FRIDAY.-JANUARY 15.-1954 Three Speakers Are Announced For RIL Week Theodore M. Greene, professor of philosophy at Yale University, David Petegorsky, executive di rector of the American Jewish Congress, and George Schooster, president of Hunter College and chairman of UNESCO, will be guest speakers during the Re ligion In Life program at the Uni versity, Feb. 19 to 22 The Religion In Life program will open with an address by Pe tegorsky at-8 p.m. Feb. 19 at Hillel Foundation.. Feb. 20 Green and Petegorsky will hold class room visitations. From 3 to. 5 p.m. the three speakers will lead informal dis cussions. 'Meeting places for the discussion' groups will be an nounced. . At 7 p.m. Feb. 20 a faculty din ner will be held at the Nittany Lion Inn. Schooster will be the speaker. Petegorsky will speak at a dean’s tea from 3 to 5 p.m. Feb. 21 in Simmons lounge. The tea is open, to faculty and students. At 6:30 p.m. Greene will speak to the Inter-Church Student Fellow ship at Faith Evangelical and Reformed Church. A panel discussion with all three speakers on “What is the Religious Basis for the Emerging International Community” is planned for 8 p.m. in McElwain lounge. Greene and Schooster wili hold classroom visitations Feb. 22. Greene will also address the Fac ulty Luncheon Club at noon Feb. 22 in the State College Hotel. Warriatfe* Werner-Jones Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones of Slatington announce the marriage' of their daughter Mary to Russell Werner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rus sell H. Werner of Mphntpn. The couple was married Dec.. 26 in Mohnton at a candlelight service. Four students, Duane Mclntyre, Walter Nemesh, Lavier Frocopio, and Sherwood Hill, served as ush ers. Gerald Werner, brother of the groom and a junior at the Uni versity, served as best man. Mr. Werner is a seventh semes ter physical education major. He is an outfielder on the University baseball team. The couple will reside at 529 S. Pugh street. ~» fteam-Schwab Mr. and Mrs. William R. Schwab of Ford City announce the mar riage of their daughter Charlaine to W. Lawrence Ream of Johns town. The ceremony took. place Dec. 26 in the First Presbyterian Church of Ford City. Mrs. Ream was graduated from the University in 1953 . and is now a music supervisor in the Carlisle area joint school district. She is an alumna of Alpha Chi Omega. Mr. Ream is a seventh semester economics major and a member of Lambda Chi Alpha. Younger man-Wasser mars Mr. and Mrs. Philip Wasserman of Reading announce the marriage of their daughter Sandra to San ford Youngerman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Youngerman of Read ing. The ceremony was performed Dec. 1.7 at the Abraham Lincoln Hotel in Reading. Mrs. Youngerman is a fifth se mester elementary education ma jor and a member of Sigma Delta Tau. Mr. Youngerman is a fourth se mester accounting major and 4 member of Phi Epsilon Pi. RUDY BLACK TRIO Concert Starts C^o-^ldili Phi Sigma Sigma Initiated into Phi Sigma Sigma Sunday were Louise Caspary, Phyllis. Fisher, Thelma Fleishman, Marjorie Friedland, Adrienne Kle vansky, and Barbara Schmidt. Following initiation new offi cers were installed. They are Phyllis Pollack, archon; Patricia Farber, vice archon; Sally Sher man, tribune; Shirley Solomon, scribe; and Annette Bortman, bursar. A brunch honoring graduating seniors, Phyllis Frankel and Al ma Gratz, was held in the suite. Sigma Phi Sigma Sigma Phi Sigma recently bro therized Louis Hallett, David Groepler, Richard Maass, Max Bieborbach, Thomas Falkie,. Ro ger Beidler, John Cobb, Richard Reskovac, William Thomas, and Richard Kuhn. The fraternity elected George Schneider, president; Charles Brader, vice president; Donald McClure, treasurer; Thomas Fal kie, assistant treasurer; Donald Roberts,' secretary; Diehl McKalip, corresponding secretary; George Homich, pledge master; Thadeus Kaminski, assistant pledge mas