The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 22, 1953, Image 2

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Finalists in Homecoming Queen contest
Nancy Hagy
Kappa Alpha Theta
Queen to Receive
Crown Tonight
The 1953 Homecoming Queen
will be crowned at 8 tonight
at the first performance of the
Thespian show "Lets Face It."
Queen finalists are Nancy Hagy,
seventh semester education ma
jor; Louise Justin, fifth semester
pre -medical major; Juliana Fees,
seventh semester education ma
jor; Jane Mason, seventh semes
ter home economics major; and
Joan Ziegler, third semester ele
mentary education , majori
The foOtball team voted Mon,
day night by secret ballot for
their choice for the queen after
each candidate was interviewed
by Alex Gregal, co-chairman of
the Thespian Homecoming Queen
The queen and her court will
be introduced to alumni Satur
Be a Gay Rogut,
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'I.6ta:MAMDy Just one of the many
'404.V,1.A UNSINGWEAR Sleeping
i.e:A&' ' ‘ s Beauties. Did you
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=ver see such stripes—
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-weater style bottom
.I , ' - band. Trim, arrow
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those close-fitting
~,,..- 4.-v.... ankles flare out in
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`'''' ll' • 13,4, Cotton Jersey -
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•„••,..;;; k: in red and white,
fFt; tia , navy and red,
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Louise Justin
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Choir to Open
Concert Series
St. Paul's Cathedral Choir of
London, the first English choral
group to tour the United States,
will open the Community Con
cert series at 8 p.m. Monday in
Schwab Auditorium.
The purpose of the tour is to
pay tribute to 28,000 Ainerican'
servicemen who died in Britain
during World War 11.
In their honor a chapel is being
built at St. Paul's Cathedral on
the site of the Jesus Chapel which
was destroyed during the 1941
A committee headed by Owen
J; Roberts, former Supreme Court
just i c e, has arranged for the
choir's tour. The choir will travel
through the United States and
Canada until Nov. 25.
day at the annual alumni lunch
eon in Recreation Hall before the
Penn State-Texas Christian game.
Campui. Chest to Benefit 8 Groups
The Women's Student Govern
ment Association ChriStmas fund,
the State College Welfare fund,
and six national groups will re
ceive benefits from the 1953-54
Campus Chest drive.
Student contributors may des
ignate the organizations to which
they wish their donations giVen:
Undesignated funds will be dis
tributed to the gr o ups on the
basis of a percentage system.
Student solicitations will be
conducted Monday to Wednesday.
The faculty solicitation drive
be held Nov. 3-5.
The WSGA Christmas tund,
which will receive four per cent
of undesignated donations, is
used to support the Mifflin Coun-
Juliana Fees
Phi Delta Theta ,
AI. - Leonides
5 t e ,1 450.,1,
Jane Mason
Tau Kappa Epsilon
tv Child Welfare Services, the
American Women's Hospital asso
ciation and the Ralph Dorn Het
zel Loan fund.
One per cent will be given to
the State College Welfare fund,
which supports teen-age clubs,
boy and girl scout troops, the
Centre County Hospital, and the
Crippled Children's Society.
Five per cent of undesignated
contributions will be given to the
American Heart Association, the
Cerebral Palsy fund of Pennsyl
vania, the Salvation Army, the
American Red Cross, the Damon
Runyon Cancer fund and the
American Cancer Society.
The American, Heart Associa
tion helps - finance research in
lirrlitam BALL
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THURSp.AY, OCTOBER 22,' 1953,
heart diseases. The Cerebral Pal
sy fund is used for the establish
ment of clinics, treatment centers
and educational facilities.
The Salvation Army fund has
been used to establish rehabili
tation and worshi') centers in 97
countries of the world.
The local American Red Cross
chapter sponsors spring and fall
blood drives and supports a cam
pus Red Cross unit.
The Damon Runyon Cancer
fund has been used for cancer
research. It does not support clin
ical facilities.
The American Cancer Society
sponsors a program of education,
service, and research in the field
of cancer.
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Joan Ziegler
Sigma Chi
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