The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 17, 1953, Image 5

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    TUESDAY,. FEBRUARY 17, 1955
Troupe Heads for Altoona
SOUND FOR THE ALTOONA Veteran's Hospital are five members
of*a troupe of 26 to provide entertainment for-patients in the form
of a varieiv show and refreshments. They,are, left,to right, Peggy
Selig. Kay Brainerd, Betty Bucharman. Marianne Carl, and Sylvia
Crum. __
Rector Calls Religion
Part of University
The idea that a university must be neutral about the question
of religion is- increasingly becoming an illusion, the Rev. E. A.
deßordenave, rector of Christ Church, Philadelphia, said at the first
Religion-In-Lif e-Week panel discussion Sunday night.
Other panel members included
Prof. Mark C. Ebersole of Elmira
College; Betty Boyd, dean of wo
men at West Virginia University;
and Miss Jimmie Woodward,
YMCA staff worker in New York
City. Moderator was Wayne Glick
of Juniata College.
The education process is ex
tremely important in imparting a
faith, the Rev. deßordenave said,
but it is not the facts,, so much
as the way the facts are presented,
that determines the student’s
opinions. The student must be
aware that all knowledge is pre
sented subjectively, he said.
Revelation and Reason
Dormitory Units
Plan Open Houses
Open houses sponsored by
Leonides will be held next week
in the lounges of the women’s
dormitories, according to . Sally
McNi g h t, committee publicity,
Each of the dormitories will
provide dancing, games, and re
freshments from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
for independent men.
As part of Independent Week,
the open houses are planned for
both dormitory and town men.
Students living in dormitories
may sign up with their presidents
if they wish to attend the open
houses. Men living in town must
sign their names and class at the
Student Union desk in Old. Main
by 5 p.m. tomorrow. J
PSCA to Offer Courses
Registration is open in 304 Old
Main •. for two non-credit courses
in religion which will start the
fourth week of February. Dr. Hans
Freund, professor of philosophy,
will teach “The Christian Student
in the University,” and the-Rev.-
Luther H. Harshbarger, College
chaplain, will teach “The Religion
of the New Testament.”
Farrell to Speak
Dr. M. A. Farrell, director, of
the Agriculture Extension Station,
will speak to the Clover Club on
research at the College at 7:30
tonight in 111 Plant Industries. .
Calling All
If you haven't yet found the eating, place that
suits you to a "T", then drop into Vic's. Vic's is the"
place where you will find delicious food combined
with a cozy , atmosphere. Vic's has; everything you
want in the line of lunches and snacks.
When Vic's serve an order, you can be sure that
you are going to like it. And it Is • faith like this that
has made Vic's one' of the foremost eating places in
State College. /.
Vic' s 145 S. ALLEN ST.
The Rev. deßordenave points
out that education often uncon
sciously teaches an ultimate faith
in human reason.. This faith, which
he termed false objectivity, dif
fers from communism in that it
advocates collective reason, while
the modern democratic university
stresses individual reason.
Speaking of revelation and rea
son, the Rev. deßordenave said
God gives nothing through reve
lation that can be discovered- by
human reason.
2 Factors Limit Significance
Miss Woodward said modern
man very- .often refuses to relate
academiaarid religious knowledge;
arid that the uniting of the two
trends of knowledge in making
life decisions is a challenge to
the Church, ■
The lack of intellectual curios
ity frequently found in the
Church, and the restriction and
type of discipline present in sec
tarian churches, has limited the
significance of. religious commun
ities in the university,. she said.
PSCA Needs Coeds
To Roll Bandages
Women students are needed
to help with bandage rolling
2 to 5 p.m. Tuesdays in 309 Old
Main, according to Mary Jane
Wyland. program - coordinator
of the Penn State Christian As
' There is an urgent need for
these, bandages in. hospitals
and in Korea, and all help will
be greatly appreciated, she said.
Yeakel-Angi entire
Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle Anglemire
of Nazareth announce the engage
ment of their daughter, Alice, to
Sergeant Elmer Yeakel, son of
Mr. Robert E. Yeakel of Nazareth.
Miss Anglemire is a second se
mester music education major.
Sergeant Yeakel is stationed at
Warrenton, Va.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Jones of
Bellevue announce the engage
ment of their daughter, Elizabeth,
to Joseph Kline, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph B. Kline of Pitts
Miss Jones attended the Penn
sylvania State College. Mr. Kline
is an eighth semester advertising
major and a member of Delta
Tau Delta.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Seiple of
Lancaster announce the engage
ment of their daughter, Nancy,
to Charles Dennis, son of Mr. and
Mrs. R. A. Dennis of Bradford.
Miss Seiple is an eighth semes
ter sociology major and a mem
ber of Phi Mu. Mr. Dennis is an
alumnus of the college and a
member of Delta Chi. He is now
employed as a petroleum engin
eer for the Phillips Petroleum Co.
in Odess, Tex.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold I. Robin
son of Overbrooke Manor an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Joan, to Gene Wille, son
of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Wille of
Miss Robinson is a sixth sem
ester liberal arts student. Mr. Wil
le is an eighth semester commerce
and finance major, member of Pi
Kappa Phi.
