The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 12, 1953, Image 5

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Campus Is Overrun
By Crazy Felines
Political campaigning on state and national levels is over for a
time at least and heavy campus politicking.has taken its place.
Instead of pictures of Republicans arid Democrats, banners pro
claiming the glory of . Lion-and State are decorating the campus.
The race is on. The, Lions! arg roaring the."promises of their platform;
the Staters are pointing with
pride to theirs. . .
State’s only worry, so they
.is,': the Lion-Party, and the
L'ions are ' worried simply .about
beating the State Party. Little do
they know about the fast-spread
ing . new party that hit - campus
Coed Chorus.
Will Perform
At Sing-Sunday
The Penn State Women’s Chorus
will be among four groups .which
will perform at the All-College
Sing at 3 p.m. .Sunday in.ScLwab
Auditorium. • - , •
Doors will open at 2:30 p.m. for
the sing, sponsored for the.-second
year, by the. Women’s.'Student.
Government Association;'. .: ~
The chorus, directed by Ray
mond H. Brown, assistant profes
sor of music, is composed of 70
women. It has a long and varied
history, having been known by
various names since its inception
in the early years of the College.
Elmer C. Wareham Jr., instruc
tor 'in music, was director' of the
group, . known then as Treble
Singers, during 1949, 1950 and
1951-52. Herbert W. Beattie, for
mer professor' of music, led the
group last year, ch.angin.gj. the
name to the Penn State Women’s
Chorus and reducing the number
of members from 88 to 40..
The chorus presents a concert
each spring and occasionally/par
ticipates in Christmas caroling
with the Penn State Glee. - Club. -
The Glee Club will also per
form at the - sing Sunday. Other
participating groups are a male
quartet which will include -two
members of last year’s Mellow-
Aires, and Frank Gullo and Hum
mel Fishburn, musical team.
Anna Webb is chairman of the
is Forum Topic
The second Hillel Town Meet
ing will discuss discrimination at
8 p.m. Sunday at the Hillel Foun
dation, 224, S. Miles street.
The subject of this meeting will
be “How Gan We Combat Racial
and Religious Discrimination?”
Rabbi Benjamin M. Kahn will act
as moderator for the. discussion.
Speakers for the session are
Clarence R. Carpenter, professor
of psychology, Walter Coutu, pro
cessor of sociology, and David R.
Mackey, . assistant professor of
This is the 14th annual series
of Town Meetings sponsored by
the'Hillel Foundation
“Vote for the Cat Party,” the
members scream. “The Cat Party's
Right" Down Your Alley.” “Me
Slid'You Will Be at the Polls to
Insure the Best in Government,
for You.” “Vote Cat!”
“We.: looked ’em both over,”
say the Catheads; ‘and which par
ty promises the things we need
-most?” “Does either platform say
anything, one word, about aveng
ing: the wrong .done by-the RAT
party against Pogo’s ‘Okeefenokee
caitip in the house.” Is there any
thing about . improving the lot of
the CAT. Not one word!”
At,,a,.caucus in a. smoke-rfilled
room in Thompson, the party
clique, by a unanimous vote (4-0),-
nominated their slate for sopho
more and freshman class officers.
’ Felix for President .
Felix of funny book fame is -up
for Frosh presidency, the Calico
Cat fbr vice president. To show
•how. 'democratic their party is,
tide "clique nominated Pluto for
' Iff addition to nominating the
candidates, the party also adopted
“Kitten on the Keys” as their
campaign .fight song.
When interviewed by reporters,
State and Lion party officials had
but one comment to make. “We
always said, this school- was -going
to the dogs, but it seems that we
were ■ wrong. Will the cats take
Jo&irn Honorary
Taps 9 Women
...Nine women were tapped yes
terday by Theta Sigma Phi, wo
men’s national journalism honor
ary. \
Those tapped are Ona Kay Lee,
Joan Wilson, Shirley Musgrave,
Norma Vollmer, Mary Lee Lauf
fer, Nancy Ward, Martha Mac-
Donald, Mary Bolich and Patricia
Only junior and senior straight
and home economics journalism
majors are eligible for member
ship. Tapping is on the basis of
scholarship, activities, profession
al promise and ability to accept
Pledging will take place at
7 p.m. Tuesday in 219 Simmons.
'Vole Cat'
Council Approves
Continuing Edits;
Name Committee
Education Student Council voted
Tuesday night to continue pub
lishing Edits, a School of Edu
cation publication, and set up a
permanent committee of Gwen
Griffith and Harry Shank to ad
vise the newsletter.
Susanna.-Wescott, Carolyn Car
ey, Ann Lofquist and Alice Mur
ray were chosen as possible mem
bers of Cabinet Secretariat. The
council voted in favor of the
judicial "amendment before All-
College. Cabinet.
The council voted in favor of
co-sponsoring the United. Nations
trip with the Penn_ State Christ
ian Association. Janst v Feaster
was named liaison officer for the
Miss Murray and Miss Griffith
were appointed to 'see Marion R.
Trabue, Education school dean,
and Dr. Charles M. Long, ore les
sor of education, about the pos
sibility of eliminating fatal
for seniors in the School of Edu
cation... ’.
Dorothy Swanson and Miss
Carey were named publicity
chairmen of the-' council award
for the outstanding senior in the
School of 'Education. The award
is given each semester.
