The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 12, 1953, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT Players-- (Continued from page one) him sick"--Schonely's overexag gerated posture and gestures tend to detract from his - characteriza tion. A freshman, Schonely seems destined for a leading place in Players' shows. Yeatman, as the "Captain's" drinking companion, is the most humorous character in the play. Joxer's allusions to a "daarlin' girl," a "daarlin' song," or a "daarlin, daarlin funeral" in duce laughter despite the ever present undercurrent tragedy. Albert Kalson, as Johnny Boyle, arouses pity with his neurotic ter ror of revolutionary order. He adheres to character even in the gay party scene, combining a con vincing limp and successful illu sion of a missing .arm to become a completely pathetic person. Like Kalson, Mary Boyle, played hon estly by Mary Loubris, overcomes a weak beginning as the play progresses. In her first Players' show, De borah Peek does an admirable job as the bird-like Mrs. Maddigan who joins with the family as a gay element in their good fortune COME To CHURCH College Chapel Schwab Auditorium Sunday, Dec. 13 Christmas Services Time - 11 a.m Choral Program Chapel Choir Organ Music George E. Ceiga St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Foster Ave. and Frazier St. The Rev. Jones B. Shannon, rector 7:45 a.m Holy Communion 10:45 a.m. Morning Prayer with sermon (coffee hour after service) 5:30 p.m. Canterbury group supper 7:30 p.m. Evensong w. boys' choir 8:00 p.m. Adult confirmation class Holy Communion every Wed., 71100 a.m. (followed by light break fast) and 9:15 a.m. University Baptist Church Natally Ave. and Burrower St. The Rev. Robert H. Eads, Pastor Church School College Class 9:40 a.m. Morning Worship .. 10:45 a.m. Roger Williams Fellowship 5-7:30 p.m. Supper Friday Fun Night at cost Free Methodist Church Sparks Street W. College and West Beaver Ave. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Sunday Service 10:45 a.m. Young People's Service 7:00 p.m. Sunday Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wed. . . 7:30 p.m. ACACIA . ALPHA CHI OMEGA ALPHA CHI SIGMA ALPHA PHI DELTA ALPHA XI DELTA ARNOLD AIR SOCIETY CHI OMEGA DELTA THETA SIGMA GAMMA PHI BETA KAPPA ALPHA THETA OMEGA PSI PHI PHI EPSILON PI and an understanding friend in 'their downfall. John Krug, as the supposed spirit of revolutionary youth, Jerry Devine, is weak and I out of character with the other ' performers. Diane Hamel under standingly plays the pathetic Mrs. Tangred. Except for an Irregular, Thomas Bel]in, who utters the powerful "No one can do enough ifor Ireland," the bit players often lapse into unintelligible brogue. Generally, though, 'the brogue is authentic and removed from the I Pat-Mike stereotype. Appearing in minor roles are ;James Carroll as Charlie Ben tham; "Needle" Nugent, Robert Kaiser; and Richard Weber and John Henderson, furniture re moval men. A dramatic climax is most ef -1 fectively reached at the end of the second act, where tragedy and comedy are enacted simultane ously—a gay family party . pro gressing against the background of a Civil War wake. This scene• and the ironic, anti-climatic drunken scene at the enc', succeed to make up for the spottiness of powerful scenes among lagging ones—usually. Technically, the music, light ing, and properties leave little to 7:30 p.m This Poles age is Brought to You Thro THE 'DAILY • C Christmas time is a good time for the student to reconsider his relationships with the important persons in his life—both those at home and those at school. It's a good time for him to see if he himself is able tcy ) be the same person both in his parental and in his campus home. It's a good season in which to rediscover a person whose judg ment he can trust in both places. Roman Catholic Church Fairmount Ave. and Frazier St. The' Rev. John C. O'Leary Rector and The Rev. Richard Walsh Sunday during regular College Session 7:30, 8:30. 9:30. 10:30, and 11:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Mass at Schwab Aud. Holy Days 6:30, 7:00, 8:00 a.m. The Presbyterian Church Westminster Foundation Beaver and Frazier St. Rev. Andrew E. Newcomer, Jr. Minister Rev. John Duley, Student Pastor Miss Ann B. Taylor. Asst. Dir. Student Breakfast ... 8:45 a.m. Church Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Church Service .. 10:45 Westminster Fellowship 6:30 p.m. Evening Church Service 7:30 p.m. Friends Meeting 318 Atherton St. School for Youth and Ad.ults and Student Discussion 9:30 a.m. Meeting for Worship .. 10:45 a.m. Student Meeting 7:00 .p.m LLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE.. 