PAGE TWO Parties to Elect Clique Officers Final nominations and elections of class clique officers in the Lion and State parties will be held' at 7 p.m. tomorrow. The parties will also accept preliminary nominations for freshman and sopho more class officers. Candidates for the Nov. 12 election will be se lected Nov. 1. British Choir To Feature Hymns,Aires Music typical of that sung in English cathedrals will be in cluded in the program by St. Paul's Cathedral Choir of London when it opens the Community Concert series at 8 p.m. Monday in Schwab Auditorium. The program will begin with a group of motets and anthems in cluding "Hosanna to the Son of David" (Weelkes), "Praise to Thee Lord Jesus" (Schutz), "Ave Ver urn Corps" (Mozart), "Blessed Be the God and Father" (Wesley) and "My Soul, There is a Coun try" (Parry). The choir will sing English songs of the 16th to 18th century including "What Then Is Love, But Mourning" (Rosster), "The Jolly, Jolly Breeze" (Eccles), "Ah, How Sweet" (Croft), and "To All the Sex Deceitful" (Arne). Christmas music will include "0 Jesu, Most Kind" (Bach), "The Angel Gabriel" (a Basque carol), "A Spotless Rose" (Howells), and "Ding! Dong! Merrily on High" (a Breton carol). The choir will also sing "Gloria in Excelsis" from Mass in D (Hay dn) and four madrigals. Songs by the boy choristers will include "It was a Lover and His Lass" (Naylor), "I Know a Bank" (Shaw), "Spring" (Gibbs), and "Boot, Sadd 1 e, to Horse, and Away" (Dyson). The coronation anthem "I Was Glad" will be the closing number. ICG Will Discuss Wisconsin Politics "Wisconsin Politics" will be the discussion topic at the Int e r collegiate Conference on Govern ment meeting at 7:15 p.m. Mon day in Thompson Hall recreation room, according to Thomas Urn holtz, ICG president. Dr. Frank Sorauf, of the Politi- Cal Science department and a na tive of Wisconsin, will lead the discussion. Dr. Sorauf completed his graduate work at the univer= sity of Wisconsin and his doctor ate dissertation examined the par ty system as it functioned in 1953 in the state of Wisconsin. " Serving as moderator for the open meeting will be Lee Corter, ICG adviser. Oliver Elected Head Of State Speech Group Dr. Robert T. Oliver, professor and head•-of the Department of Speech, has been elected presi dent of the Pennsylvania Speech Association. Other faculty members at the annual meeting in Altoona were Joseph F. O'Brien, Dr. Robert S. Brubaker, William W. Hamilton, Dr. Harold E. Nelson and Holle G. Deßoer. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA At the Lion party meeting in ,121 Sparks, officers for class cliques will be chosen. Each clique will elect a chairman, vice chairman for men, vice chairman for women, secretary and treas urer. Each candidate is entitled to a nominating and seconding speech, Benjamin Sinclair, clique chairman, has announced. Platform Committee The election of junior and sen ior clique officers was necessi tated by the adoption of a new constitution Oct. 11 which elimi nated the officers elected last spring. • The platform and publicity committees will meet at 6 p.m. in 121 Sparks, under the direction of Lewis Goslin, vice clique chair man, Sinclair said. Sinclair asked persons wishing to serve on the pUtlicity commit tee ar&d those wishing to submit ideas for the platform to attend the meeting. Jerry Donovan is publicity chairman and Edward Goldston, campaign manager. School Representatives. State Party will meet in 10 Sparks to elect freshman and sophomore clique officers. A chairman, vice chairman, secre tary, secretariat and treasurer will be selected for each of the two classes. Preliminary nominations for school council representatives were submitted Thursday at a party workshop. Final nomina tions for representatives in the nine councils will be accepted un til Thursday, when the second workshop will be held in Wil lard Hall, according to Kenneth White, clique chairman.. Dean of Women Warns Against Bermuda Shorts Bermuda shorts are not campus wear, according to Dean of Wo men Pearl 0. Weston. In clarifying the women's dress rule yesterday, Dean Weston said shorts which end above - the knee may not be worn on campus, in dormitory lounges, or in dining halls. She said that as a result of the misunderstanding of the rule, it has been necessary for dormitory hostesses to warn several women that they may wear shorts only •in their immediate living units. The rule states that Bermuda shorts may be worn if they reach the knee, but according to the fashion magazines the, apparel then becomes pedal pushers. Welcome AlLims! Come in and Browse Souvenirs & Gifts at the 'Treasure House East College Ave. Kidd Blasts Amendment By Sinclair Thomas Kidd, former vice clique chairman of the Lion Par ty has charged that Benjamin Sinclair, clique , chairman, is at tempting to strengthen his con trol of the party through an amendthent presented Sunday to the party steering committee. The amendment will be pre sented at a general clique meet ing at 7 p.m. tomorrow in 121 Sparks. Kidd said his objections are based on the provision that the chairman could make ftp pointments to the steering com mittee. He also objected because the amendment was passed by three of the four members of the steering committee at that time. Sinclair did not comment on Kidd's charges yesterday. He said he wanted