The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 18, 1953, Image 8

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Students Pass
During Mock
Student congressmen passed
two mock national laws on' dis
crimination and national defense
at the 18th ■ annual Pennsylvania
Debaters Convention and Mock
Student Congress held at the Col
lege Thursday through Saturday.
One law instituted by the mock
congress declares discrimination
because of race, religion, and
national ancestry is illegal in re
gard to hiring and firing by em
ployers and labor unions. Accord
ing to the hct the National Labor
Relations Board will serve as an
enforcing agency with cease and
desist orders being issued to vio
The law on national defense
would provide new policies of
diplomacy in government, mili
tary strength to allies, and armed
Provisions are made in the law
for educating diplomats, enforcing
stricter measures of guarding
military secrets, using peace pro
moting agencies like the United
Nations to better advantage, in
creasing economic aid to the al
lies beyond its present level, pro
viding civilian defense, and
extending research in weapons of
Bills were legislated during
committee meetings and passed
only after sessions of hot debate
simulating conditions of the U.S.
Officers elected for next year’s
convention are Richard Davies,
Lehigh University, president; Ben
jamin Sinclair, College men’s de
bate team, first vice president, and
Lee Vines, Slippery Rock State
Teachers College, second vice
The convention voted to extend
the mock congress next year to
DeMOLAYS TO attend Penn State De-
Molay Club at O. W. Houts. Meet behind
Old Main 6:45 p.m. Thursday March 19.
TO SHARE apartment % block
pas. $25 monthly. Call 2095 after five.
RIDERS FOR western or central North
’ Carolina for Easter vacation. Call 4732
after 6. Ask for Kaye Jr.
RIDERS WANTED. Leaving March 31 for
Quincy* 111. via Indianapolis. Call Don
at 2665.
A FURNISHED single room for male stu
dent, close to campus. Phone 27<05.
HALF DOUBLE room—male student. Cen
trally' located. Call 2967 after 5.
ONE VERY large double room with single
beds. Quiet place one block from campus.
Men only. Phone 7686.
EXCHANGED. Your topcoat with bnine.
Saturday night about 11 in Corner Room,
Should be too big. 'cause yours is too small.
Call Chuck Obertance 4444.
The Barbershop Quartet Contest
FREE TICKETS available at Student Union Desk in Old Main
Two Laws
Benclc to Head
Revision Group
Barbara Benck, senior Physical
Education Council representative,
was appointed Monday night by
Robert Kriedler, acting president,
to investigate a possible council
constitution revision to increase
the number of representatives.
Kriedler also announced that
Ruth Kronenwetter, freshman
representative, will be unable to
finish her term. Four girls were
nominated to replace Kronenwet
ter, one of which will be chosen
at the next council meeting. Those
named were Mary Hudcorich,
Jean Whitney, Constance Paula
kos, and Donna Bought.
Nedalyn Charmbury, sophomore
representative, reported to coun
cil that she had been approached
by. sophomore phys. ed. majors
who desire an evaluation program
of the School of Physical Educa
tion and Athletics to -be enacted.
The decision of the council was
that a new program would be
unnecessary, as there is already
an evaluation of the school tak
ing place.
Almquist Will Speak
John O. Almquist, professor of
dairy husbandry at the dairy
breeding research center, will
speak at 7 tonight in 105 Agricul
tural Engineering.
delegates from colleges outside of
Pennsylvania. A convention flag
and song were also adopted by
representatives of the twelve
schools attending the congress.
MAN'S GRUEN watch —gold expansion
band. Lost in Rec Hall. Reward.
BLUE PARKER 51. Initials R.E.G. Finder
please call ext. 268. Ask .for Bob. Reward !
TWO TICKET books for N.C.A.A. wrest
ling March 27-28 Row A Section S-2
balcony. Call 3403 evenings.
STAR-D TRIPOD with pan-tilt head. Ex
tends to 55”. Like new. $l2.
COMPLETE SET of 1952 MacGregor regis
tered golf clubs —irons and woods. In
quire at caddy house.