'PENITSMVAITIA aatchell (Continued 'from page one) - both inscribed "Queen of the Mili tary Ball—Penn State-1953." The other finalists received loving CU. A S inscribed "Military Ball Queen Finalis t—Penn State -1953." Decorations for the dance had a military theme. A number of flags, each representing a sig- I nificant period in American his tory, encircled the dance floor. The walls and ceiling of Rec Hall were blue, dotted with red and white stars. The back of the band stand was striped, in red and white and had a blue base. At the west end of the hall stood a number of military "guide-ons," flags representing different 'mili tary units. Finalists for the queen contest were selected from 25 entries by cadet Capt. W. F. Dunkelburger, regimental commander at Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, • Va. be desired. The sparse setting ac centuates the play's severity, with one lone chair epitomizing the "terrible state o' chassis" of the end. The Rev. John R. Whitney St. Andrew's Episcopal Church ugh th BOGEN DB-10-1 Hi- Pi amplifier; slightly used; cost $56, • sell $46. See Dave Roed, 206 Watts. Phone ext. 784. • TWO ENGLISH' saddles, two English -bridles. Excellent condition. Very rea sonable. Call Gerry, 429 Simmons. 1938 CHRYSLER 2-dr. sedan. Good ' me chanical condition. Call David FenSter macher. ext. 787. . 1951 NASH Rambler Station Wagon, R&H, only owner. Will sell well below book price. Call 7873. 1949 FORD Custom V-8 2-dr. sedan.. R&H, seat covers, new tires, $795." Will accept trade-in 'or will .finance, 30-day guarantee. Call 4712. 1940 FORD 4-dr. sedan, rebuilt V-8 engine, R&H, new tires, $195. •Call Ron Drop 5051 ext. 790; Rm. 111. 1948 PLYMOUTH 4-door sedan, $525, R&H, good tires. Call Joe Racik, 5051 ext: 790. Rm. 111. Will accept trade-in or will finance. FULL-TIME work in fraternity as maid . if possible.. Call Bellefonte 59067 after 6:30 p.m. IS YOUR - typewriter giving you trouble? If so you can have it repaired during holiday vacations. Just dial 2492 for pick up or bring to 633 'W. College Ave. ONE VACANCY for board and room at Marilyn. Hall, 317 East Beaver. Ask for Mrs. Elleard. Faith Evangelical and Reformed Church College Ave. and Miles St. The Rev. 'Albert Asendorf Sunday School. Morning Worship .... 10:45 a.m. Student Fellowship .... 6:30 p.m First Church of Christ Scientist 133 West Beaver Ave. Sunday School Sunday Service Testimonial meeting Wednesday .. 7:30 p.m. Church of Christ Woodman Hall Albert A. Gonce Minister Bible Class Worship e Courtesy of College Organizations C-L AS-Siy-FTE FOE SALE WORK . WANTED ROOM & BOARD 9:30 a.m 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 10:00 am. 11:00 a.m. SAIIIRDAY, -- DEbEitEitiß'. ; l2,- 1653 ii,1041,t. 4044 RIDE TO Boston Dec. 18, 19. Call Pete 2353. SKOWHEGAN, Maine or city .enioute-- Waterville, Augusta, - Portland, Boston. Will share expenses. Cant leave noon Dec. 18..'1.R. Ladd • 2679. ' TO CENTER STAGE 'today •to see "Juno and' the Paycock." Must arrive by 8. PASSENGERS •WANTEED RIDERS - TO Miami. Leaving State Col lege about Dec. 23. Call Dick Haeael ext. 271. PASSENGERS. FOR West Palm Beach. Florida. Leave Dec. 18 -6 p.m. return by- Jan. 3.- Call Dave 'lrons 2737. WOULD THE person who . accidentally - picked up .Navy raincoat, please, return it to the chief storekeeper or to rne. War ren McLaughlin, 215: Harriilton. ORCHID GLASSES in tan case "between Walker and Womans• Building Satur day. Badly needed. Call Taffy. ext. 1175. LOG LOG decitrig slide rule with black case in New College Diner or vicinity. If found call Jim, 2216. Large reward. FOR RENT ONE SINGLE, one double room with single beds. Reasonable rates. Ca 11.2919. HALF-ROOM with graduate student, 214 W. College. Phone 2707. St. John's Evangelical United Brethren Church Beaver Ave. and Burrower St. The Hey. Melvin W. Whitmire, pastor Morning Worship and Sunday School ...... 9:30 a.m. Student Fellowship Meeting 6:00 PA- Vespers Grace Lutheran Church College Ave. and Atherton St. The Rev. John F. Harkins. "D.1:0... Pastor and The Rev. Arthur Ruths Campus Pastor Matins Service 8:30 a.m. Church School 9:30 a.m. The Service . . 10:45 a.m. Lutheran Student Meeting 6:30 p.m. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation 224 Locust Lane Rabbi Benjamin H. Kahn, Director Friday Evening Services 8:040 p.m . St. Paul's Methodist Church and Wesley Foundation College Ave. and McAllister The Rev. Frank W. Montgomery. Pastor Miss Eunice B. Floyd; Asst. Dir. Student classes 9:30 a.m. Morning worship, 1Q:45 a.m. Fellowship Supper and Program 5:15 - 7:30 p.m. Service 8:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. PHI KAPPA SIGMA PHI MU PHI MU ,DELTA PHI SIGMA SIGMA Pi BETA PHI P 1 KAPPA ALPHA PLAYERS SIGMA DELTA TAU TAU PHI DELTA TRI VI OF SIGMA SIGMA SIGMA ZETA BETA TAU LOST 7:30 p.m.