to concentrate on winning the election. Freshman and sophomore classes will elect class officers Nov. 12. Kidd has charged that the hand ling of the amendment in the steering committee is illegal. Sin clair ruled that two-thirds of the steering committee with the membership set ' at four was enough to approve the amend ment. Kidd maintained, however, that two-thirds of 36, the num ber set by the constitution as the committee's size, was necessary to approve the amendment. Senior and junior clique offi cers, elected last spring, were eliminated when the new. consti tution was adopted at the first clique meeting Oct. 11. Sophomore and freshman representatives will be elected tomorrow night. The amendment states "there shall be elected by the member ship at large, a party chairman ship, vice chairman, a party sec retary, and five representatives from each class, the represen tatives being a class clique chair man, a vice chairman for men, a vice chairman for women, a sec retary and a treasurer. "The party chairman shall ap point a financial manager, cam paign manager, publicity mana ger, ,party workers to the steer ing committee, and create any .additional posts necessary for the running of the steering commit (Continued on page eight) BERNIE'S Beauty Salon Welcomes Alumni 328 W. Beaver Phone 7979 Yale Divinity Prof To Talk at Chapel Dr. Randolph Crump Miller, professor of Christian Education at Yale University Divinity School, will discuss "God Plus Man!" at Chapel service at 11 a.m. tomorrow in Schwab Auditorium. A native of Fresno, Calif., Dr. Miller received his B from Pomona College, Ph.D. degree from Yale. honorary the Pacific School of Religion and his S.T.D. from the Church Di vinity School of the Pacific. Before coming to Yale, he was instructor in philosophy of reli gion, assistant professor, associate professor and professor of phil osophy of religion and Christian education at the Church Divinity School of the Pacific. Dr. Miller also served as chaplain to Epis copal students at the University of California and Rector of St. Alban's Church — in Albany, Calif. Dr. Miller is the author of a number of books on religion in cluding "A • Guide for Church School Teachers," "Religion Makes Sense" and "The Clue to Chris tian Education." His recent book, "A Symphony of the Christian Year" will be published in Jan uary by Seabury Press. This February Dr. Miller will give the convocation lectures at Eden Theological Seminary. He will then go to Harvard and Epis copal Theological Seminary where he will, be visiting professor of religious communication during the Spring. The Chapel Choir, under the di rection of Mrs. Willa C. Taylor, will sing as introit "Psalm 74" (Schutz) and as anthem "The Heavens Are Telling'' from "The Creation" (Haydn). George E. Ceiga, Chapel organ ist, will play as prelude "Piece Heroique," as offertory "Andante Cantabile" and as postlude "Alle gro" (Franck). Ed Council Deadline Today is the deadline for nomi nations for the freshman Educa tion Student Council elections Monday and Tuesday. Blanks are available in 105 Burrowes. SNACK OR SODA • We've Got the Knack Welcome Alumni Come in, bring your friends and enjoy our famous sandwiches Nittany Dell Across from Atherton Hall Welcome Alumni • • • Don't forget ... After the HOMECOMING GAME • .14. n, ..v•-' . .4;,'..z , 400 . 1 i10.,,..2.6..t.,.,. , .-• 44;t4. 1 .• 0 , : .: ,•1•I'- , ,,.. - .y.,,..,..- '-'• N 9, , ~ -o , _ -'-v - ' mc , LANAHAN 7 s , 134 South Allen Street SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1953 Wheeler Wins Oil Scholarship George Wheeler, first semes ter agricultural engineering ma jor, was named winner of the $4OO Esso Standard Oil 4-H schol arship, by Allen Baker, state 4-H Club leader. He will receive $lOO a year for four years. Active in 4-H club work for five years, Wheeler, on the basis of scholarship, 4-H achievement, and need, won over five other nominees, all freshmen. Two alternates also named are Jerome Kleisath, an d William Moore, both -in dairy husbandry. The 1952 winner is David Mor row, third semester dairy hus bandry major. Grad Student to Speak Ivan Samarawira, graduate stu dent from Ceylon, will speak' on, "An Asian Christian Looks •at Communism," at the United Stu dent Fellowship meeting at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Faith Evan gelical and Reformed Church. Are we stretching things a bit? May.. be but when you find out how mild and sweet and refreshing the Medico pipe can be, you'll go for Medico, tool It's the replaceable filter in Medico that makes the big difference. That little filter traps dangerous nicotine and tars, disagreeable juices and flakes., That's why countless smokers, begin ners and old timers alike, who never enjoyed the pleasures of a pipe, now en joy the clean mild fragrance of Medico the pioneer in filtered smoking. Try a Medico Pipe. See why Medico's filter has sold over a billion to dates THE CUSHION -BITE A NhIYLON STEM 0 YOU'LL LOVE THEDBFITEEELhIOthFe BITE- PR OO F $350 -,-...:, , ):•...:r.:.,.:..... MEDICO CREST t k(z:4: : !?::..:-:,• & mEDICO V.F.Q. S 2 e••....... 01 . „.::;;P`.../!:',:;•n::. ,, ..'.v..t,:.- -4....::i Wide yarialy st .styletisd sizes. Write Medico Pipes, lae., N.Y. 22, for Booklet X MEDICO kIiTER•PIPESI. .A. degree D.D. from
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