The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 10, 1954, Image 8

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2 Fraternities
100% in Elections
Delta Tau Delta and Phi Epsilon Pi had 100 per cent participa
tion in the fall semester sophomore class elections, according to a
survey recently completed by Lewis Goslin, Lion Party vice-clique
According to Benjamin Sind
results of the survey will be used
to plan future Lion Party cam
paigns. The State Party won two
out of three sophomore class of
fices in the fall elections.
Other fraternities having a high
number of members participating
in the elections were Phi Gamma
Delta, 78 per cent; Sigma Alpha
Mu, 75 per cent; Delta Theta Sig
ma, 75 per cent; Pi Kappa Alpha,
74 per cent; Acacia, 67 per cent;
Alpha Gamma Rho, 62 per cent;
Kappa Sigma, 58 per cent; Tau
Phi Delta, 57 per cent; Phi Kappa,
50 per cent; Theta Chi, 47 per
cent; and Tau Kappa Epsilon, 47
per cent.
The independent men’s living
unit with the largest voting per
centage was Hamilton Hall with
43 per cent.
In the women’s voting, Atherton
Hall’s voting percentage of 42
was the highest. McElwain Hall
was close behind with 39 per
In a breakdown of the vote by
colleges, the Division of Inter
mediate Registration far exceeded
the others with a voting percent
age of 78 per cent. The College
of Physical Education and Ath
letics was in second place with
45 per cent.
According to the survey, only
27 per cent of the sophomore
women voted as compared with
73 per cent of the men.
Dunne Wi9l Speak
H. W. Dunne, member of the
University veterinary staff, will
discuss “Personal Experiences in
the Bureau of Animal Husban
dry” before the Pre-Vet Club at
7:30 tonight " 4 - Ai-r>ho Gamma
lair, Lion Party clique chairman,
Senate Suspends
Two Freshmen
Two freshmen have been in
definitely suspended by the Sen
ate committee on student affairs’
subcommittee on discipline for
conduct detrimental to the good
name of the University.
One of the freshman had paid
the other to take his Air Science
final examination, Dean of Men
Frank J. Simes reported yester
Indefinite suspension means
that a student will not necessarily
be permitted to petition for re
admittance at the end of one
semester, Simes said.
Candidafes for Radio
News Writing to Meet
Students interested in writing
radio news and radio sports news
for the Daily Collegian may at
tend a candidates’ meeting at 7
p.m. tomorrow in Carnegie.
A meeting for candidates for
the editorial staff of the Daily
Collegian will be held at 7 p.m.
next Wednesday in 1 Carnegie.
Candidates need not be journal
ism majors.
Father O'Leary to Talk
Father John O’Leary, pastor of
Our Lady of Victory Church, will
discuss the basic tenets of Catholi
cism at the Penn State Christian
Association Assembly at 7 tonight
in the Catholic Students Center,
214 W. Fairmount avenue.
ACEI to Meet Tonight
The Association of Childhood
Education International will meet
at 7 tonight in Atherton lounge.
Your One-Stop Service Store Has
You can get Everything you will need
111-115 S. Allen Street
for all courses at Penn State
Whenever You Need Something ...
Can Get It at Metzgers
Feline! Reports
Ag Fee Plan
h Unsuccessful
Despite the new plan initiated
for spring registration for pay
ment of the 50 cent Farmer sub
scription fee by students in the
College of Agriculture, students
again failed to pay their fee, Ed
gar Fehnel, retiring editor of the
EJenn State Farmer, said last
night at the Agriculture Student
Council meeting.
Fehnel reported approximately
the same number of students paid
the fee this semester as last se
mester. Five hundred students
paid the 50 cents during fall reg
According to reports from coun
ci. members, many students still
favor discontinuing the maga
zine. Fehnel felt that if an Agri
cultural School of Journalism
were introduced the Farmer
would not need the financial sup
port of students in order to con
tinue publication.
A plan to promote attendance
at club meetings by the standard
ized scheduling of club activities
and Blue books in the College
was proposed by the club com
The plan would provide for
curricular clubs to meet on the
first and/or third Monday of each
month and for general clubs to
meet on the second and/or fourth
Wednesday of each month.
E For quality combined E
| with quantity your |
= best bet is the =
I Campus §
| Restaurant |
1 142 E. COLLEGE 1
(Continued from page one)
ley approaches to Luang Prabang.
