SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1952 The World J.S. Hits Russia n B-29 Incident -WASHINGTON (S’)—' The Uni ted States charged Russia yester day with wanton destruction of an unarmed B-29 American bomb er near Japan and warned Mos cow of possible grave consequen ces from such “reckless” attacks. A protest note couched in some of the strongest terms the United States has used in relations with the Soviets demanded compensa tion for the plane and any of its crew of eight men who may have perished. It disappeared Oct. 7 and Moscow contended it violated Soviet frontiers by flying in the area of the Russian occupied Yuri Island. Denying this flatly, the U.S. ac cused Moscow of “calculated mis representation of the facts.” Triangle Hi!! Stronghold Taken by U.S. Troops SEOUL (IP)— U. S. Seventh Di vision troops today captured the last strong point on Triangle Hill in Central Korea after a bitter one hour and 40 minute fight. Chinese Red casualties in their losing battle for Pike’s Peak were added to the estimated' 18,000 killed and wounded along the Central Front in the past nine days. The TAVERN ITALIAN SPAGHETTI with MEAT SAUCE MIXED SEAFOOD PLATTER ROAST PRIME BEEF STUFFING SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN PRIME SIRLOIN STEALS lllllilllllllliilllllllllillllililllllllllllllllilllillH oo o Utkit onfy;7ime will Tell ....... FORGET LAST SEASON/ we'll EE THE CLASS OF THE - CONFERENCE THIS YEAR. Trpjprrr CAMEL leads all other brands by billions of cigarettes J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem. N. C. At a Glance Ike Pledges Fight For Human Rights NEWARK, N.J. (IP) Gen. Dwight Eisenhower pledged him self to a nation-wide fight for human rights last night, _and said that if he becomes president, he will lead it, presonally. He said, “If I am elected, I will confer with the governors of the 48 states. I will urge them to take the leadership in their states in guaranteeing the economic rights of all our citizens.” In Newark he condemned the poll tax. and the McCarran act which regulates immigration. HST's 'Nazi' Charge 'Vicious' Says GOP WASHINGTON —P resident Truman said yesterday Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower is willing to embrace Nazi practices to be-' come president. The charge drew vehement protests. Arthur E. Summerfield, chair man of the Republican National Committee, called the Truman statement “the most vicious utter ance made in the history of American politics.” Hatlg (Mlnjiatt The Pennsylvania State College 1952-1953 ALUMS AND FRIENDS SUBSCRIBE NOW! Name Address Special Rate $3.00 for Remainder of Year y yep... Wouldn't l E>e surprised IF WE WIN <1 V'em auJ^J T nxi DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA , Draff Test Forms Available Tuesday Applications for the Selective Service college qualification tests to be given Dec. 4 and April 23 will be available 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday in the second floor lounge of Old Main Applications are being, distri buted on campus, making it un necessary for students to obtain them at draft boards. Applications for the Dec. 4 test must be post marked on or before midnight Nov. 1. Tickets to Go on Sale For Concert Series Tickets for a series of three chamber music concerts sponsor ed .by the State College Choral Society will- go' on sale Monday for $4.50 at the Student Union desk in Old Main, downtown bookstores, and music shops.. Performances will 7 include the Philadelphia Woodwind Quintet, Jan. 5; the Amadeus String Quartet, a British group making its first American tour, Feb. 9; and the Budapest String Quartet, Mar. 5. Sophs at Centers For the first time since their founding in the 1930’5,' all six Penn State Centers will offer both freshman and sophomore pro grams this year. GOT A NEW HALFEACK. r that's sure-fire ALL-AMERICAN! Hatmen to Meet at 12 James Plyler, president of Hat Society Council, has asked all hatmen to meet at Beaver Field at noon i-iday to reserve the flashcard section for par ticipants. Blood Drive Starts Tuesday» A drive for blood donors from the ranks of College technical, clerical, and service employees will highlight the 15th visit of the Bloodmobile to State College Tuesday. ■ Although student donors are Welcome, the drive will emphasize College personnel. Arrangements have been made for absences from work for the time necessary. Pledge cards may be obtained from Donald Carruthers Jr., who may be reached at State College 2781 or extension 417. The Bloodmobile