The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 07, 1952, Image 5
FRIPAY,, •NOVEMBER. 1952 Weekend to With . , Mardi Mardi Gras Weekend will begin with the annual Mardi Gras carnival from 8:30 p.m. to mid night tonight in Recreation Hall: It will continue with the informal Mardi Ball tomorrow night in the TUB and the all-College sing • Sunday in Schwab. • General admission charge to Rec Hall,. where all tickets will be sold, will be 15 cents, and each each event at the 21 booths will cost 10 cents Thebooths are run by sorority arid other women's groups, and Mortar' Board, senior .women's honorary society, spon sors the whole raffair.• The Mardi Gras king will be chosen by penny votes from the 15 candidates nominated by groups sponsoring booths. Be sides the 12 candidates listed in last 'Friday's Collegian, three ad ditional men will compete. The new candidates and their spon sors ,are Sam Nowell, Alpha Chi Omega; Arthur Rosfeld, Alpha Xi Delta; 'and Donald Frey, Delta Zeta Chimes Continues Bal Ticket Sale" Tickets for Le Mardi Hal, an informal dance sponsored'. by Chimes, junior -Women'ti: hat?: Society, will :Continue on = sale at ' Student 'Union, Carnegie Hall . bulletin board, - and the . Corner Room. They are Priced at $1 per couple. As part of Mardi Gras Week end, the dance will be. held from '9 p.m. to midnight to, morrow in the TUB, with Music by Jack Jenkins' orchestra. No admiision will be charged for the first all-College sing from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Sunday in Schwab Auditorium. The sing is sponsored by Senate of the Womeres Student Government Association. . Religion— Jenkintown Minister Will Speak The Rev. Paul W. Lingle of St. Mark's Reformed Ep is cop a I Church, Jenkintown, - will speak on "The Honest Doubter" at a meeting of the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship at 7:30 to night in 405 Old Main. A social hour will "follow . the meeting. Tickets for the Newman Club communion breakfast, priced at 85 cents, are now on sale at Stu dent Union. Father Rich a r d Walsh, Newman Club chaplain, will speak at the breakfast, to be held at 9:30 a.m. Sunday at the Dutch Pantry. Three local church groups will feature square dances on their social calendar tonight. Members of Roger Williams Fel lowship will be guests of the Luth eran Student Association at a square dance at 7:30 tonight at the Lutheran student house. Wesley Foundation will hold a "Farmer-Farmerette Swing" at 7:30 tonight in the Wesley gym nasium.• A "Spruce Up Party" to "house clean" Westminster Foundation will begin at 7:30 tonight at the foundation. Members are asked to wear old• clothes. King to Get Gifts Pictures of the candidates are displayed in the Western Union office window. Yvonne Carter, Mortar Board president, will crown the king with a mortar board, a red velvet and gold braided robe, and a gold scepter. He will also be pre sented with a $25 gift certificate from Jack Harper's. The Lion, Alex Gregal, and Frothy, - David Heckel t and three queens will form the king's court. The queens are Barbara Werts, this year's Belle-Hop Ball queen; Nancy Bailey. last year's junior class queen; and Katherine Ni coll, last year's Military Ball queen. Cup Awarded A refere.shment booth selling cider and doughnuts will be han dled by Board. Alpha Phi Omega, service honorary society, will help with contruction. An • engraved bronze cup will be presented "to the group taking in the largest number of. tickets during the evening. Alpha Omi cron Pi has won the trophy for the last three years. Proceeds from the carnival will go toward the Charlotte E. Ray Memorial Scholarship Fund, used for scholarships for junior wom en. Last year's Mardi Gras grossed over• $l4OO. Donald Cook, spon sored by Alpha Xi Delta, was crowned king. BEAT SYRACUSE .?.•$'::: i it, , -, ?fii:i • i • . ..... . . 6.o.N...figißigataligiA: ife ' . ... 1r • • ... ; I,:;`'''''''S''''Y'Z'',i4E.,:.,•*..:;)ii,:i.i . ::E :: i . :ii . .„e r ,•,' - >,..:,ir,•.,:i ' l'::::—x::•,:.i:i , :: - ::?: , .:: 51:-.1i.i.: ',•• Fc::' Vr'.'i::::::iiliiirk::•:.:.-if::::::.:::::i1.-•,, •:•:3 • : i s ::-... 'v:j,fii,"?..?.;::"::•';;i::.ii::g. •;;;'•,:. 11:0 . k;: i - • ... .:•:::..: A: •: : -.. : 1 : i",N :•••••• .....' li . A ..ri.. , ... • :i? ...... ... .s;:: .. . : v..,::: - • ' i,,,,...,7,...:;::•&". v • . A*o lIE ::::: * • ....... . .. ,t•:" is • •••',,, •l• <K..I ••••••:••••••..?...••• .. • THE IIAILY . COLL, • rz ri"6 - Y L 1:t ANL Entries for Ha r vest Ball Queen must be submitted to the Student Union desk in Old Main by Nov. 25. Portraits must be 8 by 10 inches. Any campus organization, fraternity or sorority may sponsor a Col lege student. Sponsored by the Agricul ture Student Council. the Har vest Ball will be held 9 p.m. to midnight Dec. .5 in Recrea tion Hall. Jim Erb and his orchestra will play. Riding Club Party The Riding Club will hold a cabin party at 8 tonight in Watt's Lodge. Members may bring guests at a charge of 50 cents a person. Those d esi r in g transportation should meet at 7:30 p.m. in the parking area behind Old Main. Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Alpha Theta recently en tertained Sigma Alpha Epsilon with a scavanger hunt. Refresh ments were served. :: : : . -: : : - ,:::'' . -..:- ::: :; :: , '-,-..:-.-7,.i , _,,!::: : ', : -,..-:,.,:_ : . ; :: - . , ,,:.:..•. , ...-..' : .:,. : ::? , : . ..• , ::: : , : : , ::._.:. , ..: , ,:..7.;:: : .,..._:::.:.i...: -. :: . :. , ::... , : , . ,- :: ,, ,: , : . . ,-. : - .... , :.? . .:.. - i. , : .. , ,.:: - .. , :.. , . , , , ;;: .. ... , ::. - :: , :_: -, : ...,: : . ~ ~:::'..-....-.':••-..,,..'...!.;..:,.:--::...-,:::;,.„:::::...-..::::'...-,!-.7,-::.,.:,..:...:.':,....,:.,.,.-..-:.,•.::1-•..,,-;::,.:..,:;:.:::T • ; rY•E:: , • Begin Gras Harvest Ball Queen Entries Due Nov. 25 Another SIMON'S "EXCLUSIVE ... That'll c a r r y you to class in style—in this smart, durable shoul der strap bag. Cornes in red, tan, black, and navy. All bags from $6.95 - $10.95. Simon 's SHOES ~.'•,k• A iSkiI 4 4JET H:SillelP Dille! Will Oirserve Building Dedication Sabbath evening services at 8 tonight led by Rabbi Benjamin Kahn, local Hillel director, and student leaders will begin the three slay dedication of the new Hillel Foundation. Representatives from the B'nai B'rith women's and men's or ganizations, who have come to State College for the formal dedi cation, will view an exhibition of original Jewish paintings during the reception following the serv ices, Hillel Members to Entertain A Sabbath tea will be held to morrow afternoon for visiting members of the National Hillel Commission, B'rith guests, and Hillel alumni. Entertainment by Hillel mem bers will highlight an open house program at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow. Featured will be a folk dance group, the Hillel Radio Players, a round table of past Hillel presi 7 dents, and Elizabeth Lesser, con cert pianist. A special tour of the campus conducted by students will begin Sunday's activities. Rabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld, national director of B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundations, will speak, in Chapel with Rabbi Kahn officiating. Procession of Torah Leonard Krieger, local Hillel vice-president, will affix the Mez zuzah, a small cylinder containing the Ten Commandments, as a part of the cornerstone ceremonies at 1 p.m. • Sunday. Representatives from the national commission, B'nai B'rith, and the student mem bership will participate. BREATHTAKING BEAUTY . . . . to carry you to the Junior Prom in style. Float in a cloud of nylon net . .. and "sparkle" with glittering rhinestones. Show a pretty ankle in a bal let length gown that's a "hit" with everyone. Yes—for gaiety, beauty, and fun- 7 - GO FORMAL!! 123 S. ALLEN ST. By BAYLEE FRIEDMAN 109 S. Allen St. - --RV"-, The procession of the Torah (scrolls) and the kindling of the Eternal Light will start the dedi cation exercises at 2 p.m. Sunday. Greetings will be given by Theo dore H. Gordon, Hillel director at the University of Pennsylvania; William Ginsburg and Mrs. Jacob Yanoff, presidents of the B'nai B'rith Grand Lodges in this dis trict; Adrian 0. Morse, College provost; Clifford A. Nelson, as sociate professor of commerce; Rabbi Kahn; Stanley Goldman, President of Hillel; Rabbi Isaac Vanderwalde, Hillel director at Bucknell; and William S. Liven good, Secretary of Internal Affairs of Pennsylvania. Rabbi ,Lelyveld will deliver the special dedication address. The erection of Hillel Founda tions on various college campuses is made possible through alloca tions from the B'nai B'rith men and women. thru the Looking Glass with Gabbi Everyone's still talking about the election. A lot of people are happy that "Ike" made it —and then, there are the oth ers . . . However, one thing's sure—this campaign has sure been a "dazzler"— What a "dazzler° Speaking of "dazzlers," you should see the fabulous col lection of rhinestone earrings down at Ethe l s. All sizes, shapes, designs . . . and just perfect to add the "finishing" touches to your gown for the Junior Prom. Yes, these would make any crlrls' dream "come true" for the small price of $l.OO (plus tax) and on up. It's in the BAG Everyone's saying the election was "in the bag." And while we're on the subject of bags —you should see the line-up Ethel has. rallies, sequins. bro cades—yes--evening bags ga lore! . . . for every little Miss. So, don't "miss" out select yours ahead of the crowd. Just $2.50 (including tax) is all you need depart with for any of the many models on the shelves. No tie No, the election wasn't a tie— but if it's a tie clasp you want to get for your "favorite" man —Ethel has 'em. Remember, if you want • your man to look sharp, and feel sharp, buy him a tie clasp at Ethel's. Just $2.75 on up. t These are only a few of the many, many wonderful things Ethel has stocked up for you for the Biq Weekend coming up. Go down today and 'look around tell her Gabbi sent you! iZ//tefoomA, 12 E. COLLEGE AYE. STATE COLLEGE. PA. PAGLe FIVE