WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1953 Big Three Agree To Berlin Meeting WASHINGTON, Dec.* 8 (IP) The Big Three powers officially notified Russia today they are ready to take part in a foreign ministers conference in Berlin Jan. 4. They expressed hope that the meeting would lead to reuni fication of Germany and indepen dence for Austria. The form of the Big Three com munication was worked outsat the Bermuda meeting of Presi dent Eisenhower, Prime Minister Churchill .and Premier Laniel, which broke up early today. In accepting the Soviet offer to confer at the foreign ministers level made in a surprise note from Moscow Nov. 26—the Big Three emphasized their interest in a speedy solution of the Ger man and Austrian problems. • The Western replies left the way open for Russia to press its demand that Communist China be allowed to join a five-power conference in the near future. But the Big Three gave no sign they would agree to any such meeting. Research Association Will Meet Tonight The Industrial Relations Re lations Research Association will meet at 7 tonight in 208 Willard. Nominations of officers for next semester will be held and revisions in the association’s con- stitution will be considered, Ken jneth Kramer, president, has an ~ nounced. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE ONE MIL BALL ticket for sale. Call Charles Biechler at State College 2919. EDELBROCK DUAL curb setup with Stromberg 97’s. For Ford, Mercury 32-48. Bill Dervin ext. 278, Nittany 43-3. ONE MIL BALL ticket. Call Joe, 281 evenings. 1947 BUICK convertible—radio, heater, hy draulic windows and top. Four new tires, $475. Can be financed. Call 8-6569 after 7 p.m. , ONE MIL BALL ticket. Call 7023 after 5:30 p.m. ' SALMON COLORED evening gown, size 15, plus crinolin skirt. Just like . new. Call Fran, McElwain 435. ’ MIL BALL ticket. Call 4850, ask for Bob between 7 and 9 Rm. 24. TUXEDO AND tails and white coat.' Like new. Size 39. Some accessories. Reason ably priced. Call University ext. 2248. 1949 FORD Custom V-8 2-dr. sedan, R&H, seat covers, new tires, $795. Will accept trade-in or will finance, 30-day guarantee. Call 4712. 1940 FORD 4-dr. sedan, rebuilt V-8 engine, R&H, new tires, $195. Call Ron Drop 5051 ext. 790, Rm. 111. 1948 PLYMOUTH 4-door sedan, $525, R&H, good tires. Call Joe Racik, 5061 ext. 790, Rm. 111. Will accept trade-in or will finance. *4O CHEVROLET. Good transportation. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Call Kal 4106, 455 E. Beaver. BUY MIL BALL corsages from Student Floral Agency. Agents in West Dorm and Nittany Dining Hall, 7th to 10th, 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. FOR RENT SINGLE /DR double room. Call 8-8929. LARGE BASEMENT for 3 or 4 boys. .Private shower and lavatory. One week off, Christmas vacation. Mrs. Patton 8-6443. WANTED WANTED FULL house at Center Stage Dec. 11 for opening of Juno and the Paycock. WILL PAY for use of size' 38 Tux Wed., Dec. 16, 7:00-8 :00 p.m. Urgently needed. Call ext. 786, Rm. 104 12:00-1:00 p.m. WORK WANTED SECRETARIAL POSITION. Starting be tween Jan. 3 and mid-semester. Ex perienced in typing and shorthand. Call State College 4801. IS YOUR typewriter giving you trouble? If so you can have it repaired during holiday vacations. Just 'dial 2492 for pick up or bring to 633 W. College Ave. RIDE WANTED ALLENTOWN OR vicinity Dec. 23 or 24, or Harrisburg. Phone ext. 777. WANTED —RIDE to Lexington, Kentucky for two, leaving Dec. 18tli or 19th. Phone 2478. ‘ . LOST HARRIS TWEED topcoat, grey herring bone pattern taken by mistake from ATO.' Call Joe 7633. CAR KEYS and key case with number CN4BO attached. Lost between Ag building and parking lot behind Dairy building. Phone 7906. 