The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 19, 1953, Image 5
TUESDAY,, MAY 19, '1953 Hat Society To Honor 49 Seniors Mortar Board, senior women's honorary, will honor 49 senior women at 6:45 a.m. tomorrow at a breakfast in McElwain Hall. The breakfast is given an nually to recogniie women who have not been tapped by honor ary or service groups, and to ex press "appreciation for untiring -efforts and numerous contribu tions toward making campus or ganizations strong and effective." Theme of the breakfast, Busy Bee Breakfast, expresses the qual ities that form the basis for se lection of the women to be hon ored, according to Yvonne Carter, retiring president. Industrious ness, conscientiousness, and length of service to an organization are the criteria for choosing women to be honored. Women are selected from rec ommendation lists of dormitory hostesses and the administration. They will be "tapped" by mem bers of Mortar Board at 6:15 a.m. and escorted to the breakfast. Breakfast guests )willbe Pearl 0. Weston, dean o women; Mary E. Brewer, assistant to the dean of women; Cordelia L. Hibbs, assistant to the dean of women; Marie Haidt, professor of physical education; and Mrs. Milton S. Eisenhower. Co-edit, Alpha Gamma Delta Alpha Gamma Delta recently held its annual spring pledge dance at Alpha Sigma Phi. John Leister and his orchestra played. Carol Jenks was named model pledge. Sorority members entertained mothers on Mothers' Day at breakfast in the suite room. En tertainment was provided by the pledges. Beta Sigma Omicron . . Dorothy Pennick was recently pledged by Beta Sigma 'Omicron. A breakfast was held by mem bers of the sorority on Mother's Day for visiting parents..i.,,::,l Mrs. Isabell kelnern; national president of Beta Sigma Omicron, recently visited the local chap ter. Phi Sigma Sigma New initiates of Phi Sigma Sig ma are Sima Altshuler, Annette Bortman, Patricia Farber, Tamy-,, ra Keitz, Mildred Kravitz, Bryna Lasker, Estelle •Leibowitz, Elea nor Levitt and Judy Novins. Alpha Omicron Pi Alpha Omicron Pi recently ini tiated S ally Lessig, Larretta Schlemmer, Rosemary Short, Do lores Spathis, Lu Weber and Joan Williams. After the initiation the sorority attended Chapel en masse. Phi Epsilon Pi Sylvan Taub recently received the Nancy and Arnold Kalin award for the chapter's outstand ing senior. FFA Club Elects Heasley New Head Daryl Heasley, fourth semester agriculture education major, was recently elected president of the Future Farmers of America club. Other officers are: Kenneth Smith, vice-p - r esid en t; David Schaffer, secretary; Russell Was ser, treasurer; Dio Yost, sentinel; John Harris, reporter; anti Wil liam Brooks, James Blose, and John Whitesell, agriculture stu dent council representatives. Senior night will be held at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow. A softball game will begin at 6:30 p.m. Nittany Grotto Officers Arthur - Hussey was recently elected president of Nittany Grotto. Other officers ape David Fenstermacher, vice president; Barbara Mcllrath; secretary; Dean Porterfield, treasurer; and James Walczak, newsletter editor. RESTRINGING by ROBINSON SAVE TIME ... SAVE MONEY Will pick up and deliver rackets DICK ROBINSON, Theta Xi Ph. 6928 •or -2161. . •-_ • THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA mbda Chi Queen EWES CAROL MATTNER, chosen "Crescent Girl" by Lambda Chi Alpha, is crowned with a crest of white roses by Carl Lunde, fraternity president. She was presented a gold loving cup. Miss Mattner is a member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority. With other finalists chosen by Lambda Chi Alpha's 144 chapters, she will compete in Septem ber for the honor of "Crescent Girl" of the national fraternity. Block and Bridle. Elects Herr Head Robert Herr, sixth semester ani mal husbandry major, was re cently elected president of the Block and Bridle Club. Other officers are William Kel ly, vice president; Georgene Hu ber, secretary; Robert Hartley, treasurer; Dean Belt, marshal; and Edgar FehneL and George Williams, Agriculture Student Council representatives. Final rep'orts on the 1953 Little International were discussed by Joseph DePetro, show manager. Plans w ere made for a picnic Sunday. Phys Ed Picnic Today . In case of rain today the Phys ical Education School picnic will be held in White