The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 11, 1952, Image 2

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Miss Junior Class Finalist to Be Announced at Prom
Jane Montgomery
Miss Junior Class
Voting Ends Today
(Junior Week Story on Page 4)'
Today is the final day of balloting for Miss Junior Class at the
Student Union desk in Old Main. Fifth and sixth semester students
may vote from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. by presenting their matriculation
Five junior women—Nena Moses, Marilyn Porter, Jane Mont
gomery, Mary Petitgout, and Carolyn Pelezar—have been named
1531 Pitt Football
Tickets Bought
Approximately 1531 students
bought tickets yesterday for
the Nov. 22 football game with
the University of Pittsburgh.
Remaining tickets, priced at
$3.50, will go on sale at 8:30
a.m. tomorrow at the Athletic
Association ticket window in
Old Main. The Athletic Associ
ation office is closed today for
the Armistice Day holiday.
Harold R. Gilbert, graduate
manager of athletics, originally
announced 1400 seats had been
set aside for Penn State stu
dents, but more seats were
available at the last minute. .
Pitt issued the College 5500
regular seats and 200 box seats
for students, administration
and alumni, Gilbert said. Ap
proximately 3000 alumni orders
are in the process of being
Folks Like the
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Cathaum Theatre Building
Mary Petitgout
as finalists for the title on the
basis of beauty, personality and
poise after personal interviews
with the junior class queen se
lections committee. Miss Junior
Class will be crowned at the Jun
ior Prom Friday night.
Miss Moses, a member of Mas
querettes, Players and the soph
omore board of Froth's circulation
staff, is sponsored by Beta Theta
Pi. She was a finalist for Home
coming queen this year and was
Froth girl-of-the-month last Feb
ruary. Miss Moses is a home eco
nomics major fro in Pittsburgh
and a member of Kappa Alpha
Miss Porter, sponsored by Sig
ma Alpha Epsilon, is a member
of the Women's Recreation Asso
ciation intramural board. She
was on the All-College elections
committee last year. During her
freshman year she was freshman
representative to WRA, and in
"Who's in the News at Penn
State." Miss Porter is a recrea
tion major fr o m Birmingham,
Michigan, and a member of Kap
pa Kappa Gamma.
(Continued on 'nage eight)
Since 1926
Carolyn Pelczar
Prexy to Address
Washington Meeting i ßelations Club to Meet
The International Relation
• • • Club will meet at 7:30 tonight in
President Milton S. Eisenhov. Immons lounge. An informal dis-
Unit to Arrive will deliver the presidential a, .ssion on "Foreign Policy in
_ew of the Recent Elections" will
At TUB Today dress today at the 66th annua.
meeting of the Association 'of by Dr.
f; 1 - . - Vernon V.
saturian, rofessor of p
Land-Grant Colleges and Uni- science and co p -adviser of theolitical
The Johnstown Red Cro s s
'. ersities in Washington, D.C.
bloodmobile unit will arrive at the
Temporary Union Building today President Eisenhower, who is Mah Jong is an ancient Chin
to honor at least 300 student pled- president of the association, will ese game invented 3000 years
ges during its two-day stay on Preside at the meetings. ago by a Chinese fisherman.
During a campai g n the past
two weeks, 310 pints of blood
were pledged. The unit is pre
pared to handle 150 pints each
day while it is here. Only in the
event of persons' being late for
appointments will additional pled
ges be honored, Ronald Zimmer
man, publicity chairman for the
drive, has announced.
Students donating blood have
been sent appointments between'
10 a.m. and 4 p.m. today and to
morrow. Processing of each blood
donor will take approximately
one hour, Zimmerman said.
Donors will be served orange
juice and doughnuts by members
of the campus Red Cross unit.
Assisting in the two-day work
will be 60 student and town vol
Because of a decrease in the
size and, personnel of the unit, a
longer stay is not possible. '
Give Once...
Campus Chest
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If 4 ' l- eb !'11..1t
.'" :7 ' , ':.V .- • .: ! s 1 •:e ' BIG WEEKEND ..
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, ~.. .•,-7,,:•:,-...- -- ORDER YOURS NO •
~-. .':•-• r34 - 1A .._ .
; • --:--: 'WV' 17; 4 ' . BILL McMULLEN
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.. . ~ 122 E. Collge Ave.
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- - ~. PHONE 4994 :.,.
. .
. :
What does "All the Begs in One Askit" mean?
Alt means that when you contribute to the Campus
• Chest you giVe to nine needy organizations . . . all
at one time. Not nine collection campaigns, just one—
your Campus Chest.,
Marilyn Porter
Serve 111
Nena Moses