. Kappa Kappa Gamma Kappa Kappa Gamma recently initiated Joan Ziegler, Jean Yemm, Patricia Nesbit, Mary Pera, Frances. Riley, Diane Hal lock, Lilian Melko, Betty Bemus, Marilyn Myers Barbara Repsha, Ruth Grigoletti, Julianne Roess, Elizabeth Rodgers, Virginia Sturm, and Susan Rice. A luncheon was held in the suite following the initiation on Feb. 20. The chapter attended chapel serv ice Sunday as a group in honor of the new initiates. Alpha Zeta Alpha Zeta recently initiated Richard Gramley, Albert Carey, Walter Edelen, David Morrow, Samuel - Smith, Robert Grub b, Thomas Zeigler, Allon Leonard, Robert Hodge, John Sink, Fred Seipt, William Marlatt, and . Wil liam Rexrode. Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta was enter tained recently by Chi Phi frater nity. Pledges provided entertain ment followed by refreshments and dancing. Gamma Phi Beta Gamma Phi Beta recently en tertained Sigma Pi in the Grange playroom. Group singing, dancing, and refreshments were included in the evening's social program. Sigma Phi Epsilon Zeta Tau Alpha was entertained by Sigma Phi Epsilon. The pledges presented a. skit and refreshments were served. H Es Club, Engineers To Hold Joint Meet The Home Economics Club will hold a mixer with the Electrical Engineering Society from 7 to 10 tonight in Temporary Union Building. Music will be provided by the Lee Garbrick Trio. Philotes, Elects Officers Offiders of , Philotes, women's social organization, for the com ing semester are, Helen Clare, president; Beverly Burkhardt, secretary; Jacquelyn Shackelford, treasurer; Nancy Hammer, histor ian; and Carolyn Lackey, athletic chairman. ~ ~::; 1~~ )141C .SOUND . • rnarriageJ Bertsch-Eisen Mr. and Mrs. Herinan Eisen of West Pittston, announce the mar riage of their daughter Sally to Charles Basch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Basch of Scranton. Th e ceremony took place Dec. 20 in Wilkes-Barre. Mrs. Basch was graduated from the University in sociology in the Class of 1953. Mr. Basch was graduated from the University last year in pre law. He was a member of the de bate team, a member of Phi Sig ma Delta, and belonged to Delta Sigma Rho and Skull and Bones. He is now attending the Univer sity of Pennsylvania Law School. Students and alumni in the wedding party were Ina Lazarus, Benet Rosenthal, and L e o n a r d Friedman. Alexander-Rice Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Rice of Laurel, Md., announce the mar riage of their daughter, Betty to Robert Alexander of Upper Dar by. Mrs. Alexander attended the University and is a member of Delta Zeta. Mr. Alexander attended the Uni versity and is now serving with the United States Army. He is a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon. Landon-Bond Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bond, Al mond, N.D., announce the mar- riage of their daughter Virginia to Owen Landon Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Landon, Williams port. The marriage took place in Williamsport Jan. 29. Mr. Landon is a graduate of the University. He was captain of the tennis team, business manager of the Daily Collegian, and a mem ber of Parmi Nous and Lion's Paw. Woiciehowicz- Venziauskas Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Venzlaus kas of Minersville announce the marriage of their daughter Mar ion to Theodore Wojciehowicz, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Wojcie howicz of. Philadelphia. The mar riage was held Jan. 10 in Miners ville. Mrs. Wojciehowicz was graduat ed from the University in politi cal science. She is now a..graduate assistant in political science and a member of Pi Sigma Alpha, pol itical science honorary. Mr. Wojciehowicz also was grad uated from the University in pol itical science and is a graduate as sistant in the subject. He is presi dent of Pi. Sigma Alpha. Reservations Due For Hillel Brunch A lox and bagel brunch will be held at 10 a.m. Sunday at the Hil lel Foundation, 224 S. Miles street. • Persons interested in attending the brunch may sign up today and tomorrow at the foundation. Res ervations will cost 5Q cents. Coffee and other refreshments will be served.. Kicked Once there was a Sophomore who had a ,Sister. He also had a Girl. As Coincidence would have it, both fe males labored under the Baptismal Handicap of Ermintrude. Small world. The sister (call her Ermintrude I for the record) got married. In due proc ess, she produced an Offspring. So, fraternal-like, Our Boy sat down and wrote her a Letter of Congratula tions, starting "I hear you have a Baby .. ." Only trouble was, he for got to mail it. Went off for the Week end, leaving it on his desk, where his Roommate spotted it. The latter, being The Soul of Honor, didn't read any farther than the lead off . . . which was, logically enough, "Dear Ermintrude." Jumping at a Conclusion, he addressed an enve lope to Ermintrude , H, slapped on a 105 S. Allen St. Panhel Frosh Fireside Talk Set for Tonight The second in a series of fire side discussions for freshman wo men on "W ha t Sorority Offers You" will be held at 9:15 tonight for levels A and B and the first floor of Thompson Hall in the Thompson Hall recreation room. The discussions are sponsored by Panhellenic Council. The first program was held last week in McAllister Hall. The talk will include the sor ority rushing program, sorority fraternity social events, scholas tic averages required for member ship, expenses, sororities' func tions in campus and local affairs, and the advantages of being a sorority woman after graduation. Discussion leaders will be Jane Bishop, eighth semester home economics major; Mary Heckman, sixth semester medical technician major; Norma Reck, sixth semes ter education major; and Marilyn Buzby, eighth semester pre-medi cal major. Approximately 70 freshman wo men attended the discussion last week in McAllister Hal:. Miss Bi shop said the women's chief con cern was the average rushee's chances of receiving a bid from a sorority. Discussions will be sponsored by the council March 2 in Wo man's Building and March 9 in Thompson Hall. "THE LONG, LONG TRAILER" BOLD! BLUNT! BRUTAL! "MAN CRAZY" Italian Star Anna Magnani in "BELLISSIMA" English Subtitles the Face by a Bootee OR ...Who Ever Called it a "Blessed Event"? stamp and dropped the Missive in the Mails. Our Sophomore still has a sister named Ermintrude. No Girl. And he still has No Idea why. Had he but had a Telegrammar, he'd have Known Enough to send Sis and Spouse a handsome Congratulations telegram. (Telegrammar an idea packed, pocket-size guide to tele graph use. To get one, free, just write to Room 1727, Western Union at 60 Hudson St., New York City.) Tele grams get to the Right Destination . . . carry Good News, Invitations, Bids for Dates (or Cash) more result fully than any other Form of Com munication. When you have a mes sage to send that Means Something, just call Western Union or sprint to your Western Union office. PAGE RV? Lucille Ball Desi Arnaz Tel. 8-6731