200 In Dance Class
The first in a series of dancing
clases for beginners was held last
night at the TUB. The 200 par
ticipants will learn ballroom danc
ing from a former Arthur Murray
instructor, Elaine Rassel, for six
weeks. The classes are from 6:30
to 7:30 p.m. Mondays.
Your Formal
/■&>. -.'Y \vh
A newly cleaned gown,
beautifully alive, adds to
your charm. Give it per
sonalized dry cleaning . . .
let experienced hands re
move all signs of previous
Professional care requires
time. Act Now!
Kjray. A
Corner McAllister, Pugh St.
Kappa Delta Rho
Kappa Delta Rho recently in
itiated Harry Blansett, Paul
Burns, James Buterbaugh, Ber
nard Carson, Charles Campbell,
James Clugston, Richard Dolan,
Meirl Hess, John Hershey, William
Kern, Kenneth Kramer, Allan
Ofensend, Clayton Ost, Paul Shaf
fer, John Sigworth, Donald Stohl,
and Phillip Young.
Bruce McPherson and Daniel
Markley were recently pledged.
Alpha Xi Delta
Alpha Xi Delta recently initi
ated Nancy Hannah, Muriel Hen
derson, Velma Kaiser, Dorothy
Nein, Ruth Rasmussen, Irene Ru
by, Nancy Shultz, Dawn Weber,
and Dorothy Wiltbank.
A breakfast was held on Sunday
day morning in honor of the new
initiates. The sorority attended
Chapel en masse.
Delta Chi
Recently initiated into Delta
Chi were William Metz, Carl
Brandt, David Kresge, Paul Rar
din, George Trevorrow, Gerald
Dunn, Thomas Wise, William
Blanchar, John Carey, Ronald
Spangenberg, and Stephen Spen
New pledges are Wallace Hut
cheon, Herbert Maleniak, Edwin
Casey, James Anderson, Wesley
Woody James Park, Paul Smith,
and Phillip Smith.
Alpha Zeta
Alpha Zeta recently initiated
James Allison, Neil Andre, Wiley
Behler, Robert Brown, Robert
Derr, Dale Eppinger, Alan Greiss,
Richard Herald, Robert Huston,
Donald Miller, _ Thomas Schmal
zrid, Donald Sinclair, and Rich
ard Weaver.
Recently pledged were Paul Eb
ert, Samuel Smith, and William
Phi Sigma Sigma
Phi Sigma Sigma entertained
Alpha Epsilon Phi and Sigma
Delta Tau at a Valentine Party
in the Phi Sigma Sigma suite
Saturday night. Each group pro
vided entertainment, and refresh
ments were served.
t ■''•»<
Wi** Pat m«j„
You'd never know it from this serious study of
Pat, but she is as animated as she is attractive. Rat is
truly the epitomy of a lively but exciting little elf.
Pat, keep your eyes peeled for florist Jimmy
Wolfe's delivery wagon.
All students who were portrayed between this
past September and December may reorder portraits
at price. Just today and tomorrow.*
Site cJCiotx .Studio
Theta Chi
Theta Chi recently pledged La
mont Smith, John Pershing, Don
ald Griffith, Domonic Alisio, Don
ald Kaelin, Kenneth Stern, and
Dino Fiemni.
Alpha Chi Omega
Lynn Diffenderfer reecntly af
filiated with the local chapter of
Alpha Chi Omega. She was for
merly a member of Alpha Sigma
chapter at Ohio Wesleyan Uni
Alpha Epsilon Pi
Recently initiated into Alpha
Epsilon Pi were Eugene Berstein,
Stephen Capin, William Feha,
Gerold Freid, Lawrence Gersh
man, Mark Gladstone, Stephen
Greenburg, Lyle Pelton, Herbert
Rosenberg, William Rosenthal,
Edward Shapiro, Joseph Sperber,
Sol Vinokur, and Ronald- Polis.
Kappa Alpha Theta
New initiate? of Kappa Alpha
Theta are Louise Graham, -Mary
Housum, Janet Hurlbert, Barbara
Mcllrath, Marjory Miller, Jean
nette Nitrauer, Suzanne Strom,
Nancy Ward, Betty Weston, Mar
ian Wildman, Carol Wilson and
Jane Yahres.
Newman Club to Show
Film in Osmond Tonight
The Newman Club will sponsor
the showing of the movie “The
Iron Curtain” at 7 tonight in 119
Osmond. The film, starring Dana
Andrews and Gene Tierney, is the
true story of Igor Gouzenko, for
mer code clerk at the Soviet Em
bassy in Ottawa, who gave the
Canadian ' government informa
tion leading to the spy arrests
and trials in 1946.
The movie is open to the pub
lic. A small fee will be asked to
cover the cost of the movie.
Pash & Beaver State College
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