PAGE 'EIGHT 'Twentieth • Continued Irene page one) forts to get her signature on a contract are complicated by the appearance of a duo of bearded Germans who have written a pas sion play: a religious eccentric who pastes "Repent" signs on everything within reach; a lady doctor who has also written a play,- a businessman holidaying with his secretary, and a number of ,others who wander about. If it were not for Sarachek's stage experience and feeling for his part some of the others, per haps, would not have shown up so badly. He is the redeeming part of the production and cer tainly worth seeing. Better Makeup Might Help A newcomer, Ray Wasilewski, minces through his part as the sticker-crazy Matthew Clark in a most entertaining manner. John Aniston an d Dominic Landro, the two "Beards," make some thing out of their all-too few ap pearances. Ann Wylie's initial appearance with Players seems to be the re sult of bad casting. In the role of Lily Garland, a women at least in her late twenties . . . emotional and temperamental, but with some maturity as the result of her relationship with Jaffe, Miss Wylie acts like a young brat star let. pretty but hollow. Perhaps a better makeup job would have given her an older appearance. (As Miss Wylie looks 20 at the most on the stage, we think of her days with Jaffe with some horror . . she would have been approximately 13). At Home on Stage Makeup, however, would only change the ,external trouble, for insight into the character is also lacking. Her shrill denunciations of her lovers and her strutting CLASSIFIEDS FOR RENT ONE DOUBLE room, a/•_. double room. Call Mr. Patton, phone 6443. TO VISITING parents on weekends. Large room, private lavatory, in new home. Phone 4467. SINGLE ROOM in private home. Phone 6316. SINGLE ROOM in quiet new home. 318 W. Prospect Ave. FOR SALE ROSES. attractively boxed, $2.00 and $2.50 delivered. Wolf Florist. Phone 4558. '37 FORD SEDAN—radio, beater, electric fuel pump. Sacrifice at $95. Contact Mose, Nittany 31-18 ext. 291. WANTED RIDE FOR 3 wanted to Pittsburgh either Nov. 21 or 22. Call Annie or Janet, McAllister '72. THREE USED study desks. Good condition Call Alpha Sigma Phi, 4951. SHARE ROOM with private bath in ex change for chores in Apt. House. No firing. Apply 123 W. Nittany Ave. Ask for C. R. RIDE TO Philadelphia or vicinity. Friday Nov. 7 after 4 o'clock. Call Margaret, ext. 1095. THREE GIRLS desire fourth girl to share an apartment. Call Z'79l. Merchant Directory Correction The following are corrected store hours taken from the previously published State College Merchant Directory of October 24, 1952. Mon.-Fri. Saturday Allen Street 129 S. Mon.-Fri. Saturday Monday Tues.-Sat 9:00 a.m.-9 p.m. 9:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. West College Avenue PUBLISHERS PENNS VALLEY PUBLISHERS, INC. Weekdays 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Saturday . 9:00 a.m.-12 noon Frazer Street Phone 4964 119 S. Monday - Friday Wednesday LAUNDERETTE Tues.. Wed., Thurs. 8:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Mon., Fri. 8:30 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Saturday 8:30 a.m.-400 p.m. 210 W. College Avenue Phone 4785 Century'-- MARQUIS CHILDS, syndi cated Washington columnist, will di s cuss President-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower at the opening Community Forum at 8 p.m. "Monday in Schwab Aud itorium. about are reminiscent of a little girl playing dressups. With more acting experience Miss Wylie should handle an ingenue role quite capably. In this part her main asset is a loud voice. Jean Risler as Dr. Johnson and Charles Berryhill as press agent Owen O'Malley seem pretty much at home on the stage. The cast includes Al Sarkas, conductor; Allen 'Adair, the por ter; Ross Bannard; secretary, and Joe Goldstein, employee, Bill Norman, detective, an d Renee Kiuger, Miss Garland's Cockney maid. ALL THESE last 50 years for the AOPi Mardi Gras Fashion Show "As Time Goes By." DARK BLUE Parker 61 Pencil Tues. after- noon either in 108 M.Eng., Vic's or between the two. Please call Don Plasterer 3261. GRAY TOPCOAT, wallet in pocket con taining valuable papers: at 10 a.m. in E.E. Oct. 31. Contact Dittbrenner, Nittapy 24-13. Phone 5051-284. I