1954 KITTANNING High School ring with inscription M.E.B. Call Dave Heinon ext. 272., SINGLE STRAND of white pearls between Thompson and Temporary Buildings. Please call Thompson ext. 1099. LOG LOG decitrig slide rule with black case in New College Diner or vicinity. If found call Jim, 2216. Large reward. RONSON CIGARETTE lighter with'W.R.E. engraved on it. Call Esh, ext. 1166. Re ward. PERSON-SHAVING grey suede jacket taken from Rathskellar on Nov. 24 call Jim Laughlin ext. 263 for their own. World at a Glance Fact-Finding Pact Ends NY Strike -NEW YORK, Dec. 8 (IP 1 ) —A government-conceived fact finding pact today 'brought an armistice in New York's big newspaper strike, the worst in the city's history. Publishers of the city's six biggest papers accepted a com promise expected to increase publishers' costs at least $3.75 million a year in New York. The 400 striking - photo-en gravers voted to go along and withdrew pickets from the struck newspapers for the first time since the - strike began Nov. 28. NUNNALLY JOHNSON NUNNALLY JOHNSON c ) p*dys * j Zee A ns rw 0- 1 2.-.5» j ' tetters Atoert Beginning TODAY l THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA 20th Century-Fox presents THE BIG-TIME/ GRAND-TIME, GREAT-TIME SHOW OF ALL TIME IN ChRNEM THE NEW DIMENSIONAL MARVEL SEE WITHOUT GLASSES! As the entir brilliant new the amazinc Process on Screen with ! engulfs you in of life-like real infinite depth., extravaganza glitter, love an< laughter. JEAN NEGULESCO Screen (Ww Korea Conference Nears Breakdown PANMUNJOM, Wednesday, Dec. 9 (/P) —Negotiations for a Ko rean peace conference neared a breakdown today after the Com munists angrily rejected the UN Command’s “final offer” without even reading it. Nevertheless, the U.S. and Com munist diplomats meet again to day at 11 a.m. Dean said it would be clearly up to the Reds to make the next move—accept his proposal or face a breakoff of the preliminary dis cussions, which now are more than six weeks old. SUITS DRESSES SKIRTS , TROUSERS 1.15 MS Sic Sic our rnmni dry cleaning specia Thursday - Friday - Sutirduy On! 4-4 - 3 aeiy 4 garments cieaiaed far the price yoai normally pay for 3 LAUNDCRCTTC und SUNWAY CLSHS 210 W. College Ave. - Phone 4785 XvX-XX-XXvXi; #|ll ~.. , ..j, ~4.. 45. ~ _, . ...:3..,,,i.. , it,. f / ~.:-....:-....„ ~.4;t4IIIIIII„.. ~, .. : -..;;,- .. x1re......, ~4 "-ts. , r ....4-1 - 4., ; "" 1 4 1:1 - 4 ... e ''''.'''A 0:10t t V ~,,,e., 5,-....t.., Ri 4 :4Y/- ' ‘9l-1" - ;';..i.A.t.e..:.1. 1,- :t..v -- >4 . . |||l|| ;; » 'AWAA4OW4M. {•■[ v a |/ aAsa Mm ■ Ssw« iR W' A SB &mg.v -I h, JitiF" ’?*£&s? mP*^ ~ %i ' - "V"? ope surrounds you I's most beautiful i wonderful and itertainment... From gay intimacy aking panorama... swank Manhattan houses and fashion hows to ski slopes and the great outdoors. PRICES INCL. Tj ADULTS: 5:30 to close & Sai. all Opening to 5:30 (exc'i ! CHILDREN: At all limes 9 !- k ...:.; ig..i! „,....:, •••'4 .;',l•,'cg DAVIS WAYNE RORY CALHOUN CAMERON MITDHEL! iMRRV..; Fft^qtAKK.; : M