Hall instead of Hort Woods. Care-Free FABRICS with Quick & Eas SEWING for SUMMER Pick a Fabric that's QuicklDrying ... Needs little or no ironing Pick a Pattern that's "Quick & Easy".. . Few pattern pieces ... Can be made in a day Less laundering time PLUS less Sewing time more Leisure Time for YOU! Pick your __ / / / Fashions in Fabrics from . (7 Ecrolf l s b Eisenhower Named Miss College Coed '53 Kathryn Eisenhower, secor.f. semester medical technology ma jor, has been selected Miss Col lege Coed, 1953 by the Depart ment of Journalism Education of the Harrisburg Patriot-News. Miss Eisenhower will be guest of honor tomorrow night at the fifth annual School Correspon dents Club dinner-dance in Har risburg. The dance ends a full year of school reporting by stu dents in more than 150 high schools in central Pennsylvania. Home Ec Board The Student Faculty Board of the School of Home Economics will meet at 7 p.m. tomorrow at the home of Grace M. Henderson, dean of the school, 230 E. Foster avenue. Coeds Begin Diets As Summer Nears It's a sure sign that summer is approaching when coeds pass up, dessert and waiters carry back plates of uneaten mashed potatoes to the kitchen. College women are dieting—frantically trying to streamline their figures for strapless bathing suits. Men battle men, and women battle bulges—and who's to say which after all makes more sense? but have you ever been, exposed to a woman who's on a diet? Sel dom will you find a worse display of human agony, pain, and sheer torture. What if all this human suffer ing should turn out to be of no avail—? Think of the disaster should the coed—suddenly an "af ter" from a Dubarry success course pick up her Sunday paper one fine morning and, thumbing through its pages, spot Harry Conover's article, "I'm Through with Thin Girls." For months she has dreamed of slinking down to the beach in black satin, hearing masculine sighs and feminine whispers of "Who is she—her figure is divine! Just look at those hollow cheek bones like Katherine Hep burn's." He wants "Believable Beauties" instead of "Adenoid Annies," Conover says. Men all over . the United States pour in letters of J' ,,,-, 7z , :s"::''''''' 6-,,,,‘,/ • • '.--, •. - 4Y, 4 , ,, :' • ,s, fr0 , "%,;' ,, ,- - .- = : , .. , ' -,'' '.!...' ',:,'-',:,-",, Y.:? ,, .' ' :,7' , .^.1r0.V. , ' . .. ' MISS PEGGY CONTI KKG Attention, - Florist Jimmy Wolfe: Send Peggy TWO dozen of your finest roses. if t y . 20-year-old Peg, a- vivacious L.A. from Greensburg had her portrait taken for a Paul of ATO. Her 8 proofs were made tonight and this is merely one selected at random. • To those of you who ask why so many "OK Joe" girls have been KKG's, the simple and straight answer is—nothing intentional. She is selected on a basis of personal charm and looks while. all other data is 'secondary and inconsequential. Ever see a shoulder drape made 'of thousands of soft tiny, maribou feathers? We had this drape made to order in Florida and it's ready for your use now. No more seven to ten day wait for sittings. Call up today and have your sitting tomorrow, and even today if you call between 9:15 and ten a.m. Your proofs will be delivered in two to four days and your finished prints in time for graduation, easily. REMEMBER, for the unusual . . . at ordinary .prices. VISIT THE LION STUDIO. Look for the crimson entrance. By HELEN LOUISE LUYBEN Certainly a woman's battle with her figure seems more trivial, support for Mr. Conover's cru sade to pad woman's bones. One clever fellow, whose wile apparently has had difficulty in ikeping up her . weight while keep ing his house, writes: "You are hearing, from one fellow who has lost from 15 to 20 per cent of his original investment. Sure, I have 69 pounds of kids, but I class them as dividends. Look at the capital I have lost!" Forced feeding! Our coed groans. She will need no simple minded, fickle man to stuff the carbohydrates down her esopha gus. Our coed heads for the re frigerator, grabs the date roll and marshmallow syrup, stops at the breadbox for a huge hunk of chocolate cake and the last three lady-fingers, lands finally at the kitchen tables—and EATS! What had that man written from Texas? His wife had gained 50 pounds since he married her, and he said, "I learned early in the game that the leaner they are the meaner they are." 0,1 Q my ?Joe. PAGE *WE