ter; James Rarig, tyler; and Rich ard Kuhn, historian. Kappa Delta Recently initiated into Kappa Delta were Geraldine Aquist, Lois Baer, Nancy Bunnell, Janet Easly, Nancy Gray, Fay Hilberg, Carol Krause, and Sally Rhodes. T-he alumni chapter of'the sor ority honored the seniors of the active chapter Monday with a des sert at the home of Mrs. Norma Almquist. Following the refresh ments games were played. Pi Beta Phi Pi Beta Phi last night enter tained Phi Kappa Psi at the. chap ter house. Pi Phi pledges pro vided the entertainment which was followed by refreshments and dancing. Phi Mu Phi Mu recently. entertained Phi Gamma Delta at'-the chapter house. Refreshments were served and entertainment was in the form of games. The evening ended with group singing. Alpha Chi Rho Alpha Chi Rho entertained Del ta Delta Delta Wednesday. Both groups participated in skits. Re freshments and dancing followed the skits. Religion 4 Church Groups Schedule Activities Four student church groups have scheduled activities tonight. The Wesley Foundation of the Methodist Church will hold open house at 7:30 p.m. at the founda tion. The Lutheran Student Associ ation has planned a social evening beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the stu dent center. The Rev. John Reisinger of Lewisburg will address the Penn State Bible Fellowship at 7:30 p.m. in 405 Old Main. Regular Sabbath Eve services will be held at 8 p.m. at Hillel Foundation. Rabbi Benjamin Mr. Kahn will speak. The First National Bank Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal Reserve System THE : DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Women's Exam Hours Beginning Sunday, upp .er classwomen will receive 11p.m. permissions and freshman women will receive 10 p.m. permissions on weekdays • dur ing the examination period, ac cording to Women’s Student Government Association regu lations. Team 3 Named #RA Bowling Tourney Winner Team three of the Women’s Rec reation Association upperclass Bowling Club was undefeated with a highest team score of 622 when the club completed its com petition Wednesday night. Carol Jenks was high scorer with a score of 185. Jane Metz was captain of the team. 'Members of the team included Antonette Guast, Patricia Hughes, Joan Shepard, Amber Hassinger, Linda Salzberg, and Miss Jenks. Captains of the other terms in cluded Leila Fergu„on, Judith Corfield, Florence Williams, Joan Flebotte. Carole Bradt, Judith Newell, Jeannette Werkheiser, and Margaret Porterfield. The individual intercollegiate bowling meet will be held Feb. 19. Women interested in playing for it may contact Mary V. Montgom ery, physical education instruc tor, until Feb. 8 in 100 White Hall. The club will hold a party at 7 p.m. Feb. 10 in White Hall. Magazine Names Packard fo Board Loa Joan Packard, fifth semes ter liberal arts major, has been named to Mademoiselle’s College Board on the basis of a competi tive critique she submitted to the magazine in December. .The College Board is composed of students at the major colleges and universities who are nom inated by faculty members to compete in the critique writing. From these contestants, one stu dent at each of several hundred schools are selected. Next June Miss Packard may qualify for a one month training period on the staff of the maga zine. Alpha Gamma Delta Alpha Gamma Delta recently initiated Barbara Richards, Maur een Flannerly, Rose Mazza, Judy Newell, Jane Tressler, Nancy Light, Audrey Brown, Patricia Monzi, Barbara Okonak, Christine Kauffman, Jeanne Capozzi, Mir iam Rauhauser, Lois Cowden, Margaret Ross, and Gayle De- Bonis. A breakfast was held in the sorority suite after the cere mony. Delta Delta Delta The alumnae of Delta Delta Delta gave a progressive dinner for the chapter Tuesday night. White Hail Plunge Hours The White Hall Pool will be open for plunge hours from .7:30 to 9 tonight, tomorrow, Monday, and Tuesday. oS State College Member of