The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 22, 1953, Image 8

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01' State Custom
again gc .c.rway. "PPs -
both male and female frosh for the first time in College history.
Freshman Lou Carrara (center) has his namecard examined by
gloating upperclassmen David Steward (left) and Norwood
Mackenzie --
(Continued from page one)
Fordham University Law School.
He was admitted to practice be
fore the New York state bar in
Prior to four years in the Ma
rine Corps, MacKenzie• was head
of the state and local tax depart
ment of Allied Chemical and Dye
Corp. After his discharge with
the . grade of major, he served as
head of the tax dePartment of
West Penn Electric Co., and one
year later was named to the ad
ministrative staff at Columbia
Heads Three Departments
As dean and direCtor of the
development program of the
Graduate School of Business at
Columbia, MacKenzie continued
to serve as assistant to the exec
utive director of the American
Assembly, a program of contin
uinE conferences designed to
throw impartial light on major
problems confronting America. It
was established in 1950 by Dwight
D. Eisenhower, then president of
Columbia University.
The school includes the three
Departments of Accounting and
Business Statistics, Commerce,
and Economics, as well as the
Bureau of Business Research. It
will -administer the curriculum of
business administration with op
tions in accounting, business
management, economics, finance,
insurance and real estate, mar
keting, and trade and -transporta
tion. Students completing the
curriculum will qualify for a B.S.
degree. •
Your One-Stop Service Store Has
" r.: °-
A- . ,
• M `'.. ..,
• , .
' - . . - i .. . i _ .. .
You can get Everything you will need
You Can Get It at Metzgers
for all courses at Penn State
. .
Whenever You Need Something
(Continued from page one)
icy, serving as an adviser to de-,
partment heads, and making a
study of admissions, standards,
methods. and curriculum.
Three Degrees
The three department heads,
along with the dean, assistant,
dean, and director of planning,
will constitute an executive com
mittee. They will originate and
carry out administrative duties.
The new school will offer 8.5.,
M.S., and Ph.D. degrees.
Philip Greenberg, seventh sem
ester arts and letters major, was
elected president of the school's
student council. The vice presi
dent and treasurer will be elected
by students in the school. Fresh
men, sophomores, juniors, arid
seniors may petition for these of
Council Membership
Students must have an All-.
College average of 1.2 Or better
to be eligible for membership in
the council. Incoming freshmen
registering in the school are also
eligible for membership.
The council will consist of five
seniors, eight juniors, six sopho
mores, and five freshmen. Elec
tions will be held during the fall
and spring semester of each
school year. The council will have
a faculty adviser.
Thespians to Hold
Tryouts Tonight
Final tryouts for the Thespian
show, "Let's Face It, will be held
at 7 tonight in 409 Old Main.
Persons interested in working
on any part of the production may
try out. Callbacks for actors and
singers will be posted tomorrow
on the front and back bulletin
boards on the first flo or of
Schwab Auditorium.
The show is scheduled, Home
coming Weekend, beginning Oct.
All-College Cabinet
All-College Cabinet will hold
its first meeting of the fall se
mester at 8 p.m. Thursday in 201
Old Main.
Students Learn
About Government
Through ICG
Intercollegiate Conference on
Government gives students an op
portunity to learn through exper
ience and model organization how
government works. ICG operates
on a regional and state level.
Last semester, Benjamin Sin
clair, fifth semester arts and let
ters major, was elected director of
the central Pennsylvania region
of ICG.
In April, students from the lo
cal chapter attended a three-day
mock legislature at Harrisburg.
The legislature was conducted by
student representatives from 61
ICG chapters in Pennsylvania.
Committees were organized to
legislate mock lawi. Bills were
passed after sessions of discussion
and debate.
In the U. S. diamonds have been
mined in Arkanias.
TAN WALLET between East Foster Aye:
and McElWain Hall Saturday: Phone
358 McElwain- Reward. _ _
BAG OF golf clubs in front of Hamilton
Hall. Brown leather bag. Call State Col
lege 7153. .
BLUE BILLFOLD lost Saturday. Vicinity
of Atherton lounge. Phone 130 Atherton.
Ask for Liz.
IH.. REG HALL Wednesday—wallet con
taining important papers. Keep money
but return papers, to Student Union or
Dick Robinson.
WILL THE person who accidentally took
a white leather jacket from Alpha Ep
silon •Pi call 2941. Reward.
A WAITER and a dishwasher. Please call
Phi Sigma Delta 4409 and ask for caterer.
PRESSMAN—fuII or part time. Experi
enced Multilith, Offset and Mieble—man
or woman. Day time work. Inquire Com
mercial Printing, State College.
I - .‘ to earn up to $1.50
per hour on a steady - part-time basis
see "Perry" at the Dux Club, 128 S. Pugh
St. Don't phone drop in.
OPPORTUNITY FOR G.I. wife , to work
evenings. Good working conditions. Pre
vailing hourly wages, meals included if
wanted. Inquire at The Corner.
Norton Receives
Fulbright Aw6rd
Dr. Paul F. Norton, assistant
professor of fine arts, has been
awarded• a Fulbright research
grant for study at the Cortauld
Institute in London, during the
1953-54 academic year.
'He will study the background
of English architects who came
to the United States about 1800.
Chorus Tryouts
Additional tryouts for new
members of the Penn State Wo
men's Chorus will be held at
7. p.m. tomorrow in 200 Carnegie,
Raymond H. Brown, director, has
Women's Debate Team
Women's debate team: Will meet .
at 7 tonight in 2 Sparks, Clay
ton F. Schug, . coach, has an
nounced. Tryouts for new mem
bers will be held in October. •
A fusion of mercury and tin is
used for backing mirrors.
ELECTRIC GUITAR player to join small
• band. Call ext. 1197. Ask for Ted Simon.
Will call for and deliver. Call 2434
1937 FORD—sso.' .Good condition. Phone
State College 2312.
Ist semester E.E. Slide rule, instruments,
books. Excellent condition. Call 3053.
101;ieli t al*Ueliti I. I K*MTWIIn ikarAA !MEM
RIDE WANTED to Boston Oct. 9. Call
McElwain 267.
RIDERS . TO Philadelphia Friday Sept. 25
Leaving 3:30 p.m. Call 2335.
WANT TO FLY? Join the Penn State Fly
ing Club. First meeting Wed. at 7:30 p.m.
in 208 Willard. Interested people invited.
EAT WELL this year—eat at the Beaver
House. -$12.00, 7 days; $9.00, 5 days.
Call 7851.