2. Establish closer contact for
the rebels between the Red Chi
nese frontier to the north and
Burma and Thailand to the south
and west.
French Union troops have been
in contact for two days with Viet
minh guerrillas preparing the
road for regular units and
strengthening their 1 supply con
nections. The Dulk of Division
KITCHEN TABLE, four chairs $2O;
. kitchen work table —$10; pair of skis,
clamps, poles—sl2. Call 8-6012.
KODAK TOURIST camera f 4.5 lens 200th
shutter and accessories. Call ext. 1171
and ask for Jim Rich. .
HAVE WALLET-SIZED photos made from
your portrait. 20 for $1.25. Also copy
special from any old or new negative and:
5x7 print $l.OO, extra prints .35 ea. at
Centre Co. Film Lab., 122 W. Beaver Aye.
SPOTLESS 1948 Chevrolet' Aero Sedan
radio, heater. The works, $450. Call Jack
Streb ext. 2272.
1946 FORD CLUB coupe, rebuilt V-8 en-
gine, R&H, good tires, excellent con
dition, clean. $395. Joe Puchalsk, 5051
ext. 790.
1947 CHEVROLET Fleetine 2 dr. sedan.
•R&H, good tires, seat covers, exception
ally clean body. $395. Phone State College
IS YOUR - typewriter giving you trouble?
-if so you can have it repaired during
holiday vacations. Just dial 2492 for pick--
up or bring to 633 W College Ave.
LAUNDRY—men's preferred. Mrs. Robert
W. Horner, Lemont. Phone 8-8747,
ELECTRIC GUITAR man for square dance
and combo work. D. S. Beals 7851*.
TALENT WANTED for Penn State Club
Talent Show. Sign up at Student Union
desk by Wednesday, Feb. 10.
Initials E.J.B. and 53 on back. Senti
mental value. Reward. Call Ed Browne,
4923. _
DARK BROWN pair men's leather gloves.
316 Sparks, Jan. 27. Call 2084, ask for
Ed. -• •
K&E SLIDE RULE, 105 Willard Hall;
identification marks. Phone Bill Selvig
4957. • .
GLASSES IN red case. Name inside case.
Call Jerry, 7219.
WATCH, brown leather strap.
State College, Pa.
Waters Will Speak
To Aeronautical Group
The - Institute of 1 Aeronautical
Sciences will meet at' 7 tonight in
105 Mechanical Engineering.
Dr. R. Hadly Waters, professor
of transportation, • will- discuss
“Subsidy of Airlines by the Gov
308 is advancing on Luang Pra
bang along the Hou Valley and
French planes have noted many
rebel rafts descending that river.
TWO LARGE single rooms with large beds.
Phone State College 8-6285.
SINGLE ROOM—6O9 S. Allen St. Reason
able rent. Call State College 4232.
MALE STUDENT to share large room
with private bath. Phone State College
8-6601. ____
SINGLE ROOM in private home. Phone
. 8-8929. • ___
FURNISHED ROOM—cooking privileges,
rented for one person or married couple.
Mrs. Lynn Tlatt, 120 E. Fairmount, 2887.
ONE SINGLE room —second floor, bath,
for students. Phone State College 4626.
SINGLE ROOM —running water, private
home. Call State College 7257.
TWO PARKING spaces for rent across
from campus. Available immediately. Call
ROOM: Private entrance, bath, phone,
lounge, sundeck. 201 West Prospect. Male.
Phone 2584. __
SAVE MONEY on that moving job, as
many students have. Rent a truck. Local
or out Hertz Drive-Ur-Self Lie.,
1020 Green. Ave., Altoona. Phone 2-3200.
DOUBLE ROOM for 2 male students. Call
at 512 W. Foster Ave. ____
ONE-HALF double room, 120 E. Foster.
Call 2404.
GRADUATE STUDENTS and upper class
men will find comfortable rooms with
hot and cold running water or private
bath at Colonial Hotel, 123 W. Nittany Ave.
Central location. Quietly operated for rest
and study. Low student rates. Phone 4850
or 7792. Ask for C.R. j _
STUDENTS—earn up .to $1.50 per hour
on' steady, part-time job. See "Perry" at
Dux Club, 12S S. • Pugh.
MALE STUDENT to share apartment. Call
4739 after 5 p.m. _____
LOOKING FOR a good place to eat? Tr;
the Beaver House. 5 or 7 day week—s9.o'
and $12.00. Phone 7851.