The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 13, 1952, Image 5

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Greek Groups
Plan Formals
Traditional Christmas holiday spirit will prevail this weekend
as 19 campus groups give formal winter dances tonight.
A joint dinner dance will be given by Alpha Epsilon Pi and
Zeta Beta Tau. The "Holiday Ball" will be held at the Alpha Epsilon
Pi house.
Alpha Gamma Rho will hold its
annual pledge dinner dance. An
informal New Year's Eve party
will be held by Beta Sigma Rho.
Christmas will be the theme at
the Beta Theta Pi annual pledge
dance. The Tunesters will play for
the dinner dance.
At Chi Phi, the Melody 'Men
will play for the pledge dance.
The Delta Sigma Phi's will dance
to the music of Don Trostel, and
the Dreamtime Serenaders will
play for the Delta Upsilon pledge
dance tonight. •
Decorations w ill be centered
around Christmas at the Kappa
Sigma pledge dinner dance. Jack
Huber will play at the Christmas
dinner dance to be held by Phi
Delta Theta.
The Four Sharps will play at
the Phi Kappa Psi dinner dance,
and at Phi Kappa Sigma Don
Smith will provide music for the
pledge dinner dance.
John Sampsell will play at the
pledge dinner dance to be held by
Phi Kappa Tau. Phi Sigma Kappa
will hold its pledge dinner dance.
Dick Dennis will provide the
dance music.
At the , Nittany Lion Inn, Phi
Sigma Sigma will hold its pledge
dinner dance. Jim Erb will play
at the "Saphire Ball," which will
be open to the public after 9 p.m.
Christmas decorations will ap
pear at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon
pledge dinner dance. A Christmas
dinner will be held by Sigma Phi
A semi-formal pledge dance
will be held by Sigma Alpha Mu.
The dance will be open to the
public after 10 p.m.
At Tau Kappa Epsilon. Jack
Jenkins will play for the pledge
dance to be held in conjunction
with Aye See. "Mistletoe- Kiss"
will be the theme.
The University Club will hold
its annual Christmas dinner dance.
All affairs are closed unless
otherwise indicated.
Greatest Christmas tree de
mand is for balsam fir and Doug
las fir. -
the pleasant, friendly way
A iCt - a • ,
Buy an Extra Gift with the money you save
46 N. Atherton St.
UN Will Be Topic
Of Town Meeting
"Should Red China and Franco
Spain Be Admitted to the UN?"
will be the subject of the final
Hillel Town meeting for this se
mester at 8 p.m. tomorrow at Hil
lel Foundation.
The Town Meeting will be in
the form of a round table discus
sion in which four faculty mem
bers will participate, followed by
questions from the audience.
The speakers are Dr. Vernon
Aspaturian, assistant professor of
political science; Dr. William H.
Gray, professor of Latin Ameri
can history; Dr. Hugh Chapman,
instructor in Romance languages;
and Dr. David H. Russell, profess
sor of education.
The program, which will take
place at Hillel, 224 S. Miles street,
is open to the public.
Greeks Will Hold
Children's Party
Members of Gamma Phi Beta
and Tau Kappa Epsilon will hold
a joint Christmas party from
2 to 4 p.m. tomorrow for children
from the State College area.
Along with a Christmas tree
and presents for the children, en
tertainment will consist of a Ru
dolph the Red-nosed Reindeer skit
presented by the sorority, and
music by the Mellowaires quartet.
Hot chocolate and ice cream will
be served.
The European corn borer de
stroyed about 35 million bushels
of corn in the United States in
Pugh & Beaver State College
Phi Sig Sig
Stunt Wins
Hillel Trophy
Almost 700 persons who at
tended Hi annual stunt night
last Saturday at the Hillel Foun
dation saw Phi Sigma Sigma take
first prize with its skit, "Cover
Girl." The act brought several
magazine covers to life. •
Second place honors were
shared by Alpha Epsilon Phi and
Alpha Epsilon Pi, while Sigma
Delta Tau won third place. Cups
were awarded to first and sec
ond place winners.
Judges for the evening were
James Ambandos of the College
Motion Picture Studio, Frank
Schlow, local business man; War
ren S. Smith, assistant professor
of dramatics; and Dr. Henry
YoUngerman, assistant professor
of speech.
Margot Grossman and Eleanor
Ho,rvitz were in charge. A dance
was held after the stunts.
ATO, KKG Plan Party
For Woodycrest School
Alpha Tau Omega and Kappa
Kappa Gamma will sponsor a
Christmas party for the Fillmore
third grade school in Woodycrest
2 to 4 p.m. tomorrow.
Santa Claus will distribute pre
sents donated by members of the
fraternity and sorority, and mem
bers of the groups will lead a pro
gram of songs and games. Refresh
ments of ice cream and cake will
be served.
Talc, Toilet Water, Atomizer
Talc with Solid Cologne
Evening in Paris Gift Sets $2 to $5
Evening in Paris Perfume Bell $1.25
New Lanvin Arperge Set $5.50
Phone 4181
Give Her Scented Gifts
CHARM DUETTE* .. . . 3.00
"Air-Spun" Face Powder,
Solid Cologne.
Christmas Programs
Slated for Tomorrow
Since Christmas vacation begins next Saturday, local Christian
groups will observe Christmas at their meetings tomorrow and go
caroling afterwards.
The Wesley Foundation will hold a Christmas dinner at 5 p.m.
tomorrow at St. Paul's Methodist Church. The theme of the even
ing program, starting at 6:30 p.m., will be "A Child Is Born."
After the regular weekly sup
per meeting at 5:15 p.m. at the
University Bap t i s t Church, the
Roger Williams Fellowship will
go caroling
The Lutheran Student Associa
tion will hold its candlelight ser
vice at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow at the
Lutheran student house, followed
by caroling.
A Christmas worship service
will be held by the United Student
Fellowship at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow
at the Faith Evangelical and Re
formed Church.
The Canterbury Club will pre
sent a Christmas play at 4:30 and
7:30 p.m. tomorrow at St. An
drews Episcopal Church.
"Social Side of the Wedding
Day," third in a series of seven
talks on the Catholic marriage,
will be sponsored by the Newman
Club at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow in
the basement of Our Lady of Vic
tory Church. The club will go
caroling at 7 p.m. tomorrow.
Members of St. John's Evangel
ical United Brethern Student Fel
lowship plan an afternoon of
games beginning at 3:30 p.m. to
morrow at St. John's E.U.B.
Church followed by a Christmas
dinner at which Benjamin Niebel,
associate professor of industrial
engineering will speak on "Give
to Take Account."
WINDOW BOX $2.75 plus tax
Folklore, folksongs, and tradi
tions will be discussed at the
meeting of the Unitarian Student
Fellowship tomorrow. Members
will meet at the Student Union
desk at 6:15 p.m.
Hillel Foundation will hold a
latke party at 3:15 p.m. tomorrow
at the foundation.
•••; . .................... • • •
,•,••• .• •
Tabu Cologne $2.00
D'Orsay 'lntoxication' Dusting Powder $1.25
Matchabelli Cologne Carols .. 2 hots. $1
PAGE nvls
•Saturday, Dec. 13
with Meat Sauce
presented !Ike
precious jewels ...
wordly perfumes by
5. 8. 15. to 50.
purse applicator 2.50
Aphrodisia, Woodhue,
Straw Hat or Act IV