The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 24, 1953, Image 3
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1953 ittle Man on Campus promised you could pla know I'm a man of my Horn Elected Vice President Of WD Council Stuart Horn, third semester chemistry major, was elected vice president of the West Dorm Coun cil Thursday night. John Dunn, fifth semester geog raphy major, was elected secre tary, and. Stanley Juras, third se mester enginecting science major, treasurer. Committee chairmen appointed by Ross Clark, Council president, are menu-food, Robert Gellman; publicity, Thomas Larson; Spring Week, Steve Jordan; housing, Al an Cassell; intramural sports, Dick Overdorf; radio and tele vision, Carl . Hiester. Clark announced that each man on council will serve in a rota tion program to check West Dorm lounges and enforce the West Dorm dating code. The placing of the television get in the West Dorm area was discussed by Clark. The set' has been moved from the McKee lounge because outlets were not available and the noise carried to rooms in the dorm area. Clark said that the set will definitely be placed in the small recreation room of Hamilton Hall. The date of installment has not been announced. Two tentative dates have been set for a semi-formal Christmas dance Dec. 6, and either an after dinner dance. Nov. 12, or an in formal dance Nov. 14. Eng Dean to Speak Eric A. Walker, dean of the School of Engineering, will speak to Engineering 2 students at 4 p.m. Monday in 110 Electrical Engin eering. Welcome Alums ... We're glad to have you with us again. We desire to wish you a Merry Homecoming and a Happy Football Game Compliments of C o 140 S. Allen St. ng 1W last half an I want you y dur word. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Success - or to THE FREE LANCE, est. 1887 Published Tuesday through Saturday mornings inclusive during the College year by the staff of The Daily Collegian of Tile Pennsylvania State College. Entered as second-class matter July 6, 1934. at the State College, Pa.. Post Office 'rider the act of March 3. 1879. Dave Jones Editor STAFF THIS ISSUE Night editor, Phil Austin; Copy editors, Diehl McKalip o George BaL-ey; Ass;stants,l Nancy Gray, Paddy Beahan, Ruth Bar- , nard, Wayne Diehl, Hank DiPipi, Jim Jacoby, Pat Lutz. Ad staff. 17 ,st^."e Cap-, lan, Sandy Duckman, Cindy Manalin. Gazette ... Sunday LAVIE SENIOR BOARD, 7 p.m., LaVie office. STATE PARTY, 7 p.m., 10 Sparks. • Monday BUSINESS SCHOOL STUDENT COUNCIL, 6:45 p.m., 107 Wil lard. SCROLLS, 9 p.m., White Hall. SIGMA ETA lOTA TAU EXECU TIVE COMMITTEE, 7:30 p.m., 108 Ag. EUTAW HOUSE Potters Mills SUNDAY DINNERS Pan Fried CHICKEN CAPETTES • -0.71.114 " 1 ":* ME DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA By Bibler m ,~,~~~m Vince Drayne Business Mgr. Your* Order by Mail Today Alumni .. . Its a short yell—State—with dignity, everytime your Penn State ring flashes on your finger. Proud of Penn State? Express this pride by wearing your Penn State Ring . . . The official ring created by BALFOUR and worn by thousands of ALUMNI. Your old roommate,likely wears this ring why not you? Fill Out and Mail This Order Form Today L. G. BALFOUR CO. O Syn. Ruby El Blue Spinel E Heavy 29.95 Tax 5.99 i i Name : Address Campus Chest Attempting to remedy the faults of three previous Campus Chest • campaigns, this year's Chest I committee has included three ex perimental phases in the drive, concerning the goal, length of the drive, and method of donation. In each of the preceding drives a monetary goal was established. Although 99 per cent of the goal vas reached in the 1951 drive, campaign totals have always fall en short of the goal. In these same years, students were , asked contribute. 82 each. One hundred per cent peril "...ipation, not a specific mone tary amount, will be the goal of this year's drive. The con r:ern is not • with hovi much a few give, but rather with how much many students give. To encourage this, awards will e given to groups with the high est percentage of participation. In case of equal participation. the awards will be, made to the group with the highest average contri ; bi , tion per person. I Last year the drive was to last 'two weeks. As in previous years it was necessary to extend ' the drive deadline because the goal was not reached. This year the -olicitation camaigns will last three days. The chief criticism of earlier drives was that student contribu tors had nothing to say about die tributing their' donations. The amount received by each group I was determined solely on a per ! -!erfl , v , .. basis This year a designation sys. tem will be introduced. On the Internatioral Business Machine cards • used in the campaign, stvdent contributors may check only or-f-niza.tions they wish to support. Students who wish to support all organizations in the drive may leave donations undesignaced. These funds will be distributed to each of the 11 groups on a rercentage basis. The succToss of these three ex periments will- hinge on cam- WELCoME BACK ALUMNI E? - I,IOY YOUR VISIT TO THE UTMOST EAT AT , FINE THE TAVE N _ FOODS 220 W. COLLEGE AVE. Official STATE Add prevailing State or City Tax (Deposit-5.00 Minimum) Finger Size Initials El Medium 26.75 Tax 5.35 Tries Three E plete student support. If the drive has support, the goal of 100 per cent participation can be realized. If contributors consider the. groups in the campaign, and des ignate their donations accord ingly, they will be better satis fied that their money is being used as they feel it should be. In the final tabulation, the des ignation system will indicate whether students prefer to sup port national or local organiza tions. It will also show which of these groups they feel are most significant. In the future this can serve as a guide in selecting groups to be included in the drive. Part of the success of the campaign will depend on solici tors themselves, particularly in view of the length of the drive. In' the 1951 campaign, solicitors were blamed for the necessity of extending the drive deadline. This year's drive will 'not be extended. If the hort drive is to be effective, all students must be contacted' quickly. Solicitors can riot afford to be lax if the drive Welcome Back ALUMNI BEHRER HARDWARE Charles H. Kropp, Owner Hardware, Glass and Paints BEAT TCU! CL '4,,SS , by 03atioar Branch Office, Athletic Store State College, Penna ~.~.~ .~~ Year of Graduation 0 Women 18.50 Tax 3.70 : " P l \ GE THRrit periments is to succeed The experiments this year are the first real improve policies governing the drive. If they succeed. future campaigns will surely benefit. —Mary Lee Lauffer Barons to Hold Tryouts Barons, .Nittany-Pollock social organization, will hold tryouts for its annual musical, "The Splinter villa Review," from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day in the recreation room of Nittany 20. Only residents of the Nittany-Pollock area may try out for the show. Subscribe to The Daily Collegian Keep up with the news from Penn State. Have the Collegian mailed to your home throughout the year. I Year . . . . $5.00 I Semester . $3.00 Fill out this coupon TODAY - start read ing the Collegian reg ularly. ==l Subscription Order The Daily Collegian Box 261 State College, Pa. I would like to have my copies of the Daily Collegian mailed to the following ad- dress (name) (street) (city and state) i 1 year ( ) 1 semester ( ) Subscribe Today!