Natalie Markowitz was named
representative to the United Na
tions committee on international
understanding. ....
Hii!?e9 Will Broadcast
Tribute to Goodman
The Hillel Hour will present a
special half-hour program at 7:30
tonight over station WMAJ to pay
tribute to Benny Goodman and
his orchestra.
The program will be directed
by Sandra Greenspun, third se
mester arts and letters major.
Howard Gratzner, third semester
metallurgy major, will announce,
and Robert Abelove, seventh se
mester arts and letters major, will
WSGA House to Meet
The House of Representatives
of Women’s Student Government
Association will meet at 6:30 to
night in 111 White Hall.
Sheeting Cues
E. College Ave.
Opp. Ath. Dorm
for everycoed need
Phi Sigma Sigma
.New officers of Phi Sigma Sig
ma are Phylis Pollack, archon;
Fatricia -Farber, vice archon; Shir
ley Soloman, scribe; Sally Sher
man, tribune; Annette Bortman,
bursar; Iris Rodgin, rush chair
man, and Estelle Leibowitz, social
Phi Sigma Sigma pledges re
cently gave an after-dinner cof
fee and cake party for the pledges
of Delta Zeta and Zeta Tau Al
Lambda Chi Alpha
Lambda Chi Alpha recently en
iertained. Alpha Omicron Pi at
the chapter house. Lambda Chi
Alpha pledges entertained with a
-hit followed by dancing.
Beaver House
■ Beaver House entertained Phi
l:tes at dinner Thursday night.
Grcup singing and a skit by the
Beaver • House pledges followed
Sigma Delta Ta.u
■ Sigma Delta Tau recently
pledged Lois Medrick. A party
was held in the suite in her honor.
i7D Will Hold
Exchange Meal
An exchange Thanksgiving din
ner for 1200 men and 400 women
in the West Dorm area will be
held tonight.
The 400 women from Thompson
will be divided into three groups
of 135, one group remaining in
Thompson and the other two eat
ing in the north and south dining
Plans have been made for six
men and two women to eat at
each table.
Robert Gellman, West Dorm so
cial committee head, has asked
that all men wear coats and ties
to the dinner and that men re
move the women’s trays after the
A record dance for those attend
ing the dinner will be held from
6 to 8 p.m. in the main lounge of
Hamilton Hall.
Sally Says . . .
It's yoisr duty and
privilege to vote for
yovr class officers
S A L L Y' S
SagiMeh Ser^iee
Smartly selected
classes to that special date.
Prof to Discuss
Ethics, Politics
At 7:30 Tonight
Edward C. Thaden, instructor of
history, will present three histori
cal perspectives on ethics and
politics to the Political Science
Club at 7:30 tonight in McElwain
Thaden will discuss Saint. Aug
ustine, Bishop of Hippo in-North
Africa who lived from 354 to. 430
A.D.; Spengler, German author
of “Decline of the West”; and
Meinecke, a German philosopher.
Neal Riemer, assistant profes
sor of political science, will mod
erate the after-talk discussion in
which the audience may criticize,
analyze, appraise and evaluate
the central theme of the semester,
“Ethics and Politics.”
Thaden will address himself to
questions of the relationship, of
ethics and politics, the - funda
mental principles of the relation
ship and the evaluation of today’s
political scene in the light of
these topics.
Ifiro the
Looking Glass
with Gahbi
Now that the snow has melted
and we can see below our
noses again—it’s just about
time that I start singing the
praises of ETHEL’S again.
You thought the snow would
freeze my fingers, but I
fooled you! Instead of a Tom
and Jerry to thaw me out,
I tried ETHEL’S for warmth
and cheer.
An illuminating experience •
fcr you
... a handful of electricity
in the form of a “Cozy-lite,”
that comes in 3-D technicolor
and clips on your book ..or
headboard. (Put your pola
roids down, we’re just josh
ing). It’s the craziest for 2
o’clock Spanish translating
sessions when your roommate
subtly hints about the glaring
overhead light as he buries
his head under the mattress.
(Looking for a monkey
wrench, no doubt). They’re
clever, handy and only 1.95.
Great for gift-giving, too!
Solution for overcrowded
bulletin boards
... a scrapbook that’s so neat
and handsome it can . sit in
any library right ’long side
Bill Shakespeare, proud as
punch because of its fine
leather binding. No messy
strings to knot your patience
or fingers ’cause the pages are
- permanent. We like them bet
ter with gold monograms,
that’s done at ETHEL’S and
costs not one cent more than
the 2.95 or 4.95 for the book '
(it’s not that I can’t make up
my mind, there’s 2 sizes). '
Vegetables you don't have .
to eat
. . . cause they’re in the form
of dolls, stuffed saucies with
lima-bean, carrot or tomato
heads (just like your -best
gal’s??). We can’t even begin
to describe their cleverness
and originality because it
takes words I can’t even spell
—like adoribbule and purkey.
(I wasn’t kidding, was I?)
But it’s just like everything
else at ETHEL’S, you can’t
appreciate them till you see
them. We’re sure you’ll be
fascinated, g’wan down and
make yourself homely (Where
did I put that thesaurus??)
We’ll be seeing you ...
112 E . COllEei AVI.;