C^-o-^ldits Beeehhold-Pollock Mr. and Mrs. C. Pollack of New Kensington, announce the en gagement of their daughter Irene to Henry Beechhold 11, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beechhold of For est Hillsr N.Y. Miss Pollack is a seventh se mester arts and letters major and a member of Phi Sigma Sigma. Mr. Beechhold received his B.S. and M.A. degrees from Oklahoma Agricultural and Mining College and is a candidate for the degree of doctorate in English at the Uni versity. He is a member of Phi Kappa ' Phi, national scholastic honorary. The wedding will take place Jan. 31. Stones-Himmelstein Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stones of Deposit, N.Y., announce the en gagement of their daughter Doro thy to Cpl. Larry Himmelstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Himmel stein of Upper Darby. Miss Stones is a seventh semes ter French major. Corporal Himmelstein, member of Beaver House and a chemical engineering major, was graduated from the University in 1952. He is stationed with the armed forces at Camp Detrick, Frederick, Md. Rumbaugh-Johnson Mrsj Delbert Johnson of Brocks port announces the engagement of her daughter Shirley to Ronald Rumbaugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Rumbaugh of Ridgeway. Miss Johnson is a seventh se mester home economics major and a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. Mr. Rumbaugh is a seventh se mester pre-medical major at Al legheny College, and is a member of Phi Delta Theta. Gingerich-Gruver Mr. and Mrs. Preston Gruver of Winterstown announce the engage ment of their daughter Doris to Garland Gingerich, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Gingerich of Hellam. Miss Gruver is a'senior student at the York Hospital School of Nursing. Mr. Gingerich is a seventh se-. mester agriculture education ma jor and a member of Lambda Chi Alpha. Schlo Unusual DRESS SALE 100 DRESSES . . formerly to $25 100 DRESSES . . formerly to $35 Suitable For Dressey, Casual, Sport and Street Wear For This Value Giving Event Meet Your Friends at Schlow's £lnc^cic^em,entd Kohn-Porter Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Porter of Birmingham, Mich., announce the engagement of their daughter Marilyn to Edwin Kohn Jr., son of Mrs. Rueben Cronshey of To wanda. Miss Porter is a seventh semes ter .recreation major and a mem ber of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Mr. Kohn is a seventh semester industrial engineering major. He is president of Sigma Alpha Epsi lon, vice president of Interfrat ernity Council, All-College elec tions committee chairman, and a member of Parmi Nous and Lion’s Paw, senior men’s honoraries. Weiss-Garland Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Gar land, Bethlehem, announce the engagement of their daughter Eleanor to Douglas Weiss, son of Mr. an.d Mrs. Harry Weiss of Broadheadsville. Miss Garland is a graduate of Kutztown State Teachers College and is now a mathematics teacher at Nitschmann Junior High School. Mr. Weiss will be graduated from -the University this month. He is a member of Alpha Tau Omega. Hiestand-Brown Mr. and Mrs. H. Edwin Brown of Kennett Square announce the engagement of their daughter Cas sandra to David Hiestand, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. D. Heistand of Hershey. Miss Brown, fifth semester ele mentary education . major, is a pledge of Delta Gamma. - Mr. Brown is a fifth semester industrial,arts major and a mem ber of Sigma Phi Sigma, Pershing Rifles, Arnold Air Society, and Alpha Phi Omega, national serv ice fraternity. Simpson-Needham Mr. and Mrs. Bert Needham of Avondale announce the engage ment of their daughter Louise to Dayton Simpson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dayton C. Simpson of Havre de Grace, Md. Miss Needham is a third semes ter physical education major. Mr. Simpson is attending Rider College in Trenton, N.J. Now $ 5 89 Slow PAGE RYE