The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 08, 1953, Image 5

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    TUESDAY, DECEMBER .8, 1953
Ethics and Politics
Defined by Freund
Ethics' was defined as the science of the good life, and politics
as the art of good government and the skill needed' to obtain it, by
Ernest Freund, associate professor of philosophy, at the Political Sci
ence Club Thursday.
He.said good politics should,
WRA Board Meeting
The executive board of Worn
eta’s Recreation Association will
meet at 6:30 tonight in. the
WRA room in White Hall.
emen t&
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Marcinek of
Shamokin announce the engage--
ment of their daughter Nancy to
Richard Haenel, son of Mrs! K. 'M.
Haenel of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.
Miss Marcinek, a member of
Delta Gamma, was graduated
from the University in June.
While an undergraduate, she: was
a member of the Daily Collegian
senior board, Thespians, and Mas
querettes. She was listed in the
1953 edition of Who’s in the News
at Penn State.
A 1953 graduate, Mr. Haenel is
taking graduate work in the
School of Engineering. He is a
member of Delta Tau Delta, and
a past president of Chi Epsilon,
national civil engineering hon
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Allen of
Warren announce the engage
ment of their daughter Joy to
Gail Bimber, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Edmond Bimber of Warren.
Miss Allen is employed as a
secretary at the Sylvania Electric
Corp. in Warren.
Mr. Bimber is a seventh semes
ter forestry major. He is a mem
ber of Tau Kappa Epsilon, and
president of Alpha Phi Omega,
national service fraternity.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Joseph of
Reading announce the engage
ment of their daughter, Berna, to
Morton G. Sherman, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Sherman of Read
Miss Joseph is a seventh semes
ter elementary education major.
Mr. Sherman is a seventh se
mester arts and letters major and
a member of Phi Epsilon Pi.
Ed Christmas Party
To Be Held at TUB
.The Education Christmas party
will be held from 7:30 to 9 p.m.
Thursday, in the Temporary
Union Building.
Russian tea, a hot spiced punch,
and cookies, will be among the re
ments served. Students will dance
;to the music of Lynn Christy’s
as a matter of course, achieve an
ethical life, for its adherents.
Three ethical theories, hedonist,
Aristotelian, and Judeo-Christian
offer a solution.
The easiest solution, according
to Freund, is hedonism, for its
basis is pleasure. The theory holds
that a life which is deficient in
pleasure is, therefore, deficient in
goodness. Pleasure cannot, how
ever, be attained at another’s ex
pense. he said.
Hedonism Ambiguous
In politics, what brings plea
sure to most people without harm
ing anyone, is best. Freund says
he feels the chief deficiency in
this theory is its ambiguity. (
In discussing the Aristotelian
theory he said the basis is happi
ness, which should as. Aristotle
stated be “activity of the soul in
accordance with perfection.” To
attain perfection through exercis
ing one’s reason.
Discussing the Judeo-Christian
theory, JTreund said the basis as
stated by Christ and in the scrip
tures is love of God above all,
and love of our neighbor next.
The good life and heaven, and
not riches, should be the goal of
all life, he added.
Cites Camel Parable
As an example Freund cited the
parable of the rich man who could
not give up his riches to follow
Christ. Christ said it is easier for
a camel to enter the eye of a nee
dle than a rich man to enter the
Kingdom of Heaven.
Freund said one could take val
ues such as civil freedom, equality
9f opportunity, and fair play and
justice and use these standards to
judge current politics as to how
well and to what extent they have
achieved the good government—
Theta Phi Alpha
Theta Phi Alpha and Theta
Kappa Phi recently entertained
the first-grade children of Lemont
Grade School at a Christmas par
ty. Entertainment consisted Of
games, and singing followed by
Chi Omega
Chi Omega entertained Pi Beta
Phi Thursday afternoon at a cof
fee hour.
Town Council to Meet
Town Council will meet at 7:30
tonight -in 203 Willard to elect
AIM representatives-at-large and
to discuss the final jazz concert
at the TUB.
*S mm What Santa Brought!*
-—Photo by Vollmer
SANTA CLAUS came early to this group of class of Lemont elementary school. Each of the
children Sunday at Delia Upsilon chapter house. 25 youngsters received a gift after a trip to
Delta Upsilon and Alpha Xi Delta sponsored a Santa's knee. Judy Conrad, seventh semester
Christmas party complete with. Santa Claus. journalism major, is the interested observer,
refreshments, and movies for the,, second grade
Junior-Senior Tea
Set for Thursday
The annual junior-senior fac
ulty tea will be held from 7:30 to
9:30 p.m. Thursday in Simmons
Faculty members from the Col
leges of Education, Home Eco
nomics, the Liberal Arts, and
Physical Education and Athletics
have been invited, Marilyn Buz
by, chairman, said yesterday. Jun
iors and seniors may attend.
The tea is held to acquaint stu
dents and faculty and is sponsored
by the coed coordinating commit
tee of the Women’s Student Gov
ernment Association.
World Leadership—
(Continued, from page four)
sition is rising in the South.
He added, “the question goes
to the heart of democracy. We
believe the time has come when
people must learn there cannot
be a profession of one thing and
a practice of another.”
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