DNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1952 Leis Will Sing At 'Airturan Bail might waltz Leis, will be Casey blond, Pat ' Without too much exaggerat appearance. behind the mike whe Philotes Votes To Contribute To Lion Fund Philotes, independent women's social organization, voted to con tribute $5 to the "Dress the Lion" campaign at its meeting Monday night. Philotes also voted to send women to work With the Penn State Christian Association's bandage-rolling project each Tuesday afternoon. Joan Graaf was placed in charge of schedul ing women to help each week. The group discussed plans for pledging new members in two weeks: All women interested, in joining Philotes who attended the meeting were assigned big sisters. Arlene Borneman, president; an noitnced that any woman inter ested in Philotes is invited to at tend the organization's meeting next Monday night. The group also discussed plans for an alumni dance Nov. 18 and publication of "The Link," a paper which would inform alumni of activities of Philotes and other campus organizations. 350 Couples Attend Drag Approximately 350 couples be decked in blue jeans attended the Dungaree Drag, sponsored, by Cyren's, sophomore women's ac tivities honorary, Saturday night. Arthur Stone, wearing the prize winning corsage prepared by his date, Emily Maitresse, was award ed a pair of dungarees. The cor sage, consisting of circus features, was dubbed "The Greatest Show on Earth." Nine other couples were awarded' prizes for their cor sages. Proceeds, which net close to $250, will go toward the presen tation of scholarships for sopho more women as well as support of a Dutch war orphan. PSCA Will Sponsor Election Issues Panel A panel of three professors from the Political Sdience depart ment will discuss issues of the coming presidential election at a meeting of the Penn State Christ ian Association at 7 tonight in 304 Old Main. • Dr. Elton Atwater will speak on foreign affairs, Dr. John H. Fer guson will speak on business, and Dr. Neal Riemer will discuss em ployment. Air ROTC Conference Dr. George L. Haller, dean of the School of Chemistry an d Physics, and Lt. Col. Jack W. Die terle, professor of air science, will participate in the Air Force Re serve Officers Training Corps ori entation conference to be held at the Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Ala., to day. The TAV E R ITALIAN SPAGHETTI with MEAT SAUCE . MIXED SEAFOOD PLATTER BEEF MARZETTI CALF'S LIVER & ONIONS PRIME SIRLOIN STEAKS By HELEN LUYBEN with a strawberry blond at the Autumn Ball, but one particular strawberry much too busy vocalizing to Jack Huber's music to do much dancing. on it may be said that Pat will be making about her millionth she plays thrush for the AssociatiOn of Independent Men-Leonides dance from 9 p.m. to 'midnight Saturday in Recreation Hall. A senior in home economics, Pat started singing with her sis ter "mostly for church functions" in her home town of Rockton. From her first solo as a high school sophomore she did an im itation of Betty Hutton, she says —Pat advanced from high school dance bands to college orchestras. Sings On Radio Her biggest thrill came in 1951 when she was asked to sing for the coronation of Miss Penn State during Spring Week as a sopho more. President Milton S. Eisen hower requested the song she sang in , Schwab Auditorium. ,That'ssame week Pat did a Sat urday-, 'Morning breakfast show, broadcast from the Corner Room over WMAJ. Pat has sung with the Amy Taylor, Skip Reider, and Dale Clemens dance orchestra and has appeared in two Thespian shows, "Some Punkins" and "Anything Goes." She placed second in one of the weekly talent contests held at Cathaum theater two years ago, and entered the finals. Sings Because 'lt's Fun' If you missed seeing her at all these place s, you may have glimpsed her through the crowds or at least heard her singing at the Harvest Ball last year, - at jam sessions at the TUB, or the AIM-Leonides Mixer for the frosh during Orientation Week, or the Kickoff Dance this year. She's done a mighty lot of sing ing for a girl who contends she'll never become a professional who sings simply because "It's fun to sing." She does admit very shyly, that if she shoNald ever sing pro fessionally, she'd like to make re cordings. But she wanted it stress ed that this was a "very secret ambition " Chi Omega New initiates of Chi Omega are Carole Avery, Edith Burt, Con stance Collin, Shelia Craig, Tra cey Cushmore, Lillian Duvall, Neida Fralich, Jane Lewis, Bev erly Masters, Jean Marohnic, Nan cy Mcßride, Barbara Rollo, Gail Smith, Mary Selig, and Nancy White. At the initiation Sunday, Carole Avery was announced m o del pledge. - Zeta Tau Alpha Zeta Tau Alpha held a slumber party for its new ribbonees last week. The ribbonees were pledg ed Sunday and sorority members attended Chapel. Those pledged are Arlene Bor geson, Dorothea Ebert, Nancy Goodfriend, Grace Hampel, Vir ginia Harris, Nancy