MODEL A Sedan 1929. $4O. Call Nick 4923,
with .case. Very good condition—only
slightly used. Reasonable price. Call 206
SOPHOMORES, Don't forget to dress im
style for the Poverty Day and Shanty
town Schuffle, Friday March 20. "
DARLING Bill, if you split your
ticket for 1.F.C.-Panhel Ball I'm going
to the dance with Joe. I want to dance all
night to Johnny Long's Orchestra. .
IF YOUR, typewriter needs repairing just
dial 2492 or bring machine to 633 W.
College Ave.—but call first.
Players to Cast
'Merry Wives'
Students and faculty members
with past experience in Players’
shows may try out for'“Merry
Wives of Windsor” at 7:15 tonight
in the Little Theater, basement of
Old Main.'
Four women and 17 men will
be cast for the farce. According
to Director Walter H. Walters, as
sistant professor of dramatics,
“all shapesand sizes of characters”
including a male singer will, be
. Players will present the comedy
by Shakespeare May 7,8, and 9
in ’ Schwab Auditorium.
Group to Discuss
Camp Jobs Today
An employment seminar, open
to-undergraduates, graduates, and
faculty members, will hear Mer
rill Durdan, director of Camp
Conrad Weiser, Wernersville, and
Harold White, assistant professor
of physical education, discuss the
opportunities and duties involved
In camp jobs today in 405 Old
General salary range, how and
where to apply, living and work
ing conditions, and educational
and social benefits will also be
discussed. Following the talks,
there will be a question-and-an
swer period.
There are about 5,700,000 honey
bee colonies in the United. States.
“Coke" Is a registered trade-mark.
Presents . . .
LA Faculty
To Receive
Rating Tests , u
A copy of the faculty, evalu
ation test and a letter of explan
ation will be delivered to the
members of the Liberal Arts
school faculty by the end of the
week,, Richard Kirschner, chair
man of the evaluation committee,
has announced.
The faculty evaluation tests,
which are being drawn up under
the sponsorship of the Liberal Arts
Student Council, are for the pur
pose of giving the individual in
structors an idea of the students’
evaluation of the course, instruc
tion, and other phases of teaching.
The instructors are asked to
order the number of tests they
will, need within a week after the
test and letter are delivered.
It is suggested that the instruct
ors distribute the tests about 15
minutes before the end of a class
period, leave the room, have the
students make the unsigned evalu
ation, and then collect the. tests.
The use of the tests is at., the
discretion of the instructor! The
results of the test are for the
instructor’s personal use only.
Reference Book Missing
The reference department of the
Pattee Library requests that any
one who knows the whereabouts
of' the reference desk copy of
Winchell’s “Guide to Reference
Books” notify the department.
Campus capers call for Coke
He’s a “heavy” in the play,
but short on time.
Busy students need quick
refreshment. That’s
where Coca-Cola comes in.
The Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Altoona
Auditions Set
For Roberta'
. Thespians will audition models
and/ impersonators of popular
singers/for the spring, production
“Roberta” at 8 p.m. Tuesday in
Schwab Auditorium.:
According to Moylan Mills, as
sistant, to General Director Ray
Fortunato, approximately 12 mod
els will be selected for the fashion
show scene in the musical comedy.
Models should be reasonably tall
and report in cocktail dresses and
high heels, Mills said. .
Male and female singers, who
can impersonate such stars as
Frank Sinatra or Ethel Merman
will also be chosen- for the cast.
“Roberta” will play a weekend
run April 16,' 17, aiid 18 in Schwab
Auditorium. '
New Schodl
(Continued from page one)’
requirements for accreditation by
the group. ■
The new school will be formed
from- the present facilities of the
Department of Economics and
Graduates from the School of
Business would qualify for a B.S.
degree in business administration.
Students wishing to major in eco
nomics would enroll in the busi
ness school and receive the B.S.
degree or enroll ,in the School of
Liberal Arts, schedule economics
courses, and qualify for a B.A.
degree. .