The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 29, 1953, Image 8
PACE 'EIC:P- Egyptian Attitudes Described by Silva Egyptians have two passwords by which they face life—"malish" or "never mind," and "handalala" or "thanks be to God," Dr. Ruth Silva, assistant professor of political science, said in describing he_ impressions of the Egyptian people during her year of teaching it Cairo. The worst is always expected, Seniors to Air Holiday Plan Seniors may sign for Spring Week committees at a class meet ing at 7 tonight in 119 Osmond, Richard • Crafton, president, an nounced yesterday. The recommendation to All- College Cabinet concerning the one-day Spring Carnival holiday will be the principal topic of dis cussion, Crafton said. The recom mendation provides for a one-day holiday for Spring Carnival. If the recommendation is passed, Easter. vacation will be shortened by one day. Elimination of final examin ations for eighth semester stu dents will also be discussed. A proposal to eliminate examina tions was called unfeasible by the College Senate this summer. Suggestions for the senior gift and the orchestra for Senior Ball May 14 will also be considered. Cabinet -- (Continued from page one) been rejected by Interfraternity Council, student councils of the Schools of Agriculture, Mineral Industries, and Home Economics, and other groups. Cabinet will vote on an amend ment to the All-College constitu tion giving Tribunal authority to hear appeals from the all-college elections committee. The consti tution now provides for such ap peals to be handled by the sub committee on organization of the Senate committee on student af fairs. The amendment was pre sented previously by Thomas Farrell as part of the encamp ment recommendations of the second judicial reorganization committee which he headed. The acquisition of the National Students' Association subcommis sion on student leadership will be explained to cabinet by Robert Smoot, campus NSA coordinator. A student counselor's report on Orientation Week will be pre sented by Michael Jordan. The report will explain work of the counseling program, as estab lished in conjunction with the Dean of Men's office. Cabinet will also hear the en campment resolutions on resident counselor relations. Chest -- (Continued from page one) dent Union desk in Old Main, Enelow said. The contributions will not be considered for the awards. Less than half of the contribu tors designated organizations to which they wish their money given, Enelow said. An invitation to discuss your future . . . in a successful, century-old organization . . . looking ahead to further development and progres:, THE NEW JERSEY ZINC COMPANY offers • Career Opportunities In: For Graduates in the fields of: Mining and Exploration Mining Eng., Geology, Met. Eng. (Milling), Mech. Eng., and Elec. Eng. Manuafacturing (Production Met. Eng., Chem. Eng., Elec. Supervis'.on) Eng., Mech. Eng. Plant - Mach. Eng., " 1- ^. Eng. Research and Development Met. Eng., (B.S. and Ph.D.) Chem. Eng., (B.S. and Phy. Chem. (Ph.D.) Process Met. (Ph.D.), Physical Met. (Ph.D.) • Sales Chem. Eng., Met. Eng. Company representatives will be on campus Wedoesday 9 November 4 Arrange • - •• • • !•-:- an interview By HERM WEISKOPF she said of the Egyptians. If it happens, the former word is used. If it doesn't happen, the latter is in order. Dr. Silva spoke to the Faculty Luncheon Club Monday on "Mod ern Egypt." During her stay in Egypt, she saw Egyptian history made: the establishment of land reform, the abolition of the old parties in favor of one party, and the proc lamation of a new republic. Egyptians ar e an easy-going, friendly, and generous people, she said, and the country is a "society of contrast." Egyptian Likes Gadgets "Most upper class people want you to like Egypt very much," Dr. Silva said. However, the Egyp tian, despite his loyalty to his country, takes a greater interest in American and European gad gets, she added. "Never admire anything an Egyptian has," she said, "because he will give it to you. If it is too big to carry he will have his ser vant deliver it to you the next day." No matter how lowly an Egyp tian may be, he will always find something more lowly. As an il lustration she pointed to her ser vant, who refused to carry groc eries. He felt that this was below him, so hired someone else to carry them. Speak 3 Languages A group of university students went on strike not long ago de manding that they have servants to shine their shoes and to per form other minor tasks which they felt were below them, she said. As a result, the students no longer have to shine their shoes; Dr. Silva said. Many of the people speak three languages in one sentence, she said. They may combine French verbs, English nouns, and Arabic adjectives in one sentence. In discussing the "society of contrast" Dr. Silva recalled that some Egyptian women dressed in clothes reminiscent of* Biblical times, while others wear clothes that would "put Parisian women to shame." She pointed out that a man may be seen riding a donkey, while another man is driving a Cadillac. Keep Population Down A survey by the Rockefeller Foundation showed that 90 per cent of the population suffered from vilharsia, a disease which comes from unclean water. Cairo has one of the finest medical set ups in the world, and doctors can cure, and even prevent the dis ease. However,. they would rather let it continue, Dr. Silva explained, because they say they have to keep the population down because of a lack of food. Dr. Silva said she had been told that doctors felt it is better if people died of vilharsia than to .let them die by starvation. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Freshman men from the West Dorm area will guard the Lion Shrine in three shifts from tomorrow to 7 a.m. Saturday, against possible painting and disfiguration by West Virginia University students. According to Ross Clark, West Dorm Council president, students from rival schools have painted the shrine before football games in previous years. The projects committee of Panhellenic Council will serve cider and donuts to the guards. Red Cross Unit Praises Turnout The State College Red Cross unit yesterday announced its ap preciation of the "excellent" stu dent turnout in the blood drive held Oct. 13 to 15 at the Col lege. Four hundred and. seven pints of blood were collected by the Johnstown Bloodmobile during the three-day drive. Although the 600 pint quota was not reached, the response was better than most places, according to Charles W. Stoddart, blood program chair man. Pofi (Continued from page one) still in orders for material that have been deferred for defense orders. This includes the transla tors which convert FM signals of the station to AM, a new antennae, and electronic equipment for the control board. Coaxial cable has been received, he said, and is being installed. The station is now working with the College physical plant to con struct a mounting for the a'nten nae on the roof of Sparks Build ing. Textile .Exhibition THE BIG FEATURE OF JUNIOR WEEK West Dorm Men To Guard Shrine Against Vandals The Department of Clothing and Textiles has arranged a "Fibers to. Fabrics "d exhibit in the West Dorm lobby. Two of the fibers featured are orlon and dacron. at the JUNIOR PROM Rec Hali Fri., Nov. 6 9:00-1:00 a.m. Semi-Formal SDX to Initiate 16 Journalist's. Sigma Delta Chi, men's national professional journalistic frater nity, will initiate ten students and six professional men Sunday at the Nittany Lion Inn. Stanley High, one of the sen ior editors of Readers' Digest, will be among the professional men initiated. Students tapped - by the frater nity are Joseph Cooper Jr., Glen Reed, John Reid, Diehl McKalip, Levier Procopio, Alvin Goodman, George Bairey, Philip Austin, Richard McDowell and William Snyder. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE 1949 FORD CUSTOM. V 8 $795. R&H, seat covers, good tires. Call State Col lege 4712. 1940 CHEVROLET coupe $175. Call 4712. 1941 Chevrolet 4-door' sedan—sl2s. Call Joseph Racik ext. 790. 38 FORD COUPE $65. Call 4435 at 6 to • 7 p.m. No. 5 OLIVER. Typewriter, carrying case and instruction book $l5. Also used sink, mixing faucet $2.50. Good condition. Phone 4669 at 12 or 6. ARMY OFFICER'S trench coat, size 40, has zip-in lining. Like new, worn only two weeks. PX price was $55 ; will sacri fice for $4O. Phone 7611 ext. 13, ask for Bob Gardner. GOLDEN BROWN checked sport that. Size 38. Reasonably priced. Contact Lew Ripley. Nittany 24-7. Phone 284. CIDER FOR SALE. Five gallons or more 70e per gallon. Deliver Wed., Thurs. evenings on campus and fraternities. Call Atherton 336. ROLLEIFLEX CAMERA. Zeiss-Tessar lens Fully automatic. Call J. Gordon, Nitt 35, Room 11. 1947 CHEVROLET sedan. Must sell to meet expenses. Good condition. Call Hamilton 1195. Ask for Pat Greer. LOST GOLD BULOVA Watch between McElwain and town. Please contact Sparky, 420 McElwain. RUST COLORED jacket left in 129 Temp.. at 11 a.m. Monday. Call Bob Rauch 4979- A BLACK PARKER "51" fountain pen If found, 'please call 8-8790. CHARCOAL COAT taken from Thespian dressing room Friday night. Pledge pin on lapel and tie in pocket. Please call Don 4937. Reward. No questions asked. HELP WANTED ENGINEERS AND physicists with me chanical' or electrical background for part-time employment Openings for sev enth and eighth semester engineering students. Please inquire John 1. Thompson and Co. Inc., Bush Arcade Bldg.. West High St., Bellefonte. Tel. Bell. 5-9191. BOTTIED UNDER AUTHORITY Of THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY , • •. , COCA-COLA BOTTLING ("IF ALTOONA 'Coke" is a registered trademark. 01953, THE COCA:COLA COMPANY M~ 1~~ i+l~~} ~T:~ ~~ll} iilyy:l} G+~'ac~ kH~~ Hellenic Group to Hear Political Science Prof Dr. Harold F. Alderfer, profes sor of political science, will ad dress the Penn State Hellenic Association at 7:30 tonight in 304 Old Main. - Alderfer, who holds the high est Greek civilian award, will dis cuss Greece and show slides. WSGA House to Meet The House of Representatives of Women's Student Government Association will meet at 6:30 to night in 111 White Hall, Maud : 7 -',trawn, speaker, has announced. FOR BEST RESULTS USE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS WORK WANTED SOCIAL CHAIRMAN: Harrisburg Combo available Nov. 7th and Dee: 12th. Call 2993 after 7 p.m. WHEN YOUR typewriter nee& attention just dial 2492 or bring machine to 633 W. College Avenue. MISCELLANEOUS ATTENTION SENIOR MEN: If your plans for the future are not definite, write to the Hill-Ron: Company, Inc., Batesville. Indiana, makers of hospital furniture and equipment. Give full information concern ing yourself and your background. You may find' a promising career and our sales department awaits you. VOTE FOR the very best—Al Gregal. Penn State's Nittany Lion—for Mardi Gras King. Sponsored by Tri Vi of Sigma Sigma Sigma. SEE THE latest in 3-Dimension as AOPi's present "Whow !" in 3-Dimension at Mardi Gras Friday night. RIDE WANTED RIDE TO Ithaca, N.Y., or thereabouts. Leaving noon. Fri. or before. Call Ann, 162 Atherton. WANT TO GET in touch with Bellefonte student commuters with car. Willing to share expense. Call John Ryan, State Col lege 3927. FOUND TWO HUNDRED tickets to Saturday night's Mardi Ball. Pick one up from any Chime. Reward desired, $1.50. SLIDE RULE. Call S. Jarmell Thursday between 12 and 1 o'clock. Phone 2887. FOR RENT LARGE ROOM for rent to visiting parents W. Virginia game weekend. Phone .4467. WANTED WHAM AN Alpha Gam. Where?—Mardi Gras. Vote for king— who? Fury Furaco.