SATLI.KUAY . OCTOBER 24, 1953 . . . . •• . ..,.. ~ ••.:.- . .. '.::.... ~. .. ~... ••••••••• .. ~...,' . .:.... '.,.....". ...,.., ...• . . •,. . .. ....., . .. ...,. . ' .'.....,. '...''' . , .... . ..,... ~••• -...: .• . . . . .... •,..•.•.• .....,......k.:f..;.......:: ~.....,....... ....., .....•... . .. . .. , .......: ~ ... ...... .........•_,...,,,.,............. .....,......,..... . ..... ...... . :..........._,... ............ ... .•.•. . ...........:, ~.,...:..... • ... ... ...:..... .. Kappa Sigma Back the team! Welcome Grads! Lambda Chi Alpha We extend grads a sincere welcome home Phi Kappa Tau It's nice to see you all back Phi Mu Have a wonderful weekend Phi Sigma Delta Welcome back alumni Phi Sigma Kappa Hope to see all you alums this weekend Phi Sigma Sigma A hearty welcome to you all this Homecoming Pi Kappa Alpha • Welcome alums—Be seeing you this weekend Pi Kappa Phi Here's to a terrific Homecoming Weekend Sigma Alpha Epsilon It's great to see you home again Sigma Alpha Mu A hearty welcome to all grads rim DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE PENNSYLVANIA TEXAS CHRISTIAN LINEUP Bryan Engram Don Sanford Bill Curtis R. C. Harris Marshall Harris Bill Sikes Morgan Williams Bill Yung Bill Alexander Hugh Pitts Bob White Dale Brakebill Claude Roach Malcolm Wallace Dick Laswell _ Ray Hill Hal Lambert ABE MARTIN, Head Coach Sigma Delta Tau Welcome and greetings to all the Alums Sigma Nu Alumni—Come on over after the game Welcome home. See you at the house Theta Xi We're glad to have all you alums back Hoping to see you alums in the suite Collegian Welcome'alums and good luck to. our team Bill Stephenson Johnny Crouch Guy Thompson Ronald Dublin Malvin Fowler Billy Jack Meredith Teddy Hughes Ronald Clinkscale Marshall Robinson Van Williams Ronald Fraley David Finney H. C. Krioir Sammy Morrow Ray McKown Danny Hallmark Sigma Phi Alpha Let's go tecim and alums! Sigma Phi Epsilon Let's give a cheer for State Sigma Phi Sigma Welcome home alumni Sigma Pi Let's have a victory for our alums Tau Kappa Epsilon Welcome grads. Fight on State Theta Kappa Phi Theta Phi Alpha Welcome all alumni Zeta Tau Alpha