Hecks, Mary Loubris, Norma Reck, Evelyn Riegel, Marjorie Seymour, Anita Slomanson, and Elizabeth Stokes. Be Neat, be vogue; be the envy of your roommate Own a Penn Male Book Shelf Blue and White, 12 and 18 inches long Reduced to 79ci cmd 89c . Get yours, right on campus, at the BX in the TUB $5 in Sales, you get $l.OO FREE OPEN DAILY 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. OPEN TONIGHT AND EVERY WED., 7 - 9 p.m. PENN STATE BOOK. EXCHANGE Non-Profit Student Operated School Supply Store THE t pArLY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA AuiurAni Bail Thrush • . • • •:;•;;; • • • `•:•-•, •, „ , • • 4 4, Pat Leis Graduate Students Plan Discussions A group of 31 graduate students from more than 12 countries met Monday night at the Penn State Christian Association to organize an international student club. This group, according to Mary Jane Wyland, program coordin ator of the PSCA, is interested in joining with more American grad uate students to sponsor a series of bi-wrekly meetings at which they will discuss matters of an educational, religious, and socio logical nature. These meetings will, be open to the public. The group will meet again in two weeks to make fur ther plans. Alpha Phi Delta Alpha Phi Delta recently in itiated Donald Civitella and Rus sell DiMarco. Aye See The local alumnae club of Pi Beta Phi entertained the Aye See colony of - Pi Beta Phi with a buf fet dinner at the home of Mrs. Milton S. Eisenhower Monday. A get-acquainted period with the singing of Pi Phi songs followed the dinner. Delta Sigma Phi Delta Sigma gill has initiated Robert Campolongo, Rudolph Dutzman, John Freed, John Hampford, Jerome Harrington, Richard Kepple, Thomas Lozaw, Paul Mastrorocco, Kenneth Mc- Guire, Cour t n e y McMahon, Charles Myers, Thomas Poslosky, Russell Provenzano, Leonard Ruc zko, James Seton, and William Si dow. Finns Think Fork Needs Knife's Aid By HELEN LUYBEN Did you know the Finns eat with both knife and fork and think it highly rude to use just the fork, holding it in the right hand? "Why, it is not done in Finland—only very small children of pre-school age eat with the fork in their right hand," Mrs. Kirsti- Liisa Cronhjort, here from Helsinki to study methods of business education in the United States, explained recently. "I tried at first to use just a fork as you do, but I have given up. I must use both a fork, held in the left hand, and a knife in the right hand, with which to put the food on the fork." Like McElwain Senate To Discuss Frosh Fee Women's Student Government Association Senate will vote on the proposed freshmen assess ment for LaVie at its mee.ing at 6:30 tonight in the WSGA room in White Hall. The proposal, passed at the first reading in All-College Cabinet, asks that freshmen be assessed $2 per semester as are the other classes. Senate will also discuss a pro posal that 54200 be allocated to the Chess Club for expenses in intercollegiate competition. Th e motion was tabled in accordance with the All-College constitution concerning allocations over $lOO. Judicial's recommendation that junior women receive six 11 o'clocks per 'semester instead of four and that senior women -re ceive eight instead of four 11 o'clocks will be up for final vote tonight. It was passed at the first reading last week. In an attempt to get the sen ators' view-points on the proposed senior women's activities honor ary society, a discussion on it will be held. Suggestions for songs on the Mardi Gras theme will be pre sented. They will be sung at the all-College sing Nov. 9 in Schwab Auditorium. It will be led by Hummel Fishburn, head of the Music department, and Fr an k Gullo, professor of music. Applications Are Due Friday for Blue Key Blue Key, junior men's hat so ciety, will receive applications for fall tapping until 5 p.m. Fri day at the Student Union desk in Old Main. Fourth and fifth semester students with a 1:0 all- College average are eligible for membership. Applicants will be screened on a point system according to extra curricular activities, Edwin Kohn, Blue Key president, announced. Ed Honorary to Meet Kappa Phi Kappa, men's edu cation honorary,. will hold its orientation meeting at 7:30 to night in 204 Burrowes. Car d s have been sent to those qualified to attend the meeting. ' ' : :\A"!• ')., li t it,. . 4\ ..tt b i:7 , -,. - 4 W-''' .. '..t. , .:•9- . . . 4 -7-,- . aw. 4 -,-..........- t c,,5 4 . -..i,, MIA GET YOUR TICKET 1 \,. /,., 9 (7? e---, v e TODAY F 0 R THE V-, • s, ,t- -.A.3) } - ! , r . : .. l , . .. /-% .::•`..a. FIRST ALL-COL- k.f LEGE D A N C E OF - , 7.....&• THE YEAR. THE ... ~ '' t il l . Ak), ,••• 4!). .„ .....,, Autumn. Bull ~..; THIS SATURDAY NIGHT ACS , REC HALL -9to 12 AI 1....,..5. k ;. .: z.., Jac Huber's Orchestra „,.... . - W ~, ~.., TICKETS . . . . $2.00 .1 1t .: .. .` ---- Av V • : • ..ji 4 ... REFRESHMENTS INFORMAL ' 9 .. A t t'. r' Don't Miss It! - . 1 ~ i i "\", : ::•2 4. _ .....,,...;'