have your coat. $lO reward to finder. BLUE-FRAMED Glasses in red case. Lost Friday between Atherton and DU. Re ward. Call Margaret Stevenson, 311 Ath erton. AOPi JEWELED Sorority' Pin. Name on back. Lost Sunday. Call Jo Horrisberger, 35 McElwain. FIFTY YEARS of Time at the AOPi Mardi Gras booth. Come see it fly. PERSON WHO took Penn State jacket in Penn State diner - on Oct. 27, 1 have yours. My name is inscribed inside jacket. Call Sherman Francisco, ext. 1198. LARGE CROWD at Grange Cafe Cresent, Friday night, Rec Hall. Vote George Black, drum major for king. TUX RENTALS for Junior Prom. Get your size in early. Hur's Men's Shop. RESTAURANTS TOWN HOUSE 3:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m. . 11:00 a.m.-12:00 a.m. midnight Phone 6301 POW wow ..... . ..........0 ......... a.m. 1:00 .m. midnight 103 1 / 2 East Beaver Avenue MEN'S CLOTHING JACK HARPER BOOK STORES B X 8:30 a.m.-12:00 noon 12:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m. . 7:00 p.m.-9 p.m. Closed Saturdays The TUB - Campus LAUNDRY THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENN 11_,VAIVIA Forum Speaker WANTED LOST FOUND Dentist Dan -- (Continued from page four) and high school children of State• College, I • have found the teeth of city children to be superior to those of farm children. "What might be the cause of this I don't know. Certainly, the city children have easier access to candy stores and after-school sodas. One possibility is that the rural child does not get as prompt dental care or advice as the city child. Country children and their parents should - be taught more about dental hygiene. Children should first see their dentist at three years of age. "There seems to be a period in the life of each person in which he has caries," he said. "This period is usually around puberty. It is during this time that prompt attention is necessary. Too many children do not get this attention. After this time there is little one can do because the damage has already been done. The average college student has several fillings that could have been prevented." FOR BIG WEEKEND RHINESTONE JEWELRY • EARRINGS $1.20, Match them with a bracelet and necklace Shointerg JEWELERS 134 E. College Ave. Campus Chest Recipients 1952 - 1953 s Penn State Christian Association • W. S. G. A. .Christmas Fund • Salvation Army • Penn State Scholarghip Fund e. National Scholarship Service and Fund for Negro Students "Ai/ the Rev CnMi'LJS C EST Retired Prof Dies Lion, state --. '*, At State College Home .. _ (Continued, tronv.,pnge one) Paul B. Breneman, who retired State Party.distributed leaflets in 1938 as professor and head of the Department of Mechanics and containing its_ candidates pictures Materials of Construction, died and qualifiCations 'in' dormitories Oct. 31 at his State College home, last night. The . party also an- He was 81 years old. He served nounce - d that Birry .Kay and Al on the faculty from 1894-1900 and from 1908-1938. bert Benning were co-chairmen of the campaign for State Party, and that Rae DelleDonne was women's WRA Hockey Club campaign chairman for the party. Lion Party distributed copies of To Hold Party Monday its platform -in dormitories last The Women's Recreation Asso- night, Richard Kirschner, Lion ciation Hockey Club will hold a Party clique chairman, announced. party at 4 p.m. Monday in the playroom in White Hall. review the club's activities for Refreshments will be served, next fall. Officers for next fall and Mary Martin, president, will will be elected. ' = . Give your clothes .• • , ' igza 4.0' : a PR CLEANIIMG ' Cinderella Touch .„ .. , ...E..N. . . . . . - - •- . : Arm Have suits and formals spot- -VN. • • lessly clea n e d and neatly - WA" .- •: 11,..,, A pressed for the Cinderella Ball. 1 , . i 9..5" r ' • C0.e..4.CG.0 4a You'll reign in reaal splen- ... 6 • .......i dor in clothes newly cleaned , , ~,1 and pressed. V 1 -. •:',4 si , 1 k q : Bring them in today! ~ u „.... . I Give Once . . . When You Give to The Serve .A7l • World Student Service Fund e. State College Welfare Fund • American Heart Aisociation • American Cancer Society cite shit EMiMS NOVEMBER .7, 1952 4t~ %y^"":.Y .':: Y.Y"•: r..Vy L•...•~~"v'^i:,'tC;rar/A'v`s?.'Y ry " "• ~,~x k>.?," s'ol, • • x ' • •